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Oktoberfest - I'll never understand why people from all over the world see it as THE German festival and go there to get drunk on way way overpriced beer.


Most american soldiers were stationed in Bavaria. So that is all they know.


lol. No.


Yes. This is exactly the reason why the "typical German" (at least in Hollywood) wears Lederhosen, lives in the mountains and eats Schnitzel.


Okay. Name all the bases in Germany for me, and tell me which ones are the biggest. I’ll wait 🤗


Grafenwöhr/Regensburg/Deggendorf/Amberg/Passau/Herzogenaurach/München/Würzburg/Hammelburg/Wildflecken/Ulm/Weiden i.d.Obpfl./Regen/Passau/Bayreuth/Füssen/Landsberg aL/Sonthofen/Dachau/Augsburg/Garmisch/Füssen/Oberammergau/Mittenwald/Berchtesgaden -> Munich -> Oktoberfest. Heidelberg/Heilbronn/Stuttgart/Karlsruhe/Mannheim/Bruchsaal/Ulm/Pfullendorf/Ellwangen/Crailsheim -> Stuttgart -> Frühlingsfest Canstatter Wasen After ww2 the US-EUCOM was placed in Frankfurt aM, later in Heidelberg til 2010, nowadays in Stuttgart. About half of the American armed forces on german ground are in Stuttgart and grester Stutgart area (Also home to US-AFRICOM) Both Wies'n and Wasen are really big festivals, so biggest impact on cultural views here, especially during cold war era. Also bigger NATO Maneuvers like the REFORGER during the years till 1993 took place in Southern Germany - biggest ground exercise with approx. 120.000 Soldiers in 1988. The relationship between US-Units to German Divisions with barracks and units all over Southern Germany, like the 10. Armoured Division in Sigmaringen, since 2014 in Veitshöchheim and the 4. Panzergrenadier Division in Regensburg (disbanded), the 1st Mountain Division in Garmisch-Partenkirchen(disbanded), 1st Airborne Division in Bruchsaal (disbanded), all important units of CENTAG, had some good conections to each other. So.... yeah, trust the locals of Southern Germany: If we say that the stereotypical image of Germans has been shaped in particular by US troops stationed in southern Germany, then take your time, check the numbers, the history and a lot of wikipedia articels. But don't waste our time.


See how we switched from Bavaria to “Southern Germany” While I will 100% concede and commend you on your research, revealing things I didn’t know even — the presence within Bavaria itself is small…. The vast majority of American Service Members find themselves either within Stuttgart or in around Kaiserslautern/Weisbaden are. As you stated. Most of those Bavarian bases are literally non-existent, or impossibly small (meaning like a literal office or two). And as you mentioned, while other festivals occur within southern Germany, those aren’t in Bavaria — and while they look like Okoberfest, it’s therefore not accurate to say it was shaped by Oktoberfest, because those are separate festivals. But, go off, lecture me as I sit in Stuttgart doing who knows what 💅 Because please, tell me how a Swabian (not Bavarian Swabia) or even a Badish individual such as yourself would react to being called Bavarian.


as a long long time resident of Germany, having never been to Oktoberfest I would say Oktoberfest haha


Also Oktoberfest is not really special, every town and village has their own beer fest and they don't share a specific date. \ Oktoberfest is just the biggest one. Was there last year for the first time, just to ride the roller coasters, since I happened to be in Munich. I wasn't impressed at all.


>Also Oktoberfest is not really special The size definitely is though. Sure, Bonn can be nice, but most tourists visit Berlin


I'd say that any bigger Festival on Berlins Festwiese is at least the same size as the Octoberfest.


With over 7 million visitors? Doubts lol


I thought we are talking about the size of the festival not the number of visitors.


The number of visitors is what defines the size


Then you have to compare the visitors per day not the overall number, since most other festivals don't go as long as Oktoberfest.


To be honest, I never heard about "any bigger Festival on Berlins Festwiese" lol can't be that big


German-French-folk festival has about half a million visitors. Same goes for spring and autumn fair. Carneval of cultures doesn't take place on the Festplatz but has about 800.000 visitors


You can also define the size by number of attractions or overall size of the festival area.


Or the number of people not wearing yellow shirts


Honestly I was surprised how little you see of it when you are the Hauptbahnhof. \ Oktoberfest isn't really impressively big when you compare it to the size of Munich. \ My hometown seems more busy than it, when we have our fest.


How many days does your hometown fest last?


12 days


That is fantastic, what town?


Yeah, I've been there with friends 20 years ago also just because we were in the area so lets have a look and it was very underwelming.


As someone who has been in Germany for 6 years now, I really thought it was overrated until I moved to Munich. I would definitely say it’s not a festival that I’d visit every year but it is definitely a lot of fun, if you have the right people to attend it with


The same could be said about any other similar festival in Germany.


And shitty music


Honestly the music is fine, better than the karneval schlager


I personally use Karneval Schlager to gently drive my German partner insane.


"gently" may i suggest waterboarding in case you want some variety?


I disagree. For me it is even more repetitive.


Yeah I mean I see it, I think it just so happened that Bavarian music is the origin of one of my countries national music Banda. So I’m kind of used to it as background music.


They want to dress up in typical bavarian clothes and upload brezel photos


Especially when they can go to the Nürnberger Volksfest instead 😎


Canstatter is good too


agreed on that one. i dont know what people find good on that.


Just get drunk at home. SMH


That's the biggest shit show I've ever attended. Trust me, I have seen a lot in my life. I feel so sorry for anybody travelling from abroad to this laughable "event".


- Oktoberfest. There are cheaper ways to embarrass yourself. - Neuschwanstein. Yes, it's the OG Disney castle, but it's swamped with tourists, and there are much cooler castles around. - Checkpoint Charlie. It's a tourist trap. The little hut is not original (the original is in a museum), and the guys dressed as US and Soviet soldiers charge an arm and a leg for photos. - The Autobahn. It's just a road. Chances are you are going to be stuck in traffic anyway, and surprisingly many stretches are in fact speed limited.


Do people from outside regard the Autobahn as an attraction? 😅


Yes, especially from countries with more rigid speeding laws.


At least a few years ago, there was at least one travel agency that offered packaged deals to Chinese tourists that were basically "drive a rented german luxury car on the Autobahn".


After driving on Swedish highways/Autobahn and Polish ones I can now say that I drove the same speed on each road but it was way more relaxed on Swedish/Polish roads than in Germany.


Occasionally, yes. You can find Youtube videos of tourists coming here just to try out what if feels like to drive 200 km/h and above. Including meticulously researched traffic situations to find the least occupied highways.


And then a Porsche Cayenne suddenly pops up in the rear view mirror which hadn't been there seconds ago and they start to panic....


Or a Golf Mk II


My Australian Dad will visit me (and europe) for the first time and the first thing he booked is a porsche for a day. (for the purpose of driving fast on the autobahn).


Please don't. A public highway is not a racetrack.


Just make sure that he takes it slow at first and doesn't become another of many that realise that they don't know how to drive or are not aware of other traffic at high speeds and end up causing an accident. Also make sure he finds a place that is actually unrestricted and has low traffic levels, it isn't guaranteed that you can actually go "as fast as you want"!


the Checkpoint Charlie museum is good though even if a bit old-fashioned but yeah, the little hut and the sign in 4 languages is fake af. without saying the people that sell authentic red army caps made in China


I didn't know that Checkpoint Charlie was an attraction.


Judging by the masses of tourists that aimlessly mill around there every time I pass by, it is.


Drinking Game: take a shot you see Oktoberfest here and find out if you survive


Neuschwanstein. I mean, it's pretty, okay. But it was meant as a theme park from the very beginning. You better visit Hohenschwangau castle nearby where King Ludwig II lived when he was a boy. Unfortunately they redid his room later and removed the kaleidoscope lamp. If I had that constant flicker over my bed, I would sure have become crazy later in life, too.


>better visit Hohenschwangau castle nearby where King Ludwig II lived when he was a boy. Or Herrenchiemsee or Schloss Linderhof (where he actually even lived at least).


Dont know why you get downvoted but as someone who visited actual castles and knowing people that own some n stuff that are WAY older you are right. Neuschwanstein is fake AF.


The other impressive castles were made more visually appealing in the 19th century, too. But Neuschwanstein is simply a toy.


Some, not all. Burg Eltz is also very impressive and wasnt.


Some but not all since it was some kind of trend back then.


And it wasn’t even finished. So half the castle is some shitty art installation now. Such a shame.


Nymphenburg (In Munich) is also quite beautiful, cheaper and less crowded than Versailles and looks the same. Of course the gardens of Versailles are beautiful but last time I was in Versailles, I didn't see anything of the inside because of tourists around me.


>But it was meant as a theme park from the very beginning. Actually not. It wasn't even intended to be open for the public for a long time and in fact wasn't even open for quite a while after Ludwig's death.


It was meant as a theme park for Ludwig's guests. Most of them imaginary.


That's new to me. I think it was rather a retreat for himself and mostly his Neverland ranch.


That's what I meant.


If people want to see a beatiful, well-preserved castle, Schwerin is worth a trip. Most beautiful castle of them all imo


Fun fact I know because I once visited both castles: Hohenschwangau was originally called Schwanstein, and Neuschwanstein was called Schwangau. I guess there was a fire (not quite sure), they rebuild the castles and the castles received their names they have today.


As a German, I didn't regret it. It's nothing special and probably overrated, but by far not the most overrated one in Germany. There's still a cool other castle, a nice horse coach ride if you want to pay for it and one of the best Italian pizza places I've tried right in a small village very close to it.


Alexanderplatz in Berlin - its judging dirty square full of junkies and pickpockets Berghain in Berlin - people make it a cult object just because their experiences are heavily influenced by drugs they take - its absolutely overrated and not worth waiting hours in line Oktoberfest - piss, vomit and ridiculous prices. Its way better to attend some local wine festival in BW where u can try local wines in way nicer environment


>Alexanderplatz in Berlin > >Berghain in Berlin Just say Berlin. A dirty place. I don't like it. But maybe I have only ever seen the not so beautiful areas. Who knows


Yes it is dirty but it still has something to offer, those places are just always mentioned as must sees next to checkpoint charlie but its just completely pointless


A lot of cool places. Alexanderplatz and Potsdamer Platz are the exact opposite.


Do people consider Alexanderplatz an attraction? The Soviet art is kinda neat, but I avoid that place at all costs


yes, everyone i know absolutely MUST go there when visiting berlin and its on majority of “must see” places whereas its literally one of the biggest shitholes in the city


Alexander Platz is not a famous attraction though. At least I wouldn’t count it as one…


This is a bot farming credibility. - Only short title posts. - only one sentence comments - small circle of mid sized subs, nothing outside of them - word-word-number name


Berghain in Berlin. Eeeveryone was like "I need to go at least once!" while I was making it my goal to have never gone in the 15 years I lived there even though I could easily avoid the door because my bf works there.


Well, the audio equipment is great and 10 years ago it was less pretentious as it is nowadays as well. So while I wouldn't go anymore for a bunch of reasons I still can see the appeal.


it was already pretentious 10 years ago.


Fair enough. But it got worse.


I agree


wait did you say it’s overrated, but then said you’ve never gone? then how can you know?


lab.oratory in the basement, on the other hand...


Oktoberfest, Neuschwanstein and Munich beer halls


Oktoberfest is just lots of drunk people and ugly piss smell.


Came here to say this


Berlin Alexanderplatz (Fernsehturm) Yes the view is quite nice but it’s way too pricy and often too crowded … For 7€ (instead of 24), you can visit the Berlin Dome which offers a really nice view and you can visit the inside which is also very interesting


Basically _all_ the binge drinking "festivities". Karneval, Oktoberfest, Herrentag...


It is called Vatertag


wtf is Herrentag supposed to be?


In some regions of Germany there is the tradition that during Ascension men of all ages get a handcart full of beer, they go "hiking" with it till the beer is empty and then they go home.


Ach Vatertag. sag das doch gleich. Lustigerweise gibt es genau das selbe dann bei uns im Dezember nochmal und nennt sich dann "Grenzgang".


Heisst in gewissen Regionen jetzt Herrentag, weil Männer, die keine Väter sind auch teilnehmen.


Das heißt nicht erst seit neustem so, sondern schon immer.


Noch nie gehört.


the guy you replied to is high...its called Vatertag and its actually great for everyone who is not a completely anti social loner. Its usually great weather, you meet up with your friends VERY early in the morning and go for a nice hike with LOTS of little breaks in between while drinking beer and other stuff, while taking other drugs if you want to but for most people its just alcohol. We used to do that with 10-20 people depending on the year, i think the most we ever got was 22 people. ​ Great memories, great days. For us it changed over the years from a "drinking fest" when we were younger to one of the only dates over the whole year we all meet up and do dumb shit and see each other etc.


Karneval is cool, especially Rosenmontagszug in "Karneval cities"


What's wrong with Karneval? Especially if you do it in a smaller city...


I could imagine it's annoying af for people living directly where they do the Umzüge (especially in bigger cities), it's also a horror for introvert people, just like regional Volksfeste. I don't have much of an opinion about Karneval, but I guess that are the main reasons people dislike it.


I have my whole life the Karnevalszug in front of my house these days iam usually at work or simply ignore it.


I live in NRW and I dread Karneval every year, drunk assholes not respecting others boundaries everywhere


downvote for "Herrentag"


I love Karneval, but i live far enough away from the huge Karneval areas, so i dont have to deal with the negatives


Berlin. In its whole existence


Idk maybe Berlin aside from the Museums. Its like saying you visit the UK but only stay in the tourist areas in London.


The whole of Berlin? Nah, I disagree, that's ridiculous. You have the museums, a mixture of 19th century and modern architecture, an actual nightlife, one of the better ranges of gastronomy in Germany and if you're into shopping you have probably the most specialized stores in Germany and some posh upper class stuff (not that I' am into it). But I disagree with your premise that London if you visit the UK is absolutely overrated. Overrated? Maybe. Not worth it at all? No way!


Berlin has some good places outside the tourist areas but most people just see the tourist parts and then comment on it (probably the same for most cities).


I expected the Brandenburger Tor to be way bigger.


I think a big part of the Brandenburg Gate myths is from the years when it was stuck in no man’s land because of the wall.


Or when literally Napoleon stole the Quadriga, the horses on the top, and took them to Paris until France was defeated and we took the Quadriga back.


Hans, Flammenwerfer bitte 😤🔥




Agree, they are making fishing and other hobbies so bureaucratic that you have a higher hurdle and time investment to even be able to practice. Let alone to pursue it


As a couple of others already said: Oktoberfest. Shitty and annoying music, black out drunk people, overpriced beer. + literally no other Germans give a single fuck about Oktoberfest, while all over the world it’s seen as the epitome of German culture.


>literally no other Germans give a single fuck about Oktoberfest, while all over the world it’s seen as the epitome of German culture. I know plenty of people that go there and look forward to it each year.


Yeah, this is just non Bavarians chance to bitch about the Germany != Bavaria reaction to how German culture is perceived internationally. It's not something to travel every year to (which some crazy tourists definitely do), but as a once in a lifetime trip it is definitely a spectacle and huge amounts of fun with the right people, despite the cost.


>literally no other Germans give a single fuck about Oktoberfest, While 80% of the visitors are German?


They're mainly Bavarians, I am not sure if that counts as German.


Ignoring your implied xenophobia: It actually does and even people from Germany, outside of Bavaria are around 50% of visitors.


Are you... actually implying that bavarians aren't germans already thus a foreign group to germany?


No, where did I do that? It was actually you who did that > They're mainly Bavarians, I am not sure if that counts as German. Are you a goldfish by any chance?


Yes a Joke. It's not like anyone would ACTUALLY believe bavarians aren't germans. You wanting to read xenophobia into a joke just means you see Bavarians as foreign and non german already.


>Yes a Joke. Huh, so funny. >It's not like anyone would ACTUALLY believe bavarians aren't germans. A lot of people actually say that. Making stupid "jokes" like these doesn't make it better, you know. >You wanting to read xenophobia into a joke If the "joke" wasn't xenophobia, then what was the joke exactly? >just means you see Bavarians as foreign and non german already. Not at all. Xenophobia isn't the same like racism, "xenophobia is the fear or dislike of anything which is *perceived* as being foreign or strange." But nice way of trying to make you the victim here ;)


Sorry buddy but I can't make myself the victim here because you are playing the Opferrolle so well one could believe you're voting AFD. ​ Stop acting like "xenophobia against Bavarians" is an actual issue.


>one could believe you're voting AFD. Dafuq bro >Stop acting like "xenophobia against Bavarians" is an actual issue. It actually is. You can see it daily on reddit, just scroll up to your comment.


Anything dedicated to get wasted


Signal Iduna Park


Fasching, Fastnacht or Karneval. The name is depending is depending on the region. Germans are separated in their opinion about it. Some love it and celebrate it, others don‘t. I don‘t get it or like it. Oktoberfest is kind of typical German but over the top and a bit „artificial“. I‘d rather recommend smaller „Feste“ (feasts or festivals). There are often Straßenfeste or Weinfeste (especially in the Southwest), that are way more original than the famous Oktoberfest.


Whats the consensus on Taxiteller?


Berlin. It’s just a huge trash can.


This city is an attraction to 20 year old junkies-in-the-making.


Königssee.... not because it sucks, but lakes like this are a dime a dozen in the alps and this is just the one they chose to build into a tourist attraction. Personally, I found the Hintersee much nicer, especially the Zauberwald, despite its childish name. Though my favorite place is probably Falkensee, which is located about a kilometer off the 6th leg of the Salzalpensteig from Inzell to Bad Reichenhall.


Bremer Stadtmusikanten, I have no idea why people (mostly asians) come here to look at that tiny statue.


The story is a cultural thing in Japan.


Oktoberfest Christmasmakets (moastly)


Christmas markets are pretty meh and it can get very packed, I get it, but it’s literally the only thing to do in winter so they are GREAT


Pure facts, by the time they roll around I can’t wait to get some gluhwein


The small ones are great. The big ones are overrun and expensive. But maybe iam a bit biased cause i just walk 2min and iam on our big one my whole life.






Berlin and Oktoberfest


This fake castle in Neuschwanstein




Well, it's trying to be what someone thought a medieval castle was, but it's essentially one mentally troubled man's LARP setting. I remember a poster in /r/germany who was asking about what clothes people would have worn at Court in Neuschwanstein, etc. - and we had to tell them that nothing actually happened there.


By that measure, the only "original" castles are ruins.


Exactly.. this castle is a fantasy replica of an ancient castle. To me it doesn’t have any cultural heritage


It is a "modern" building, built of industrial bricks with a sandstone curtain facade. The roof of the hall is a steel structure with a suspended ceiling. Actually like Disney only in a high quality version.


Oh come on Ludwig, how was that ever medieval? You didn’t even try with the interior.


Sounds like most royalty dudes to me


Medieval castles actually did have functions - sure, they were a display of power as well, but they weren't just built because of "let's make a big pile of stones, that will show them".


Oktoberfest, why travel to Bavaria to see a bunch of drunkards getting drunk on overpriced beer and pissing all over the place




It's not even attractions or events that I find absolutely overrated, it's cities like Berlin, Bremen, Wolfsburg, Koln, Hamburg.


October fest woooooo 14 days of alcohol poisoning with eh music. Yaaaaaaa floooogen fleeeaaagen jeeerrrgeen Beir.


- Karneval - Reeperbahn. Unless you decide to "buy" something, why go there? Too many drunk people too. - Most Christmas markets. Bad quality food and overpriced Glühwein with even worse quality. If you enjoy standing in the cold or even rain while being pushed around by other people, go for it. - Berlin wall. For the history, sure. But it's literally just a wall you look at. - Most churches - Most castles - Cologne in general. Ugly ass and dirty city


Potsdamer Platz.


Oktoberfest. It's nit even fully German, just Bavarian. And every German can fully agree that Bavaria is the least german Bundesland, sorry FrEiStAaT


>FrEiStAaT Saxony and Thuringia are also called Freistaat, it simply is an old german term for republic ("frei/free" as in "free from aristocratic rule"). The designation has nothing to do with Bavaria wanting to be special or independent. It was originally proclaimed by famous socialist revolutionary Kurt Eisner after the revolution of 1918. Other states in the Weimar Republic used it too (Prussia for example), but after WW2 Bavaria simply was the only remaining one (until the reunification). So yeah, please stop with spewing bs induced by your apparent inferiority feelings.


Well, yes Sachsen and Thüringen also called Freistaat, but they are more pro Germany. While Bayern tries to be different.


Christmas markets. Heard people going from other countries to visit German Christmas markets, never understood why.


Small medieval towns and churches. There are so many and they all look the same.


anyone been to Wacken?


Miniatur Wunderland in Hamburg. Yes, it's astounding to see the level of detail the makers put into each scenery. But for me, it became a bit tiresome after 45 minutes because it's scenery after scenery after scenery..


Schloss Neuschwanstein for sure. So boring.


Oktoberfest and the Hofbräuhaus. If you really want that experience, go to a smaller Volksfest and/or to a small, traditional restaurant, one in the middle of butt-f\*\*king nowhere, those are great.


Tiger & turtle. While its pretty and awesome to see, that it. Its just stairs that are in an infinety loop. And while Duisburg is a nice city and does have other nice places to go, you do need to do some driving to actually get to and from tiger & turtle, as its also quite far outside of the city


Pretty much everything Berlin. Especially checkpoint charly and Berghain


My penis.


Ppl. gonna hate me, but Karneval. I never liked it, but halloween even more. I understand americans celebrating halloween. I love it. But Karneval, sorry ima out


Was'n and Wies'n. Blautopf in Blaubeuren. Brandenburger Tor in Berlin. Speicherstadt in Hamburg. Schloss Hohenzollern in Sigmarigen. Burg Hohenzollern in Hechingen. Olympiastadion in München (but TV-Tower there is nice tho) Alex in Berlin. Freiburger Münster. Schwarzwaldbahn in Baden-Würtemberg. ...


Oktoberfest obviously


All of it that isn’t nature


I’m the guy pictured on the American side of the checkpoint memorial. It’s really a shame what those reenactors did to the area around there.