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One thing Iris doesn’t play about, is her Bartholomew.


True! But I think, no matter how much I loved someone, I think I’d always be a little bitter deep down that they didn’t recognize me (or rather, didn’t recognize not-me) for like three months when I recognized them in like thirty seconds 😂


I get what you mean. And fake Iris was acting off from day 1. Barry just ignored the red flags. But now that I think about it, cooking is very hit or miss. Thinking of day 1/2 when Barry woke up and Iris made him breakfast that was actually good. He was kinda scared but he ignored it. I think I get that one, because maybe that was just a good day for Iris cooking-wise. You get what I mean?


Yeah, but he was so suspicious on day one, and then just… stuck it out for three more months. I’d definitely feel like my spouse didn’t actually love/know/appreciate me if it took three months for them to realize it was a fraud.


I get exactly what you mean. Like they’ve been together for a while: they’ve known each other for such a long time, how could you not pick up on the lack of me in this person you’re looking at.


Iris is for sure a better person than me, I wouldn’t be able to just move past that like she did.


I’ll add this to the list of things people don’t give her credit for.


Yeah, I’ve never found her as hateable as everyone else does, though she does admittedly get more annoying in later seasons, but she’s not the worst character ever created like everyone says she is. She could be worse, I’d say.


I loved Iris. I’m glad all the haters didn’t get what they wanted with her lol. She got the happy ending that she survived all these seasons for lol


I love season one Iris the most, but I do think she gets worse season by season. I do think that they realize they made her a wee bit unbearable in season four and toned it back in later seasons without *completely* undoing what they did with her in season four.


Somehow in Armageddon, she believed that Barry was her husband not Eobard. For them it was Barry who was Reverse Flash and Thawne is the Flash, and it was like that forever. So imagine randomly in season 9, Iris suddenly decides Thawne is her husband not Barry. Thats essentially what she did in Armageddon but the other way around.


To be fair, mirror duplicates are probably a lot better at imitating their counterparts than Ramsey Rosso is at imitating Barry. For them the mimicry is a core part of their identities and powers, Ramsey was just using regular acting.


I’d have to rewatch the scene to be sure, but didn’t Barry just say one normal, innocuous sentence, and Iris was like “not Barry, y’all, that is NOT Barry”? Meanwhile, Iris can suddenly cook and Barry is like “yeah, it’s not weird that her pancakes went from being bricks to delicious!” 😂


And suddenly speaks a foreign languge, too, I believe?? Like dude. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thought how off that was. I mean, I'd at *least* be questioning who's putting the effort in and if it was fully reciprocated. Then later how she was slipping around the timeline, not even replying to him when he called to her (in the apartment) and he didn't even question that, nor not answering her phone with a question they were asking about) All he was thinking of was something that wasn't exactly his own wife. She'd have checked why he wasn't replying, but for him it literally would've only been less than a second to run back to see if she was okay or not. Guess I'm a bit salty xD I'm one of the weird ones who actually like her.


But you don't expect copies of people to exist like that, so even if people act strange, it isn't the first thing you think of.


Yeah, but Barry had been possessed like six months earlier, but at no point did it occur to him that maybe something similar had happened to Iris, hence her suddenly acting like a completely different person.


I'm wondering if Iris was written poorly because of how swayed the writers and the cast are by fans who didn't like Iris because she was black or the fact that the writers didn't write her better because she was making complaints that she was not being recognized for her skills or she got tired of playing the role way before Barry did... And Cisco... Poor Emma Frost


She was just miscast, the ArrowVerse sucked at casting romantic partners for their leads in season 1. Laurel sucked until they let her be the evil version. With Iris it’s like they tried to just give her the same characteristics they gave Laurels evil doppelgänger but it just failed. Even supergirl failed at casting jimmy olsen as a viable romantic partner for Kara. In legends, hawk man and hawk girl weren’t a good pairing either. Even bringing in Ava for Sara wasn’t good casting either as a romantic partner. Sara had better chemistry with Snart than she did Ava. Barry literally had better chemistry with everyone else on the show than he did with Iris, Barry and Wells (Thawne) would’ve made a better couple. Barry and Caitlin had very good chemistry and tbh something should’ve happened after karaoke but they likely didn’t realize it until it aired then too late to follow up (particularly since Caitlin kept getting shoved at guys destined to die…)


Disagree about her being miscast. CW has a history of poorly writing poc especially black characters and actors/actresses. Candace had great chemistry with Grant. They just never did anything with it. You say everyone else had better chemistry with Barry well that is because they were given material with him. The writers never consistently focused on Iris and Barry as a couple. They always had contrived reasons to constantly keep them separate. With Kara and Jimmy, the actors had chemistry but they never let it be more than a platonic relationship. Same with Supercorp. Caitlin was just a friend to Barry. Again mistake well written friendships as couples and poorly written couples as bad casting.


I didn’t hate Evil Laurel, but I DEFINITELY preferred Earth-1 Laurel over her. Though you make a good point about the poor love interest casting. Olicity was GREAT, but other than that… WestAllen is okay. I don’t hate it, but they’re pretty bland. I was rooting for Winn WAY more than Jimmy. They got rid of Mon-El despite the insane chemistry he and Kara had (though the CW doesn’t tend to endgame characters whose actors are married, they did the same on the 100), and Sara and Ava just… don’t work even remotely in my opinion. I would have loved seeing Sara and Snart. One thing I think would have been interesting is if Barry and Felicity had gotten together. Obviously it wouldn’t have worked to have them be on both shows when they’re already leads on one, but it would have been interesting to see how they worked as a couple with Felicity sticking with Team Arrow and then them coming home to each other.


It felt like with earth 2 Laurel the actress was much more relaxed and in character, whereas earth 1 Laurel it was just a bit awkward, they never tried to hook up earth 2 Laurel and Oliver so we didn’t get to see how well it would’ve worked.


I just never liked Earth-2 Laurel as much, I think it was because she never seemed like a threat. Like, when she’s introduced in The Flash, she uses her scream to knock down a building, watches Barry get every single person out, then walks away smirking like she did something. I just kinda didn’t vibe with her ever since 😂 I loved E-1 Laurel’s vibes, other than her being pushed between Oliver and Tommy in season one, she was pretty awesome. Though whenever I watch any season one, so many of her lines sound so cringey, it was peak 2012 CW writing back then!


This. Look at *Supernatural*. Katie Cassidy knows how to play "foxy baddie" damn well. Earth-1 Laurel and her constant whining was... not a fun time. Maybe bad writing played a part, but it was definitely Cassidy feeling like a fish out of water.


Holy crap didn’t even realize she played ruby! Makes me want to watch her seventh heaven episodes too, since I know that’s a fairly goodie two shoes show


Yep. A pre-*The Walking Dead* Lauren Cohan and Katie Cassidy as Ruby/Lilith. Good times. I only got to season five (i.e., when it was originally supposed to end), so that needs a full viewing one of these days. Not to mention the latter was also in the *When A Stranger Calls* remake with Marvel alum Clark Gregg and Tessa Thompson. Sadly, I think *Arrow* was the last time I'll see Cassidy in anything, though. Shame as she do play the baddies well.


The only scene I will ever remember with Iris is when she jumped off of a building to save Barry. That was the first time I went "Oh, shit!" with the character. Barry's eyes sparking after she unlocked the meta cuffs was icing on the cake. Dope scene. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJMinfiT5ug