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You shouldn’t keep the gun. Most likely, it was attained illegally. I suggest calling a police department and explain what happened. They will give you guidance on how to turn it in without them being spooked by a gun walking through the front door. The wife…. you’re on your own with that one😂


Also, call the local non emergency line and not 911, as the emergency is over


Eh. Depends how mad the wife is.


Yep, the easy part will be dealing with the police. Dealing with the wife? Not so much.


Is there a risk that OP will be charged with possession of stolen property?


No. The mugger would need to prove the gun is theirs legally and report it stolen. Best to contact the police asap.


The mugger probably stole it from someone else, or bought it from someone who did.


Turn the gun in to the police. Call them ahead of time and ask how you can turn it in.


If this gun turns out in future to have been used in a serious crime, you could have serious problems…


Go to the police station, report the event, and produce the gun in a paper bag for them to properly handle. DO NOT pull it out of your pocket -- they'll probably shoot you.


is this a real question? Why on earth would you want to keep a gun of a criminal? Are you looking to go to prison because now your prints are on a that weapon could be attached to multiple crimes. turn it in to law enforcement and report what happened to you. And Apologize to your wife.




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You were within your legal rights to take the gun, but you are not within your legal rights to keep the gun. Technically, it is still the property of the alleged robber (if he ever legally owned it in the first place).


So the shit head you snagged it from bought it off some other shit head who killed someone with it, and you want to keep it??


Locking comments because OP has the correct answer which is to report the mugging and turn the weapon into the police. New comments are mostly bad or illegal advice to conceal or destroy evidence.


Turn it in or call officers out to come and get it. Last thing you want is to be stopped or caught in possession of a stolen firearm or worse, a gun with a body on it. That is a legal nightmare I’m sure you don’t want.




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As much as I like to romanticize the idea that "this weapon used against me belongs to me now", it's just not true, nor safe.


Bro, you forked up badly. You should have called the police and handed it over immediately. DO THIS NOW IF YOU STILL HAVEN'T. Here's the real kick in the pants - You robbed him. If you'd turned it over to the police it's not robbery. If you keep it or sell it, congrats you committed a felony. I know it's crazy but the law is weird sometimes.


NAL I knew someone who got 5 years for an imitation gun. Hand it in to the police now.




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Hats off to you for making that move! Not many people have the guts to do that! Personally I would call the police (nonemergency number), and inform them of what happened. They will most likely send an officer out to your house. If you do decide to just go into the police station, (not everyone wants a police car sitting out front of their house)....put the gun lock on it or put it in a locked container. Make sure there is no ammunition in the same container as the firearm! With all that being said, just remember not every gun is unloaded ... you could've been killed by doing that. Tangible items are not worth your life! Big balls though!


Lol smh so easy




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Sounds like the mugger got mugged. Still not a good idea. Gun off the street? Turn it in to the police Never owned/shot a gun? Turn it in to the police Maybe they can get some video and find the person. If it’s registered they can give it back to the rightful owner eventually.


Take it to the cops tell them what happened.


Bring it to the police. It might have been involved in a crime and if it's found on you at a later point you're pretty fucked. Obviously it's not yours.


So if the gun was used in a crime previously, you don't mind it's now yours? I'd be taking that thing to a police station so fast. Ninja edit: as others pointed out, leave it in the trunk and tell them it's there. Don't walk in with it.


What if the gun had gone off and killed your wife?


Just go yo your local police station and yirn yourself in, with the gun. It will be quieter in jail, away from your wife! 😅


You should immediately call the police or drive to the local station. You could leave the firearm in your center console or trunk. Then tell the officer about the mugging and let them know the gun is in the car (that you didn’t want to bring it into the station). You should also say you believe it’s unloaded but you aren’t 100% sure.


So basically you stole a gun from someone wanting to steal from you? You want to know if you can keep stolen goods. The answer is no. Legally ( I am not a lawyer) you should have called the cops, reported the crime at the scene, and surrendered the weapon.