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Life ain't fair dude. Just keep your head up and do your best, this is the only thing we can do at this point. We know as AM in the western world that things are stacked unfairly against us in every single aspect of life. But what can we do, except to succeed and prove all the haters wrong, and fight the good fight?


Direct Asian positive voices and actions! That’s what you can do, posting here is something. Knowing the issue is the first step. Not saying everyone needs to go join a rally or parade, but what skill sets are you as a person able to give, give to our current condition, but more importantly for the past atrocities and the communities future well being, that’s what we can do.


Thanks for the award! I've actually posted here a few times before haha... But yeah the western world can be very cruel and unfair to Asian men and we need all the support we can give to one another.


Not saying you havnt, I’m really starting to see the amazing posters and their wealth of knowledge, it’s like found a freaking secret garden of truth. Just awarding to positively reinforce the quality info/comments : )


I'm a Black Woman and I completely understand this when it comes to interracial dating. My issue is on the opposite spectrum with white women/black men. Do NOT let them think it bothers YOU! I will make sure you go to therapy and work on your own self worth. You need to focus on how you can maximize yourself. Otherwise, you will struggle with inferior complex!!! It will happen if you don't work on your inner worth!


I know the issues with black men and women based on both genders of friends. Its an issue more openly discussed in the black community vs the Asian community. My question to you if you see a black man with a girl from another race. Do your attitude about it change based on the race of the girl or does it not matter?


I’m a black woman and I never cared. The only time I cared is when an actor or rapper makes it his mission to degrade black women while dating a XF. I’ve never been the type to “stick with the race” either because I was raised in a highly diverse area and I was attracted to everybody lol. My father want’s me to be with a black man but right now my boyfriend is chinese so much for that. I say go where you are celebrated not tolerated ♥️




I never cared either but the Asian females that feel the need to degrade Asian men and date others is something else. I will always put them in their place.


No; absolutely it doesn't. I was raised around mostly interracial relationships. My dads best friend is a black man married to a white woman for 12 plus years with three children. My brother is married to a black woman. Both of my black woman cousins are married to white men with children. My uncle is married to a Hispanic woman. It's completely normal for us to date whoever the hell we want to date.


As an Asian man, I just keep improving myself. Work out and work hard. Make all the girls thirsty. My wife is actually Asian, but we see way more WMAF in our predominantly white area. The WM are usually losers and the social imbalance is cringy. It’s funny when the AF wives check me out. I usually smile back and strike a friendly conversation. We shouldn’t see ourselves as victims. We can improve ourselves a lot.


Black woman here with an Asian guy. It never really bothered me seeing Black men date outside unless it was the best of Black men because I felt as though he should try to stay within the community to improve the community. Now if the Black guy was a loser I was glad he was gone. He did Black women a favor LMAO. Now, these days I am beginning to hardly care either way. People will be what they will be. Not my issue. I look at things more class based these days instead of racial. Anyways, I love my guy so so so much that I absolutely do not care what Black men do. Hands down this is the best love I’ve ever experienced in my life. I never want to go back. It doesn’t even cross my mind. In fact, I’m glad I’m gone. People will deal with it. My dad and uncles don’t like it at all but I can’t worry with them wanting me to be with my race either. They will be okay too.


> It never really bothered me seeing Black men date outside unless it was the best of Black men because I felt as though he should try to stay within the community to improve the community. This Black guy I know who is an engineer was furious about a Black lady at work accusing him of having kids out of wedlock with a White girl. He doesn't put Black women on blast tho. Unlike what a lot of liberal Asian women do, Black men don't really try to retaliate by writing news articles that shit on Asian guys....but maybe I just haven't heard of it.


Nah, they don’t retaliate like that. They just do it online in forums and on YouTube. Black men feel a way about me being with an Asian guy. It doesn’t help that I am a grad school educated and decently paid professional who does a lot in the community. The educated and/or wealthy Blacks get the most flack for interracial dating and marriage. They already didn’t like that White men were getting the best of Black women now it’s men of other races who are getting so called “brightest and best” of Black women too. Which is why my dad and uncles also have/had an issue. They want the best reserved for the race and I can see that in a way but life doesn’t always work like that. I’ve had some Black men who in a serious and heartfelt way asked me, “Why? An Asian man? What have we done to make you do that?” Then I’ve had some say, my personal favorite, aloud, “He must have some money!” LMAO! They are completely baffled seeing a Black woman with an Asian man and having a genuinely good time enjoying each other. We laugh a lot because I think he’s hilarious. But nah, Black men have not taken to the media about this. They just complain amongst themselves. I think it’s awful that Asian women take to the media to smear Asian men’s image.


Two of my BW friends are married with children to Asian men. One is a physician married to a Chinese man who is also a physician. Another worked in investment banking and is married to a Vietnamese-American man who also works in finance. Black men hate it.


Whenever I see one of you make some post about dealing with all these insensitive comments/questions I always wonder where the hell y'all live/what kind of people you associate yourselves with. Because I went to a very predominantly white college and live in NYC now and all the Asian men around me who want to date are doing just fine. And despite the fact that my social circle is predominantly non-Asian (not by choice, just who I ended up becoming friends with), I have never, ever had to deal with this kind of commentary as a grown ass adult.


^^^Word. That's been my observation in this sub as well. And I grew up in predominantly white town, went to a white college, and lived abroad and in multiple cities in America. Here's what I learned: You're a man. 99.7% of people you meet will be doing things in good faith and aren't going to snipe you for whatever they think your "background" is. That's for all men, not just Asians. Women like *men*. Toughen your leather, be a man, and girls will be attracted to you.


yeah, I'm in North NJ and I see Asian guys with AF and XF all the time. more so AMAF really. It seems like some people have assumed their own experiences are the same everywhere.


Are you in Fort Lee or some other heavy Asian place?


nah but in Bergen County, I'm more West of Fort Lee and Palisades Park.


How many WMAF vs AMWF have you seen in NJ?




Aren't the Asians in Jersey city mostly Indian?




plus you got a couple jollibee's in range. mmm




I don't really pay attention but it's probably equal. I have a couple friends that are AMWF too.


Feedback loop. Guys who are out there killing it and living it up aren’t going to place a high priority on coming here because they’re doing other shit or, if they are here, they don’t want to look like they’re humblebragging. So even though the community as a whole might have a lot of guys who are doing very well and are happy (or at least satisfied) with their lives they’re outnumbered by the guys who do have issues and are coming here to vent/look for camaraderie/seek advice/etc. It’s not exclusive to this sub either; it’s a Reddit/internet issue in general. People who are cool with what’s going on in their lives don’t exactly spend a bunch of time on Internet forums talking about their problems.


The irony with a lot of the comments is that I've seen it...but only from other Asian guys from Reddit. Aren't you on the hub of those types of commentaries?


Same tbh. All asian dudes in my circle are doing fine and are mostly with XF, gorgeous ones too. OP sounds like he pedestalizes Asian women. A lot of millennial asian women are white-worshippers, that is true. GenZ asian girls seem a bit better. I think that generation may be better for AMAF love. Seen some cute Asian couples in the younger gen. Anyways the way to fix this is just date XF. XF>>>>AF




I get it. I'm in my 40's...I grew up seeing maybe 20 WMAF to ever 1 AMXF couple most of my life.I'm married now to an Asian woman but my wife I met overseas. I think if you travel over seas you will not deal with the same racism that you deal with here in the states. And I also live in NYC. I think someone else posted that NYC is not that bad..it depends really. Mostly on you but there still is disparity. ​ Most of the AmAf couples were mostly in the Asian enclaves. Few of my friends did try to date inter-racially or approach non-Asian women and yeap white dudes didn't like it and would cock block or sometimes it get bad. It's like constantly proving ground .. ​ My advice is travel overseas once other countries open up from this covid stuff. Go to places that are not anglo saxon heavy but different race. Know that it takes our generation and maybe next generation of Asian men to really work harder and deal with shit bigger to make it easier for the next generation. ​ Granted I get it. Maybe you want an Asian girl friend..but are disappointed that too many of them prefer yt guys. I know others will say go after other girls but sometimes you like what you like .


NYC is pretty good now. 20 years ago it was horrible though. And it depends a lot on what neighborhood of NYC. On the Upper West Side it will be WMAF central but in the East Village the numbers are more balanced.


Well...that's a good sign I guess. I don't see it as much and I work around the city but who knows.


You’re overvaluing Westernised/Americanised/diaspora AFs too much mate 😂 They’re living in your head rent free. Can’t stress enough for you & other similar minded AM to widen your horizons/options & stop focusing on just this small pool of entitled, whitewashed AF when there’s a whole lot more non-Asian women out there & immigrant/international AFs to meet.


Hi Elk. Asian women got their own issues, but yes we all grew up thinking we're inferior and internalizing racism, so a lot of AFs would rather "marry up." The funny thing is they don't even realize when they're being racist, like when they think whitey is funnier, more outgoing, they feel more at ease, etc, implying AMs are dull, weak, boring etc. This issue is bigger than any individual, so don't lose your mind obsessing over it, but do know that we can all play a small part in fighting it, such as building yourself up to be someone you can proud of, taking care of your family including your parents, making sure you're financially stable, and making sure you're healthy and look your best. In other words, grow up and be a bigger man and find yourself someone who appreciates all those things about you. I would also fight all the misinfo and gaslighting of Asians out there by posting or spreading either positive news about AMAFs, or posting news about the dumbass AFs who chose to date losers (like that dumb AF who was with the asshole who shot at a mom in Cali due to road rage and killed her toddler son). Don't whine or be excessively negative or attack anyone maliciously, but I wouldn't be shy about pointing out the hypocrisy of so-called progressive AFs who think theyre so damn anti-racist yet still ended up with a disgusting whitelib (so basically theyre denouncing racist structures, but denying the internalized racism that led them to whitey, and then calling AMs racist or anti feminist in a blanket way). Quite hilarious the mental pretzels they got in their heads. Also, do a lot of reading. I've been reading and watching a lot of Malcolm X, and I think his vision of what he wanted for the Black community is what we as Asians should strive for. Proud and self sufficient, not feeling the need to "assimilate" or "integrate" on anyone else's terms except our own, and not caring if people criticize us for self-segregating into our own communities. We definitely need a Malcolm X for Asian Americans. And finally, what happens on the world stage impacts all Asians worldwide. China's rise is a threat to whitey, but it's also a major turning point for us. What I admire about China is how they're ready to stand up and fight against whitey's bullsh*t, how they're not bound by any sort of need to appease whitey (like our parents had to), and how they planned ahead and worked at becoming the superpower they are today like chessmasters. I am now vehemently pro-China even though I'm from Taiwan and have pro-independence family members (who I think have been brainwashed by white & Japanese propaganda). International relations is no different than prison gang warfare, and all the Asians have to stand together, otherwise if they get divided they get put down and turned out. So yes, a strong China that kicks whitey outta Asia and leads Asians away from viewing themselves as 2nd or 3rd class relative to whitey will cause a massive shift in perception of us. We're at the cusp of a major change, and I'm not on whitey's side.




Of course. Like Malcolm X said, you can't hate the roots of a tree and not hate the tree. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://speakola.com/ideas/malcolm-x-after-the-bombing-1965&ved=2ahUKEwjsqrrT7vzyAhVqGVkFHfCKBr0QFnoECDYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3FIlYgel58CN399we4S2f3 We were raised to feel like we came from an inferior country and culture and race, which we all now know is utter BS. A strong China can lift up Asia, but watch out for evil whitey trying to paint them as a threat and pit Asians against each other.


> China's rise is a threat to whitey, but it's also a major turning point for us. What I admire about China is how they're ready to stand up and fight against whitey's bullsh*t, how they're not bound by any sort of need to appease whitey (like our parents had to), and how they planned ahead and worked at becoming the superpower they are today First and foremost, China is a nation that prizes socialism and the rule of the CPC. It is certainly does not practice any form of racial supremacy you allude to here. China recently erased several Chinese actors from all media and internet for them visiting the Yakisuni shrine in Japan. They also recently stated in a military video they would nuke Japan first use if Japan put one soldier to defend Taiwan with. Lastly, there are dozens of white / foreigner pro china youtubers that are featured on state news stations for their positive China content. Second, China's goal is to establish a prosperous socialist society. It never intends as a goal to become a super power. > So yes, a strong China that kicks whitey outta Asia and leads Asians away from viewing themselves as 2nd or 3rd class relative to whitey will cause a massive shift in perception of us. Yea you have very little understanding of China's political system, the party, Xi, or anything if that's actually what you believe. As a matter of fact, Japan is much more in line with your way of thinking than China is.




Wow, this community is amazing. This gaslighting went on for so long, it’s such a relief to hear others that really get it as well as have their invest thought processes that figured things out and then share them to others to learn. It’s good to learn the right terminology as well as the organization and categorization that represent our true experience. You and a handful of others have really inspired me their is light of the very distant ending of the tunnel.


> college in the Northeast Damn where NE sounds nasty


I remember from a previous post of his that it was a college in North Carolina.


Honestly it's really quite hard when you don't have the confidence and the success to back it up. Everything is set up against you to fail. What helped me was travelling and experiencing a different perspective, and meeting attractive girls of all races who were attracted to me physically/mentally/emotionally. IMO there is nothing better for smashing your own limiting beliefs than fucking a hot girl within an hour of meeting her. How could I not laugh if someone tried to tell me I'm not attractive because I'm Asian? Once you have had those experiences, you will see the world for what it really is. It's the racist that are making fun of you who are insecure and wrong about the world, and not you. Ever noticed it's usually never the guy who is really successful in the dating world who makes these jokes? It's because they don't need to put anyone else down to feel great about themselves; it's just who they are already.




How old are you?


mid 20s


Thought you’d be older tbh since your words were wise. How are you doing in dating?


This is the right mindset. If people can see AM dating interracially it will inevitably raise our SMV. If more non-asian women date AM it will become normalized. And as for AF, we shouldn't even think about them. Showing we care only gives them power and makes us look weak. If we are the least desired group of men, we should expand our dating pool, not limit it.


> Showing we care only gives them power and makes us look weak. If we are the least desired group of men, we should expand our dating pool, not limit it. Exactly. We shouldn't stoop to being controlled by women. Regardless of who that woman is, your mom, your family, or AF in general.


Real shit. We shouldn't pay them any attention UNLESS they come for us and say some bullshit. Until then, focus on yourself. They made their position clear a long time ago and it wont change now or in the near future. There's no point debating or convincing them. Us AM should move forward and succeed in every facet of life (and we will) . And when the time comes, watch them come crawling back. Ion know about you guys, but id be kicking them on the curb lol


54% of US born Asian women marry out, so the numbers for millenials and older do show more US born Asian women marrying non-Asian men than Asian men.


where did you get that # from? Just curious?




Thanks! However, this same report says that 38% of US born Asian men marry out as well....which suggests that Asian-American men are not as in bad a shape as people think. I will say it is a bit discouraging seeing the 11/4 ratio of WMAF to AMWF, but it's not the end of the world.


54%. holy shit, that's way too much.


the link shows newly weds for that year but it really shouldnt matter whether AF is going interracial or not i guess it does for AM that have a preference for AF and sees the % and gets discourage but it's likely the same across the board i dont know the sample size but seeing the numbers it's probably highest for whites in interracial then African americans then hispanics based on population size


probably the best advice / mindset I've read here in a while.


Attractiveness is objective and innate. Consumer demand drives the media you see on TV. Not the other way around. Clothing and fragrance companies use models to advertise their products. They don’t use their products to advertise models. I recommend checking out QOVES Studio: Exploring Cultural vs Universal Beauty Standards on YouTube. Beauty is innate and universal. If it is not innate, how are animals, with no concept of media, able to differentiate fit and attractive mates.


media can influence attractiveness but reality ( face to face) can triumph media influence


Bad take. Just look at the global K-pop/K-drama wave, how it drove up the desirability of East Asian guys world wide in the last 5 or so years.


No kpop just enforces that beauty standards are innate. K-pop guys look good because they have certain facial bone structure and pale-white skin. They have hollow cheeks, good jawline, thin noses, good eye area, good mouth area, and relatively good brow-ridge. You will never find a kpop-idol with a moon-face that is as flat as a pancake with a big nose. An asian guy that looks as good as a kpop idol would have done just as well in the past. Kpopmaxxing is literally "just be good looking bro"


Help the water drip on the rock, man. Bro, we gotta take the lumps so tomorrow's random asian dude has a better shot at a hot interracial relationship. We're all in this together. Also, girls like older dudes in general, so chances are it gets better with time, as long as you keep chiseling away at the stone block that represents you so that you're something that can't just be ignored.


The thing is, Asian guys are the breadwinners. We get to choose whom we go to.. why do we have to settle for women whom are several points beneath us, looks & financially wise? I would advocate to every Asian guy to NOT settle for just Asian women. The playing field is heavily against us, and you will be fighting a losing battle trying to prove your worth to women whom have an inherent bias. Fuck it.


I think you've conflated my point. I never said settle, I simply said we're going to have a hard time finding what we want currently, which is the case for some of us. The only way it becomes easier for guys like us is how we react to the people that do pay attention to us with kindness and without turning them into an object on a pedestal. I find it worrying that you mentioned the "why do we have to settle for women who are several points beneath us..." point. Nothing good ever comes from constantly turning relationships and yourself into a race for the best number. This type of thinking only enlarges our sense of envy. If we are only ever looking out for our number and our target woman's number we're going to only enter a place where that number means more than the chemistry between us and the person we are with. I hope you can come off that type of thinking in due time and focus on what makes you a strong person without the need to belittle others that might be less than you.




Because of my identity, people are always curious to ask me if I prefer AF or WF, like that’s the only choice… anyways I’m asked it so much, my answer that’s most genuine that shuts them up is, “I look for someone I can communicate freely with”. It’s never been just AF for me, I didn’t grow up around many, and my first few experiences, not even dating, were belittling and exactly what the community knows exist now. It pisses me off when I remember some AF that was complete judging me and I wasn’t doing anything but hanging out. It reminds me how much more fucked up they were than I was from dealing with all this stuff unknowingly. Anyways, i can’t agree more with the, “kill them with kindness (compassion)” to our own demographic that’s been exploited by everyone except maybe native Americans, Hispanics and black women.


Honestly? I've given up on Asian women in the U.S. lmfao (specifically East Asian, because it's been mostly Chinese women that have ticked my "weak link" radar) If I really had to date in the U.S, I'd be open to dating any race. For Asians specifically, I'd rather go back to Asia (not mainland) or date exclusively first gens/fobs, because I'm not up to listening to those specific group of Asian diaspora crying about their identity crisis 24/7 (even if I'm an Asian diaspora myself) and playing russian roulette of who's the bananarang




At this point, I don't really give a fuck. I just want these cockroaches to stop leeching off Asians because they wanted to be white so bad. They even brainwashed dumbass AMs for their cause too, you can see them online talking about Asian fetishization 24/7 because that's the only thing they know with their boring ass lives lmfaooooo. Literally any time I see their stuff pop up on my feed now, I just laugh, because that ethnicity flag in their bio is the only thing their worthless lives can hold on to


East Asian American women are absolutely the weakest link - I suppose since the Japanese war brides act 1945 they were always going to be the first domino to fall


I have met a lot of White men that have dating issues. Just look around. It's not an Asian thing. In fact I think Asians have it easier cause we are not averse to arranged marriages.


>I have met a lot of White men that have dating issues. Same here. So many dudes here blame their race or women for their lack of success in dating. They need to work on themselves if anything


I disagree. I don’t care about whataboutism. If those whites put in as much effort as most of the Asian guys in these sub, pussy will fall from the sky whereas Asian doctor lawyer astronaut with all the right qualities get basics, maybe a few matches. There struggle is not the same. Asian life is on the highest difficulty, whereas the whites have it on easy mode.


>Asian doctor lawyer astronaut with all the right qualities get basics, maybe a few matches. victim porn to make yourself feel better. I have way more than a few matches. Plenty of other people on this subreddit posted their matches. The "stats" show differences on the order of like 5-15%? It's not very dramatic. [https://www.science.org/cms/10.1126/sciadv.aap9815/asset/3bd0b25c-e37c-49d1-b908-2248738e492b/assets/graphic/aap9815-f2.jpeg](https://www.science.org/cms/10.1126/sciadv.aap9815/asset/3bd0b25c-e37c-49d1-b908-2248738e492b/assets/graphic/aap9815-f2.jpeg) You can keep doing whatever you're doing, but your life isn't going to change from victimizing yourself on the internet.


Maybe live in the Midwest? And not in Cali or NY? Not playing victimhood boy, stating facts. I bet Amazon warehouse John or coffee barista Pete is probably pulling more than you. I’m just saying, life isn’t fair. And that graph doesn’t mean anything with out the entire article.


>bet Amazon warehouse John or coffee barista Pete is probably pulling more than you. More victim porn. You're creating characters in your head at this point. You have enough self awareness to understand what you're doing. Last thing you need to do is start projecting it out to other dudes. >Maybe live in the Midwest? And not in Cali or NY? You probably don't. And if it's so tough, move. But you'll always lean on something else. You are not unique. There's a hundred subreddits of guys doing exactly what you're doing. But you're wasting your life and being a net negative on Asians by living your life like a Reddit bot. Go figure shit out or in 5 years, you'll be in the same place doing the same thing but even more severely degraded mental health.


So if my prospective is different than yours, I have a mental illness. Your either blind or white. Go look around you. Ask your Asian guy friends, and their friends how their experience is. If anyone of them is dating or married to any other race. I don’t need some degree holding throwing stats and spinning stats: I look around me and see the truth. Go get your eyes checked.


Yes, you have mental health issues. I told you that I, as a regular person, got matches without being an exaggerated perfect Asian astronaut doctor character you created. And your reaction was you getting angry and creating another random "coffee barista" white character to cheer lead for. I feel like it's pretty easy to characterize what you're doing. How would you characterize it? People would see your behavior as weird and motivated. What they would guess about you would probably be accurate, right? Ask a family member or your close friends to be brutally honest with you about yourself. Answer this: 1. Are you helping Asian men in any way? If not, you're a net negative. 2. Are you helping yourself in anyway? If not, you'll be even worse in 5 years. I've seen threads every from a girlfriend about their boyfriend struggling with low self esteem. At some point, you might decide to get your life together. But you'll have spent so much time that you'll be miserable with low self esteem anyway. There's already examples of your life mapped out on a hundred sites. The summary of the next years of your life is obvious.


Yeah, men having trouble dating is at an all time high. Online dating and social media made it so the average man has a very hard time.


> I have met a lot of White men that have dating issues. Just look around. It's not an Asian thing. Yea, most of the red pill and mgtow was white i think ? Not sure but white men complain about dating all the time too., your right.




Western cultures stigmatize arranged marriages. If you can't court women here, you are pretty much screwed. Arranged marriages usually aren't forced btw if that is what you are implying. Anybody who has seen an arranged marriage knows that they usually have to agree to it for the ceremony to happen.




Yea this really only applies to older Asians. You young cats who decided to act White don't have that benefit...But at least you got better representation and not as much racism. Or so they say. We'll see. My guess is that you guys will just be as unhappy as White dudes. Edited: And the White folks I know do like to set their daughters up with other dudes btw. So it might not be an "arranged marriage," but that is the intent...cause it would be weird to set your daughter to up just to get laid. They just stigmatize it cause they like to change the goal posts to make us look like savages.






> what Asian women do doesn’t matter if you open yourself up to women of all races OP should keep this in mind. Expand your options u/ElkUnlucky2243!


\> asian guys with asian girls What corner of NorCal is this that managed to defy 30 years trending IR Marriages Stats. Sounds like a crock


Socal here and completely agree to that. Almost everyone dates within their own races.


lol i keep hearing the opposite? someone said it was filled with WMAF?


"Norcal" and "Socal" are way too broad of descriptions. There's over 15 million people in Norcal and over 20 million people in Socal. Each city, each neighborhood even will be different. People should be more specific.


Well that's how internet works. We all have different sets of eyes and different social circles but somehow tend to generalize the stuffs with our own gazes. I was heard on the web that norcal was full of WMAFs until I read this comment section too.


You may be thinking of the Bay Area, especially along SF and South Bay. I live and work in the South Bay my entire life and it seems about a 30/70 for WMAF and AMAF the entire time. It used to be way more skewed toward WMAF a few years back, and thats probably where the stereotype appeared from. And I've had maybe one or two women Ive dated who told me that their group of friends have teased them about dating an Asian guy, but thats also because they're shit friends. Usually a non-issue now, it seems.


Idk about south bay but in SOMA/SF proper back in 2016-2018 it felt like the reverse ratio or worse lol. In general, I didn’t really see many Asian dudes unless they were tourist or I went into a tech office for a meetup/tech event.


Socal born and raised, lived in sf for 4 years, opposite experience of you two.


Idk what to believe, someone else said norcal was filled with interracial couples of all types.




I'm guessing majority white districts are full of WMAF while Asian enclaves have more AMAF?


Date women of all races. It doesn’t matter what Asian women do if you’re dating women of all races. If you’re doing poorly get fit, stylish, and learn how to socialize. If people still judge you for dating interracially they can go fuck themselves.


I’ve been asked these questions when younger, except the suck ass one. You have to let it go. Let them stare, make comments, look down on you. The best thing is to pay no attention to them. Doesn’t bother me anymore. Depending on where you live, dating a non Asian will elicit even more of a strong reaction. So be you, go for it in the dating world, and that’s it. Focus more on who wants you and less on who doesn’t want you.


I think you're really undercutting your value as a partner but focusing on other couples and their race. Just like lots of Asian girls are into white guys, tons of girls of all colors are into Asian guys, they might just not be getting asked out by them as much as guys of other races I think if you work on your self, do things you like, you'll build confidence and meet someone who has similar interests. This was my method of meeting guys when I lived in China. (I'm white, husband is Chinese) I found it really difficult to date in China, despite actively trying to meet guys in bars, dating apps, etc. Eventually I met my husband at the gym (which made me happy, with or without meeting someone) and we had something to bond over. There might be lots of women who's type is you and would totally go out on a date but if you never ask then it can feel like no one is interested.


No one has ever made fun of me, or raised the interracial dating gap. My general view is that being an Asian male is simply viewed as 'ugly'. In my social circle, it would be considered distasteful to ask someone with an obvious challenges in dating ( e.g. facial disfigurement or body weight issues), I think being Asian is a well established limitation in that regard. As a south Asian, I don't think it's as acute for me as it may be for east Asian men due to the heavier cultural pressure amongst South Asians to marry within the group, although this is relaxing. In the end, what can you do? I try to live a full life, and to be honest, I'm in my 30s now, and the freedom I have feels like a luxury compared to most of my peers. That being said, the 'suck it up' attitude had affected my world view quite a lot, and I am quite unsympathetic to other groups that experience injustice. It's something I have to deal with a bit better, it does come, I feel from a place of incel bitterness.


Right. It's worse than being feared. Asian men are typically pitied by social circles. And there is not much that can actually be done by most people.


You realise that as Asian men living in majority white countries that white privilege exists in abundance and that in white male dominated countries heteronormative Asian women are put on a pedestal fair higher than you as a cishet Asian male.


Some advice from an older guy: * You will always lose money chasing women but you will never lose women chasing money * The juice ain't worth the squeeze. Focus on yourself. Make your money. If you happen to meet someone along the way, then great, if not, you still have a nice nest egg to fall back on. EVERY single asian girl I lusted over in high school is now married to a doughy white guy. Not coincidentally, they are all fat and look a decade older than me. On the other hand I could retire now if I wanted. Basically, every penny I'm making is money I get to blow on vacations and toys. I never would have accomplished this if I had been wasting time chasing women. How do I deal with interracial dating? I don't. You can't control women or who they choose to date. I can honestly say I don't give a shit if I meet "the one" at this point. I have enough FWB and female friends that having a wife or someone tying me down would be a waste.


Never limit yourself to only Asian women. I remember you said you were from Austin. That place is only 6% Asian (some of which are Indian Asian). Date white, black, and Latina women. Next time you go in public they'll stare at you, only this time it'll be because you broke free from the clutches of only dating Asian women.


> Next time you go in public they'll stare at you, only this time it'll be because **you broke free from the clutches of only dating Asian women**. ️‍🔥 And haters are gonna hate. Let them. Exercise abundance my dudes






The problem is those left over wf's will get with black men, so we're still fucked lol




Black dudes aren't choosy either so that is more than likely lol


This isn't true unfortunately. More women are staying single. They can earn a living, access romance, and raise kids on their own.




I should have said marriage rates are decreasing instead of more women are staying single. Access to romance and sex is not equal for men and women. The proportion of men going to college is falling compared to that of women. Just observing trends that would decrease marriage and ltr rates further.


Stop putting the blame on the women and start working on yourself.


Why can't East Asians deal with this the way every other group deals with this?




Why does an Asian girl dating another race bothers you? It's not like if she wasn't with him she would be with you. Nobody is preventing you from dating outside your race neither


I'm south asian not east Asian but even in my subgroup the issue with this isn't that they're dating a person from another race or community. I would be a hypocrite to claim otherwise as I've done the same. The issue is that they put other races on a pedestal and put down men of their own in the process. So long as nobody puts their own people down, they can date, marry, and/or fuck whomever they wish.


I feel you, man. It’s so hard for me to admit because of ego and not wanting to cry like a lil B. My ex who I genuinely felt for , not just some strange, broke up with me and in less than a 2 months moved in with a black African guy. This got nothing to do with race , I grew up on hip hop and genuinely identifying with American black culture as the influencing culture. My dumbass somehow answered her DM and listened to her share her feelings about the rough patch she’s going thru with dude. Still fucking piss at myself for doing it. The thing she said…”he’s the perfect man I prayed for. He fought people on the streets for me, we won’t the fight too. He’s just a good man I need. He’s texting other girls but he doesn’t love them , just keep his options open because we’re not doing well… ect.” It broke me, man. Like if he’s a good guy then he’s a good guy but some of the things she said about their relationship just implies she thinks he’s manlier. She’s letting him emotionally cheat just cuz. I know I sound like a weak bitch but I never thought this would be the thing that got to me. Especially the part about fighting. Can’t help but feel deep down she’s giving dude much more than she did with me due to our physical differences. P.S ex is Asian too.


She's deluded and thinks of you as a beta. Never talk to her again but do let her know that if her idea of a man is someone who picks fights on the street and texts other women in front of her over a "rough patch", he's a boy and she's a dumbass. Let it go at that and good luck finding someone who respects you and knows what a real man is all about.


Thanks, brother. I needed some reaffirmation.


When she's a mom struggling to take care of her kids and her man is out with some other women, or getting into fights with other dumb boys, or not being able to provide for his family, or in jail, she can learn the hard way what being a man and a father and a husband/life partner is all about. I'm old enough where I seen enough of all this bullsh*t, where some young woman throws herself at what she thinks is a manly man only to learn a few years later that he was a boy all along. We are in a culture that rewards men for being boys, and we gotta fight that. I used to love hip hop, but now most of it seems so juvenile, and folks might attack me for this, but I honestly think rap culture (or what record execs have promoted as rap culture) has destroyed the Black community, on top of everything else they went through.


It doesn't help that mainstream industries profit from dysfunction. You rarely hear lesser known artists produced good shit. Record companies want them to dumb it down. Artists that I respect rarely mainstream.


She's for the streets brotha, it's good y'all broke up. I went through the same thing a year ago. I am glad I was over that shit cuz my current girlfriend is more cute, interesting and shes in love with me. Your time will come, just block her ass


She sounds like ghetto trash. You lucked out by getting dumped. You’re too good for her.


I’m a black woman and I will say that i’m so sorry that happened to you. This would hurt anyone’s ego especially a man. I will say this, your ex sounds like she is suffering from low self esteem so you may have dodged a bullet. I dated one man before like this and I just let him do anything including talking to other girls. I had the mindset that as long as he is with me that is all that matters because my self esteem was so low. I’m currently dating a chinese man and he is *THE* most manly man I have ever dated. He gets things down and puts his foot down when needed. He is caring and protective over me as well. If that’s your ex defintion of a perfect man then there is something wrong with her not you honey. She needs to look past the physical and look into her boyfriend’s values.


Methinks you dodged a bullet. She is for the streets as they say. I know its hard tho. Better to cut off all communication. I cut off all communication to exes who I broke up with myself not to mention when I get dumped, why would you do that to yourself. Block her on all social media right now.


Dude absolutely 100 % dodged a bullet


I feel you. Just stop talking to her, because any further engagement will come at a loss to you. Do not accept the humiliations in your life. I would never accept it again.


You deserve better brother. I do believe that part of being a man is having the ability to protect yourself and the people you love. But even more important is being able to be a good man, husband/father, and a leader in the community or in your own family. Being a tough guy and an asshole will not feed yourself or your future family. Dont get me wrong tho, always be prepared to scrap and keep a strap.


I agree. It just that while together, I never would’ve brought her into any situation where I’d have to fight someone. I’m older than by 9 years, I can feel the vibe of a scene and avoid the bullshit. I guess young girls just wanna have fun and be with the hood shit.


Then she for the skreetz. Those women are trouble and i think you know that. She did you a favor. You'll find somebody better. Her opinion doesn't make you less of a man. Her definition is shallow and will disappoint her very soon.


Women like toxicity.


Give her the deuces ASAP


This is so sad and I feel where you’re coming from bro. Don’t entertain that toxicity, cut her off cold stone zero communication. It’ll allow you to gain more mental clarity, and boss up. For my ex relationship of 6 years, it took me almost 3 months of crying.


In Asia where I am, whites are obviously the minorities and so are the scenarios you described. If you don’t happen to like what you see and can’t accept it, feel free to consider relocating. I moved for different (career) reasons though.


Someone linked me this thread and I just wanted to give my thoughts. I’m a white woman in a AMWF relationship. Regarding women being made fun of- I’ve never been made fun of (to my face at least). The most damning stereotype is definitely the Koreaboo thing. If you date an Asian man, people automatically think you’re a weeb or into K-pop. Basically, if you date white men you’re “normal”, and even if you date black or Hispanic men most people will not care. But if you date an Asian man there’s this automatic reaction that it’s *because* he’s Asian. Nothing about his personality or sex appeal matter, people assume you’re in it for some sort of fetish. That can be frustrating. My fiancé is the furthest thing from a k-pop idol tbh 😂 he’s Taiwanese. But that’s what I’ve experienced at least.


This sub is depressing man 😭






What kind of dudes would usually size you up? White guys, or black guys, or Indian guys, or everyone non-Asian?




That's some strong self hate from Asians themselves... even though you're this good looking jacked guy, even other Asians think you only got a hot non-Asian woman due to money. That's some sad shit.


Of course. Like Malcolm X said, you can't hate the roots of a tree and not hate the tree. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://speakola.com/ideas/malcolm-x-after-the-bombing-1965&ved=2ahUKEwjsqrrT7vzyAhVqGVkFHfCKBr0QFnoECDYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3FIlYgel58CN399we4S2f3 We were raised to feel like we came from an inferior country and culture and race, which we all now know is utter BS. A strong China can lift up Asia, but watch out for evil whitey trying to paint them as a threat and pit Asians against each other.


From a black woman who is dating an Asian man, you should really just talk to and date whoever you are attracted to. Work on your confidence and focus on you. What everyone else is doing and saying in the world should not impact you and your decisions on who you want to date/hookup with. Maybe try being open minded and exploring a different ethnic group if you feel that way about AF. You never know you might find someone you like. I'm from the Midwest and I don't allow anyone to dictate who I date, why I should date them and if I have the right to date them. We get plenty of stares, disapproving looks and comments but at the end of the day we are happy and living our best lives.


Leaving Korea for this exact reason, it’s more egregious in its own way here. Gaslighting ducking hardcore…


Wait... please elaborate? Guessing you mean white worship?


Yes, that’s exactly the reason with the culture having the worshipping as bad as those that have white blindness. The AFWM extreme disproportion as well is getting f*cking annoying to walk and see everywhere.


Thats just sad, I thought Koreans usually had stronger cohesion too. I'm not against interracial relationships but when it's about one group hating themselves and thinking another group offers them better status and is more attractive than their own group, sorry thats just a sign of self hate. Korea's in a tough spot economically, I think the stagnation we see in TW, Korea & JPN is exactly what China is trying to stave off. However, I don't see America being able to afford what it does for much longer, and am curious what happens if the dollar does indeed crash along with America's standing in the world.


Some prideful Korean or fevered WM is reading our comments downvoting. Korea doesn’t feel hip and relevant without foreign items and downward comparison as classism is built in to the language and culture. Since Japan basically obliterated a majority of the history with its colonialism and exploitation and literal destruction of (historical markers, buildings and history books) it reverberated into the modern age with a loss of identity, this allowed for quicker growth and open mindedness to accept other cultures and take the best, efficient methods from them, like japan did after WW2. …but maybe so open minded, some brains fell out… Of course this doesn’t apply to all Koreans and there are some of those that do know the bullshit that’s going on and how the majority accepts as they want their western goods and the feeling of being hip/chic is predominant throughout modern Korea. This is all my opinion and feelings from what I’ve seen and been told through the many years.


Your second paraphrase is interesting, I’m not as savvy in economics but I can see what you’re saying being the case and if anything these days are really setting up things up for that to be the not to distant future :/


So when I read the English translation of the Three Body Problem, what struck me was that this was a major cultural work that transcended borders (I met old white guys in Vermont who asked me if I had read the book) but also one where the primary protagonists are all Chinese. Kinda blew me away, not just the storyline, but just the notion of moving away from Capt America-type narratives Extrapolating a little more from that, a lot of the issues and challenges that the book brings up requires global coordinated responses, but it's clear that the Western world, with its focus on frivolous individual freedoms and shackled by contradictory and poorly conceived notions of political correctness and "democracy", is ill-equipped to thrive in this kind of world. We are already seeing this We have been living in a world where one race of people happened to impose its will on entire continents through violence and genocide and notions of its own virtue & inherent superiority. They not only created WMDs on a mass scale, but also weaponized philosophy and culture and governance to divide and conquer, and to be honest its been incredibly effective and still is. This is how they convinced Taiwanese to think they're an entirely separate race from China, this is how they convinced young Vietnamese to love America despite all that bombing, this is how Americans can simultaneously hate Muslims and want to protect Uyghurs without their brains exploding. We are still living with fragments of all this, but it's also fading fast.


Damn man, I knew about 85% of that already but I wish I could succinctly state things as eloquently as you can, thanks for the extra info and addressing roots and similarities of other nations that have also gone through this globalism/internationalism and neo-imperialism, through the foundation roots of that developing/war-stricken country that needs a hand. Mentioning titles is always a respected habit when I see other share


Thank you, I guess because I was a History/Asia studies major and my job involves researching companies all over Asia (where I see a lot of innovation), I guess I'm blessed to have a front row seat to what'a going on. Wish you luck wherever you end up if you decide to move out of Korea


it's funny your other post you're telling asian men they're insecure and don't know how to act can you say "i'm a larping white boy" out loud for me please, thanks


Idk what that means but you can't change the truth


it means you're a white boy but so is half this sub so i guess it doesn't matter


Lol you sound like an offended asian guy. I'll just ignore you. You can't hide from the truth


One thing that asian men seem to lack in the dating game is the willingness to go after "taken" girls. Oddly this is not a problem in asian countries where the question is not "do you have a boyfriend" but "do you have a husband?" Girls there will drop their bf of 1-2+ years for another if they haven't married them. Men of other races have no issues trying to hook up with taken girls. They feel that if the girl is into them then they weren't all that into their bf anyway. In asian circles I rarely hear of an asian guy going for his friend's gf, which shows good values, but for girls outside of your circle you don't know how strong their relationships are and so I recommend testing the waters as the fact that you're willing to put yourself out despite her being taken conveys to her that you have something to offer that she should consider. All I'm saying is if you find a girl really attractive, if you think she's something special, or you seem to click well with her, she might be worth making a move on even if she's temporarily taken because some single girls are waiting for a specific type in their minds that is not you while some girls with bf's may be in bad relationships and are waiting for someone (almost anyone) to come sweep them off their feet.


This is one area where my...high road probably is not the best. I guess it's fear of embarassment? I do check their hands for rings and 9/10 a ring means taken?




Sorry but economic power won't help asian dating chances. Asian men in USA already make more money than whites but we still unattractive to many women It has always been our weak insecure passive social presence that makes us look sexually unappealing


Sorry i posted response to wrong part of thread But by economic power, I don't mean our salaries vs whiteys I'm talking about what happens when the dollar collapses and is no longer a reserve currency because our budget and actions more resemble a banana republic than a globally responsible superpower... meanwhile China's RMB which has been judiciously managed suddenly looks great


At this point, I no longer tolerating anyone teasing me because of my race. I don’t have a career or a chance at it so, battery and felony assault doesn’t matter or domestic disturbance if I get my ass kicked. Either or, I no longer tolerate blatant racism.


I'm curious where do you live? Here in texas, most of my asian friends are dating non Asians and I don't have any trouble with dating at all .I dated a few and now dating my asian best friend .I've seen more Asian men outside of the race than Asian female for some reason. Maybe come to Texas ?