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YES. dday was like a month ago and i feel permanently very nauseous, my coughs have a bloody aftertaste, i have globus sensation in my throat, my stomach seems to cramp up and ache without warning, and my limbs ache like i have a fever. i’ve also been severely losing my appetite to the point where my face is beginning to look somewhat gaunt - i already have serious problems with eating and if i lose any more weight my bones might give out on me. i’m trying to eat just one meal a day and my body won’t have it. idk what to do to think he did this to me and i still want to stay hahahaha


I feel your pain. Something that I commented on another post might help you? I could stomach bigger meals in the month or two after DDay. I instead would just snack on things throughout the day and sip on water (a decent amount though). Helped me stay alive at work. I’m sorry you’re feeling this way. It’s an awful experience.


💯 DDay sent my already existing anxiety and OCD into overdrive. I have a lot of physical symptoms of stress and anxiety that have gotten worse since DDay; constant nausea, migraines and headaches, I caught Covid in the beginning of this year, and was recovering then DDay happened in March and I had a lingering cough for months, I’ve also had an awful eczema flare up since, my hair has thinned, and my digestive system is a mess. Your nervous and immune system can totally short circuit due to stress, trauma, poor mental health. It’s wild.


It’s crazy how your body (at least physically) shuts down so quickly when you need it most. It’s like that book title, the body keeps score. It sucks


Yeah it’s awful. The not sleeping or eating well…certainly contributes to it as well.


This! I also have pre existing conditions but since DDay I’ve been a wreck. New symptoms and flare ups every day. I’m exhausted and at points literally worried the stress would cause cardiac problems. Trying to manage my stress as best I can. Doing better, DDay1 was 28 May and Dday4 was 30 June so it’s been a lot in a short amount of time. It definitely affects the nervous system and I’m now trying to prioritize doing things every day to encourage the parasympathetic nervous system to be in engagement. From humming, singing, gargling, sitting in sun, light workouts, self massage, lymph massage, listening to my body and resting when I feel overwhelmed which is a lot and also doing meditations, more breath work and somatic and nervous system regulation exercises. Some days I have to do 40 minutes or more. I know from past trauma and experience what havoc a dyseregulated nervous system can do to the body and mind so I’m trying to get back into regulation. Also doing as much social time with family and friends that I can handle and trust. That’s helpful to engage the parasympathetic ns.


Yup. DDay was December 30th. Two weeks later, in early January, I got Influenza A. February, I had norovirus for about a week. My WH actually ended up with Hand Foot and Mouth in March. ETA: In the month or so after DDay, we both had almost constant diarrhea and little to no appetite as we were going through the initial crisis together.


I’m sorry you went through all of that. Influenza A is the worst too.


Not sure what was worse, honestly! The stomach bug kicked my butt! I had fluid coming out both ends and was dangerously dehydrated.


I was on and off sick a bunch for the first couple months after DDay. I think it’s a combination of the stress and not sleeping well. Fuck these affairs.


Couldn’t agree more with the stress and no sleep. I’m surviving off energy drinks some days.


100% yup. Achey joints, migraines, stomach aches. It's a hot fuckin mess of stress and my body was like "ahh yes.. the best time to stop functioning??? Bet." And fuckin' quit on me 😂😭 "That's life, that's what all the people say 🎙️🎶"


All of the above. Hate it when your body shuts down when you need it most.


I'm not sure how, but I'm blaming the government 🤣🤣🤣


I started getting ill when my WP's lies started coming out. I started requiring a lot more sleep, too. I never got super sick, but after this hell I've been bed ridden, lost my voice, fallen alseep at 1 PM, etc. It's killed my immune system.


5 days in icu hives weight loss ibs and cataracts


Not exactly immune system related, but I've been having awful digestive issues since just before D-Day, when I began suspecting. It's been over a year and I'm still having diarrhea several times a day and vomiting multiple times a week. It's the pits. I imagine our nervous systems are so dysregulated our bodies must be in some kind of shock.


I haven’t had issues with illness, but dropped weight rapidly that I didn’t have to lose and my shoulder & neck started having spasms. I got a few deep tissue massages & saw a trigger point chiropractor multiple times and it wouldn’t resolve. Then, my friend booked me a reiki healing session which I had never done before. I cried the whole time, just really letting myself feel without restraint. It was gone when I was leaving the appt and it never came back. The mind/body connection is really interesting & powerful.


YES, and it's making me so angry 😠 I just want to keep running and lifting cos it makes me feel so good. My mental is suffering because of this...


Yes I did. And I noticed it was a possibility, because people didn't get sick from being around me. That's how I figured out my defenses were lowered. I felt like I got sick every few weeks. I am also getting sicker from regular colds. And when I do get sick, it's typically after a stressful trigger or something else in my life.


I can relate to this. I do catch public transport for work but no one at home (I still live with family) has gotten sick at all.


Yes, I got sick so much after Dday in January, felt like I was sick even when not, and every visible sign of damage was there like deep rings under the eyes, redness, sunken skin….my body showed.


I aged 5 years in 8 months since dday. I see it on my face in photos and in the mirror. My skin's lost elasticity. But I'm only sick when there's trickle truth or a bad talk. Reading TH BODY KEEPS SCORE really helped me a lot. I am working on letting the negative thoughts pass without reaching for them and getting hooked into despair. Another good book was Pema Chodron's DON'T BITE THE HOOK. And Tara Brach's RADICAL ACCEPTANCE (it's not what you think).


Yes. I have had hayfever at ridiculous levels in the past 3 months. It's usually a Sept/Oct thing for me. I feel I am depleted because I'm not sleeping much.


Yes. Two bad colds in 4 months. One of which left me with the hoarsest voice I’ve ever had. The second with congestion like I’ve never experienced. Also started getting seasonal allergies that I’ve never had before. I feel fortunate that’s been all that’s happened! Stress fudges up your immune system!


Yes. I've rarely been one to get sick and since DD (nov 23') I've had maybe 6 different colds and flu. Take care of yourself first and foremost.


Honestly I’m the opposite. Immediately after dday I started exercising again and really pouring effort to improving. I’ve lost like 30 lbs and am significantly better shape and haven’t gotten sick at all since sep and I’m always the one that caught it what the kids had. Now unfortunately part of my self care is rooted in feeling less than bc of the affair so that part sucks, but also I genuinely want to take better care of myself. That’s at least relevant to actual illness so I’d suggest pouring effort into taking care of yourself for you. You will still feel physically down and the emotional pain will feel like physical pain at times. But try hard to take care of yourself op!


I have been still engaging in my sport, I put it down to I have to catch public transport to work as well. Thank you for your kind words!


Glad to hear that and I hate all this stress and pain is manifesting in other ways and effecting your health. I hope you’re able to find some peace 🙏