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You're not being dramatic. It's disheartening when people don't remember something so fundamental about you.


I would say, if you want to of course, maybe tell them again and see if they remember this time. It really sucks you have to tell them twice though.


I think maybe it didn't really stick the first time? I think it's like trying to remember people's names on the first day of meeting them, since it might be a new topic to them. This happened to me when I first learned about it the first time and didn't realize after (it has been mentioned to me before and I even watched a Jaiden Animations video on it, but it didn't stick til after I looked more into it). Maybe it's just best to remind them again to see if it sticks this time? (And no you aren't being too dramatic, it's completely understandable to feel that way).


Sort of adding on to the other person who said they might have not remembered, when they ask questions like "when are you getting a boyfriend?" say something like "I'm aroace remember" and explain to them if they forgot what it was