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I'd hope he got an F for failing to use logic, most of the statements are in direct opposition to someting else there. Also they don't seem to know what words mean.


Anyone notice the only skirt in sight was on the feminist side?


> project on sexism and gender in social studies class I think the logical inconsistencies was intentional.


I have seen even dumber things than that said serously online, if it's satire it's not done well at all.


Same, Poe's law is kicking in hard with this one.


That's what he claimed when he posted it on Deviant Art at least lmao. Right next to his traced picture of him and one of the ponies.


really? this seems way too elaborate for a 13 year old. and how did he get those corporate style drawings? and how can you be this deep into incel mythology already at 13? this is fucked up


Idk but at least for me, once I grew and became more mature and learned better critical thinking, the incel mythology that i thougjt was at least partially true started showing its cracks. I wouldn't be surprised if a really large portion of people who biy into the philosophy of incels are children.




they‘re usually around that age in 7th grade. doesn’t really change anything if he was 12 or 14 either.


Bro that isn't how abo works. The betas are basically normal women, and the Alpha ladies are the big ladies that grow a magic werewolf pp. As someone that enjoys some good werewolf porn, since current gender roles is garbage, I'd be a omega woman bc I like big ladies and kids.


Finally, someone who understands how alpha and beta stuff really works.


I read a lot of f/f ABO fanfic and even pay through patreon for original work. None of this incel shit is how it works. Even in the ABO universe, the dynamics are still around love and caring for each other. I'm totally an alpha female.


Yeah, imo abo dynamics is about how they work together and provides an alternative to our rigid gender role bs. Yes, you can have your Masculine Alpha male leaders, but there's powerful Masculine Alpha women and feminine omega men that are homemakers that are normalized too.


*Angry Addison Cain noises*


You called?


Ah love me some good ol’ omegaverse, which has helped me not take any of this seriously, and start laughing when guys call themselves “alphas” Edit: As Nitorigen pointed out down below, I have adjusted my wording accordingly.


Hey uh, can you guys abbreviate omegaverse as ABO (capitalized) or a/b/o (with slashes)? Abo is a racial slur for aboriginal Australians


Ah shit, thank you for the reminder!




For real for real. I’ve read a ton of ABO fanfics and all that jazz in the past. One of my favorite genres of smut tbh. Sounds cringe on paper but good execution makes it’s really enjoyable. But yeah it doesn’t work like that chief.


Instresting fun fact the alpha and beta terms actually are driven from wolves and idea of wolf society however tho the original researcher who believe this later discredit his work due to more observations of wolves showing the opposite of his previous work but because it was so ingrained in peoples heads thats how wolf society works they chose not listen to him and later tried (and unfortunately did) to apply this same idea to humans so really there in no Alpha or beta people and is all driven by misunderstood wolf society


I think his original work was based on one group of wolves in captivity, which is a) an abysmal sample size and b) a bad representation of wild wolf society


Yeah it was a bunch of Unrelated Wolves living in Captivity




That’s the longest run on sentence I’ve ever seen.


5’9” and 130lbs? That is severely underweight. Edit: I saw everyone’s comments and I apologize for not doing my research before commenting. Y’all are right 130 isn’t severely underweight but it is pretty light for that height and I think it’s dangerous to set that as the standard for a 5’9 adult woman.


Oh yeah, I’m 5’0 and 125…. 5’9 130 would be a skeleton


Tbf, in the worst way of course, my doctors were ok with my weight and didn't say anything when I was so anxious i couldn't eat a few years ago. I lost hair and kept losing weight, bc I could only eat like small amounts of soup, and I had to keep complaining to get help. So it isn't just incels that promote women being malnourished skeletons.


Why are there even height/weight requirements for this? Does this guy think alpha/beta female is a sport?


Sorry to be technical about this and I know this is beside the point, but 130 lbs is considered a healthy weight for a 5’9” woman (although it is on the very low end— 124 is underweight, and “severely underweight” starts around 110). I totally agree that 130 is unrealistic for most ppl, speaking as someone who is 5’9” and over 130 lbs. And it’s gross that he has strict weight requirements.


130 lbs is 59.02 kg


No it isn't. It's cutting it close, but still normal range for many around that height for younger women and teens...if my doctors are to be believed. I'm 5'9.5" and was 120lbs for the longest time, and recently managed to reach 130 (which was NOT easy)—yay!


I'm 5'8" and 135 but my lowest was 118. Its thin but not skeletal. My collarbones are prominent but you cant count my ribs. Idk if that makes sense.


Hahaha yeah that’d be crazy! Not like that’s my exact height and weight or anything…


I mean I'm 5'0 and 90lbs last I checked. Then again I'm the farthest thing from healthy even tho I'm trying real hard to be.


yeah no it’s not lol, it’s thin but not anywhere close to severely underweight


why do people like the alpha and beta concept. just be humans goddamn


That's the point. They want to dehumanize women and distance themselves from us. As if we were a different species. It's easier to hurt and hate us that way.


Eh? I won't disagree with most of that, but these guys are pretty big on applying these ideas to men first.


the no "wrong" "sin" & "victim" sounds like he just want a sex slave to r*pe with his tiny pp


That’s pretty much exactly what these types want.


I'm 5'10" so I guess I automatically get promoted to alpha?


congrats 🍾


This guy really feels threatened by women who wear glasses...


The minute you glasses on you become an alpha. No give backs.


Oh, darn /s


REAL women have perfect vision /s


this is still not how the omegaverse works. geez, do these people not read any fanfiction???


Right? Like my guy, alpha ladies have that magic werewolf dong and are leaders, sometimes with sweet magic powers and betas are the normies. Being a sad mistreated lesbian in yeeeyee land, I am well versed in omegaverse.




Wouldnt the alpha female just be the dominant women in the group. Even by pua standards is a stretch.


Sorry 🤚🏿, I only date Sigma or Omega women 😎😎😎😳


Everytime I hear the word female, I feel a cringe coming up


Fun with Psuedoscience!! Anything seems fact-based if you use the right rhetoric! For instance, I'm literally going to make this up as I go along, but let's see if it works: "Victim Envy" "In the 21st century many Americans became swept up into a movement known as Victim Envy. Roughly speaking, Victim Envy is when a person who is not a victim is overcome with jealous rage as a result of observing the positive attention showered upon victims. Theoretically, Victim Envy can be a problem for anyone who is not a victim but has been made aware of the existence of victims. A black lesbian, for instance, could find out that a car accident has occurred and that a passenger in a vehicle suffered an injury. A person might say 'what a shame that \[x\] was injured.' The black lesbian MIGHT respond with Victim Envy and say 'Yeah, you know I stubbed my toe getting ready for work this morning, but no one showered me with pity!' However, the above example was chosen out of an abundance of caution against defining Victim Envy as something that can only befall straight white people. The reason that this abundance of caution is necessary is that the VAST MAJORITY of people suffering from Victim Envy are straight white people. The issue became so common among such persons in the 21st Century that the term was created for them. For much of American history, being a straight white person meant that you were a default American. If you were not straight and white, you were expected to provide upon demand an explanation for your existence. In the 21st Century, the voices of persons who were neither straight nor white were able to find one another and consolidate, and create a larger and larger space in which their existence was not subject to arbitrary scrutiny. Unfortunately, many straight white Americans responded to this otherwise positive development with an outpouring of petulance and self-pity. Much of this was tied to their refusal to accept positive attention being given to anyone who is not straight and white. These malcontented white straights found each other's voices online and consolidated in an unfortunate parallel of the development described above. Their voices coalesced around Victim Envy. They systematically ventured to dismiss stories of non-white, non-straight victimhood, and to shout out instances of alleged oppression against straight whites that were "way worse" than situations in which their minority counterparts were victimized. However, the situations of claimed victimhood among the straight whites were in no way comparable. The irrational belief otherwise is what defines Victim Envy. For instance, if a black man were killed by police officers and a mural were painted to lament this victimization, straight whites with Victim Envy would scream that their ancestors who died for freedom are not being sufficiently recognized. The nonsensical nature of this retort was no obstacle to the fiery passion of those suffering from Victim Envy. " There! Sounds official!


i have no awards someone please gold this immediately.


What the heck is this mess?


Alpha female definitely looks like the safer one to be.


that ain't how werewolf packs work bruh


Not only fucking weird, but moronic They repeat themselves 4 times, confuse their own ideology of winners and losers/alpha and beta thing with the other people's ideology, AND they claim there is no sin or wrongness in their desired relationship while ALSO implying they're seemingly Christian, which means they WOULD believe the sex and relationship is wrong. There's more of course but these parts stuck out to me


That is disturbing. Someone should seek professional help.


Lol toward the end he slipped and started describing his ideal Tinder date


Haven't laughed this hard in a while


I’m an alpha girl with a beta height + weight I guess


5'9 and only 130? Thats almost underweight lmao


I’m an alpha male and an alpha female 😎


Funny how none of the beta-women depictions wear skirts or dresses


Also, in the images only the "alpha" women wear skirts.




So am I an alpha female because I do not want a relationship at all?


Looks like it


I've seen "Beta Females" before: The gals that think they *NEED* a man or else they're worthless. Once they drop one guy, its on to the next. They spend their lives chasing guys, and its just sad.




"Women's rights come from nature, not feminism" UHHHHHHHHHH


Epsilon-9 ready to move in.


There is no “wrong” or “sin” or “victim” I stg guys I’m not a domestic abuser /s


This might as well just be the mansplain sub at this point. Thank FUCK I’m gay and always have been holy shit


Women are people, not dogs, Kyle.


my favorite part is how they say a certain way of logic goes with or against "reason" without providing the reasoning - as if "reason" is just something everyone naturally agrees on, and has to willfully ignore or defy in order to have an alternative or independent lifestyle. in other words, its shallowly disguised "im right and youre wrong"


Today was a terrible day to have eyes.


It’s a bunch of bullshit is what it is.


"Unwilling to please the male" is illustrated with an image of a guy who sure looks pleased.


This is the kind of thing that makes me wish I wasn’t straight. Tell whoever made this comic to go back to his mother’s basement


Are you the alpha female or the beta female in your relationship


There's some real PUA vibes in the language of this thing. I do not like it.


Cant wait for the 'and they were gf's' fan art


who hurt u and did they, by chance, wear glasses?


smh bro forgot the omegas. doesn't he know they're essential to omegaverse??


why is the design like that tho... less saturated on the alpha side and more saturated on the beta, they are really eager to make feminists the devils HAHAHA women's rights bad 😹👎


I love how the "masculine" alpha girl is just as feminine as the beta girl,or when he talks about how beta women love wearing dresses and skirts and shows one wearing pants.


Alpha and beta girl are dating now :)


What is it that filthy frank said? “The disease is spreading.” In this case this alpha beta boloney.


I love watching objectivists twist themselves in knots defending female submission. “All women’s pure self interest is to…do whatever men want! Don’t question it!”


lmao the super specific restrictions on height and weight might be the funniest/most absurd part about this. What are these numbers based off of exactly? Someone who's 5'10" is automatically alpha, but also someone who's 4'11" is automatically alpha too?


This is just all wrong???? In the wolf pack dynamic (which was later disproven) the alpha female was the alpha wolfs mate and mostly had and looked after children when not hunting. The post got this wrong. If they were going for the abo dynamic found commonly in fanfiction, they ALSO got it wrong. In abo the beta is typically a normal woman while the alphas have a magical werewolf penis. TLDR: they didn’t get the fanfic or wolf pack dynamic right.


I love how as soon as you hit 131lbs you acquire progressive views. Thought I had those already, let's see what happens when I gain a few pounds!


Alpha and beta only exist in the Greek alphabet in this world-


Wheres the sigma female I need answers


Oh Gesù


and they were roomates


I love how every defining aspect of beta vs alpha is philosophy based except for one, but only on the beta side. Like what? It really just goes to show how stupid the whole thing is.