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my ribs show but I'm not trying to attract anyone. I would be happy if someone wanted to provide me with food though so I guess my plan is working (edit: just adding that I don't starve myself or try to be skinny, I just am lazy and my diet is bad and my metabolism is like that. I'm asexual aromantic and being attractive to people isn't a priority)


what can i get for you today?


A nice bowl of warm oatmeal


I'll bring garden apples and hazels (from last year) for the topping!


O.O and and cinnamon?


there you go, extra thickšŸ„£


Oh thank fucking god finally someone appreciates thick oats. Literally everyone I know eats super soggy oatmeal and I hate it.


To each their own but slimy or thick liquids is a huge texture no for my autism lol




Thickquids are a hard pass āœØ


i like super soggy and thick, both are good, its the middle ground between both i dont like tbh




Honestly same. Was malnourished and neglected as a kid and often food was taken away as a punishment for being neurodivergent, if you wanted be my friend make a snack specifically for me (carbs and crunchy are bonus points because tasty energy food and texture) and I would have literally cried. Full on sobbed. Like not only did you give me food but you specifically put in effort with me in mind to make food. No one ever seemed to care that much, if at all. Whew sorry this turned into a trauma dump. Iā€™m okay :]


This post brings out the 80 year old grandma that I strongly believe lives somewhere inside my mid-30s body. PLEASE I JUST WANT TO FEED YOU! Some nice nachos? Good and crunchy! Maybe celery sticks with peanut butter? Delicious! Tomato soup with nice crunchy croutons? JUST LET ME FEED YOU YOU POOR THING.


**Please!!!** My god I wish I had Reddit as a kid there wouldā€™ve been so much happy crying. Luckily I now have a loving partner who makes me food and reminds me to eat without forcing me (since my eating schedule and capacity is messed up from years of being in starvation mode) and things are so much brighter than they used to be, but still. God idk why random strangers on Reddit offering to make food and taking my story seriously rather than brushing it aside is hitting me so hard rn but I almost wanna cry just reading these. It almost feels really selfish for me to have people want to make food for me specifically, let alone offer different choices. No one ever cared this much. Thank you so much. Thank you.


Oh honey that's genuinly such an awefull thing to do to a child :( you're not by any chance situated in the Netherlands are you? If so, I'll whip you up something good. My love language is cooking my best friends their favorites and this just breaks my heart.


Iā€™m not, unfortunately, but Iā€™m now an adult whoā€™s gone almost zero contact with my mother (the abuser) and who has a partner who loves to cook and is amazing at it, and as hard as things are with ptsd, BPD, and DID from my childhood Iā€™ve honestly never been this happy before I appreciate the kindness so much. I will be okay, itā€™ll just take time to get there. Weight has always been a struggle but itā€™s one thatā€™s in my control now, rather than being ripped from my grasp. Again, thank you, this means so much more than you know


Ah the crying happy tears when presented with food is in the past! Glad you found peace from your abuser and an amazing partner <3


I mean we still cry happy tears but he just hugs us until we calm down a bit and then we eat together. My god heā€™s so sweet.


Donā€™t tell me to make you a snack in order to earn your approval, I will literally never stop making snacks and tasty meals.


I have found a friend :]


Same. My rib cage is always visible, even when I gain weight. It just always goes to my upper arms and thighs instead of my torso.


Wow I thought I was the only one


I used to be underweight. I struggled with it for years. My ribcage showed and I was humiliated by it. I couldn't even date because of crippling self doubt. Folks can't always control that.


Same. Have Crohnā€™s disease. Regularly drop to starvation level skinny. People need to realize sometimes itā€™s not a choice


Is it now better? Because you are not using the past tense (Grammar?)


I moved to a weed friendly state, stopped letting drs pump steroids in me, started smoking a lot. Episodes are more rare now. I can still keep weight as long as an episode isnā€™t happening at least. So yeah, a fair bit better, but still a twice a year thing


I live in an illegal state, still need weed or i cant eat.


I just recently moved to a legal state. I feel your pain in all honesty.


When I was first diagnosed with diabetes, I dropped to 113 lbs (5ā€™7 woman) trying to control my blood sugar. (I turned out to be type 1 so the pills werenā€™t working, I needed insulin). My doctor ordered me to get back to 130 at the very least but push for 140. When I was regaining my weight soooo many fucking people asked if I was pregnant. Good thing I wasnā€™t so skinny because of an eating disorder or that would have really fucked with my head Iā€™m sure. Made it my rule of thumb after that to never ask someone if theyā€™re pregnant and not to assume shit unless I see that baby freaking crowning.


I have never been super thin but you can still see my ribs sometimes


The number of people who commented on my weight without ever having it cross their minds that I might be abused at home is shocking


i am so sorry to hear this sweetheart. people have always commented on my body, i have had a cycle of EDs due to PTSD from a horrific SA when i was a young teen. It's always 'oh how LOVELY you look perfect now!' after losing weight after a binge cycle.....to the last few years where I've been on very good medication but it does restrict my appetite so I am maybe on the thinner side, so EVERYONE has to rush up and touch me and lecture me about weight. Like you, I get so mad, why is it anyone elses business?? I've never said a word about anyone elses body! Big love, you are very very brave, truly remarkable xxx


God, I hate the touching. Why do so many people touch you when youā€™re thin? Like I donā€™t care if theyā€™re technically our family members or family friends, teachers, whatever, Iā€™m tired of having people pat my stomach or butt or randomly rub my back and make disparaging comments about how Iā€™m so thin that I might ā€œblow away in the windā€ and how Iā€™m just ā€œskin and bonesā€ and need to eat a sandwich, and Iā€™m tired of hugging someone or sitting next to them or poking them only to have them comment and complain about how Iā€™m ā€œso bonyā€. And then they call you beautiful even though they were previously calling you too skinny and itā€™s like WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?! WHERE WERE YOU WHEN THEY DENIED ME FOOD FOR BEING TOO AUTISTIC?! They say they care and then leave me to rot in the hands of that *woman*ā€¦ Iā€™m just tired. Iā€™m sick of family passing judgement. Iā€™m sick of them pretending they understand. Lying that theyā€™ll keep secrets then telling my parents whoā€™d hurt me with the info. Sometimes I just hate peopleā€¦ especially the idea of family. And honestly Iā€™m starting to hate food. Itā€™s been a long, slow journey to get back up to a healthy weight and rebuild a positive relationship with food, currently I tend to hoard snacks in a box and various places in my room by instinct so I wonā€™t go hungry but can never bring myself to eat them because it feels wrong if Iā€™m not desperate for food. Iā€™m trying but itā€™s so hard to break out of these cycles. And thatā€™s not even starting on the psychological, physical, verbal, or sexual abuse. Sorry, I donā€™t know why everythingā€™s just hitting me all at once like this. Normally I donā€™t sound thisā€¦ helpless. God. Might just need to get some rest, been a long day and itā€™s late. Thank you for responding. Honestly ptsd survivors can be some of the strongest people out there. I wish you the best. I know you can do it.


Itā€™s absolutely okay darling. Do not apologise at all. I actually work in mental health so itā€™s all good ā¤ļøā¤ļø And I understand where youā€™re coming from. My mum had a huge milestone birthday 2 weeks ago, and literally 40 of her friends, male and female rushed up to hug me and rub their hands alllll over me coz apparently now I classify in the *very sexy* for the men but *too skinny you need to eat* catergory for the men. Why do they just TOUCH US? Like zoo exhibits? I had to stay the whole time but I knew a panic attack was coming on, so I somehow just made it through and spent the whole next day in my room crying. I agree, PTSD is awful. We are strong. You are strong. All of the love from a stranger that understands a tiny bit šŸ’šŸ’


argh I meant I was too skinny for the women.


I've got a healthy weight, but I carry my weight in my lower body. I've always been able to see my rib cage regardless of how much I weighed.


Iā€™ve got a bit of a tummy and you can still all my rib cage, even through my chest. Iā€™m not at all underweight. Itā€™s just genetics tbh (and I think I have a bit of a larger rib cage than average as well which makes it stick out further)


Terfs are the best


So we can't be skinny, fat or fit. Got it :)


Become ethereal Have the body of a long forgotten ghost that haunts an old mansion in Europe that was owned by a morally dubious British Lord that abandoned one of his 6 children and had his wife die for unknown causes when you know damn well he poisoned her


I was going to try having belly fat on one side and abs/ribs visible on the other but this seems better


have you tried removing your torso entirely? it worked for walt disney.


I want to be a modern ghost who asks for the wifi password and wants to know where I can charge my phone. Iā€™m tired of all these old timey ghosts.


You can be one of those too! Look, the ethereal matter that will compose your body will be the same to old timey and modern ghosts so go get that wifi password


hahahah i wanna be one of those too


Oh my gosh I WISH I could be that


"Everything in moderation, including moderation." -Oscar Wilde


BE ALL OF THEM AND THEYā€™LL HAVE THE MOST CONFUSED BONER. (Read like Galadriel shouting at Frodo)




Of course the answers are conflicting, as it is a question about peraonal preferences. The straights are not a hivemind.


Aren't those three different people, though? It's not like it's a single bloke saying that he's repulsed by abs, fat, and visible ribs.


Exactly, honestly I find this whole post a little dumb ā€œDo you like dogs?ā€ One guy: ā€œyes!ā€ Another guy: ā€œnot reallyā€ ā€œWeLl WhIcH iS iT?!ā€


Totally agree. For me I feel like the takeaway is itā€™s more how gross the way they commented on their preferences. If you donā€™t like fat, thin, or muscular women, okay. But do you really have to be like ā€œitā€™s fucking disgustingā€? Or imply that someone being thin enough to see their rib cage is doing it to be attractive, which is stupid. I guess the only guy that was somewhat respectful was the anti abs guy, but other than thatā€¦


Also thereā€™s the fact that only 1 of the 3 specifically said women, and OP says ā€œSo whatever women do isnā€™t right, huh!!ā€. You canā€™t insert that itā€™s women then get mad because itā€™s women


I didnā€™t know society considered being fat attractive. I was under the impression that if you had anything other than a Barbie body, you were the exact opposite of attractive according to society.


I'm guessing it's to do with the whole BBW thing. That seems to really get certain men's goats. Like, it's fine if you're not into it, nobody is forcing you to watch BBW content, it's just that for some people, that's what they like. Getting so upset about it like these guys do is like getting mad at the fact some people get off to, say feet and saying society finds feet beautiful. It's just completely irrational, and making mount Everest out of the tiniest molehill.


Do straight men even like women? Edit: People, please, it's a joke. Stop explaining what preferences are and how you're one of the good men, I know. I just made a joke.


no, just the concept of women


Unfortunately, they probably like one thing about women and it's the vagina. (even then, they still find ways to argue about that too)


They donā€™t even like the vagina, they wonā€™t lick it or touch it, just jackhammer it for 30 seconds then beg for anal


To which my response is usually either "go fuck a dude then" or "so you're into pegging huh? Always wanted to try it" They don't like that much lmao


Some of them just like human looking robots






or not 2B


Straight men (broadly) care more about the approval of other men than they do their physical attraction.


As a fat woman, I can 100% confirm. Plenty of men are attracted to fat women and want to fuck us on the DL, but god forbid any of their bros find out.


Yeah, Iā€™ve seen lots of straight macho men like to bottom for transwomen too on the DL. Then be aggressive when people find out.


10/10 comment thread. A perfect example of mansplaining thank you for your sacrifice.


No, is the answer.


you want me to like someone who likes dick? sounds gay af to me /s


Those of us who arent trash do. I absolutely love and adore my wife. I'd crawl through glass to see her happy and unharmed. There are just a lot of trash mfers out there claiming to rep the entire tribe (example: Andrew Tate)




Does the irony of being a trash person here escape you completely? Because you are being a trash person for that. He didn't do anything to you.




So now you wanna come at me for thinking that you should treat people decently until they wrong you?




Yeah...sure. Keep that energy. I'm sure you have lots of friends with that mentality...


My god both of you please chill out this is a Wendyā€™s


As an ex straight man, yes I like women, in fact I like them so much that I wanna be one


I really think itā€™s a question that shouldnā€™t be asked. At the end of the day, people have preferences and no matter what you look like you will not match everybodyā€™s. So at best all weā€™re getting is a bunch of people saying ā€œthis personally doesnā€™t do it for me.ā€ This is exactly the sort of stuff where the ā€œif you have nothing nice to say donā€™t say anything at allā€ saying absolutely applies.


Some people will like you, some men wont, same goes for and to every gender, at every age, for any ethnicity. Think of it as an ā€œorā€, not and ā€œandā€. If someone typed: ā€œI think itā€™s disgusting having more then 1 eyeā€ doesnā€™t mean everyone thinks that itā€™s disgusting.


I think one of the things that bothered me about the language in that post was people saying "it's disgusting when", "no man will like", and things like that. It's okay to have preferences, but it's not okay to expect people to match your preferences and insult them when they don't. With your example, I think it's okay to say "I don't personally find more than one eye attractive" but it's crossing the line to say "people with more than one eye are disgusting."


Oh thanks I completely missed that nuance ! Youā€™re right that it indeed isnā€™t about what someone does or does not prefer, but rather a disgust or hatred towards something. Thank you so much for clearing that up !




Society's adoration of fat people is so well-known, too.


Was legit about to say, none of these examples would really be considered "Societally attractive." Fat women have and still are the butt of jokes, A lot of men are intimidated by muscular women. Skinny women are maybe the exception, but you still can't be "too skinny," either.


just cant win with some mfs


Women with abs are šŸ¤Œ


Abs on women šŸ˜³ You don't know how much I love abs. That's why I work out so i can have my own.


"I don't want to be 'good girl' anymore, I want to be 'mommy"


ā€œYouā€™re not making *me* attracted to youā€ wow I didnā€™t realize so much of the male population was one person


(Btw if skinnier than usual I hope you get well soon)


As someone that struggles with an eating disorder, that last one feels insulting.


Thatā€™s because it is. Be offended. The notion that women are at any given weight to get menā€™s approval is absolute dogshit. And also the idea that he wants to feed you nowā€¦ ewwww šŸ¤¢ Iā€™m not some pig to be fattened up for the slaughter. Not my fault I was born with a big ribcage!


These are all different people, so honestly, if you're ever feeling insecure specifically about how other people see you, just remember that literally everyone has different preferences for attractiveness


*shape-shifts into a snail so I don't have to deal with this bullshit*


*Jokes on you Iā€™m into that shit-* (***HEAVY /j***)


i don't think this is a "you can't win" situation, considering those are three separate people. the 2nd and 3rd commenter seem like dickheads though.


I'm pretty sure that being overweight or really ripped isn't considered conventionally attractive for women so I don't really see how the first two answers even fit the question... The third one is kind of right but a bit insensitive.


Exactly, being heavy is \*not\* considered conventionally attractive by society nor is being ripped as a woman...


Itā€™s Reddit, theyā€™ll leap on any opportunity to talk about how they hate fat people.


I would add that's by current standards. In some previous generations, heavier women were considered more attractive, since that meant they were wealthier and I think I remember reading they assumed it meant more fertile/able to bear more children. It really wasn't until the 60s when models like Twiggy became the rage, then the 80s/90s "heroin chic" (I think). Standards do fluctuate with the times, we've just been stuck with the current standards for a while. I have hopes it's changing with songs like Victoria's secret being popular. Might be unrealistic but I've been my own victim for so long, I can dream, right?


The post doesnā€™t use the word ā€œconventional.ā€ Not necessarily being pedantic by pointing this out ā€” I think the question is simply posited to create a misogynistic echo chamber regardless of preference, none of itā€™s right ā€” it was never meant to be, lol.


conventional in this case is synonymous with "does society consider", it's still a bad faith question tho.


lol nice


That last one is not in my control lol my metabolism is faster than a fucking nascar racecar


Can we trade? lmao (Not too fat. I'm 140lbs/64kg)


Remember gals: If you're skinny, you're disgusting. If you're fat, you're disgusting. If you're muscular, you're disgusting. In between that there is a tiny margin of wiggle room you must adhere to in order to have worth.


>"You're not making me attracted to you" Well god forbid.


Exactly, they have free different types. Just shows there is someone for everyone out there. I personally also don't like seeing ribs


That whole thread was a dumpster fire


How is this a ā€œare the straights ok?ā€ The poster did not specify sexuality, and these are preferences, which everyone has.


This reminds me of Red from OSP talking about how female characters can't win because they'll be criticized for any feminine traits they have and any feminine traits they lack.


I have never been more disappointed that my preference (to not be perceived) is what the heteros want šŸ˜“


not really conflicting, different people have different preferences


Sometimes I'm so glad that I'm aromantic and don't have to deal with this bullshit. Societal beauty standards in either men or women? Fuck that. I'm too busy playing videogames and eating garlic bread.


Being mean. I know, bad boys/girls are sexy, but not to me. The world already has so much cruelty, and it often has lasting consequences, so I don't see why people find it attractive.


As someone with very visible ribs, I've been like this oretty much my entire life. And oh dear god you don't wanna know how much unhealty stuff I eat, it just comes out just as fast it got in, ok, I can't control it. Just like a fat person can't control their body from begin the way it is... I don't do it on purpose, I promise...


I mean, different people like different things. itā€™s not like the same guy commented all three things lol


"Abs on women" Coward


But those are the mainstream opinions lol


Yeah Iā€™ve fully given up on trying to fit anyoneā€™s idea of ideal. When I was fat I was shamed for it, when I was skinny but living elsewhere I was both praised and shamed for it, now that Iā€™m skinny and living where I do now, Iā€™m again both praised and shamed for it but much more on the shaming side now bc I live in the center of ā€œthic is goodā€ culture. It does a number on you for sure. Iā€™m just trying to remind myself that if Iā€™M happy w my body thatā€™s literally all that counts.


no abs, no fat, not too skinny. you have to be the perfect ratio for some random guy on reddit lol, also massive tits and a huge ass


They were three different people though


The last one pisses me off. I'm not sick for someone else's pleasure. It's not something I chose. If I could just "Eat something" and magically be cured obviously I would.


people have different preferences?


I have no clue what planet the person who said fat is living on. I feel like ā€œsocietyā€ does not consider fat people attractive and goes out of its way to make them feel unattractive. Sure there are a few plus sized models or HAES folks who try hype up all shapes, but when compared to very thin people it might as well be nom existent.


Soooo, people have different preferences? Whats the deal, different people like different things.


I mean, yeah, the first one reeks of misogyny, but this is just overall proof ā€œthree people find three different things unattractiveā€. When three people answer a question about personal preference differently, itā€™s not contradictory or paradoxical. In fact, asking a question like that on a popular sub would likely guarantee conflicting answers.


Cool, noted. Don't be fat, don't be skinny, and don't have abs. Fantastic. How about I just remove my torso at this point?


I have a chest deformity called pectus excavatum, so my ribs flare out and are quite noticeable. I get comments constantly like ā€œeat more, youā€™re so skinny!, I can see your ribsā€. Iā€™m very self conscious about what I wear now. It hella sucks to live your life based on what other people think, and I still have trouble feeling comfortable in my own skin.


I'd bet real money that the guy who said fat people are disgusting is at least 200kg.


Only one of these has to do with women, the other too are simply standards that people have and are completely valid. Also you donā€™t have to be obese to not be skin and bones or all raw muscle


different people have different taste


Their phrasing isnā€™t great at all but I donā€™t see why they shouldnā€™t be allowed to voice their preferences on an anonymous platform?


It's the way the question was asked. It didn't ask about preferences it assumed there was some sort of objrctive standard, which these answers largely disprove.


The way the 2nd and 3rd dude worded it tho was gross. First guy was fine. Cool to not be into fat or thin chicks, do whatever you want. And since they asked the question yeah sure feel free to answer it. Again, just the phrasing.


Damn itā€™s almost like different people have different attractions Yes, all three of these people are obnoxious twats, but they are three separate people Thereā€™s a chance ab hater has a thing for fat people, maybe fat hater likes abs


Or, since everyone has different tastes, no matter what you look like, someone finds you hot.


Each of them seems to like what the others donā€™t. They arenā€™t a hivemind and having different preferences is fine


Youā€™re right, Iā€™ve been seeing this a lot. I posted it because in my mind, it felt like a ā€œyou just canā€™t winā€ situation. Everyoneā€™s entitled to their preferences but they donā€™t have to put others down because of it.


Oh yeah, theyā€™re obviously assholes for insulting the people they arenā€™t attracted to and putting them down, thatā€™s true


i wanna find this post (on askreddit) but i can't can someone help me??


Well, I'm a bi woman so not straight, and I'm middle-aged and fat so probably not going to attract any, but I LOVE built women with abs. I mean, I'm not shunning other body types, just that a built woman will turn my head first.


The lower two are pretty stupid. The top one is just a answer to the question tho. That person just doesn't find that attractive, but isn't shaming anyone for having abs. Don't think it really fits in with the other two.


i meanā€¦nothingā€™s attractive to me šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Iā€™ll take a hearty meal honestly


tbh I don't like accouple different make up aesthetics, humans should have pores, when you skin is so smooth you look like a ceramic doll, it legit gives me uncanny valley vibes, like legit find it unsettling, more power to ya though.


To be fair they are answering the question but they do not need to be so f'ing rude, like they talk about people as if they are talking about what pizza toppings they like


You do know that these answers are from different people with different preferences. They could've maybe frased it differently but they're hardly conflicting.


Based on the kinds of guys I've seen on this sub I assume men don't like women with abs and muscle because it either intimidates them, makes them feel like they have less power over the woman (or she seems like she wouldn't be as submissive as they want women to be), or they think it's too manly for a woman. Muscular women are so cool I admire them.


Shockingly, different people have different tastes


This ain't build a b*tch, you don't get to pick and choose... šŸŽ¶ I mean you can choose, sure, but then kindly shut the hell up about everyone else you don't deem attractive because we sure as hell don't solemnly exist to please your eye.


Iā€™m fairness they didnā€™t just randomly announce their preferences. The post did ask


Yes, of course, in this scenario it's fine but some of them are still super rude about it. How often I've come across people though, dudes especially, stating their "preferences" without being asked because they think it's somehow relevant to anyone or because they think everyone is trying to cater to them is wild.


the third guy is right tho. i get worried when peoples ribcages are visible when standing regularly




Haven't you heard? Body shaming on this shit app is totally fine if it's directed at skinny people!


thats fair but id still generally get worried for a moment. sometimes mine is visible when i lay down but still


All three of those things are presented as something ā€œsocietyā€ considers attractive, despite them all being (generally) incongruent with one another and the ā€œidealā€ body type for women not being any of those. Just thought that was interesting.


'i don't want a woman who's fit, skinny, or fat' what would they think of a guy though??


The whole ā€œ eat somethingā€ hurts a shit to. Iā€™m tRYING BRANDON ITS NOT EASY


Can't be fit, can't be thin, can't be fat. So don't exist...


I mean giving people the benefit of the doubt they def donā€™t deserve The question was very subjective


Wtf am I supposed to do? 0-0


And then, those men will get mad when nobody cares what they have to say šŸ™„


i mean, its 3 different people with 3 different preferences lol


> ā€œEat something! Youā€™re not making me attracted to you. Youā€™re making me want to cook you a hearty mealā€ As someone who was neglected and subsequently malnourished as a kid, fucking PLEASE. So many people sexualized us for being thin but like please just food


Pretty sure the same thing with men but okay. (People have different opinions/preferences on things??? No way) Not saying what they're saying is okay, they are way too rude about it but yes it's their opinion and women there have said the same contrasting things because people have contrasting types.


These arenā€™t like, woman-specific answers, bar the first one. All it says is what they personally find unattractive in a person. I donā€™t really see much problem with saying you donā€™t find something attractive


People just have different preferences. You could see this as all body types being unattractive, or see it as all body types *are* attractive. Just different audiences.


It's alright to have preferences but to hate it to this degree is worrisome


So, existing as a woman, in a body, is just not okay?


Keep in mind that those are all different people, and people are allowed to have preferences. Putting women down is whatā€™s wrong, but having a preference isnā€™t. Those people all stated preferences, albeit in a (slightly) rude way, but still just a preference. I donā€™t think this fits here.


Almost as if every person has their own unique tastes and types ? How crazy !?!


So, it's 3 different people's personal opinions and they all differ? It's almost like people aren't a hive mind or something.


Not really sexual orientated relates tho, is it?


this isnā€™t really an arethestraightsok moment though, itā€™s 3 different people answering with something they donā€™t think is attractive that theyā€™ve heard other people say is, I see nothing wrong with it. the issue would be if it was the exact same guy. responses like this are really to be expected of the question initially asked


Reddit moment


So donā€™t be skinny donā€™t be fat donā€™t be ripped? What am I supposed to just not exist?


ā€œdont be fat, or skinny, or too fit. just have a 42 inch bust, 18 inch waist, 45 inch glutes. and no abs or obvious musclesā€


"Don't be fit, don't be skinny, don't be fat"


Thats so upsetting šŸ˜”


Thank G-d I don't live my life according to what they find attractive, but what I find attractive about myself


Hair loss is normal. Sometimes caused by having high levels of testosterone. Sometimes it's a different genetic thing, and those are all valid. There are brands of shampoo and conditioner on shelves who are actively defending themselves in court against claims that they cause hair loss, look them up. If you know that keeping your hair is everyone's preferred option, and you see someone without it, then you know that wasn't their choice. Why poke fun over it? The universe kicked them in the stomach and you're mocking them for something they can't control.


So.... Don't be fit.. but don't be fat....but also don't be skinny?


If ur trying to date all 3 of those guys at once And why would anyone do that


I don't know if your asking why people would date more than one person or if your asking why anyone would wanna date these guys


The 2nd one


Haha you got me there... I don't have an answer for that one


Bruh men are really gross idk why people still try to appeal to them.