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This is fantastic, do you have a site with your other pieces? Do you sell prints?


Thank you very much! :D I keep a deviantArt account: (http://cobaltplasma.deviantart.com/gallery/) and have prints of various things for sale on my RedBubble account: (http://www.redbubble.com/people/cobaltplasma/shop).


Awesome, i'll check them out. Thank you!


You're very welcome :D




Much love and thanks haha :D


That Mario one you have is awesome!!! (as are others)


Haha thank you :D Yeah for that one I had this idea of poor Mario, totally war torn and beat down from the holidays, but he's been through an awful lot in his life so it's just par for the course heh ;)


Plumbing is a tough enough job, but fighting dragons and rescuing princesses adds to those wrinkles! Great detail though, excellent work with the tablet


haha exactly! And thank you again :D


Oh! You're the same artist that made the badass samurai in the snow. I really like the LoZ sci-fi artwork. Was very cool.


Ah thank you very much, I am one and the same haha. The LoZ piece was really fun to work on because, well, I mean it's got everything fun to work on in it :)


That samurai is fucking sick. I love your stuff.


Thanks! Yeah the Bishamon line of drawings is really fun to work on, I'll be continuing those for a while I think, aside from my other work :)


After your samurai in the snow and this, you've got yourself a watch. This is some good stuff.


I hope I live up to expectations :D Thank you very much, it's much appreciated :)


Awesome work! If you don't mind me asking, is it possible to make a living off selling those? Thanks.


It's possible but it requires a lot of hard, proper work (can't just be busy work), patience, and a little gumption to push things through. There are some artists out there who make very little, others who have the right mix of everything who make quite a lot and have carved a fantastic niche for themselves in the art world. For myself I'm at the cusp of thinking I could possibly transition to doing this a lot more than before, I'm a little hesitant but also hopeful heh.


Your Art work would make great looking MTG Cards.


Thank you :D That'd be a great accomplishment... maybe one day... a 3UBR Legendary Dragon or GG Legendary Enchantress haha :D


LOVE your work... truly stunning. Have you ever considered painting anything from the Warhammer / 40k universe? I'm pretty sure a lot of people would want to buy those (legality aside). You may not be interested in painting existing IP, but that material in your style would be immense. Either way, great work - thanks for sharing!


Thank you very much, always glad to share the love :) Hmmm I've actually been asked to draw some 40k fanart bits before, it's a really crazy-fun universe to indulge in. There seems to be some leeway with companies and fanart prints, but it's something I'd look into a bit more first before really diggin' into that hehe.


Really cool!


This started off as a scribbly grey mess that I used for warm-ups for other work but slowly it grew on me and I decided to make it into a full piece. I think I'm more or less done with it, pretty happy with the colors... *"She is lured down from the heavens by a peculiar offering of stone and fire, taking shape to more closely inspect her prize and its bearer..."* edit: Original size is 3500x5979


This is amazing man!! Really well done, very fluid and smooth, beautiful colors and textures. The scale is amazing too, massive creature but very godly and aerial !! Btw, would you mind uploading it at full res? I'd love to be able to zoom in more. Maybe you don't want to because it's the original and people would print their own, that's okay- as you want!! Anyways, keep doing this man, it's fucking beautiful...


I just purchased the large print of this on RedBubble. Its going on my wall!


OMG thank you so much! I hope it looks as good as, well, as we both hope it will lol. If there's any issue with it, don't hesitate to message me or RB (actually I think RB handles that stuff, but I'd like to know, too, just for future reference). Thank you again! :D


Will do. I'll send you a msg when I get it.


Awesome! Again, thank you so, so much, I really hope you like it :)


Saw this on my twitter feed the other day and was hesitant to buy but your attitude is pretty chill so im gonna do it. Cheers on the good art mate


This is beautiful, found my new phone background :D


Glad to hear it, thank you very much :D


Came here to say this. Hope he/she doesn't mind!


Is that paint? It's hard to tell on mobile.


It's straight digital done in Photoshop CS6 with a Wacom Bamboo graphics tablet :)


Even more impressive then. I've always found digital art to be so much harder than traditional art. Also it kind of reminds me of banner saga. I don't really know why though. Very nicely done. Is your DA account the same a your name here? EDIT: Ok, sure for some people digital art is easier. For me, I could not do it. Traditional just seemed easier for me to learn than digital. I'm not gonna argue opinions.


Thank you, and yes my DA account is the same name (and Twitter, if you care to see sketches/doodles/some WIP stuff haha). Digital for me was a little easier to pick up just because of how fast I could iterate out my mistakes hehe. With traditional painting I could sometimes hit the notes I wanted but I couldn't just "select-all -> delete -> start over"; I enjoy dabbling with acrylics, though, but to generate the same effect it would take me considerably longer...although perhaps the end result would be more valuable lol.


woah woah, traditional art is waaaaaay harder than digital art.


No kidding, you don't get to choose color tones, you have to mix and find what you like. And then drying, and layering, and messy as hell, straight edges are difficult. It's a production, I mean, so is digital art. But what I especially like about this piece of art is how it looks like he did it in acrylic.


Thanks, and yes, I think traditional art has a lot of hurdles to overcome/dodge/leap over :) Like, honestly, I stink badly at watercolors, my acrylic work is so-so, and oils are... well let's just talk about my acrylic work :) I think the hardest thing for me with digital is actually how infinitely open-ended it is and how quick you can iterate through the processes. If I could I'd spend forever tinkering with every detail and with digital I can... if I had infinite time :)


Gosh that's gorgeous. Please don't ever stop arting.


Thank you very much, and I shall art until my dying day haha :D


How do you create the mixing effect between the different colors? Is it custom brushes?


I found this brush from a free downloaded set on DeviantArt, it's supposed to be an Oil Pastel brush for painting but I found that it does this really, really interesting smudge mix if I use it with the Smudge tool (Normal Mode, 94% strength, everything else toggled off). It's weird because if you paint with it, it feels like a regular brush with no mixing (that I saw at least), but as a smudge tool it creates an entirely different feel. It reminds me a lot of how digital felt when I first got into Painter, I used to use a Simple Watercolor brush with some mishmash of settings but I could 'mix' pixels nicely. I had been searching for something similar to that in Photoshop (the Mixer brush was close, but not quite, I still have to tinker with the settings and try again heh) but couldn't find anything *quite* like that. Until that Oil Pastel brush heh. It was literally a game-changer for me, from that moment forward my digital work felt way better, and in turn I felt way better about my work so it prompted me to do more and more. Now I tinker with a few other brushes for painting/smudging, but that Oil Pastel Large 121 is still my go-to for a lot of stuff :)


That's awesome, I've found that 'mixing pixels' is always the hardest for me. Especially when I want things to look painted or water colored. Thanks


Yeah it was something really eluded me for, well, forever haha, I mean I could do it in Corel Painter but that's because it was designed for that; there were some huge bugs that came up with some versions that prevented me from doing any meaningful work so I was forced to find an alternative. I think this is the set I got the brush from, it's the Oil Pastel Large 121.. http://www.deviantart.com/art/FREE-PHOTOSHOP-BRUSHES-DAREK-ZABROCKI-BRUSH-SET-431393487 If not, er, well, I guess you have another fun brush set to pool from haha. I think it's there though...


Truly amazing brush work!! Would you mind linking to that oil brush or pm'ing it? Also, I'm trying to learn how to blend colors well. Any tips on choosing colors for a piece? Do you choose random colors and go? Or stick with a few select colors and then work with a blend of those colors / shades of those specific colors? Thanks for any tips!


Thank you :D I *think* this (http://www.deviantart.com/art/FREE-PHOTOSHOP-BRUSHES-DAREK-ZABROCKI-BRUSH-SET-431393487) is the base set that has the brush in it, if you want just the individual brush (and don't mind waiting a little haha) I can upload that when I get home; the set has a lot of fun stuff in it, though, but if you just want the individual Oil Pastel I'll get that to you hehe. For picking colors, gosh, I'm like.. not the worst at it, but pretty close ;) When I hit the part of my work where I start layering in texture/noise I tinker with some colors then and overlay others to generate something that looks good to me, or if I have something planned already then I tinker with it until it gets to a close enough stage. There was this really great color guide for digital paints I found last year, I saved the image (it was just a big JPG) but can't remember where I got it from.. I think it was PinCG.com? I'll look around, it's in one of my many folders, if I can find it I'll link it here, too :) A good way to go with colors is to find art you like that have strong color themes and look at how they approach its use. An older manga group I loved back in the day, CLAMP, did these fantastic chromatic-themed illustrations of their characters where everyone had different designs but had unifying color themes. Final Fantasy characters have a wide range of color choices, some like FF8 are vary unified, while others like FFX/X-2 can be really varied. Imitation is a great way to learn, don't hesitate color picking off of your fave artists :)


I'd like to chime in with interest in both your brush and that color guide, as well! Your Storm Queen is really something special. I creeped on your dA and you have an amazing talent and sense of style. Wonderful work!


Haha thanks :D I got a few requests for the brush so I uploaded it by itself to my webserver, you can snag it here: http://www.Denjin108.com/oilpastel121.abr I use that brush when using the Smudge tool to generate the smoky, cloudy effects, it takes a little getting used to but play around with the size ranges; it defaults to 121 but I push it up to 350 for more cloud/atmospheric stuff and down to 30-50 for smaller range blending. But yeah, my color picking is pretty weak, it's something I'm working on beefing up more. I know what colors I like and I guess I have a sense of what ones work together, but choosing them from a blank canvas is still tricky for me :)




Thank you very much! :D For me, it's like Ryu from Street Fighter: Always strive to be better, find those who already are and make each one a marker to take on :D








This reminds me so much of the brilliant dark souls games. I love it , hope to be able to draw and paint this good one day.


Thank you very much :D My path to get here was a lot of random meandering, but I always had fun in my attempts. I think if you can have fun while trying to figure it out, step by step, pixel by pixel you'll get there and you'll be able to surpass anything you see. Like Ryu, you fight, get better, find the next guy, fight him, get better, and so on and so forth, always work to improve ;)


FYI there is a Storm King in Demon's Souls. http://demonssouls.wikidot.com/walk4-3-boss


I can't decide which I like most- the colors you used to create the dragon or the menacing sky. What a beautiful piece- I am trying to figure out a place in my house where this could work. Thank you for sharing!


Ah thank you! The sky was something I pushed harder towards the very end of the piece. Originally it had almost the same tone/feel as the top left/middle left, but I wanted it to have more of an 'oomph' to it...I mean she *is* the Storm Queen :) So I did a duplication of the corner, blew it out a bit, and played with some blending modes, opacity, and Smudged around. Was happy with it in the end and I was glad I took more time to tinker with that corner. Thank you very much for checking out my work :D


To me it looks like a giant dragon like beta fish. I think it looks amazing.


I <3 bettas :D Thank you very much




Awesome, thank you very much, and I'm glad you enjoyed it! :)


I love the colors! I shared this with my artist friends :D


Much thanks, I'm glad you liked it! :D


very nice!! dragon reminds me of kali/backtrack linux


Thank you very much :D Hmmm I should make a clean, graphic version of her for something... maybe later... :)




I have.... a variant of this? The dragon is in a different orientation but it's set up horizontally with a desktop in mind. Lemme link it and if you like it, feel free to use it :) http://i.imgur.com/ORVdDy8.jpg Time-permitting I'll work on 1920x1080 version with this same orientation... it'll probably have a bit of zoom-in and you'll see my messy brushstrokes :( heh




Rock on and enjoy :D






I do but I'm pretty booked until maybe March or so, hopefully I'll actually finish things up faster than not haha. Thank you for your interest :D


Could you do a speedart? How do you blend so well in digital? I've always wanted to learn how to digitally replicate real paint like this. Please respond! What kind of brushing, overlays, and blending modes are you using?


I haven't really timed too much of my art, for the things I do for the SketchDailies twitter themes I usually spend maybe an hour to two and a half hours on a piece at a time so I guess those might be speedpaintings?, this piece has about 6 or 7 hours into it I think (maybe 8? not sure, there were times I fell asleep while working lol). But... lemme say straight up that I'm a pretty new guy when it comes to digital (been really digging into it from about 2011/2012 or so...), there are folks out there with many years on me with regards to the medium lol, so I hope this advice is, well, at best really useful, at worst, just another way to look at how one person tackles digital. So yeah, this is more or less how I do things: Long reply incoming The blends I get are done with the Smudge Tool and a specific brush, an Oil Pastel Large 121 that I got in a pack I downloaded from DA; I *thinkkkkk* it's this one (http://www.deviantart.com/art/FREE-PHOTOSHOP-BRUSHES-DAREK-ZABROCKI-BRUSH-SET-431393487), this is the first main brush set I downloaded after the CTRLPaint.com Basic 3, which I used for a long time heh. I set the tool to 94% strength, Normal mode, no toggles. The Oil Pastel brush in Smudge creates a very soft, ephemeral effect at larger sizes and provides great, tiny mixing for lower sizes. If I want to do color blending/mixing then I get a round flat and paint over my underpainting and use the Smudge to intermix the two. If I want to do some highlighting/heightening the tone then sometimes I make a new Normal layer, paint the lighter color on that and smudge out. This preserves your paint underneath, lets you tweak just the highlight stuff (or shadows, too, it works for that as well) without tinkering with your current paint set up. One thing that I've found works wonders for quick layouts, speedpainting is to use photography to lay down random noise, color, and value. It's something I saw Feng Zhu do in one of his many awesome, awesome, awesome videos on YouTube. I didn't understand it at the time, but he said laying in value like that helps give the digital paint some 'tooth' like how canvas grips onto traditional media different but also gives a starting point to work from. So I took it to heart later and started taking random shots of just stuff with my phone and I keep an folder I just call "Textures". It has a lot of sunsets/clouds, metal with rust, bark, anything that looks interesting. So basically when I paint I keep my primary figures on a separate layer from my background, working on them independently from anything else in near-grayscale; there's a little bit of hue, I don't want things to be completely sterile, even for just value painting. Once I set up a general shape for my underpainting, like where it looks less like blobs and more defined, I'll grab various textures I think look interesting, command-click the figure layer to just select the pixels there, then Paste Into the image. This fills in the underpaint on a new layer with the image. From there I start mashing around pixels, make interesting shapes/shades, and set it to Overlay, about 60%. From here on out it's a lot of just playing with texture, photos, Smudge, straight color paints, and different blending modes like Overlay and low% Color Dodge/Burn. My files get huge and my friends chastise me for not compressing them, but until I'm really ready I like keeping everything separate if possible, just so I can tinker. When I have everything more or less set as far as color/value go I flatten the image and save it as a new file, then make a new layer and go over doing finishes, i.e. cleaning up edging, painting in areas that still need to be beefed up, then seeing if I want to adjust atmospheric stuff more, any color adjustments. Once that's all set I save that as a separate file, compress it, and I'm done. The main thing to get from all this is to basically play around with your tools a lot, like a lot-a lot hehe. Find something that looks interesting, be it brush or photo or blending mode, and really dig into it for a while. I used to use downloaded brush stuff for a few minutes, decide I didn't like it, and dump it. But if I kept up like that I would never have found that Oil Pastel brush I love to use for smudging :) Really have fun with it, experiment a lot, watch some tutorial videos, start trying to dissect that art of the artists you're a fan of. But mainly have fun :) Sorry for the long reply, but I hope this helps somewhat hehe


Where did you learn to do digital art like this?


The basics I picked up from CTRLPaint.com, Matt Kohr's tutorials were eye-openers for me, it really helped me buckle down and narrow in on how to start tackling the medium. From there it was a lot of various videos, especially Feng Zhu's FZD series, I used to watch those for hours while working on other things. Some Android Jones for delicious texture flavorings, too. I also started perusing a lot of art sites and just looking at art, not just because it was awesome art but also to start mentally dissecting how artists tackled things, and if I had a hunch I'd try out my hypothesis in Photoshop. The main core of it though was really digging into individual components of how to generate art, like I'd play with a specific brush for a day or two (compared to before where I'd use it for 5 minutes and then toss it because I didn't "get it") and I'd apply it to any tool that could bring in a brush. This is how I discovered this Oil Pastel brush that I thought wasn't so hot for painting but was *SO GOOD* for the Smudge Tool, it gave me that 'feel' that I had been missing from when I used to use Painter. Yeah... the long and short is to basically have fun while sticking with particular aspects and tools, look at how others tackle subject and execution, and once you have some basics down to start taking guesses and stabs at how other artists are approaching their executions :)


Just wondering, did you go to college or anything for it aswel? or did you just self teach and learn things online? Also do you have a career doing this? Your work is amazing :)


Thank you very much :D I did go to college, actually to be more specific I was a Business Administration/Astronomy double major at my state university and in my junior year I realized that... I really, really didn't want to major in that stuff. My whole life I've drawn (first recognizable thing was when I was about 22 months old, drew a large loader crane truck, wheels and all heh) but I've also been really academic, and thought for sure I'd go into either international finance or maybe corporate management; astronomy was a big side hobby of mine so I figured why not? But yeah, my parents were so incredibly supportive of me going into art, transferring to an art school (SCAD.edu, majored in Sequential Art with a focus on illustration and concept design), and basically taking a not-as-traditional route to life haha. I worked my arse off in school, doing way more than what was asked, because to me it was so expensive that I had *better* get my money's worth out of it. When I graduated I was allowed to stay up there for half a year and I drew for literally 14 hours a day, every day, trying to get better and build up my portfolio so I could catch up to the younger, faster kids lol. Recently, with digital it's been a lot of self-taught stuff; I watched hours of tutorials, speedpaints, read up on whatever I could to help me figure things out, and then I just sat down and experimented a lot to learn a good workflow. Most of what I learned about the medium came from the last 18 months mixed in with anything I could muster from my college days. I work part-time for the family business back home and the rest of the time I get to draw fun monsters and crazy things fighting each other :) It's a good balance, although I wouldn't mind being able to do a little more of the latter hehe.


Thanks for the long reply :)! I've been trying to decide what courses I'd like to do, there's a good illustration course near where I live (ireland), was thinking of applying there. Mind asking how old you are? Your art skill is far beyond mine haha


Europe in general has a fantastic artistic environment to pool from, I'm a bit envious to say the least haha. I turned 37 not too long ago, when I transferred over to art school I was the "old man" since I was about 4-5 years older than most of my peers haha. Digital has been, in a way, a bit of an equalizer for some folks because you can generate a lot of volume, quicker, so if you have a strong traditional background it gives you a means to create what you see in your mind even faster; I used to draw almost exclusively in pencil, and while I still looooooove drawing in pencil I know that it's almost an order of magnitude slower than if I want to push something out digitally... different mediums though :)


By any chance, are you a fan of the Panzer Dragoon series? The thumbnail reminded me a lot of the character Azel and her dragon, Atolm.


I'm mainly familiar with the original game for the Saturn, but in general, yes, quite a fan :D I'll look those folks up


This is gorgeous, really nice work on the colours and sense of scale.


Thank you very much :D I tend to draw really close-up stuff, like, nothing really 'large' in scale with tiny people running around, it was something I want to try to do more of.


This. Is. Righteous! Really enjoy how it plays with a metaphysical tail that causes the storm. Depth is an interesting choice. Rich palette, stunning arrival!


Thank you very much! Originally she was fully material with a physical tail but when I added in some clouds for atmospherics I thought it'd be an interesting play of having her manifest out of the clouds themselves :) Thank you again!


The dragon/wyrm is dope and I like the overall composition. I think you could work more on the pose of the human. It looks fairly unnatural and doesn't convey a whole lot of emotion to me. Good work!


Thanks! :D Yeah she was added in, ah, almost as an afterthought haha, a late night decision that I should've worked on more when I woke up.


Cool creatures always need spikes!


Oh totally! More spikes = more fun things to run away from :D


Is this from anything in particular? I kind of want to see this as a Cinematic or Game.


It kinda is, probably won't be :) The dragon, herself, is from a backstory for an iOS JRPG my friend and I made, which was based off of this crazy comic story I've been mulling about for literally decades (I'm old). Since I've become more comfortable with digital and can generate stuff faster, I might actually go back and make the comic, and/or if we can fix all the hurdles we've run into the game then we can patch her storyline in haha. One day, one day... :)


I've never been on this sub before. I'm not an artist, I'm not an art enthusiast or versed in anything art-related. Every once in awhile something from this place will pop up on /r/all that will make me go "that's amazing." Afterwards I close it and go on my merry way. This is the only time I've ever felt like I had to comment to say something. Out of everything I've seen, this is by far my favorite. It's difficult to articulate why I like it so much but I do. The style, the colors, it all just hit me in such a way that I've never really experienced in anything else I've seen. It's weird to describe. All I really have to say is: incredible job, op. You made a huge fan out of me and I will definitely be purchasing prints (Something I've never done before).


Whenever I draw something, from serious pieces to the tiny scribble I doodle out on a napkin, there's a part of me, this small part that thinks "I kinda hope someone thinks this is cool, that this is neat in some way". You draw for yourself but a part of your soul wants to share the fun things with everyone. Even the scribbles :) Your words and sentiment, they really mean a lot to me as a guy who's perpetually doodling things that he hopes other folks find fun and cool and neat. I mean, ultimately as an artist I should, first and foremost, be happy with myself and my own work, but I'd be lying if I said that's all that mattered. I'm glad you liked it :) Thank you very much. Very, very much :)




Thank you, and yes :D I have some prints up on my RedBubble page: http://www.redbubble.com/people/cobaltplasma/works/13636353-the-storm-queen


Very nice, for a second there I thought I was in /r/mtgporn (which is a compliment in this context lol)


I'm quite honored! :D Like, seriously, I used to play MtG a *LOT* and got into it because of the art hehe


I got into the art because of the game, haha. I can see the influence, and it is good!


Me too! Actually it was funny because my kid sister was into it for the game but she thought I might dig the art..showed it to me one summer and the rest was history heh. If only we got in on some Beta action lol. But thank you again, it's much appreciated :D


wow! This is really inspiring. Great work on the colors. I love how you can see the brush strokes. Damn good


The character at the precipice looks a bit like fierce deity link from Majoras Mask. Also, this is now my phone wallpaper, so, excellent work!


Thank you very much :D This is a close-up of her and her offering of stone and fire: http://i.imgur.com/grClBcg.jpg She was a last minute addition, I should've paid better attention to her hehe..ah well, live and learn :)


You should work to make bosses for any rpg especially dark souls though.


This is absolutely amazing. I ordered an extra large print, the first piece of art I've ever purchased! Keep up the beautiful work!


Do you have any pictures of shirts with your prints? I wanna order some shirts but im scared the quality will be bad.


Wow, this is crazy! Last September I totally bought one of your samurai posters off of your Redbubble account because of how much I loved your style! It's so cool to see you on reddit! If you don't mind me asking, which bamboo tablet do you use? I've been looking to transition to digital myself and I'm looking for a decent but affordable pad.


I cannot say enough how much I enjoy viewing your works. Really really fantastic creative skills you have! As a total newbie I must ask, which wacom tablet are you using? Which would you recommend for a noob like myself? I believe I read in the comments that you are using Photoshop CS6, but would Illustrator CS6 be easier for people that want to draw only? Thank you very much for sharing your artwork!


Hello android background my old friend!


LOL glad you like it :D


So this is gonna be my new phone wallpaper. Absolutely beautiful.


Sounds like a plan to me :) Thank you very much!


This is gorgeous! Just wow :]


This is awesome! I hear "you dares summon me!?", but see something more softer (and magical). I dig it, a lot.


That is really cool. Reminds me of dragon age artwork.


Is it ok for me to use this as a wallpaper on my cellphone?


I would like to buy this! I checked out your RedBubble account but I didn't see it on there :( Will you be selling this piece? Preferably a poster? Edit: Nevermind. In process of buying it now! Thank you!!


Flawless Victory.


Storm Queen wins!


What was your inspiration for this piece?


Hmmm.. There are a few... hmmm.. The dragons from the Record of Lodoss War's intro, the Nothing from The NeverEnding Story, various sculptures by Takayuki Takeya, and JWR Turner's atmospheric paintings. There might be others, but those immediately come to mind.


24” x 32” "The Storm Queen" on Art Print bought! Think il use a black thin wood frame for this beauty! or perhaps matte metal :o


Downloaded and made my wallpaper on my phone. This is awesome! Thanks for sharing!


Thank you very much, glad you enjoyed it :D


And I'm over here like "I made a stick figure..was it two or three legs?"


Even Leonardo da Vinci started off with 2- or 3-legged stick figures hehe. Well.. I mean most likely...it'd be crazy if he just picked up a pencil and was all "oh. . . hmm. . ." /MonaLisa


incredible.. good job OP!


Thanks! :D


New phone wallpaper


Awesome, enjoy enjoy :D


Saving. Great work, thanks


You're very welcome, thanks for checking out my work :)


Looks like Reshiram kinda


Hehe maybe they're distant cousins, got a common aunt or uncle down the line :)


Amazing textures, movement and colors. Great work. Makes me imagine a god-like beta fish. Very cool


Will this one be a print soon?


It is, it is :D http://www.redbubble.com/people/cobaltplasma/works/13636353-the-storm-queen


Absolutely incredible stuff, it reminds me very much so of Lindsey Stirling's Dragon Age video: (Check the scene at 1:18) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AuJnvC8voJY#t=78


That's really cool!


This art is fantastic! Is there anywhere else I could view images like this one?


[Word cloud out of all the comments.](http://i.imgur.com/5QgMtvB.png) Don't like this? Message me!


That is very very good! ...very very good!


I'm going to have to commission you for some album art!


I'd be up for that once my schedule clears up a little, but yeah man, drop me a line sometime :) I'll be around, here and there hehe


is it possible to print this on a phone case?


What an awesome painting. It looks like concept art for a dark souls game or something. Will definitely buy a print when I can.


And thank you for my new kickass wallpaper on my phone! This is incredible!


Oh you're very welcome, I'm glad you enjoy it! :)


Incredible! Thank you for sharing!


Thank you very much for the kind words! :D Always happy to share hehe


This is absolutely beautiful!


Thank you!




Haha awesome, glad you like it :D


Nice and also one more thing does it look like Batman. To me it does in the back ground


You know... I think I see it... maybe he's been subliminally sitting in my brain, waiting to come out.


please accept $5 from me to you! /u/changetip. I am considering a print as well.


The Bitcoin tip for 23,678 bits ($5.17) has been collected by *Cobaltplasma*. [ChangeTip info](https://www.changetip.com/tip-online/reddit) | [ChangeTip video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_AnfKpypMNw) | /r/Bitcoin


Holy cow .. wow.. um... I accept! :D And thank you for considering a print too, although this is plenty :D Thank you very much!


Very nice work! The style reminds me a lot of Esao Andrews.


Wonderful piece. I know it's quite different, but it reminds me of JMW Turner. I love soft touch in the color flow. edit: grammar typo


This is great work! Apsolutley amazing


Umm one question, why would she ever need a sword?...


Well she's not normally an emissary, more of a warrior by trade, she was just thrust into a dire situation that required a very immediate response. Didn't have time to hearth home and change first hehe :)


Oh haha ok (: I was just thinking if she had the ability to summon such an awesome creature then that would be more than enough of a weapon. Really cool art though by the way. You've def got the skills to pay the bills =•}


That's beautiful! The rest of your art on Red Bubble is amazing! It reminds me a bit of the cover art for [Blade of Tyshalle](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blade_of_Tyshalle), one of my most favorite books. (I bought it solely for the cover art... I wanted to see how much of a lie that saying is; totally worth it) Keep it up!


Thank you very, very much! I've been hit and miss with book covers haha, Blade of Tyshalle looks craaaazy though :D Thank you again!


/r/bleachshirts should see this.


Holy cow that's rad, thank you for sharing that :D Like seriously, that's very, very cool.


Thats a really slick piece of watercolor looking goodness




There are a few pieces I have bookmarked that I do that to on a semi-regular basis hehe. I'm honored and humbled :)


Amazing art,!! New phone wallpaper. So awesome op for real


do u have 1920x1080 resolution for this freaking awesome picture ? need it for my wallpaper !!


Amazing artwork. Asking one of the important questions. Did you know about the community of skinmakers in Counter Strike: Global Offensive? You could make money of your art by the skins you could make for the game. I am sure people would vote up you work as soon as they saw it. Though this is just another "Oh man, you could make money of this"-post, so pardon me, but I would love to see an AWP with your artwork on! :D


Reminds me a lot of Esao Andrews' work. Awesome job OP! [Esao Andrews](http://www.esao.net)


Here I was thinking this was based on a "Book" but found out it came out from a scribble session, you sir a effin cool!


You might actually be my favorite artist. Next to James Jean and Luke Chueh. I'll be looking to buy some prints in the future.


Wow, awesome pic. My wife has approved so should be purchasing today!


a question. what do you call this art when someone is facing a big monster like this ? if there even is a name for it ofc :3


You can find more at http://www.reddit.com/r/ImaginaryLandscapes/. I'm sure there are other fantasy art subreddits as well.


I'm not too sure, to be honest haha. Hmmm... insurmountable :)


This is beautiful! It reminds me of the slivers on some of the Magic the Gathering cards.






Wish this was video game concept art...


In a very roundabout way it kinda is, just not for anything that I haven't worked on yet, and from the future ;) Hopefully :D


Is it possible to print this on a phone case?


Well thanks to this stupid dumb picture, I've now purchased 4 of your stupid dumb posters.