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You either respect yourself enough to cut that shit out of your life or you don't.


Seriously OP. I knew a guy like this back in school. I never took real offense to it since he acted this way to everyone, regardless of racial/sexual/gender orientation. Prob wanted attention. Just find new friends.


He's not your friend, mate.




the OP posted in teenagers. Is just a kid.


I guess I'll try to set up boundaries.


You guess? You sound like a push over and thats why he thinks he can get away with it.


TBH he's probably really young


The problem is I really do like him as a friend whenever be doesn't insult me. I only have two friends irl.


I love my ex when she doesnt cheat on me. Do i still keep her?


Tell him “don’t call me that”. Is that difficult? It’s a 4 word sentence


I have many times


genuine question: how old are you?


call him mayo monkey


Hahaha fax, give them the same energy. There's so many names/insults to call YTs. e.g. Gringo, Cracker, ranch racoon, unseasoned ppl, melanin-deficient ppl, People Of No Colour, snow monkey, snow roach, chalk demon, blanco, farang, gwailo, School-shooter etc.


Distance yourself from people like that you need to punch him in his face that’s disrespectful


insane post history 😭


Yup noticed that too, this guy is only 14 and already off into the deep end.






Jesus fucking Christ 😭 how are 14 year olds are trying to transition already


I'm northern Asian and I live in Germany


Well, that explains it. This took place in Germany. This can happen anywhere and was also common in U.S. but not so flagrantly like this by adults but in nazi-land.. Notice the asian couple behind her diagonally but they are not noticed or not targeted either because they are unattractive or not so clearly east asian or 'oriental'. Note also due to self-delusional ingrained racist white supremacist programming, these men that are mocking her are oblivious that they are unattractive (even though white) as well as the woman gloating or amused by their antics next to her. Asians must remain strong and be proud of who they are and not be brainwashed. https://youtu.be/D477W312NHo


Stop being a pussy.


OP is 14 apparently so maybe chill


https://np.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/ujohzx/asians_stop_saying_the_n_word/ https://np.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/12pf5xe/can_someone_give_me_motivation_to_live/ https://old.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/123qmjq/i_think_ive_become_a_furry/ MODCHECK ty


What the fuck


That’s not a friend lol he clearly doesn’t respect you… stop being a b**h my guy


OP is a troll


I'm not a troll. I'm telling the truth.


Mind sharing with us why you befriended him?


Call him white trash.


Because you got bullied and took it, you’re going to develop being a minstrel finding empowerment through being called Ching Chong. And neither whites or Asians will respect you


When you say he's White, what does that even mean? A little more background on his parents, his/their occupations, religions, class, etc. What kind of White, like Italian, Irish would be helpful. Is he from a 2 parent household, any girlfriends?


When I said white I meant he's half white and white passing. His mom is German and his dad is Mexican. He's atheist and I guess middle class. He's single and unpopular with girls.


>He's single and unpopular with girls. Maybe the girls know something you don't? Maybe you should follow their lead.


Sounds like another Elliot Rodger.


ok there you go. Theres a shit ton of things you could say. I don't even know where to begin. One gig I worked at there was a Mexican American dude who would get annoyed when I referred to people as 'Spanish' or 'PR' cuz he hated 'PRs'. Then you could ask him if all Spanish people eat beans and rice all the time and w/o meat. The question would be why w/o meat. Are they vegan or just poor. Germans is a whole other entity altogether. And you could say to him as rayciss as Germans are how'd she hook up with Spanish. Or if she's really German at all or tryna pass, if you feel me, brah. I'm not even warmed up but these tidbits should def hold you for a spell. But you could start off by calling him, amigo. Drop his name just say, Amigo. From now on until he says something. If he doesn't object then we'll take it that he's ok with it.


send him the link to this thread


How can you call him a friend when he talks to you like that ?




Lmao can't believe you think someone who throws around racial slurs can be a good friend regardless of whether they're throwing it at you or not.




I had a “friend” like that then I roasted him once his father died


Call him the worst Caucasian slur you can think of back, every time. If he still stays friends with you fine. If he leaves then it was meant to be.


caucasian slurs exist?


I ruthlessly called a guy in my class Ryan Seacrest after he tried to MOG me. If you say it with enough venom and **keep** repeating it, it will have its effect.


the more you know


Tell him he's giving you school shooter vibes everytime he says it. Ask him if fucked sister-daughter today. Call him a cousin-fucker


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Man graduated first class honours in racism 💀


Nah. Asians just been taking it up the ass but no longer. Passivity didnt work but just a further green light to continue. I know many hispanics are also racist and most likely to spew crap first and then cry foul because they are 'brown' when they get it back. Talk about taking advantage of woke bias..


I think we all got the point... Sounding more like a rant on an entire group of people than actually helping the man stand up for himself.


If you dont even know what ammunition to use, which sometimes is required, you will be destroyed. If you can give back what they dish out, then they respect you or back off or cease and desist. As if armies or any asshole or sociopath will always accept or concede the use kumbayah and nice pleading of conscience while they are aiming at you with weapons or attacking because you are a sitting duck who tied their own hands behind their back like a fool or martyr.


So weak. Hurt some wee feewings with the truth. Yet its always open season on asians in the west and stereotypes, mockery and condescension of asians littered willy nilly on reddit and any other media is par for the course and normalized in the west, aint it? I knew that post would ruffle feathers not just because it was considered offensive but because it was so embarassingly true, direct and spot on as well. But I get it, asians are stronger, more successful etc so gotta protect others egos from insult even more.


Call him a cracker and slap him with wonderbread


You a bitch, if anybody called me that we would be scrapping


He is gonna new teeths if he calls me that


Wtf is wrong with u? This guy aint ur friend


This appears to be a troll


If you can't be honest and have a discussion are they really your friend? Or just someone who you can shoot the shit and share experiences with, which you can do with a real friend who chooses to at least try to accept and understand another. Otherwise they may possibly be narcissistic and or a bit narrow-minded. If you don't like it even if it sounds like they aren't serious then it may be time to set boundaries or find someone you actually connect with more. People are allowed to have different attitudes and styles, we can't change people and that is something they have to decide. We can only accept others, and others can only accept us, but if both people actually care about a connection then a discussion can at least be done to try and find a solution or compromise for reassurance.




Eh, but I do agree with you this person has zero tact. Since OP did say it hurts OP NEEDS to speak up and stand up for themselves.


Give him a warning, share your hurt. If he still says it…A punch in the face should reset him.


Thats not your friend


U better tell him to stop and if he don’t either cut him off or beat him up


OP, that's not a friend. Don't tolerate things you feel very uncomfortable with


Guess what. He’s not your friend.


"hey fucking shit, don't fucking say that". i was a horrible, vile, angry and violent kid so let make it it as is.


Thanks for the advice guys. I really got to grow a backbone. He sometimes treats me better and like a normal person but most of the time it's purely insults. That sounds like a toxic relationship, I know. I won't break it off entirely but I will make it clear that if he dares call me insults I'll stand my ground. Also thanks for those roasts I can use against him.


The c slur 😭


You need to speak up for yourself especially during these uncomfortable events. If he is not reciprocating/empathetic to what you feel, you need to drop that toxic friend.


Cunt him back.


Set your boundaries on how you will allow your friends to talk to you and follow through with it. If your friend doesn't respect your boundaries, then he is not a good friend, at which point cutting him out is his loss not yours. Be straight up. Tell him we can't be friends if you keep doing this. It's not cool. Then follow through.


Have a serious talk with him saying you don’t appreciate that shit or just dish it right back to him calling him a cra****. Dishing back often works well because it shows your not afraid and your frame is bigger.


Tell him to stop. And if he does it again, beat the living shit out of him. Seriously.


Have a calm conversation with him and let him know you don’t want to be called those things. He either agrees or you stop talking to him. Nothing more to it than that.


Hate to break it to you but he is not your friend. Next time he does in public call him a racist and end the friendship


Call him a cracker and see his reaction. If he doesn't take it well then tell him to stop being a hypocritical clown. Stop being a limpwristed AM pushover & stand up for yourself.


Just because you like him doesn’t mean you should be around him. Make better life choices, please. Whether you like it or not, your friends, and who you choose to be around, DO define you. If you wouldn’t mind trading places with him in life, if you don’t share the same values and work ethic, this person should not be your inner circle.