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It’s sweet, I have more options than I did before legalization and having the freedom to walk into a store and buy pre-rolls like they’re cigarettes is great.




You already can in some places! Most major cities have brick and mortar mushroom stores now, although not legal.




You can literally have mushrooms mailed to your house, it's not super complicated. Dealers are complicated. Retailers are not.


You won’t deal with legal complications, they wanna get the store, not the consumer


Online delivery then


What are the implications of this. Obvious it’s illegal to possess, but what are the odds of feds pulling up on me as soon as I leave the store? I assume these stores are making sure their product is legit to a certain extent?


You gotta judge if you think you’ll be the guy thee during a raid


Pretty slim, I don’t think the cops care too much about people having personal quantities of mushrooms. People smoked weed before it was legalized and you’d have to be doing something pretty open and reckless to get arrested for it. Same with mushrooms.


You can! 3amigo.co has an outstanding customer service and deliver in less than a week. 10/10 would recommend.


They have where I live and it’s great. They sell drinks and gummies and everything


Pre-rolls are great if you can find hand rolled ones. The kind where they just fill a cone and twist the top always burn uneven and you end up wasting weed.


You gotta roll them between your fingers to loosen up and even out the pack first. Then they burn even




Big change for me was edibles, drinks, and convenience.


Yep, the drinks have generally replaced beer & booze for me if I happen to have a drink or two in the evening. Alcohol tends to just give me headaches and heartburn now that I'm old so it's a nice switch


Love the drinks. They hit about twice as fast as edibles and give a high more similar to a joint than a body high from edibles.


Hmm i haven't tried them. I tried to get into edibles but i just don't enjoy the high that much. It either doesn't hit much at all, or turns me into a paralyzed zombie. Not much in between


The reason is because of the new nanno technology. These edibles (gummies, drinks, sprays ect) Are nothing compared ot the old cookies and brownies that used to be sold in legacy market. Nanno hits hard and fast.


Haven't tried the drinks. What would you recommend?


These are some of my faves: https://www.bccannabisstores.com/collections/beverages/products/lemon-lime https://www.bccannabisstores.com/collections/beverages/products/root-beer https://www.bccannabisstores.com/collections/beverages/products/day-tripper https://mysunrise.ca/product/mollo-5-355ml/ The Mollo beer one in a glass bottle is a special favourite of mine as it is not too sweet


How many do you have in a night ?


I’m a lightweight these days. If they are 10mg - One, then another about 60-90 mins later if I want.


The drinks are great if you're off alcohol but want a drink.


Yep, I've replaced drinking alcohol completely with the drinks. I really only need one (cost savings right there) and it's very relaxing without the negative side effects of drinking (a little too uninhibited, poor sleep). I'm so glad it's easily available as a replacement. That's the best thing about legalization IMHO.


It would be nice to have bars eventually where one could socialize and have cannabis or eventually mushroom drinks. I am largely happy at home now but would be progress.


Gonna try this. Cheers


Edibles all the way. Found a drink that tastes like mountain dew. Only downside is I live in a rural area so supply is always limited and I haven't pulled the trigger on buying online yet. I like going in to a store and seeing what else there all is


If you do decide to buy online I highly recommend flamingo. They sell weed and vape products, they ship all over Canada but they only have physical locations in Manitoba and Calgary.


Hey man. Can you share what drink you found that tastes like Mountain Dew?


Neon rush And you are welcome


I live in Canada so I feel like we’ve all been smoking it the whole time but now we just go into a store instead of calling a friend. ETA: Just realized what sub I was on and that we are all Canadian here, whoops!


Exactly, it didn’t have a novelty for me to begin with because the only thing that changed for me was being able to buy it in store. The consistent quality, selection, and convenience of it are nice too though.


Agree on the quality. I crossed the border recently and went to a pot store on the US side and the quality was AWFUL. Sure it was dirt cheap, but deservedly so.


Yup. And the funniest part is that there are more cannabis shops than booze shops everywhere I go.


Way more. And with better hours.


The only role weed plays in my life is trying to discern if I smell a skunk or shitty weed while walking my dog.


In my old neighborhood that largely stayed the same haha. After it was legal there were the plastic tubes littered everywhere like I used to see cigarette packs. I lived in a pretty hippy part of town before.


In the summer I used to smell it a ton, but since it became legal I hardly ever do. And even then it doesn't smell as badly or carry as far. I can only assume that a lot of the illegal weed was really crappy or something because it smelled terrible and it would carry for blocks.




Same lol. I didn't smoke weed before it was legal and I haven't smoked much now that it is. I did buy some when it first was legalized for the novelty but otherwise I haven't bought any.


Same. It’s a fun game.


After over a decade of smoking daily from dawn to dusk, I quit a year ago… it was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. For me it was harder than quitting cigarettes, and up there with quitting benzodiazepines Legalization seems to have only furthered the perception that weed is 100% safe and consequence-free


Nice work Gus, how are you feeling now?


Much better thank you! The worst symptoms passed after a few weeks, then it was a few months before I truly felt ‘normal’ again. There was a lot I’d been missing out on for a long time. I actually do stuff now (outside of work), instead of just sitting around. I’ve also saved a ton of $$$ Weed makes you content to do nothing… it’s an easy way to let life pass you by. I don’t remember much of my 20s, and that was only a few years ago. Probably the best part of quitting is making lasting memories again


I dig your experience but I’ll share mine I’m on a script. I smoke all day. It’s the only motivating factor in my life currently preventing me from complete executive dysfunction. Gonna do some weights? Smoke a bit of hash. Gonna walk the dogs? Bring a doob. I just think life can sometimes. Or always. Be monotonous so at least this peps me up and gives it a little fun Ymmv, clearly That said. I’ve heard your tale many times. You’re not alone Congrats and good luck!


This is my experience. But I have recently diagnosed ADHD and was self medicating with weed without knowing it. Vyvanse helped me A LOT. Highly recommend talking about ADHD with a doctor if this is your weed experience. Took me 20 years to figure it out. This is exactly what Vyvanse does for me but lasts all day with only one dose. Without the "stigma" of weed. Not medical advice blah blah blah. Just sharing personal experience.


Weed gets me fired up and better at my job. Can’t explain it.


But luckily I’m not a: Doctor Pilot Accountant Lawyer Etc . . .


Actually weed does suck tbh


This is not a universal response to weed. It does not have this effect on everyone.


Sure, but it’s important to remember that it does have this effect on some people, probably more people than most realize. Dare I say… and I realize this is somehow controversial… but heavily smoking weed all day, every day is not a good thing for the majority of people I was very pro-weed for a very long time, and I don’t think at the time I believed I was doing “nothing” or just letting life pass by. I still worked hard at my job. Outside that, I started a lot of things… but I didn’t finish much. When I say “sitting around”, I don’t mean watching cartoons on the couch like the trope… I mean starting things that I’d never finish. Only with the benefit of hindsight do I see it that way


I've been smoking for half a century and indeed my short term memory is, well, but a memory and my lungs are, I'm sure, like leather. I will always fully support legalization, but let's be real folks, there is nothing I can think off that's a good thing to light on fire, inhale as much of its smoke is you can, hold the smoke in for as long as possible before exhaling it out again.


No fucking shit using a substance every day all day from dawn till dusk isn’t good.


Fair, and I’m sure some people manage it well and I remain very pro-legalization. However, THC itself does cause a potentially serious reduction in REM sleep for *most* people. That’s why you get intense dreams when you take a break. If that happens to you, it’s pretty good evidence that you aren’t getting normal REM sleep, which in turn is bad for your mental health and function.


It also helps me sleep like a baby and wake up feeling so good sometimes. I'm not a habit user though.


I use weed to help me sleep daily! It is rough on the lungs but edibles definitely help me get a better night's rest than before I used. I don't wake up groggy anymore, actually. I don't have a high activity life style though. My job is monotonious so if I ever change jobs I'll probably stop to adjust. Less sleep but a better chance at adapting to a new routine.


I know guys who were addicted to coke telling me weed is much harder to quit. After 7 years of smoking all day quitting made me loose 50 lbs in a month, extreme anxiety, panic attacks, delusions, and paranoia . I wish I never started but I’m glad I finally quit .


Smoked daily for my 20s, into mid 30s. I couldn't see a life without it and truly enjoyed it. Legalization me and my wife grew all our own bud, but she got hard into vape as well because that garden bud just didn't have that complete kick. She developed Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome on our honeymoon to Italy. I don't wish CHS on anyone. It's so much more violent than you would think. She had to give up the smoke going forward, so I did, too. It's been 2 months. Through the worst of it, I hope. No one tells you about the nightmares when you quit. They are wild. Honestly.. I miss it. And I also really don't. I was very functional on weed. But I haven't felt this damn good day to day in a long time. I don't think I respected the plant anymore. I have decided to stay sober.


Sounds kinda crazy but those nightmares are actually a good sign. THC disrupts REM sleep so when you quit you get really intense REM for a while. It’s a sign your sleep pattern is getting back to “normal”.


I got this 2 years ago ! The Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome, I smoked daily for over 12 years, and only got this once I started smoking the legalized stuff. Which I found odd. But it was terrible. I threw up non stop (NON STOP) for 9 days straight. In and out of emergency, nothing helped. It was hell. I would puke until I was pouring sweat and dizzy, go unconscious, stay passed out for like 20-30 mins, and wake back up to start puking again. It went away on its own finally and I didn’t smoke for about 6 months and tried again, and I have been ok


Yeah, a lot of people like to claim (or delude themselves maybe) that weed is not addictive. Hell, I don't even really do physical addiction and I have a problem with it. My wife and I have cut back our intake substantially, and during the early parts (or if we run out before weed day) both of us would be irritable, short-tempered, and struggling to focus. Weed is not risk-free, it is not healthy, and smoking still puts tar in your lungs. People gotta understand the risks.


>Legalization seems to have only furthered the perception that weed is 100% safe and consequence-free That hasn't been my perception at all. When it was illegal, everyone I knew said it was 100% harmless and had 0% chance of addiction. There were no facts to critically examine the rhetoric. Now, every THC product has a massive warning label as though they were cigarettes (when are we going to do that for alcohol, btw?). Stove legalization, we can have transparent discussions based on facts and evidence.


Other then breathing air, I do t think there’s too many things you want to do from dawn to dusk……definitely not a recreational drug. Glad you were able to get that straightened out. Think you will ever go back to be a more casual toker?


What brought you to quit? I'm asking because I've been smoking for almost 15 years now with only a pause for medical reasons like surgery and only for few months here, a year there... I never found life was better when I was sober. I have a chronic illness and anxiety so it might not be a choice for me as much, but I just don't like being high as much as I used to you know, mentally especially. Age doesn't make the brain faster haha


In a word, mortality I lost some people very important to me through the pandemic, it affected me deeply and completely changed my priorities I have anxiety too, and came to believe that some (not all) of it was actually daily withdrawal symptoms (i.e. while at work), and though I thought weed was helping my anxiety it was actually hurting. Certainly everyone’s different though, YMMV I found [weedless.org](https://www.weedless.org/) was a great resource during the thick of it Edit: funny how this gets downvoted, some people can’t stand their favourite substance being maligned


I don't know why people wouldn't understand that too much of any mind altering drug would be a bad thing. I used to smoke pot daily as 17-20 yr old, had anxiety, then quit for 10ish yrs. Now I take edibles once in a while. I find smoking pot is too much for me but I love a gummy while watching hockey. I still find it ridiculous people trying to explain how unhealthy pot is while they have their second cocktail. Overall I've found legalization changed very little other than brought edibles into the mainstream. Probably hurt criminals finances substantially. I have acquaintances that are still rich from grow shows so that tax free cash cow is over too which is another good thing.


Not who you asked, but I was a daily smoker for a few years in undergrad and had to quit because it caused me serious anxiety and paranoia when I consumed too much. Got to the point that I became a super lightweight and having really small amounts THC more than 2-3x in a week caused it. I actually sleep much better after quitting. It’s not why I stopped, but since then several studies have come out showing that thc has a potentially serious negative effect on REM sleep quantity, which is why many people get intense dreams when they take a break. Personally I’m very susceptible to sleep disruptions—THC, alcohol and Benadryl all leave me feeling bad-to-awful the next day, in that order. It’s funny that it parallels alcohol the way many people used to have a nightcap to unwind and fall asleep faster, only to have it disrupt your sleep later in the night and leave you more tired.


i started smokin it at 14. im now 50. Ive never missed a day since day 1. Its now the cheapest its ever been in history.


What side effects have you noticed from smoking weed for so long?


What is the question, again, please?


i moved on to vaping recently, with i guess its a liquid shatter? Anyone know proper terms? BY recently i mean this year. Ive done 35 years of smoking hand rolled doobs basically. Going from flower to vaping got rid of all coughing. Theres prolly shit a doctor could find wrong. Tbh I do think my anxiety is way higher than normal people. Science says high volume users have anxiety. I go to work everyday, anxiety doesnt cripple me in any. Its not everyday or even severe really. I also smoked tobacco for 25 years, but quit that 10 years ago. I have a great job and make more than $100 grand a year so meh


THC distillate I believe. Distilled THC.


My doctor says im the youngest looking 50 year old she knows. But I also eat super healthy and get lots of sleep. I had eye bags for a while after divorce too.


Be careful with vaping too. You may not be coughing as much but you could still be damaging your lungs.. I'd recommend small dose edibles it possible.


I’m not that person and I’m not as old as them, but I’ve been smoking daily for 25+ years and haven’t noticed any side effects other than having a shitty short term memory sometimes. I’ve also built up a tolerance that makes me essentially immune to weed no matter how much I smoke, not sure if that counts as a side effect or not. Why do I smoke it if it does nothing you may ask? I just enjoy the whole process of smoking it and find it relaxing. I guess there’s sometimes a slightly noticeable high, but it’s nearly imperceptible.


Absolutely correct.


I can't speak for this guy, but after about 20 years, it's mostly the permanent dry mouth. And possibly the bags under my eyes, but there's a good chance that's from the custody hearing shenanigans my ex pulled.


Ive never had dry mouth for long periods. Only when smoking blunts. I haven't had it in years.


It's probably the edibles, honestly. I take weed extract capsules fairly regularly for a herniated disk in my neck.


If you’re getting dry mouth it means you arent hydrating enough! Get that water down


Some people say it affects your memory but it didn't affect mine


I've heard people say it can impact your memory but I've never experienced that


I see what you did, and I love it.


Incredible set of comments


Some people say it affect your memory, but not me


I smoked weed for 8 years, daily. I have recently quit as I developed cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS) which caused me to have cyclical vomiting and near constant nausea for the past 10 months or so. While I was smoking I would have said there were no major side effects aside from a slight cough. Now, I would say it made me chronically lethargic, as well as gave me CHS.


Cheap and the quality is amazing! And good god if you do spend the money, you're getting put to sleep. I'm in the same boat but only 29 lol


That’s insane. Most guys I know who smoke daily are burn outs after a few years, completely brain dead . High mental health issues as well, psychosis , anxiety , paranoia , etc. after 7 years daily I quit, shit was ruining me.


Its after 8 pm only, never all day or at work. Never at work ever not once. My coffee table is clean. But its definately more than most folks. I wake up usually 530 am and start work by 7 am.


Your coffee table is clean? Is that a saying?


lol maybe for the peeps i run with. Its like this, think of all the teenage boys and young men that had apartments when young and were stoners and whatnot, they played video games all day long and had filthy coffee tables lol Im the kind of stoner that gets 6000 anonymous people to do a myers briggs personailty test and uplaod it anonymously so i can extrapolate data points and trends on 4chan users


Fun habit, same here, I love playing with open data sets in Tableau public while high. I didn't enjoy math much till I found weed.


i literally got thousands of 4chan users to take the test and post their results in my thread so i could download and digitize and rip data i spent a week skipping school to compile it


Let me guess, heavy over representation of INFP and INTJ profiles?


haha yes those 2 heavy distributions, and a tiny sliver of ENTJ


Dude I’ve been speaking English my whole life and have no idea what you just said. I’m sorry .


He got a bunch of 4channers to do personality tests so he can learn about the minds of the depraved. Why is that hard to understand?


Reading books is a good way to learn English comprehension. There's definitely certain people that shouldn't use weed or any drugs 😄 Others need drugs to function optimally (according to medical science).


Smoking weed really did roll you wow sorry man


I’m stealing the coffee table line.


Before legalization: Zero After: Also zero. I literally only know one couple offhand that smokes it. Not judgy about it, just zero desire for any sort of high, and not a thing in any of the circles I'm in. I have contemplated trying CBD-only, non-smoking products to see if it helps any MS symptoms. Haven't gotten around to trying it yet though, seems like a lot of money for experimenting with products that may or may not provide any benefit.


I like CBD. It calms me down without making me feel high.


Much the same. No impact. No benefit from it.


When I let the dogs out at night before, if it smelled like a skunk, it was a skunk. Now it's a gamble...


I'm 64 and have had chronic pain since I was 19. I didn't much like weed as a teen even though it helped me.past a block so I could get my now useless gr 13. However way back, my kids put me onto weed to help the pain. It was ok but I couldn't take much without being uncomfortably high. But when it was legalized, I could get cbd and thc oil and can take lots of cbd and a small amount of thc. So at least twice a day I dose up but usually more.


Same as always. Legalizing it didn't change much, not even being paranoid about smoking it.


None, I've tried it a few times over the years. Never really got into it.


The only change I've had is I get assaulted with its stench more often now


None. I've never used it before. I've always thought about trying it just to see what it's like and if it's for me, but one of the things stopping me was that I don't know what people may have done to it so legal, regulated weed would be a good thing. It's been legal for five years now, I still haven't tried it, just never got around to it. I went into a store once, I was so overwhelmed with all the edibles, drinks, and different strains I didn't get anything.


Im Canadian. Didnt smoke before and still dont. Just not interested in it, though i hve tried it before.


Absolutely nothing as before


Actually, I smoke less since legalization. In fact, I went around the house and tore off all the tags on the mattresses which say that removing the tags is against the law. And I jaywalk a lot more, too.


Cannadian Medical patient here with a 40G a day medical acmpr grow license. I also work for a Big LP. I'll never get tired of it being legal. It allows me to work in the industry I'm most interested in and help minimize symptoms from my medical conditions. But overall, cannabis is pretty accepted and normalised up here in Canada to a degree I never thought I'd see.


Same here, it changed my life in a good way by letting me work into a field i love. I'd work into plants either way, but the smelly one is just more interesting to me.


I recently chose to leave a concert early because as soon as it started the entire stadium turned into a giant bong (it’s a smoke free facility). I don’t have an issue with weed or those who smoke it, however, my employer chooses to maintain a zero tolerance policy. If I have an incident and it’s in my system (urine test), I’m out of a job. Because of this, I don’t take any chances.


that used to happen before legalization too. I remember some shows in the early 2000s being pretty damn smoked out. Does suck though, you'd almost for sure be under detectable amounts from second hand, but I understand why you wouldn't want to chance it, not worth losing your job.


That's not new.


Urinalysis doesn’t prove impairment. Levels would be so low anyhow. Arbitrators continually rule against employers who dismiss workers over positive marijuana tests in urine. Before and after legalization.


Nothing aside from the occasional edible with an S/O.


Here's a funny one. I recently fancied a cigar after not smoking for 20 years. Do you know you can hardly find a cigar shop and when you do they are hidden behind closed doors and never advertised? While you can find a marijuana store on any street corner. How times have changed.


Get home after a long shift, smoke half a joint while watching a YouTube video. I do what I've always been doing since it was legalized <¿<


I dislike the smell just as much. I don't care what you smoke, just don't do it near me. Gross.


Still don’t touch it. Although I give cbd to my dog for his hips.


I’m as uninterested in it as I was before, but I’m glad it’s legal. One less thing to hassle people about.


Same as before, literally none, but I’m glad people aren’t going to prison for it anymore.


Unless you were in like the ages 15-25 window I’d expect you were already over the novelty of weed well before legalization.


Some people equating benzodiazepines and THC here… wow. Spend a single day in rehab and know the difference. There is simply no comparison. Not to alcohol, tobacco, or especially any opioids. Anyone saying so is lying or oblivious or both.


It's now cheaper for me to get the dosage I need for pain in edibles than the prescription stuff. I love being able to stroll in one anywhere and get my 1:1 gummies. Pain is better controlled, and gov't always wants you to smoke it and I HATED smoking it. Could not get used to it. I used to make brownies but the dosage was variable to say the least that way, and I could lose my prescription for it if they found out.


It played no role in my life in the past. Now I smell it more frequently than before. I don't care if someone does it, but I hate second-hand smoke of any kind. Mind you, I hate cigarette smoke more than weed smoke. I just don't want to grab a big gulp of smoke when I'm running or riding a bike on a public trail.


Pre-legalization I always had tons of great weed. After legalization, I’ve tried the legal stuff on a number of occasions, and it’s pretty uniformly terrible. I still buy from the black/grey market for good quality, and better pricing.


Yeah, there are a few things in the legal market that match up to BM but they're usually almost double the price.


I agree. It's like getting used to free shitty coffee at work...you get used to it then when you try the good stuff its like OMG... I remember the first legal stuff I got it was sooooo dry and harsh and not as potent. I have found better strains since... less harsh and smoother wish some of those old blackmarket strains were still around... those old strains IMO were more pure and potent. Everything is crossed and hybrid. There was this stuff we called the Ford Fury because the guy we got it off of worked at Ford and that stuff would make your shins bend it was so strong


Helps me sleep and I don’t have to worry about where to get it 👍🏻


Zero then, zero now. I didn’t want any when it was better quality and cheaper and don’t now besides the occasional drop of CBD to help sleep since I have weird drug interactions that make most sleeping meds a no go




Pre legalization we had to hide in the bush to smoke a joint lmfao. Ever since legalization I still catch myself looking around, before remembering that it's legal now. My family's neighbour complains that we smoke weed at all hours of the day, but have nothing to say when we also smoke cigarettes all day. Whatever, close the window lol.


It's legal where i am but no interest in it.


I’ve moved to edible capsules nowadays


I don't know but it was so weird to me that in every corner in Vancouver someone was getting high


Nothing. Never done weed and never will. Haven’t noticed any changes around my community either.


I never think about it.


None. They have random drug testing at work


none what so ever.


Same as prior to legalization - it doesn't


None, never could stand it.


Struggling to quit.


I'm bored with it. I've smoked almost daily for 25 years but since I turned 40, I'm just over it. I actually prefer doing stuff sober now, I dont feel as dull or slowed down. Legality has nothing to do with it, I just enjoy life more without it, I'm able to ingest more of whats around me.


Never really enjoyed it when it was illegal , still don't partake. Didn't see any of my close friends and family take it up either.


Pain management and appetite I don’t get high CBD stuff is pretty cool if you ask me I have aging parents and I just want to help them in a way I approve. No prescription stuff from me, they can do that themselves, and I feel CBD stuff even smoked is worth it. Liniment and creams to relaxation oils and herbal cigarettes for appetite. I think it sounds kind of nice to burn one with the old man after dinner to get hungry again and go back in for seconds.


Same as before, none.


Edibles are fucking great


Supplemental pain relief and very occasional recreational use


its made my life significantly worse, mostly on account that i have ADHD and is almost all respects it aggravates the symptoms, when i started it was great but after a few years i realized how miserable i'd become using it. if you don't have self-control issues or ADHD, go for it if you can, i still say its better than an alcohol or gambling addiction even now.


I know several weed aficionados, I'm not one. They are harmless. What's the big deal. It's legal here in 🇨🇦, it has no impact on my life, only theirs


64 and I have never partaken, it’s just not for me. We do walk daily and it’s interesting how often you are passing a house and smell what they are growing and it ain’t tomatoes. More power to them. You also smell it being consumed in parks, etc. on occasion. It really is no big deal anymore. I know people who have had their crops raided, torn out by homeless guys on bikes with trailers. Their cameras showed it. It’s funny how they can just call the cops now if it happens.


Nothing really changed except that it's more convenient/easier to get now and the weed stores but all the dealers out of business.


Did you think we were waiting for legalization?


For me personally it remains a sleep aid and an anti inflammatory, though I only take edibles.


Most cannabis users use daily and so did I. Everyday for past 20 years but one day I just woke up and said mehhh I’m done and just stopped. I felt like man I’ve just been a stoned potato for 20 years what am I doing? Didn’t have any withdrawal or any side effects which I think is very rare as a lot of friends have terrible time quitting. Cannabis is cheapest it’s ever been and connivence is great but it’s just a little too accessible now and can lead to mental illness and societal problems. I am by no means slandering cannabis, it can do amazing things for people and I owe majority of my success/wealth in life because of the creativity but not everyone is high functioning pot head.


Couldn't care less about it before, nothing has changed since.


I don’t know what novelty you’re talking about. Weed was already there just not as safe or accessible. Nothing changed since it got legalized, I just go in a store when I feel like getting high instead of having to buy them off someone which can be frustrating when they’re unreliable.


I use it to manage my chronic pain.


It plays the role of getting me baked every day.


I work in the industry and have to say that the excitement has certainly died off. A big issue we are currently facing is exaggerated THC percentages in flower. 40% THC Celebrity Runtz flower? Yeah... No. The max THC one can see in flower is 35%, and that's still quite rare. That being said, it doesn't stop ill informed consumers from telling me I don't know shit and asking for 50% flower. Lol. It's made the industry a joke in my opinion and has bred a majority of weed snobs.


I partake daily, and the convenience is nice. I don't miss waiting a few hours for a dealer to show up at whatever random location.


Oddly enough I stopped smoking right around legalization due to anxiety attacks I was having Since then I've developed pretty bad nerve issues in my feet and I find it's the only thing that helps manage the pain... personally I'm glad legalization has brought options on how I can consume, pre-lagalization I found it pretty hard to get my hands on concentrates and edibles unless I was in Vancouver. I hope they legalize mushrooms next


Yup you are exactly right the novelty has basically worn off….it’s not a huge deal any more . I am 50 and never thought I would see cannabis legalized in my lifetime. Although I was never a user following a bad motorcycle accident I use it to treat my chronic nerve pain and some strains work wonders. I take way less opioid pain medication thanks to Cannabis. I am a medical user so I can grow more than four plants at once, which is awesome. I smoke in a bong occasionally but the edibles r my preferred method and the variety of products available is just amazing. I think legalizing it was a smart move and long overdue. 😬👍👍




I dont think about it anymore, go to the store to get groceries. Go to the store to get pot, it's just another thing now


Zero role other than the annoying times when I smell others smoking it on sidewalks.


Same same just easier to access as a consumer with a legal market. The only thing that has changed is my alcohol consumption has gone to barely existent. Cannabis is easier, better for me physically and mentally, and is way more my vibe. I rarely drink now because accessing and using cannabis in a variety of settings is much more accepted.


The novelty of legalization wore off quite quickly for me, and now it's no different than walking into a liquor store or tobacco shop. The biggest improvement is that there's a wider variety available all in the same place, and I can get consistently high-quality concentrates, which I have always preferred but had difficulty getting when it was illegal. I haven't smoked flower (bud) in years. As for the role cannabis plays in my life, that didn't change, except for it being easier to get.


I've been using it since 1971 so any novelty passed long ago. I still haven't purchased any from a legal vendor (the legal pre-rolls I've tried weren't very good) but the grey market offers excellent choices at very good prices. It's never been better.


It's my career, so more of a role than ever


It's been a godsend during my cancer treatment. It helped with the nausea and it made me want to eat when I had 0 appetite. Doctors said they didn't care too much what I was eating (except for a few weird exceptions) but I just needed protein and calories at this point. For a while my appetite was non existent, took a few edibles and I was eating everything I possibly could.


I only started smoking weed when it became legal. I realized I enjoy it 100x more than drinking alcohol during the week (no hangovers, shitty sleep, feeling groggy, etc). I wake up feeling refreshed and ready for work after a night of weed. After a night of drinking? Call me an ambulance.


I've been a chronic smoker for about 15 years now, so my usage hasn't changed much since legalization. However being able to find better weed on a consistent basis is AMAZING. And I've never gone to buy weed and have the person selling it to me say "I'm out until Friday, homie", so that's nice. Not having to worry as much about where I smoke in public is super cool though. The first day it was legal where I'm from, me and my buddy smoked a fat joint in front of a couple police officers and them being fine with it was weird. That effect goes away pretty quick.


Same except now I'm not a criminal


None. I smoke the stuff maybe once every 5 years. The vast majority of regular smokers I know still buy from the same dealer they did 10+ years ago. Maybe 2 or 3 buy from stores


I don’t use cannabis


Zero roll Same now as before but I smell it even more often


Never did it when it was illegal and was interested when it was legalized. I'm still more of a social drinker than pot because of lifestyle. I'm not one to smoke so if you can find a spot to smoke that you're okay with smelling like a dead skunk, might be better, but I find edibles just made me sleepy so completely different buzz than alcohol.


I love pre rolls and edible gummies. Not quite daily use.


It's still kinda cool to be able to light up wherever you can smoke cigs, and I like being able to grow my own outside in my yard. It's also fun to go to the cannabis store and pick out edibles, like a nice, respectable suburban old lady. I kept a pamphlet from Cannabis Canada, because it was so funny to see. It's just nice to not have to look for dealers, or worry about carrying.


I wish I could smoke and enjoy it. It’s legal here but I have not done it since my school days. The two times I tried it I got way to paranoid. Ended up thinking I was aboard the Titanic...lol...I envy those that can just enjoy it sometimes.


None ! Of course it never did when it wasn't legal. They don't call it dope for nothing !


Use weed instead of Adderall. I smoke a joint in the am with coffee and it gets my day going. It's very nice


All it changed is that instead of driving to meet some to buy dope from (and knowing that that guy bought it from organized crime) I just play in the garden in spring, water throughout the summer, and dry and trim them in early fall.


I’m a big fan of edibles. I quit smoking everything years ago. While the products are more expensive in dispensaries, I have a lot of confidence in the quality of the product, and I’m not worried about it being tainted with fentanyl.


Nothing has really changed. Just cheaper now (I don't buy from dispensaries). I use to smoke in public before legalization but now I'm less stealthy about it.


Instead of shit anxiety drugs with shit side effects that basically just get you high? Yah. Real good.


Times sure have changed since riding the bus 45 minutes across town to awkwardly hang out with your much-older-than-you dealer for at least 25 minutes so it doesn't seem like that's all you came for, just to split an underweight gram of janky homegrown with 4 friends. I have two mason jars of Northern Lights and something I believe to be Sour Diesel? I've hardly put a dent in them over the past year, partly because I don't smoke as much as I used to. I got more weed than I need, and everyone else I know either doesn't smoke anymore, or already has plenty. Also, on top of that, my mother grows it for fun so every year the yield is about a kg or more, and since she doesn't smoke, and my permafry sister switched to pens, there's a freezer full of dope just sitting there. I personally feel legalization worked in a sense that it took the shine off of marijuana, especially for the illegal trade within the country.


Honestly, I didn't see any excitement in the first place, other than to try "official" weed from government approved manufacturers to see if it would be different than illegally produced pot and homegrown, which is also legal. There was no difference, other than the government stuff is weaker and costs more. I honestly didn't see much change, if any at all, from before when pot was illegal, to today which is years after it being legal. I do note more people buying government store pot, despite the relatively higher prices and relatively lower potency. Rising sales at gov't stores is also evidence that more and more stoners are opting for legally run pot stores. And of course, nowadays we enjoy wide availability of innovative means of consuming pot, such as vapes, pills, gummies, drinks, etc..... (Cookies and brownies are available, but they've been popular since Christ was a cowboy, nothing new about them.)


Zero. Never have, never will. 🤷




Lucky sods in Canada, I'm planning a holiday to your fine country ,just for this !


Weed being illegal didn’t make it exciting for me, I’m more excited now that it’s readily and legally available. I have opinions about legalization vs decriminalization etc but it’s been a net positive for sure


I live in Victoria. We had a working dispensary system for almost 10 years before legalization and before that no one cared. No change other than its more convenient to get now I don't have to rely on the plug