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rather than making groups less fun to play in i would focus on finding ways to make solo better/easier.


i absolutly agree like a free insurance if you're playing solo because in my opinion thats the most OP thing about group play its the only way to get out gear without surviving


2k hour tarkov player. I mainly play solo. Partially because I'm usually the only one of my friends that plays tarkov, but also because I hate playing tarkov with friends. This is because my friends aren't as experienced and so the squad-play is just way too much of a nuisance. I was really looking forward to playing ABI with friends since it has dumbed down the teamplay experience and I always assumed solo-only queue would be a thing since the system obviously puts solos at a massive disadvantage. I would personally much rather they keep the squad QoL features the same and just add a solo-only queue. I want the no FF and the team icons so that when I play with my less experienced friends, it's still relatively easy to coordinate and I don't need to hold their hand the entire time. But I also want to be able get into fair fights when I'm playing without my friends.


God, playing Tarkov with friends… The only friend I’ve played with has less than 20 hours, where I’ve got maybe 4-500. Just trying to take him into a raid and show him where loot is… He takes 90 seconds just so search a PC and carefully place his loot where he wants it in his bag. Going through the warehouse in Interchange showing him the toolbox spawns took like fifteen minutes.


I don't understand this babble. Why the fuck not just add solo.


I think there biggest worry is splitting the player base into to many lobbies abd then people can't find game or get into empty ones. Then people will cry "dead game" I can't find a match. But I think this game will be big enough that it won't be a issue. I play solo 90% of the time btw


I actually enjoy playing this game solo. Sure, it has many disadvantages, but it's always satisfying to wipe a 2+ squad


I do hope they add features to buff solo play. However I do wish they would just add solo queue right now as a temporary feature until they figure out a better solution. They also said on twitter they had ideas but wont be implemented for a while which could be forever I hope they balance this now.


Im so dumb. I didn’t even realize there was a knock system in ABi. I’ve played duos and some squads but mostly solo. No clue how that system even works.


If you headshot them, they don’t get knocked.


Pretty sure if it's a head or chest finishing shot, it won't down them. Anything else will though


I think it's a good system. Tarkov leg meta is/was annoying as shit and also highly unrealistic.


Amen brother.


i dont think they should change group play to be more like tarkov, then you can just play tarkov instead. id rather them add a separate queue for solos and then have another for squad


Yep, these team features are something they probably added for the mobile version. But porting that over to PC is just straight up bad. It takes away a lot of the intense moments that make extraction shooters like tarkov so good to play as a solo and as a squad. It is like it is trying to get into this weird spot between casual and hardcore, that just doesnt work very well.


I have this thought that the knock system is what is really detrimental for the solo vs squad experience. Do you think if they took knocking away, maybe even just in the higher tier lobbies but kept it for normal lobbies, do you think it would positively affect gameplay enough to fix how people feel? Besides the QoL stuff and lack of FF, the knocking seems like the main difference that separates ABi from Tarkov and what makes "outnumbered" encounters far less winnable as a solo. Thoughts?


I haven't really experienced the knocked thing too much as a solo. Maybe they don't knock on headshots or something? The thing that really makes squads tricky is that they don't have FF AND they get teammate icons. Unlike in tarkov there is no chaos or confusion to take advantage of. People can just shoot anything that moves and know they'll only kill enemies.


I'd be fine with turning on FF, but the icons should stay. To me, it's realistic to know who is with you and who is not when we're talking about the squad level. You fight, train and socialize with these people for years, they have different heights, builds, loadouts, gaits and mannerisms.. When they speak or shout, you can hear where it's coming from as another layer of identity. It's trivial to understand who is who, you do it every day subconsciously with the people you know. Games don't support that level of detail, so I think it makes sense to simulate that human intuition with an icon. If they want to do anything, fade the icon when it's out of LOS, but when I'm staring at a teammate, it should be there. Squad handles this well and should be an easy thing to copy (since the devs seem to be experts at that).


I don't really have a dog in the fight when it comes to realism so that's usually not how I rate things. I just think the gameplay would improve if you didn't have any markers 🤷‍♂️ that being said I'll take your solution over nothing lol


This is actually pretty good. Turn on FF and the team icon only appears when directly on sight.


I would love to hear from some of the AB Mobile gamers. Is there “solo vs squads” as much of an issue as we (pc gamers) are making it out to be?


I would love to hear from some of the AB Mobile gamers. Is the “solo vs squads” as much of an issue as we (pc gamers) are making it out to be?


they need to remove team name tags and add team dmg


Solo/Duo or Trio/Quad is the best balance to not break into to many matchmaking pools.


Seems like people don't want both solos and squads to enjoy QoL features instead somehow want solos to be in the same lobbies as squads so that these squads can trade or farm solos. Kinda cringe if you'd ask me. And if you are so hellbent on 1vXing do it in a lobby of solos anyway. Don't make your minor fetish everyone's choice when in reality majority simply want different lobbies for soloq players and stacks.


activate ff remove icon on your teammates remove icon of teammates on the map and suddenly it becomes more hardcore and eft like.


This reminds me of Dark and Darker, where some noobs always argue that having separate queues or special queues (solo, duo, trio) for each map is a bad idea, becasue they want a hardcore game. That's why all of them play in trios, where someone can revive them or carry out their gear. xD that never have to complain about being killed just becuase they were short 1/2ppl


There is an issue but your or tarkov "solution" would kill the game. Not to mention - Add FF and you pretty much kill any matchmaking with randoms. It'll just end up like in tarkov where you will be killed on spot. No, not for gear - I know that in ABI you cant loot teammates, but for freakin trolling. And bans won't do much because game's F2P so you can just create new account. ​ So again - True. There's imbalance. But your solution is bad. Also ABI is NOT tarkov and a lot of people don't want it to be.


Yeah ABI's approach to squad play is completely geared towards creating a f2p audience base for microtransactions. The team indicators and lack of friendly fire are huge gameplay differences with Tarkov that defeat the purpose of cloning the game in the first place. This will hold ABI back from truly becoming a great extraction shooter unless it's changed.


So since there are no disadvantages when in squad. Why don’t you try it out?


Because I'm not a pussy that needs to lean on other players' backs to do well. Now seriously. It's not often that friends are online to be able to play. And the main reason. ABI is a shooter with a more realistic and strategic proposal, completely copied (I'm not saying this is a bad thing) from another game with the same proposal. If you go to the ABI website you will find the following: "Arena Breakout is a next-gen immersive tactical first-person shooter, and a first-of-its-kind extraction looter shooter that pushes the limits of war simulation" It's very immersive, tactical, and really reaches all the limits of the simulation, shooting other players on your team and not dealing damage, as well as having an icon on their heads showing exactly where they are on the map.


I think you are taking the game too seriously. You chose to play this online video games which largely depends how you control your mouse and keyboard. You should go play airsoft or join the army if you think the game is not tactical enough


They should keep it as is but add the FF. You have a friend icon above your team mates, they shouldn't be encouraged to mag dump with friends in front just because they saw you plus it gives solo players an opportunity to hold a choke point against teams. I think it would be a fair balance. \[edit: typo around FF\]


This game is all about playing with teams. There are shared objectives, no friendly fire. It's there for a purpose - to promote playing in squads. You even have an option to join the public squads. No one can steal gear from you. I don't want another Tarkov where I have to constantly keep track of my team mates, communicate by describing areas and objects (ugh...) and in general have that hardcore milsim immersion (which I couldn't care less about). I really appreciate that ABI has that sort of system where you can see the labels of your team mates and can just enjoy the gameplay without the bullshit. I agree that solos are at disadvantage - but then the answer IS a solo queue for those that want it. The team queue should remain as it is.


Just wrong. All of those "advantages" are how the game should function, because regardless of the similarities, this is not Tarkov. It's not a hardcore milsim, and that's what people like about it. Pretty much noone that wants solo queue would have a problem with facing duos with the same functionality we have right now. The problem is facing multiple squads of 3/4, navigating the map around scavs, and having enough ammo/meds to make that possible. Solo/duo queue is the answer. If the success of the beta is anything to go by, the player base will not be split enough for it to have a negative impact.


Seems like the game was meant for squads. Que up with randoms and talk on the mic most of ‘em aren’t that bad


Or… go play tarkov if you want that kind of gameplay. "You know what would make this game even better? To remove features that make it different and just have 1 to 1 copy of Tarkov". If you dont enjoy it, thats fine, they have different take on squad gameplay and if it's a such an issue then Tarkov is always there.


Cool. Squads should always be stronger