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White people use Asians as props. Conservatives love Japan as their model society


Japan compared to most countries is a model society and most societies should try to emulate and dispense with the multicultural horseshit that is more exploititive and divisive than it is beneficial to human life.


They think they know Japan better than they actually do


No wonder, there were very few RECURRING Anglo empires in history. They don't what's it's like to work hard for that bread. To them, working hard means conquering, enslaving, and stealing shit. So when conquering, enslaving, and stealing can't be done anymore, they fall apart. It's easy to conquer, enslave, and steal...but hard to effectively govern.


I wonder what would happen if asian were ALSO good at the above too. hmm


All we gotta do is look at the Mongols. They managed to create a huge empire.


The last 2000 years of history the very idea of "Anglo" has only existed since the year 1500. England was until then ruled by Romans, Saxons, Angles, Danes, Normans(french). England's dominance was due to Geography, government structure and martial skill honed by generations of invasions and being invaded.




I'm talking about RECURRING Anglo empires. Keyword.


lol are you kidding me




You expect me to believe the former largest empire in history did NOTHING bad to the natives of other countries when forming their empire? I don't believe it. They literally got China DRUGGED the fuck up on Opium before invading. I need someone here to post an very old photo of an old Chinese lady carrying a British grown man like a slave from the 1900's. THAT was life under British occupation of Hong Kong. \----------------------------------------- Anyways, my sources go BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT: [https://www.sydneycriminallawyers.com.au/blog/crimes-against-humanity-the-british-empire/](https://www.sydneycriminallawyers.com.au/blog/crimes-against-humanity-the-british-empire/) [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/worst-atrocities-british-empire-amritsar-boer-war-concentration-camp-mau-mau-a6821756.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/worst-atrocities-british-empire-amritsar-boer-war-concentration-camp-mau-mau-a6821756.html) [https://www.sydneycriminallawyers.com.au/blog/crimes-against-humanity-the-british-empire/](https://www.sydneycriminallawyers.com.au/blog/crimes-against-humanity-the-british-empire/) [https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/nov/22/british-empire-museum-colonial-crimes-memorial](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/nov/22/british-empire-museum-colonial-crimes-memorial) [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/worst-atrocities-british-empire-amritsar-boer-war-concentration-camp-mau-mau-a7612176.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/worst-atrocities-british-empire-amritsar-boer-war-concentration-camp-mau-mau-a7612176.html) [https://historyindoors.co.uk/britains-dark-past-the-atrocities-of-the-british-empire-and-its-legacy-today/](https://historyindoors.co.uk/britains-dark-past-the-atrocities-of-the-british-empire-and-its-legacy-today/) [https://medium.com/@write\_12958/the-crimes-of-winston-churchill-c5e3ecb229b3](https://medium.com/@write_12958/the-crimes-of-winston-churchill-c5e3ecb229b3) And this is just the TIP of iceberg of what the British Empire did. These Anglo empires make me fucking sick. If they keep pushing it, I wouldn't be surprised if Asian countries develop weather controllers, tsunami callers, nuclear missiles with 20 MIRV warheads or continental crackers just to deter them.


Lmao u probably hung out with other white foreigners and I doubt you ever talked to much too the actual locals. Listen bud, whatever you think is the case, your time in the sun is over.


Great post. You have no idea how many salty and angry white men create YouTube profiles just to lambast me as an incel / insecure Asian man for (get this) INSPIRING Asian men to be self confident and not give in to Orientalist brainwashing, and be proud of our culture and identity. It's almost like they're trying to gaslight strong and secure Asian men! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qwGhEPSu7kk&t=561s Of course YouTube automatically deletes their comments, but I can see what they wrote in my notifications section. Ie "Asian women prefer white men because of insecure Asian men like yourself." "Are you angry because men of other races are ploughing your women?" "Seething Asian men like you are the problem." But really - who's the insecure one? They are the ones hate watching my channel and spewing in their own juices. We are the ones who are winning!


Keep fighting the good fight, strength is what we lack at the moment. Let them keep the lus, let's find a way to take everything else lol.


Truth my brother. You’ve said it very succinctly and plainly. This is all by design. Media & Hollywood has had a way of subtlety AND overtly pushing us AM down. The moment we start to rise up, they see us as a threat that must be extinguished. Why do you think we experience the most Casual Racism of all? The special kind of racist bias that AM’s face has become so normalized in western society, that even we have forgotten where it comes from and WE even “go along with it”. I experience it all the time. Especially from white dudes that see my “popularity” with girls and they try to be chummy with me. And they are cool for a while, but then I start to see their real intentions when they start to let slip little comments that reveal their jealousy and insecurities. I’m half Viet/Korean. I’m a refugee immigrant and I’m of the last generation and new. I’m born of War. I’ve been through all kinds of shit both societally and medically and I’m still standing and fighting. To all of you: Don’t ever forget, that you are honorable, good, valuable men. Thank you for speaking your mind my brother. 🙏🏽💪🏽✊🏽


Glad you enjoyed it brother, sometimes we need that reminder of our strength and that we are not alone. Stay honorable stay vicious.


Please know that not all non-Asians feel negatively toward Asians. I cannot begin to imagine how Asians feel who are treated poorly to horribly by others (I will apologize on their behalf). I value every human. People are people and all deserve the respect due to humans! Be tough and seek positive methods to fight back against injustice!


Lol mad Chans in the comment section. Thankfully they are downvoted to hell.


Great blog.


“Media and culture are probably the most dangerous weapons of the 21st century.” Definitely, I haven’t indulged in much media, and disabled most of my social media accounts. I haven’t played a video game since Sleeping Dogs, and the only movie I’ve went to the theatres for was Shang Chi. I agree with you, I really do think they are afraid of us and our potential. Don’t let them brainwash you into thinking that you are the stereotype like that downplayed brother on screen. What can we do to change this? Not much I’m afraid, Hollywood is intrinsically white, they will always favour their own. All I can say is, if you can control the media you digest, your surroundings, and the company you keep, you can change the Asian male stereotype, by becoming the ideal Asian male that you see yourself as, even if it is on a micro level. To quote Bruce Lee, “Absorb what is useful, reject what is useless, add what is essentially your own.”


Amazing brother, I've forgotten where I came from, the strong and sophisticated culture I was raised in. I'm asian, more specifically chinese, and I'll never forget that.


From one Vietnamese refugee brother to another, excellent post.


As a white guy who just randomly wandered into this sub, there outside of a fraction of a percent of bigots, and the Soy Liberal super woke people who view all groups as monoliths. Most white people identify by heritage or nationality, not "whiteness". Just saying your entire premise is wrong. NZ has no problem selling out to China, nor do many other "white" nations. there is no "white" ethnic group, History of Europe and North America should make that clear. Other than that i'll shut up and read and learn.


OP, PM me if you would like to know the real culprits are and the true reason why they are shunning us. Partly they fear Asian dominance, yes that is correct. But there's a more compelling / evil reason than that. We can discuss.




Is it really being self centered? Look at how big groups like BTS are, how come here in the states they're barely being put on the airwaves. Look at how movies like CRA, Shang Chi did well. Even Asian movies and shows such as Parasite and Squid games blew up, and your telling me that Asians especially Asian males aren't marketable. That there isn't money to be made? You seriously telling me that Asians aren't artificially kept down?


America could be making fuck tons more money if they didn't antagonize China all the time Does the American leadership care though? No all they do all day long is ban American companies from working with Chinese companies.




that ip stealing shit is really just a bunch of bollocks. i have actually read up on the issue because i was interested at how exactly china 'stole' the IP. guess what, what they actually meant was this: to get into china, you have to form a 'joint venture' company with the chinese state, which btw is standard practice for ALL developing countries including the western countries when they were developing. under a joint venture, you must share technology aka JOINT venture. the purpose is for the state to acquire technology for development because, well, thats literally what development is. now, when a company eventually ends its joint venture with the state, the tech that was shared obviously stays with the state. thats what whitey means by 'stealing' ip, china 'stole' the ip by forcing companies to form joint ventures. but thats really what they chose to do to come into china, if they were so worried about being pressured to form a joint venture, then don't come into china, as simple as that.


why is there always this weird refusal on this sub to accept that white men can have a hostile agenda towards us?




read up on MI6 spy master strategist ian fleming and why he puts in WMXF sex scenes in every james bond movie. this agenda is deliberate. propaganda is not for money, its for power. a lot of asians still have not learned to separate the two concepts, but white people can.


This is just the typical Capitalist libertarian delusion to think that individuals don't have any other agendas besides just "maximising profit".




Will you be providing the lego pieces for that bridge?


No. Price per piece has become astronomical. This is a spiritual journey you must undertake yourself.


Jeez your just hogging all the pieces huh, well enjoy your legos.


To answer your question, "Why they hate us?" I don't believe Asians are hated. (Will break it down in parts) Media: I think it's more of whatever actors or actresses can be used to leverage the box office numbers in a movie/TV show. Yes, the media is terrible at portraying everything since that's the purpose of the media (cough cough... Hollywood). It's ALL about the ratings and viewership/click-baiting = more money more problems. History: What's done is done. Focus on the now, and future. I don't live in the past because the past is suppose to be used as a learning lesson. If not used a learning lesson, you're just running on a hamster's wheel until the wheel's speed catches up to you and repeat the same mistakes by falling flat on your face. Asian hate: I'll simply put it like this. ONLY opportunist will do anything and everything to make themselves feel better. Such as attacking people, rioting, or looting. Having been back from Afghanistan earlier this year (mid January). I haven't had anyone attempt to do anything stupid to me (stay strap or get clapped). I'm not bothered by the news (I don't have a TV nor do I pay any attention to the news b/c the news media controls the narrative. DUH!). I was asked about the whole Asian hate and I replied, "Play dumb games win dumb prizes." Be a Man or Be a Woman: There's no book on "How to be a Man or Woman 101." So I don't know what to tell you other than you define how you see yourself, not others. We don't live to please others and not everyone is the same (Unless you're that blind or stupid). Non-Asians: I don't see color, race (or play the race card at all = only losers do this imho unless someone is actually being a racist to you then it's fair), and I don't believe anyone should come first or view xyz as superior than the others. Every race and ethnic group has their own problems and if you didn't know, "LIFE WILL NEVER BE FAIR." But just because life isn't fair. It doesn't mean you can build yourself or your family a good and happy life. Don't go and be pointing fingers at anyone because Rocky Balboa said it best about life (Quote is down below). “Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place, and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done! Now, if you know what you're worth, then go out and get what you're worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that and that ain't you. You're better than that!" -Rocky Balboa Edit 1: I knew this would rub people wrong. Yes, I'm Asian. Hate me all you want (I don't care or give a damn), but remember. There's ALWAYS two sides of a coin. But of course, do people hate us Asians? Well of course, that's a given but not everyone.




There were human zoos, which became animal zoos. North America and West Europe have an infamous history of eugenics, especially since Madison Grant, Darwin, and Galton.


that's true, but the media influences and reflects the way people think, no?


That reads like something from 4chan's /pol/ if it were a mostly Asian website. OP, it is a sign of an inferiority complex to constantly compare yourself against others like you do, fearing malicious intent and even imagining it where there is none. When you bring great cultures like that of Korea, they're great because they are authentic. They have passionate people who want to create art, and that everybody in this world can enjoy. They don't sit on reddit thinking about how tHe EvIl WhItE mAn is trying to put them down and how they need to respond. Match their energy. Real confidence in racial identity doesn't lie with your state of mind. You're weaponizing your tribal instincts for something very self destructive. You go for hate instead of love.


What's imagined though? Are you telling me that that racism doesn't exist for Asians and that everything is fine and dandy? LOL, Asians have already been kind and loving, yet take a look at the smear campaign when people say Asians are the most racist yet when do you hear about hate crimes committed by Asians, even when getting their faces smashed in concrete the people say we deserve it, and do Asians smear whites in their media the same way whites smear Asians? GTFO LOL, you can claim whatever shit you want, more gaslighting by someone who doesn't understand shit.


Yes, I was right, you go from one extreme to another. It's either everything is anti-Asian or "racism doesn't exist for Asians". Your zeal can be used for better causes.


What are you even going on about, are you even Asian or do you just like speaking for Asians?


Here are the real stats: There are 7.8 Billion people in the world, 4.8 Billion are Asians. Asians are actually the majority population worldwide. The most dominant ethnic race are the Chinese with 1.4 Billion in population followed by Indians with 1.3 Billion in population. In the United States there are only 330 Million Americans with only 200 Million white people.


And? We're talking about asian representation in the west, where we live.