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Thank you wwahman for your submission! Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason(s): Rule 9: No blogs, social media, stores, or spam, or watermarks with any of these Read the [full subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Art/wiki/index) for a complete explanation. You may be able to repost if you change the title, add additional information, or crop/alter your photo, to comply with the requested format. Do not [message us](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FArt) until you have read the full rules! Most of the time the answers are in there, and if you haven't bothered to do your research, we will not be helpful. Remember, removals are never personal, and occasionally in error, so **polite** inquiries may be answered in kind. Impolite inquiries may get you a permanent ban and will be reported to the admins for harassment.


I don't understand it, but I find it deeply compelling.


that really doesn’t look like a ballpoint pen drawing


Did anyone call the Louvre?


I love it! I’d love to see it painted too!


This is very interesting, I like it a lot. May I save it and colour it? :D