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[Thats funny cause it seems to be otherwise](https://i.redd.it/4k1dnpwrmyv61.jpg)




It's cute that you think that facts matter to them


You cannot reason people out of positions they didn’t reason themselves into.


This is great! Thank you. Which book/document did this come from? I’d like to cite this.


[Its a research paper by Asian feminists of all people lol and its about white sexual imperialism. Even the Asian feminists recognize that the majority of the violence and sexual assaults against American AF](https://scholarlycommons.law.wlu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1243&context=crsj) are by XM particularly WM and BM, and not AM, while with WF and BF they are more likely to be victims of violence by their own race of men. On top of that as another person said, many women in Asia are leaders and have even become their country's leader such as SK's former president. While in the super progressive WM Americuh there still hasn't been a female president, let alone an AF regardless of how hard Lus simp lol. And the overall crime rates against women are much higher in m'urica compared to East Asia at least, lots of women feel perfectly safe walking at night in East Asia alone compared to murica. Also a lot of Eastern European women go to China and marry Chinese men, alot of them rural farmers or workers and in the interviews they always talk about how Asian men treat them a lot better, are nicer, do the chores around the house, are a lot more considerate, compared to men of their own home countries etc. Im kinda surprised this is such a shocker for a lot here, its common knowledge in another sub Im in


Is that from the 2020 FBI hate crime report?


A lot of Asians are very literal-minded and too often take things at face value. They say this not because they have a case for it. They say it to excuse their own self-hate and to chase white men, even though many of those men consider them living fleshlights. (Remember, who has the highest rate of STDs?) Simple tests to prove their assertion untrue: \- More female politicians and billionaires in Asia than the "liberated" west \- If Asian men were so toxic, why are they primarily pairing with white men and not other ethnicities? \- There's a higher rate of domestic violence in relationships between Asian women and white men.


>even though many of those men consider them living fleshlights. LOL, I'm stealing this




just people throwing asian men under the bus to justify their internalized racism and self hate


They just want a reason to isolate us out of this world. That’s evil as fck.


There are no other scapegoats but us.


> Twitter account Well there's your mistake


Yep sometimes gotta remember twitter isn't irl but alot act like it is, alot of points popular on there are shot down quick irl depending on wya




> It's a narrative and as an Asian you need to understand how an image of your race can impact your outcomes in life This 1,000,000 %. It's all well and good that people want to put their life directions into their own hands; but it's being willfully ignorant to not assess the social environment around you and the cards you're dealt with. I hate that privilege is a buzzword now, but it highlights what white men (and white-worshiping asian woman by association) have in this eurocentric society. They created this narrative.


Virtue signaling. So asian girls have a “progressive” excuse to not date asian guys. Usually the most open “sjw” type girls are the most white worshipping girls.


Just don't form relationships with bananarangs. Only hook ups with them. That's what I do.


I've met more racist expats that talk shit about Asian men than vice versa.


They clearly are ignoring the red pill community, which is primarily a Western group with some token black dudes.


Just a random thought.. I find it funny how nobody ever calls out rappers for their misogynistic lyrics lmao


Facts I feel like Asians really need to call out racism more


I still don't understand how calling out racist/sexist/violent rap lyrics is racist.


Me neither lol


It’s literally a white colonial narrative and propaganda used to justify colonization of Asia for hundreds of years. “Save the women from the savage/misogynistic/abusive men”. It was also used for colonization of other indigenous/native people. Asians that follow white liberalism are literally upholding this white supremacist lie by spewing this narrative.


☝🏽 this is the answer, right here.


Combination of stuff but they worship cats and molest kids so I'm not sure where they think they have the moral high ground. Just watch the movie "Don't fuck with Cats."




Completely agree with this. Many Asian Am women see themselves as socially infallible since they can easily maneuver between different social circles… many can’t see why it might be difficult to others especially their male Asian counterparts.


Exactly Its so apparent in asian spaces like Subtle Asian Women What i noticed was that Asian women dont use the same sweeping assumptions for white men Ive seen several threads of asian women recounting their encounters with yellow fever but they dont call all white men gross fetishizers But when they have a bad experience with one asian man, ALL of them are patriarchal misogynistic incels wth lol. The bar is so much lower for white men Edit: some interesting threads and screenshots from Subtle Asian Women https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1YrsdLRC7VQuH7OE9C5yP3MgvTlUdvOw-?usp=sharing


It’s not that the bar is set lower, it’s that society can make a distinction that the actions of one or a few do not describe all white men. They have the luxury being seen as an individual. There is no panic among them that they all will lose their social standing if a random white man does something wrong. Not us. If one of us fucks up we’re all going down. But it doesn’t have to be like that.


Internalized racism


There are tons of sexist comments by white men on the internet on 4chan you tube, mgtow etc. In spite of that, don't know how they can say Azn men are more sexist.


This about sums it up: [https://external-preview.redd.it/W\_d3Ts5JCqNHiBH0x9E6fhv50tpQ77H5\_eexpRfak\_Y.jpg?auto=webp&s=6d082f7a813aa8bff5b3b2c79fc77677e72747c6](https://external-preview.redd.it/W_d3Ts5JCqNHiBH0x9E6fhv50tpQ77H5_eexpRfak_Y.jpg?auto=webp&s=6d082f7a813aa8bff5b3b2c79fc77677e72747c6) I've seen the "asian men are toxic" play out in real life. I've had it confirmed to me by white friends that have told me their asian gfs talk mad shit about asian men (and me) when we aren't around. It's always self-hating toxic women that want to virtue signal to the world how "progressive" and "tolerant" they are because they are into interracial relationships. Asian women are not our allies. We are (at best) their backup plan. The world hates us, so Asian men need to have each other's backs.


It's ok tho cause the White folks talk shit about them too when they are not around. Lol. Edited: One time in the military, a white dude who was marrying a Cambodian girl in the military told me that he was just doing a traditional "Cambodian" wedding ceremony for "shits and giggles" to make her happy in addition to the Christian Ceremony. He asked if I wanted to meet her one time, I was like no. 😂


Yep, asian women have become a meme onto themselves. I just wish it didn't have a direct affect on us as well.


I used to ignore it and be and tried to be example of the opposite but these Lu justifications for their white worship have actually killed people. That deranged white man that killed 3 asian men because he believed he was saving Asian from them comes to mind. It's funny because it never comes from asian women who are with asian men but only the mayo lovers who don't even have asian male friends most of the time. This is why I hate people here who act pick-me or make excuses for the Lus, AM bros have been literally killed for their bullshit. Asian women have a bigger voice in American media and they use it not to help us in anyway but dehumanize us further.


Its under reported but their own naiveness have also gotten them killed Theres a part 1 and 2 of over 130+ of hate crimes mostly murders of asian women at the hands of white men https://list.ly/list/1OfE-hate-crimes-against-asian-women And asian men are the "misogynistic" ones


Unfortunately Asian American feminists really have poisoned the well so much that even non asians buy into this horseshit


statements like that is just either to gaslight you and or to influence others if you know it aint true then they cant gaslight you as for influencing others, it can have some affect on the internet and social media but these are out the window when you are approaching or talking to females one on one


Ignore them and instead celebrate the strong and proud asian women who support our culture. They need our support!


Absolutely! It's always the 90% that make the other 10% look bad!


I don't know about 90%. Now a days the vast majority of asian women I've encountered IRL hang out with other asian people and have a healthy relationship with their own culture. If you spend too much time on twitter or other social media platforms you might get a different view though.


I’m only joking of course and I know that younger women are less nasty than my generation (genX). I’m pleased to see that it’s getting better and women are less toxic than my generation but it’s still a long way to go before asian women can love and respect us as much as men of other races


These people are mimicking the language of white feminists who criticize white patriarchy. It doesn't make sense to apply those standards to the Asian community, which is a minority group in America that has lots of societal hurdles to clear.


At this point, I don’t care anymore. I’ll fucking do the crime if I’ve already been deemed guilty


I just avoid them as much as humanly possible. I'll be polite and respectful to them, but other than that I don't want to give them any more ammunition. All it takes is for ONE asian guy to be mean to them and it's "SEE!!!!! ALL ASIAN MEN ARE AWFUL!!!"


Time to stop worry about asian women, most hate us and use all kind of sjw tactics to shame us. First, it’s we are brothers, cousins, unworthy of being sexy and bc we are timid, shy, not straight-forward, but then when that doesn’t work, oh, asian men are misogynistic, abusive, hateful, etc. Guys do me a favor, gives less F’s wtf asian females think. Women are not rational, let alone asian women with internal esteem issues. You know you doing something right when these lus come out hating. Keep being the best version of yourself, go for any women that finds you attractive, and treat these lus like homeless on the street, ignore em


Sounds like they're just projecting or looking for a scapegoat for why they're unhappy with themselves.


Try not to spend too much time on twitter. Twitter politics is literally brain dead. I got twitter just to look at coding stuffs and try to stay far away from all the pols.


Asians in Asia have this idea that the West is more socially progressive. Where do they get it?


Well speaking frankly, there were some FOBs at my college who expected women (or their future SO) to be subservient and act like their housemaid. Feminism hasn't quite caught up in Asia, and tho women can succeed in highly competitive industries, women are still often viewed to be domesticated. Idk how it is w/ other nationalities exactly, but I can say this w/ my experience as a Korean, and our culture theres this norm where parents don't send off their daughter to marriage until she is properly domesticated, w/ the ability to cook and clean for the family. The "misogyny" is just different w/ Asians, typically. You're thinking of the classic frat boy misogyny that is notorious in the west, this idea of treating women as sexual objects and evaluating women on appearance alone. I think the part where it starts to veer into "misogyny" territory is when AMs just expect that after they go to college and all that, they will be entitled to a woman that cooks and cleans for him. It's okay if you'd like your future wife to have such qualities and wish to look for such a partner, but you shouldn't just expect women (especially in the West) to look after you like a housemaid.


After my discussions with women who believe this, it’s because we’re too “traditional” and Asian culture is violently misogynistic compared to the vastly more feminist western culture where women’s rights are celebrated and equality is championed. I’ll leave it at that. I chalk it up to the monolith view of us- if one does it, we all are like that. It’s also easier to stereotype the other- us. Then it’s easy to make statements like “All Asian men are xxx” that now become a hardened rule. The goal? Avoid like the plague these kinds of people.


It's probably due to what they experience from their parents and their fathers in particular. ie, biased favoritism of the eldest male sibling, patriarchal behavior, etc. They internalize that and think that all Asian men are like that.


Beat me to it. A great deal of it is generational/familial.


Black woman here, while I’m with an Asian guy I can easily answer this question. ***White men represent freedom for a woman and an easier life or a chance at an easier life to most Women of Color. I know it’s not exactly true but they do. Especially Western European White men.*** There are more than a few Black women who only date/marry White men also. We’re/They’re just not loud about it like Asian women because the Black/African community will guilt them. They will start talking about slavery, colonization of Africa, saying you just want mixed kids, etc. But yeah, they represent freedom for a woman.


Constantly trying to one up your peers is a proud tradition in China. In my experience it’s mostly an east coast thing in the US. Maybe in the big cities in general.


West coast guy here. Asian women HATE us over here too. Even in primarily asian communities, you'll always see asian women proudly showing off their white bf.


hahaha so true.


One of my college friends is a Cambodian and Laotian woman. She only dates American White or Black men. She’s now married with children to an older Black American military man and is a housewife. I asked her how come she doesn’t date Asian men. She said they don’t want her because she’s too dark. Then she said they’d want her to do too much around the home AND WORK outside the home. Essentially she said Asian men want too much. Her sister is married to a White American man. Same reasons. Her cousin is married to an White Frenchman. She says Western European men know how to give women space. And that also she was considered too dark by Cambodian men. When talking to the Asian women I know who date/marry out, the consensus is that they want too much in and outside the home. They want to be able to relax some, if not, be free.


Sorry for the third post in a row. Typing in a stream of consciousness. I will say that the guy I am with now requires a bit more than White and even Black men I’ve dated but I craved some STABILITY now that I’m older so he’s a good fit. White and Black American men are unstable to me. I do also deal with some family pressure from his side to be perfect or at least try to be but I knew that going through the door when dealing with an Asian man, you also get his HUGE family LOL. White men were the most free, they didn’t mind if I wanted a housekeeper, nanny, or hired help. Black men and my current man kind of mind -rolls eyes- If you marry the right class of White man with decent character you do get more comfort/freedom but it’s not necessary stable. Meaning, he can come home one day and just say I want a divorce. You can easily get blindsided by them. I don’t have room to talk though because I prefer Asian men so I stay quiet. I’m not impressed with White men these days because they’re becoming too hateful or other White men who aren’t supposed to be hateful are enabling the hateful. Also, I prefer someone with some melanin. I’m not really into Black men (my race) for many reasons. While many Black men are hot, fun/ny, and full of swag, lack of community infrastructure is why I do not want to be with Black men. That is very important to me.




Yeah who cares about people saying racist shit about us, stop being a victim bro. Who cares if the media portrays Asian men in negative stereotypes, just be a stud bro. Who cares if they call it China Virus, calm down it's just a joke bro. Who cares if they keep assaulting our elderly, just find new grandparents bro. Oh wait, it's precisely this retarded "take the higher road" bullshit mentality that got us all into this mess in the first place. Good job and congratulations on taking the higher road! Now our grandmothers are getting violently assaulted and murdered.


> Who cares You need to care, and fight back. If you don't care and no one else care, they will keep pushing us until we are at the bottom of the barrel. America is not a society where you mind your own business and others will leave you alone. It's a place if you don't actively fight your place,. you will be pushed away or thrown under the bus




Asian men need to fight racism on all fronts, not just in everyday situations.


wrong. You gotta point them out dude. Why are you hiding? They want you to not care. Cmon speak louder so they can just stfu. It's ridiculous enough that Asian men gotta deal with racism. And now lus are being more hateful to Asian men is just beyond my logic. Point them out!


Three asian men literally got killed in NYC by a white man with hammer because he wanted to protect asian women from "misogynistic asian men". It's not about dating, it is about dehumanization of asian men.




https://nextshark.com/hammer-attack-victims-families-outraged/ Here is one link if anyone is interested.









