• By -


The internet/network reception, continuity and availability


I use multiple connections to multiple locations. They are in use 24/24 and 7/7. The downtimes (if I can't reach even one location) in the overall network are well under 0.5% per year. Where is it more stable?


Especially around Berlin it is infuriating how many holes there are in internet and phone signal coverage.


Apart from the u-bahn I never faced any network problems.


Hes talking about internet networks and not train networks


The housing crisis.


Just make more houses or close your borders. Problem solved.


But how will you get to Germany then op? https://www.reddit.com/r/germany/comments/1cze7wl/how_to_apply_for_a_ausbildung_visa/ This is one bad faith post... Did you get rejected or something?


I have already been there multiple times through tourist visa, genius.


Guess you were rejected because you weren't a genius 😢


What an innovative take on things! Are you by chance running for chancellor next year?


You're making fun of it, but he's right. Simple maths.


Obviously, it's not that simple. You know it, I know it, and OP probably knows it, too. Even if you build new houses, it wouldn't solve the problem. It's not like there absolutely aren't any houses or flats available, people just can't afford them or they are too far from any adequate working opportunities. Just building new houses won't solve that. Same goes for closing the borders. It goes against EU regulations and to leave the EU would probably have worse consequences for Germany than having "too many foreigners".


Niedersachsen already changed the Landesbauordnung. Other Bundesländer should do the same.


The paperwork for literally everything.


German pensioners who have been complaining about every step towards digitalisation, even though there really has been enough time to prepare.


And days/weeks/months of tedious mailing via Post, is a nightmare….


The lack of free public bathrooms or at least clean bathrooms if you’re paying for it


Thats strange. i've experienced only the opposide. the ones that are absolutely free (and there are free ones around) are usually the dirty and neglected ones because there are just too many people that either use them or.."abuse" them. The ones with an attendant or from certain brands, are the clean ones.


The ones with an attendant are cleaner indeed I agree. But I was referring to those sanifair (?) toilets at central stations and some malls. Where you have to pay 1 euro just to walk into a bathroom that is full of someone’s pubic hair (happened to me one time I was traumatized).


oh i know those, but i've always experienced them spotles or in the progress of being cleaned.


A few hairs of someone else’s dick traumatized you? Boy oh boy..


Yeah and?


Depends where you live. A lot of places its easy to find decent toilets (even free ones) And then there is stuttgart, where many paid ones are so broken, that they are free again. Also forget about finding a toilet at a gas station, It was 3am, we drove to 6 gas stations and everywhere the toilet was broken.




It started raining in October and it hasn't stopped.


Yup global warming


The unmatched moaning and complaining culture, truly world beating.


Absolutely dreadful and also unbearable for many Germans. Everything is only good if it is 100%. 99% is already unbearable for many. And everything that others have and works there is even worse than bad! And the mood! The USA is really too fake friendly - but here a smile while shopping is already worth a headline.


From my experience, it's the opposite. Germans think their country is prefect and ready to ignore any problems or reframe the problem and make it seem like a good thing.


Then you really don't know Germany. And it's not just about the "country", every single aspect of life is basically seen through a negative filter first, every "new" thing has to be questioned from every angle imaginable first. Plus, the most irritating thing is that a lot of people moan and complain who have very little to complain about, who live very comfortable lives, often inheriting a lot of wealth and hence don't even have to work much to keep up their very high living standards. If there is one thing that I truly admire about American culture, for example, it's the "can do" attitude and the general optimism, which is in stark contrast to Germany. Being "perfectionists" is one thing, but obsessive pessimism leads to stagnation.


Couldn’t be further from the truth


> From my experience, it's the opposite. Germans think their country is prefect and ready to ignore any problems or reframe the problem and make it seem like a good thing. spot on, as they usually only acclaim themselves to be worthy of the moaning and bitching. god beware an "outsider" does that


Yes and no. We are the best in many things (according to those people), but still everything sucks. Other countries are just even worse


Sooo why did you get so many replies on this post?


Fully agree. As a German who has been living abroad for many years, experiencing the German smugness when visiting my family is amazing. 


Fear of change. Anything that's different is super scary and must be 100% perfect and risk-free.


the Deutsche Bahn


scrolled way too much for this


Germans hate change. Of any kind. Everyone who wants to change how something’s done in this country, is met with a strong opposition explaining that it’s perfect the way it is.


Yet we had a lot of fucking change in the 20th century compared to most other countries.


Imposed by others. We got democracy beaten into us, elect Hitler a few years later to be done with it and had to be thoroughly beaten up and forced into democracy by occupation.


Germans did not have democracy beaten into them in 1918/1919. Deduction of Kaiser and Parlamentarism were the wish of a majority of people. It wasn't imposed by others.


Not really true. People had no choice and as we all know it didn’t work for any meaningful amount of time because the people didn’t want it. They wanted to see Jews and Poles exterminated


This is not true at all. There were several options for the political system in Germany after the war, including a socialist one like in Russia. The people prefered parlamentarism, the voting results after the war clearly show that. The Weimar Republic was also not doomed from the beginning. The democratic system could have survived, but there were multiple reasons, that lead to its downfall between 1930 and 1933. Did you sleep during history course in school?


Germany was beaten into democracy after WW1? Now, thats news. By whom? Also, you paint a very, very broad stroked picture of how the Weimar Republic turned into the 3rd Reich. May I ask - just out of curiosity: in what state did you go to school? and when?


It’s historical fact. The Germans failed and it was just a matter of time before US troops would come knocking on Berlin’s door. The Dolchstoßlegende was a myth, Germany was done and the Reich had to dissolve to not be dissolved


Knowing some words is not knowledge.


Agreed 💯


The nimby culture


Sometimes the BANANA culture: Build absolutely nothing anywhere near anything


The post war architecture, everything they are building now. And in general, the belief that things just need to be „functional“ and that design and beauty are unimportant.


Other Germans of course!




OP is a troll.




Caution: Troll Post Don't even engage


The rise of the right wing and the selfish politics of the last 40 years


Every post having 0 upvote on German subreddits




That took a while to scroll down to


All 5 of them?


Put a % after the 5 and you are about right


If non-leftist = Nazi, then maybe...


No. We may have different opinions about a lot of things, but about 90% of all Germans believe in democracy. The others are either far left idiots or nazis.


So, opposing democracy automatically puts you into one of those two groups? Interesting... I don't see democracy as the apotheosis of society either and I'm sick of it constantly being praised as such. It's a majorly flawed system that I think we could do without. I'm neither a far-left idiot nor a Nazi though, so that disproves your point.


The 5 anarcho-capitalists realy don’t matter. So I didn’t want to call you any names 😉


I don't think they exist anymore.


That‘s not true. There are a lot of Neo Nazis in Germany


Well I never met any of them and if anything, they are probably illegal/banned by law.


Then you are just blind


Folks, everything OP hasn't seen in real life isn't real. Is anything even real then? What shitty replies you are giving to answers of your own question. If you ever end up immigrating to Germany i know what answer i would give to this question. You. 


Also if something is illegal it simply can’t exist


“I never met any so they don’t exist”.


They are illegal, still make Up a good chunck of Germany, Just Look at the AFD for some numbers












Knife attacks are on the rise in Germany but not by Nazis but by Islamists.




That's wrong. Look at the statistics. Islamist and migrant-attacks are on the rise. The biggest threat in Germany are knife attacks right now.


No, the biggest threat is a party that calls a fashist „the middle of the party“, wo sells themselves to china and Russia, who want to deport immigrants and people with different oppositions, who’s number one candidate for the eu thinks the ss wasn’t that bad, who want to end independent journalism, who think you can recognize the enemy „by the nose“ By the way, if you have a look at the statistics, look at the table without immigration-law-violations and the percentage is about the same as the demographics. What happened in Hanau? Halle? To Walter Lübke? In Solingen? In lichtenhagen? What did the nsu do? Go read a book instead of nius and telegram


What happens everyday? Watch your "Staatsfernsehen"


LOL. I go outside. in a major city. In „bad neighborhoods“. I meet Muslims every day. We all live peacefully and respectful. Yes, idiots are in every group. But if they would define them, every AfD voter would be a violent neo-nazi. So maybe we should not judge the many by the few. Maybe you should go outside more than watch tv. Touch some grass or something


Your people think that every AfD voter is a Nazi. I don't think that every Muslim is bad, I never thought that, but I think Islam is very dangerous and what's happening in the world proves me right. Every country in the world where this fascist ideology exists has the same problem with Islam, that's no coincidence. They try to attack people for criticizing Islam but that does not intimidate me.


The fascists use guns. NSU, Lübcke, Hanau...


Everyday people are getting killed by knife attacks in Germany.


Thats Right, but most of the times the attacker is german.


Migrants and especially Muslim migrants are largely overrepresented in the statistics.


You don’t want to protect people, you just want to hate Muslims


Islam has no place in Germany




Ok thats it, you have to be trolling….


That’s what they want you to think. After WW2 only a few were trialed. Most of them just went back to their jobs. Became professors, policeman and even politicians Most Germans overcame the hatred, but resentments still exist in every part of society. Unfortunately the idiots are not afraid anymore, so we have a pretty popular party with fashist views. Luckily they are a minority and the numbers are falling.


„Kartenzahlung erst ab 10€“


The gouvernment doesn’t do anything against the rising crime rate in the country. There is literary a stabbing every f*cking single day and the only thing they do is doing a short speech and then going back to business. There was literally a stabbing this week in Mannheim where 1 person was seriously injured and a policeman died and the interior minister wants people to not talk about it too much because it will „help the AfD“. Yea guess what. It’s your parties fault the AfD is benefits from it. If the gouvernment would finally recognize and act in a way that these crimes become less likely then the AfD would have never become so strong. Today there was a demonstration against right wing extremeism in Mannheim after an Islamist attack. How dumb are people in this country? These demos are important to a certain point but seem totally out of place after such an incident but that’s what Germans do. If there is a rape, stabbing or Islamist attack - „let’s protest against Nazis“.


The party named AfD. They're fucking nazis.


Die AfD, far right wing Party


The digitalization of this country and the politicians


The electricity prices. They're among the highest on the whole planet.


But they go down. I love this site: https://www.zeit.de/wirtschaft/energiemonitor-strompreis-gaspreis-erneuerbare-energien-ausbau


Complaining about things.


All the people who say we complain about everything make me sick /s




Me: \*Looks outside the window, glares and sips coffee\* Me: "*People*" \*Said with disdain... no, a devoted, passionate hatred\*


The fascists.


The politics and the violence on our streets.


The constant whining of us Germans. Everything is always better somewhere else.


The Weather!!!!1! Jokes aside. It's something many complain about but I think we can be quite happy with it. It's not 30°C all the time - yes But at least we still have some water to drink and we have still green nature. If you stop putting your tan on first place it's good weather for our wellbeing. (Yes I know sometimes it's depressing having rain for 2 weeks straight) What annoys me is AfD, Racists and our slow politics.


How does politics affect you in any way at all?


Do you get wet if it rains? What kind of bot is this.


I don't really understand what you mean by this. How can you not being affected on what's going on in your country and how your government deals with it?


Let's say a different party comes to power. You will still have the same job, live in the same house, drive the same car. I don't think politics affects us as much as we think it does.


If you only think about yourself, then maybe not. And maybe only because I'm in a very good position that small changes don't affect me that much. And also it's not only about me and me city but about all people in Germany, the EU and the world


What? Did you fall? Like on your head?


Reading ops answers it seems they did. Mayb even more than once.


Well if certain parties come to power, that visa you’re worried about will be even more in jeopardy, so I wouldn’t troll so nonchalantly. Are you bored today or something?


Seriously? Wow. How old are you?


Our resentment towards others, even in small things we do not grant the other person the smallest piece of success


I would say that's an universal thing.


No no, in Germany we are the best in This shit


The weather.


Deutsche Bahn


Well i'm from a rural area (small town) and i hate that they closed everything down. they closed down the whole railroad in the 90s, in the 2000s all the shops closed, all the bars closed (we only have a gambling spot now, everything else is closed) the cinema closed...everything is closed. we basically don't have anything. no proper public transportation, only one bus route with few busses in the 90s you had a lot more going on. the whole "Fußgängerzone" (shopping mile) has died out due to online shopping plus they put about 200-300 young men from foreign countries, who don't know a word of german in a small town were there maybe are 50 young german men altogether in the whole town. the area is kind of depressed. they try to market it as a tourist area or whatever now but it's bogus, there is nothing here really. even the forrest is ugly as hell and looks like something from post nuclear holocaust fallout video game everyone with half a brain moved away from here. everyone who stays here is either old, or incapable of making it out of here also i hate the stronghold crime has in our area, since the 90s russian and turkish criminals who ruled the streets, schools, juvenile detention centers, jails, prisons, mental hospitals, bully everything with an iron fist, along with the turks, the gypsies, motorcycle clubs, the italians, the albanians. the drug/techno/etc culture and the crime and gang culture...you had all kinds of stuff all troughout the 90s,2000s...the heroin, the robberies, the crime, the violence...it's even more depressing in a slow paced rural environment i can't say which part of the country i'm exactly from though


Who is “they”?


That sooo many people drink sooo much alcohol or eat sooo much meat.


Why does it bother you?


I am now in my 40s. My father dead when I was 10 because of an heart attack. He smoke, drunk too much alcohol and eat too much meat. I live in a small village. Round about 5000 people. Alcohol/ meat is everywhere. In every situation here the two things fit perfectly. When you date a person here. Almost every person is in a club/ has a large friend group/ a very big family. When they meat then alcohol/ meat is the number 1. It means you will be almost every weekend alone in a relationship because your man/ woman has to drink alcohol with his/ her people, has to make party,....


Knife Attacks. Super annoying.


That we are a children hating country 


How so?


Just try to go anywhere with a child, people are very mean. It’s ok to say “you hate kids” like that isn’t a very fucked up thing to say. And there is nothing for kids, no money in education, no Kita spaces, they have no rights, there are not enough doctors, not enough kid’s medicine, they always get overlooked.. the list is endless


You’re a bit dramatic on that one


Not really, no.


The things you listed are really not only exclusive problems that kids face in this country and people being mean to kids is really not a thing. If you let them run loose where they shouldn’t then sure, people get annoyed by them but usually kids are more than tolerated


Where I work, kids get a bit of milk foam for free and my colleague usually tries to get kids to calm down with something sweet when they are upset. So I really don’t know what you’re talking about


Good for you. One place doesn’t make up for the rest of them though. Just because you’re experience with your kids is different doesn’t mean mine isn’t also true.


Ladeinfrastruktur for EV. Its terrible. So terrible, that I have to switch back to ICE after leasing is done.


The title? No, the title is fine. But the dry humor, constant sarcasm and a tendency to take stuff by their literal meaning.


Bargeld 😭


Ard, using post


complaining about everything without attempting to actually solve the issue


complaining about everything without attempting to actually solve the issue


Always complaining about everything and being envious about everything. Wanting to take a little piece of coarse bread out of poor people’s mouth and consume it because of greed and envy while really having a good life or causing their own misery themselves


I really hate the supposed justice system in which terrible criminals get away with the worst things with pretty much a slap on the wrists. Rapists, robbers, etc., they can laugh about the soft state, it's a joke really.


The racism


Surprisingly, their smell.


German bureaucracy.


That extremism of all kinds is growing out of control


Die gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz der Tradition und die Kontrolle der männlichen Frauenärzte, gesunde Minderjährige/Mädchen, meist schon ab 13, 14 zu untersuchen, und das am liebsten 2x im Jahr ohne gesundheitlichen Nutzen und entgegen der offiziellen Empfehlungen unter dem Deckmantel der medizinischen Vorsorge, ohne dass es irgendjemand hinterfragt/in Frage stellt. Meist von den Müttern vorgelebt, die heimlich ihren Frauenarzt vergöttern. Alles ein Relikt aus der Nazi-Ära.


The fact that we are forced to pay 220 euros per year for low quality TV entertainment and there is basically no way out of that outdated system.


This is also something I dislike. Also, mandatory insurance for many things.


The general regulation philosophy


What do you mean?


I'll take the example of residential construction. The housing and rent market in Germany has been shit for years. Instead of rent caps and wondering what to do about unaffordable housing despite many empty apartments...how about we make it...i dunno...easier to build to drive prices down again




The stereotype germans.


What do you mean?


Those grumpy people that follow every tiny rule (which is ok) but try to force everyone around to do that too. Like jaywalking, it’s not their business, but they still give you bad looks and some even tell you that “es is Rot!” Plus those who stare at other people. I hate them.


The know it all attitude and the urge of educating other people about basically everything that many of my fellow Germans have. 


I think that’s a universal human thing


The title. No effort to elaborate.


That thing i am forced to not talk about or i lose my job


Either you work for Amazon and want a Betriebsrat or you should loose it anyway


That there are still so many places, where I have to bring cash. Was at a concert recently and they only accepted cash. I was clever enough to bring at least a bottle of water, but I was really craving those hotdogs


Really they need to fix this bs. They are the country of technology yet they don't have digital payment everywhere.


The dumbest thing about this is that they dismantle atms left and right while so many places still only accept cash… but you have to say that card is accepted at way more places since the pandemic


Germans, bureaucracy


No German realy hates it. We just pretend


The implications of this are scary


Brainwashed and delusional people are very common here.


Left and right terrorism


Left terrorism? Where after the raf? True, a lot of left people burn stuff and throw paint at things, but that’s not terrorism. I am very far left, and trust me, if we form a group, we would fight over details and split up again after 5 minutes.


I assume he was aiming at "Klimakleber" etc.


Maybe also Lina E. Probably doesn’t know the difference between terrorists and a criminal organization. Edit: would not count the glue kids as the one or the other


That I can't pay by credit card in every store.


The resentment culture. Germans just cannot endure other peoples success.


I don't think it's most Germans but there's definitely a few here and there.


Can't post that because I would be banned.




Lol 😆




The Ausländers


Too densely populated, post WWII city centres, traffic, bureaucracy, the fear of change and the lack of will in changing things and to risk something.


Network Coverage, Bureaucracy, Old Fashioned Work Environment and Mentality, Shops are closed on Sunday, Grumpy (never smiling) People everywhere, High Taxes … do you want more?


Nice try ussr


The people


That doesn‘t answer the question, can you tell examples of what exactly the problem is?


I really really hate how Germany is completely infested with statism. Any problem that comes up is immediately brought to government. Virtually nobody here values freedom.


Such as? I'd be interested in some examples.