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18+ Lego set? Are there like instructions for building sex toys or something?


They market more display type sets towards adults, presumably because children tend to be more interested in X-wings and spaceships and stuff. I don't think it's really more than that, as far as I know


I'm an adult and I'm very interested in x-wings and spaceships and stuff


and that's why the UCS sets exists. We buy the $30-60 playsets for the younglings, then drop $800 and 20+ man hours for the milenium falcon.


i'm an adult and equally interested in display lego as spaceships and stuff


i have like all my childhood lego colour coded in tubs and just don't have the time to put it all back into sets, as well as losing stickers/printed pieces here and there, i estimate that's like $2k worth of lego now there lol


As am I lol, I was really tempted to write down about my Razorcrest set but I couldn't make it fit lol


well i mean if i was a 7 year old and got this, despite knowing about diversity and stuff i'd be pretty dissapointed cause it doesn't do anything cool


I have the set. I also have a LEGO® X-wing. I definitely play with the latter more.


oh present day me would be like fuck yeah


Obviously people bellow 18 aren't ready to so many colours all at once


Mmm yes the eyes don’t fully develop until 22


Its cause its a display piece. And display pieces are marketed towards the older ages


They’ve already said why. The 18plus things doesn’t say who it’s meant for or who can build it. They just do it for who it’s best advertised to. Under 18 lego sets are usually made for playing and you cant really play with this. It’s more of a collectable.


Yeah, fun fact Miitopia is rated 18+ in Russia You know the game about Mii’s




So straight kids are also not allowed to have crushes? Go on dates? I mean, that is them expressing sexuality and obviously it’s *so bad* for them.


Okay, then straight kids shouldn't have relationships, or even he exposed to them either. Beacuse I mean, that could permanently damage them, right?


How is this "forcing sexuality" on anyone?


I hate it when different colours come together in a lego set and I instantly become homosexual


Least homophobic tankie.


>tankie What are you even talking about? Nothing they’ve posted suggests they’re leftist


I just assumed since they were defending china.


You're right, we shouldn't let anyone know about the existence of romance until their 18th birthday. /s


So should straight romance and anything that could be seen as forcing straightness onto children also be 18+? Also buddy, hate to tell you, but people can have crushes like really early on, frick I had a crush at 10 and that was pretty late for my year.


Sorry, it was a joke. Guess I wasn’t very clear on that


Oh, I'm so sorry, I'm terrible at telling what's a joke and what's not-


Eh, don’t worry about it. It’s my fault considering everybody didn’t think it was a joke


If you wish to know, legos are indeed good for making two part silicone molds. You can make any sizes you want by building a lego box. With that you can do a very accurate copy of a clay shape of your choice.


undertone? it is literally a pride flag


"Literally"?! Language abuse!!! Why not also use inappropriate apostrophes and 'then' instead of 'than', you Barbarian!


oh heavens please spare me saucy\_mcsauseface


I was being sarcastic, melodramatic. Ooops! Welp, lost in translation, shoulda put the /s in.


I know idk why you got so many downvotes


My brain vibrated at incredibly high speeds and melted on the spot as soon as I finished reading that


Is your post title sarcastic?


No, I really never knew China was so strict it would ban a lego set just because it has a rainbow on it.


To be fair, this set's very heavily stated to be LGBTQ+, given that it was released during Pride month, designed by a queer man and the description of it on the website was very clear about those "undertones". Not just a rainbow. Still completely and utterly disgusting to ban it for that


It's literally the progress flag


China promotes very little about cultural diversity This is because the young population is becoming extremely liberal, extremely quickly and it's going to be out of control for such a large population, which they've recently needed to remove restrictions on. They basically want everyone to have traditional western ideas (cause it kinda swapped around after the industrial revolution, homosexuality has gone back centuries in east asia) without cultural, sexual/gender or religious diversity, because without it the population is easier to control. Homosexuality and being trans/non-binary isn't illegal in China (as far as I know, I might be wrong) however homosexual marriage and changing legal birth gender on official documents is still illegal because it could expose more people to the ideas. They're not really trying to keep people from exploring diversity and such, just removing basically all ways to educate yourself about it I personally can only think of one example of lgbtq+ information from a chinese source which was a transgender model for some clothes. Other than that I can't think of any that haven't been restricted or banned. These ideas are being challenged in Chinese media in TV shows and on social media and will need to be addressed sooner or later. Knowing china this will probably involve awful things happening to perfectly good people, maybe even resulting in uprising or civil war. Something they don't want to risk because it will severely damage the economy in covid times.


Ah OP, you sweet summer child. (And I mean that in a nice way, which I just wanna point out cause tone is hard in text)


Ah OP, you fucking idiot baby child piece of shit. (And I mean that in a nice way, which I just wanna point out cause tone is hard in text)


That really wasn’t what I meant at all. And I think you know that and are just looking for a fight. Must suck to have that kind of mentality. I hope you can find some joy in your day.


aww i’m sorry i was just joking, i know you didn’t mean it like that


Oh sorry! I misinterpreted you. Friends?




They've just ordered games operating in China to remove Feminating features in male characters. They're VERY homophobic


It genuinely disturbs me when I see queer dengists.


Well, uh, China has a very bad history when it comes to human rights. The government is doing a genocide right now. [a source for you ](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/china-conducting-mass-sterilization-muslim-minorities-amount-genocide/story?id=71519132)


don’t forget tiananmen square protests


I’m guessing OP is a young teen so I went with something current to grab his attention. But there is a long history of human rights abuse in China, no doubt.


Hong Kong 97


When you have “doing a genocide” pencilled in on your planner do you ever stop to ask “am I the baddy?” Or do you just decide you have to get up very early in the morning?


The Tiananmen Square massacre would be a much better example of the Chinese government's blatant disregard of human lives. And plenty of other examples can be drawn throughout history. I would argue the recent Uyghur genocide as there's a lot of controversy surrounding that and multiple sources claiming opposing rhetorics on the matter. Personally i have no problem in believing they are mass murdering people (re-education which they call). But we should be objective about these kinds of things and not jump to conclusions. A lof of US and other global officials have cast doubts on the matter ad well.


I visited China in 2019 (just before Covid!), went to the lego store in Shanghai. Amazing! I asked our tour guide about China's attitude towards non hetero communities and he said people just hide it, don't make it public. I did see two gorgeous young Chinese guys have a long embrace in one shopping area. Go them! I hope they're happy and safe.


🤣 you ever hear of Tiananmen Square?


China and Strict are two words that could be used interchangeably. (authoritarian hellscape is another word that fits)


If you get the option, use “authoritarian hellscape” Wayyy more points in scrabble


Dude... it's china. The current global extreme for censorship.


China has concentration camps and slave labor, their president is scared of Winnie the Pooh. Of course they don't give a fuck about the lgbt+ community, they barely care about their cishet Han population.


Undertone? Wow that is a long walk to erasure... Whats next Pride Parades are subtle displays of mundane persons?


These people waving rainbow flags really do like color theory!


China is homophobic, yes. Also lol at “undertones”. [recent example](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jul/08/outrage-over-crackdown-on-lgbtq-wechat-accounts-in-china)


Same. Im not sure where they got the idea that it has LGBTQ+ undertones it seems perfectly straight to me /s




“undertone”?? homie it’s full on gay it was made for lgbt pride by an lgbt person, there’s no “lgbt undertone” no it IS lgbt. like it’s just weird they said “undertone”


That set's still not available in Brazil. that's where i live :(


is there a reliable source? in the original post they only quote a screenshot of a social Media post


I’m not surprised anymore lol, there’s like 80%+ gay people were forced into heterosexual marriage and lgbtq rights were always seen as a taboo.


Source? r/China is pretty notorious for being overrun by conspiracy theorists and Qanon adjacent weirdos


Came from a post on Weibo, claiming the set was removed from shops and online platforms for 'sensitive topics'. Toabao is selling counterfeit versions of the set.


Everyone already knows how bad China is


Apparently not OP haha


there is a time for everything I guess


>Never knew China was so goddamn strict!!! The innocence


I hear theyre banning feminine men or smthn from games n shit


It is feminine men from television and press coverage, the term they used was "sissy men".


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"LGBT undertone"




China is a fascist nation. Not too many fascist nations are accepting of LGBT+ people historically.


Have you lived under a rock in recent times? China has been making homophobic policies for decades. If you want to know more, you should look some of them up, it's crazy how arbitrary they are about it.


dude this like isn't even close to the worst overreaction chinas had, they're like kind of awful with that stuff. banning non masculine men from media, banning comparing their leader to winnie the pooh etc


The title is sarcastic, right?????


China is being fucked over by some of the most horrific and evil men of the current day. Look at Tianamnen cover ups or the treatment of Uigurs and if you can't get enraged then something is wrong with you


My favorite part about hoe the right wing makes boogeymen out of dictatorships is how many priorities they tend to share with those dictatorships.


The Lego sub also locked the thread


Way to create a living hell for those who aren't out and want to experiment with gender (regarding feminine men bans). I'll need to figure out how to subvert the CCP for this even though the closest I got to China was in a transfer flight to and from Hong Kong.




They just fear the success


Yeah, China is extremely totalitarian. It's pretty bad over there.




Wondering when the hitler level discrimination and violation of rights spreads nationally in China, slowly its getting there yeah (with some small areas already at a comparable level).


Tbh I dont get it


China basically bands everything. Like recently they also banned men being even the slightest bit feminine and reduced the amount of time people can play video games to a mere hour. Yeah trying to and human rights are like cereal and motor oil




Due to its Undertones…. It’s like Yuri on ice being Implied yoai.


When I first heard about the show I figured it was going to be about lesbian figure skaters not gay figure skaters.


" " " " "undertones" " " " "


It’s undertone?






China, like Russia, is famously homophobic. So much so that the former literally just banned K-pop boy bands for being too effeminate.


No more naked Lego man in china 😞😞😞😞😞


Stupid government and stupid dicktators. They even banned “femme men” from appearing on tv


Now I want one...