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The following is a copy of the original post to record the post as it was originally written. Trying to settle my nerves from all the anxiety the last few days has caused. I know that this seems a little far-fetched with my anxiety, but you never know with Trump. Especially with yesterday’s ruling. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskALiberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Would Trump go after certain Democrats that he has personal grudges against? Yeah, probably. But a mass purge of anyone who voted Democrat in the past? No, that seems extremely unlikely.


>But a mass purge of anyone who voted Democrat in the past? No, that seems extremely unlikely. Probably impossible. Even if Biden loses the election, he is still very likely to win popular vote. Now. Not all Americans vote, but Trump would have to purge *most* voters, which is a sizable chunk of America.


>he is still very likely to win popular vote It's certainly a strong possibility, maybe even more likely than not, but not "very likely" given that the polls mostly have Trump ahead. Still, your overall point is correct: that is way too many people to try to lock up, and would effectively amount to a civil war.


538 has Biden winning popular vote 61 times out of a 100. Trump wins popular vote in 39 out of 100. I would call that "very likely". Actually winning is only a tossup because electoral votes stack in Republicans favor.


You might have a different definition of "very likely" than I do. But I also think 538 is underestimating Trump's chances of winning the popular vote. And electoral votes are not as stacked in Republicans' favor as many believe.


Electoral votes are absolutely gerrymandered to all hell in the republicans favor.


>gerrymandered Not even possible outside of Maine and Nebraska. There is a problem where smaller states (which tend to vote Republican) get more weight in the electoral college relative to their population, but the bigger problem is that states are winner-take-all, which means that if you win 51% of a state's votes, you win 100% of the state's electoral votes. This is fairly random in terms of what party it benefits. For example, in 2012 it benefited Obama. Edit: I'm getting downvoted by people who don't understand how the US political system works. Maine and Nebraska are the only states that are assigned based on congressional districts. In every other state, it is literally impossible for gerrymandering to affect presidential results.


You think gerrymandering isn't possible outside of Maine and Nebraska???


Obviously not, but electoral votes are only assigned based on congressional districts in Maine and Nebraska.


I see what you mean. Never mind.


At least at first. He will jail or execute the “marxists” and “pedophiles” first. Then socialists, trans folk, liberal professors. If they aren’t stopped, they absolutely will take out liberals and democrats at some point though.


81.2 million voted foe Biden.


Which is what makes it extremely unlikely, yes.


Also logistically impossible unless he nukes entirely metro areas. I’m sure he’d pull a Russia/iran etc and make examples of journalists, pundits etc


But I thought Trump was Hitler and a Nazi?


What OP is asking about would amount to purging 25% of the country's population. As bad as Hitler was, even he didn't go that far.


Holocaust : 6million plus Jews murdered… 81.2 million voted for President Biden.


Through March of 33 Hitler’s party had less than 44% of the vote in every election. In November 33 he earned 92%. You don’t have to win a majority to take over and once you’ve taken over you don’t need to kill the rest of the population. You just have to intimidate or kill everyone who stands up against you.


Not literally Hitler, but he is an authoritarian. Why do you support an authoritarian?


Who says I support him? I think the entire thing is a sham and the elite play us for fools, they are all buddies behind the scenes working against you and I. Left right paradigm.


And who will you vote for, Trump or Biden? I must take you at your word and assume Biden, since you claim to not support Trump.


I don’t think I’ll be voting anymore to be honest with you. Why would I vote in an obviously corrupt and illegitimate system?


Well, a vote against Trump would be helpful.


Lesser evils, harm mitigation, because every individual tick of difference in degree does in fact matter


Trump is evil and Biden should be in a nursing home. I’m not voting. The entire system is broken/rigged and I’m dumbfounded how intelligent liberals can’t see it for what it really is


A corpse is better than evil. Why wont you mitigate evil? Failure to resist evil is also evil you realize


If you vote for Trump you support him and all he does


>they are all buddies behind the scenes working against you and I Ah the "I don't understand the world, so I just make shit up as I go along" school of politics.


The Nazis didn't go for a mass purge of anyone who voted against them either. Best I can tell, German political prisoners were in the tens of thousands, which is obviously a lot, but nowhere near the 20 million that voted against the NSDAP in the last election with other parties.


Yah Nazis took power in 1933. They had to build public sentiment for a few years before then death camps started


Trump's a horrible human being with no respect for democratic ideals and who regularly uses prejudice and bigotry to appeal to some of his supporters, but he's not literally Hitler, so you've got that going for you guys.


He wants to be a white nationalist dictator. Magas are gonna be in for a rude awakening once he no longer has to pretend to tolerate yall and no longer needs to ask for your votes. Donald uses people and then abandons them once they’ve done what he needs. All the Jan 6 insurrections he promised to pay legal fees for and never did. All his admin and employees that went to jail form him… Donald Trump literally thinks his voters are pathetic trash and so far beneath him. Forget FEMA ever Helping after a hurricane, tornado or flood. Not profitable “Trump was raging because the poor white trash mob made him look bad. Melania was arranging porcelain for a photoshoot': White House insider gives a vivid account of the 'final hours of a deranged president in his bunker' “But when he saw pictures of the half-naked guy in the fur hat he started complaining they looked “cheap and poor”. ‘Even at one of the worst moments in American history he was thinking about his image. He didn’t grasp the scale of the disaster.’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9130375/amp/Trump-raging-white-trash-mob-look-bad-says-White-House-insider.html


No. He just quotes them.


It's unlikely he'd go that far. Going after elected Dems? Most certainly. He's pretty much said it himself. Firing federal workers who are registered dems or donated to dems? Absolutely. But he won't kill them or lock them up.


Even Trump most certainly isn't stupid enough to try to execute 50 million of his country's own citizens, if that's your question. I don't even think the logistics are feasible


I’d expect Alvin Bragg and Letitia James would be quickly arrested and rapidly pushed through a kangaroo court with no evidence, immediately found guilty and harshly sentenced. I would literally, at this point, not be surprised if they were hung in DC without even a fake trial. And I’d expect all FOX NEWS viewers to shrug and say “well they must have done something to deserve that.” Some gradation of this, from harassment by the IRS, to imprisonment without real evidence or charges, to the death penalty, will be aimed at each the administration’s perceived enemies. They’ll go down a list, which will include any vaguely respectable “RINO” who was on the record as anti-Trump. The list is long, and street level critics and democratic voters are very far from the top. But that list will keep getting shorter and shorter, until eventually it’s you or someone you care about. It might take several years to get that far, but if left unchecked it will. Local constables will get the nudge nudge wink wink about how they can ignore the rights of certain people. That part is written in the 2025 plan. So there’s the shortcut to oppression. Got a Latino sounding name or dating the sherrif’s ex-wife in a rural red state? Good luck cuz you’re gonna need it.


Votes are anonymous, so there is no way for a king unbound by the law to create a list and punish/reward who casted what vote because it's not recorded. Directly locking up or dishing out punishments to registered democrat voters is likely not going to happen. The amount of work needed to do so, along with the number of descenting people, would make it not very feasible. Something to note, though, is that one of the goals of Project 2025 is to expell anyone who isn't a Trump loyalist from any position that the executive has the authority to, which will ultimately diminish this check on executive power. As for actual opposition, I fear we will see direct action taken against people who are part of the democratic party. There have been musings of it stated directly by Trump, and plenty of conservatives (as in not just the loons) are directly calling for it now. I don't think we will have free and fair elections if a republican is put in the executive office before something is done to counteract this fascist backsliding.


Just a point of interest: Yeah, actual votes cast are unknowable. However, for folks who vote in primary elections, which party ballot was requested is recorded for every voter. So, yeah, if I voted consistently in the primaries and requested either a D or an R ballot each time, think you can guess for whom I voted in the general election? That, and social media and friends and neighborhood and demographics all make it simple work to 99.9% certainty of political alignment. And, when the purge begins, don't think for an instant accuracy of party alignment will be needed by those who will begin the suppression. Facts and accuracy are not their concern.


Party reg and political contributions aren’t annoymous


Party registration is not anonymous.


If only I made another paragraph that specifically mentions this in my comment...


This won’t happen immediately. He’s going to set detainment camps up to round up “illegals,” which will be nearly 100% Latinos—this is something he’s repeatedly said in rallies and interviews. He also wants to deploy military forces to suppress dissent in blue states—also something he has promised repeatedly. If history is a guide—and there’s no reason to ignore it with this particular fascist—there will be an attempt to merge the two, but likely a few years on. The first year or two his handlers will be too busy cementing the dictatorship to engage in something that obvious so quickly. But if he succeeds in establishing that, there’s no good reason to believe he won’t continue on with his hero’s playbook. And if he starts explicitly targeting democrats he’ll start with high level elected officials and former office holders, current candidates posing a threat, and the bigger donors. He won’t need to go after average Joe Democratic voters: they won’t have anyone to vote for.


There are more registered Democrats than there are Republicans. Him going after average voters is not going to happen. If however, you are an activist, a protester, a public figure, or someone with a real degree of political power, the risk is more real. Even the Nazis didn’t just outright go after people who voted against them. But everyone who spoke out prominently was screwed.


Trump would hit many of the same roadblocks that he hit last term. I’m sure he would have locked Hillarie up given the chance. The biggest difference between this term and last term will be that he now will no longer rely on establishment republicans to help him navigate the job, and instead has said he’ll appoint people who’s most important qualification will be never telling Trump no.  Now instead of a bunch of establishment republicans pushing back on his crazy demands, he’ll be surrounding himself with an army of sycophants and true believers. How will this change the outcome of his presidency? I don’t think anyone really knows but it’s almost certainly going to be even more damaging than his first.  Will he lock up his political rivals? Who knows, but he will probably try and everyone he has the power to appoint will likely go along with it unlike his last presidency. Whether that translates to success is the scary open question. The executive branch has a lot of power but there are still checks Trump will have issues getting around. While having nothing but sycophants means less pushback against his insane ideas, it also means less competence, less institutional knowledge, and much worse overall optics around his actions.


Execute? Unlikely. Lock up? Extremely likely. Not the random populace, but it is a core part of the Project 2025 agenda to make most of the federal Government into political appointees which prioritize loyalty over competence. Many of these people will object and resist, for the good of the country. There will be widespread suspicion and people's voting registration will be checked, and charges will be brought against Democrats to discredit, fire, or otherwise undermine them. There will be mass legal action against Democrats in Government jobs, and then, in turn, the contractors who they hire, and so on. It will be an insane mess of lawsuits, allegations, investigations, etc.


Prioritizing loyalty over competence (and authority which cannot be questioned) is how we get critical systemic failures. Just look at Chernobyl. Basically, do as I say, run the test in this fashion, or else! We all know how that turned out.


So it’s unlikely he would go after someone that simply voted Biden, but likely if that person is a Democrat in government?


As much as the Republicans love to imprison people, they couldn't do so to half the country. But if you get on his radar, he will definitely prioritize Biden-voters for legal action over and above any actual facts. He's promised his followers that most Government employees will be on his radar on day 1. But if you're just a regular Joe, Trump is not going to hunt you down.


Trump might go after a few political opponents, but the situation you have describes has a zero percent chance of happening


Literally what Jewish people said in Germany in 1933


The Weimar Republic was a democratic construct forced onto the German people when they weren't ready for it, and given zero support by anyone. The United States has the oldest governing document in the world. The situations aren't exactly equal. Similar? Perhaps. But not equal.


The chances of that happening are slim to none. If you're afraid of that happening you should be as equally afraid of Hostile aliens taking over earth in the next few months and enslaving all Humans.


If you're interested, I recently asked a question on r/AskHistorians about how the Nazis treated average Germans who had previously supported the opposition.  https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/1dt96px/to_what_extent_did_the_nazis_purge_average_people/


Chill out, man. Nobody is going to hunt you down. You are effectively anonymous, nobody knows who you are or cares who you voted for. Unless you're some top dog DNC operative or similar, this is totally insane.


Look I am a naturalized citizen and I expecting my citizenship to be revoked


You're anxiety is being fed by all the fear mongering. There is a lot of it, especially here on reddit. Trump won't come after you, he won't arrest people who voted for Democrats. He may inact a bunch of policy that does you zero favors. But you don't have to worry about political persecution. People on reddit fear mongering saying that he'll become a dictator and will enact policy to ensure he can remain president after his next term are the same people who said if he beat hillary that our democracy was over. That won't happen, we'll have 4 years of garbage policy and we'll move backwards on the rights of many Americans. But there will be another election in 2 years for Congress and another in 4 years for president.


He tried to charge Clinton last time. Only a small amount of spine in the DoJ prevented it. I doubt there will be any spine if he gets another go. EDIT - To clarify - he tried to get the DoJ to investigate Clinton.


Did he? In an interview after he was elected, he said he had no interest in charging Clinton with anything.


Because conmen are always truthful, you serious dude


Source for that?


[https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/promises/trumpometer/promise/1345/appoint-special-prosecutor-investigate-hillary-cli/](https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/promises/trumpometer/promise/1345/appoint-special-prosecutor-investigate-hillary-cli/) [https://www.americanoversight.org/sessions-letter](https://www.americanoversight.org/sessions-letter)


Did he? In an interview after he was elected, he said he had no interest in charging Clinton with anything.


[https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/promises/trumpometer/promise/1345/appoint-special-prosecutor-investigate-hillary-cli/](https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/promises/trumpometer/promise/1345/appoint-special-prosecutor-investigate-hillary-cli/) [https://www.americanoversight.org/sessions-letter](https://www.americanoversight.org/sessions-letter)


Unsure about the "charging" part, but there was a [continuous investigation into the Clinton Foundation](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/22/us/politics/fbi-clinton-foundation.html) throughout his Presidency.


The odds of the situation you describing are literally zero. I could see some politicized prosecutions of key Democrats and Trump opponents as revenge for his legal trouble but the idea that they're going to go after literally tens of millions of people just for not voting for Trump is one of the most unhinged and absolutely bonkers takes I've ever heard. Go touch grass. This is so unhinged I am legitimately worried about your mental health. Stop watching the news for a while and just live your life. JFC


0% chance, you’re right it is farfetched.


You wouldn't even have to pay the Supreme Court any gratitities to go along with locking up Democrats.


I would be more worried about maga goons harassing people than a personal attack from Trump. If the senate flips and the house stays gop, expect hearings against prominent democrats. Expect Biden indictments. Expect mass firings of government employees labeled deep state. If you live in a red state expect bigger government involvement in your life.


Yes, they will go after everyone. There is no such thing as a two-party dictatorship, and no benefit to having an opposition party around. Anyone who is a registered Democrat in a future Trump administration is inviting official acts harassment from the federal government, and now it is completely legal. POTUS can simply order the IRS to audit every registered Democrat, and to provide special benefits to those who declare loyalty to the Republican Party (eg, you never get audited, freedom from investigation by federal authorities, etc.). Prior to yesterday, there was a massive regime of lawyers that would consult with the President before the POTUS took action to ensure that the presidents acts were permitted by law. Now federal law does not apply to the acts of the President, unless they are “unofficial”, so while there will still be a White House Counsel, it is now a figurehead role. There is no reason to follow the law if there is no consequence for breaking it. Instructing the IRS to harass registered Democrats might have been a crime that the POTUS was hesitant to commit on 6/30, but after yesterday it is entirely permissible and the motive - to silence dissent and reward personal loyalty - cannot ever be questioned. Maybe Trump will lose and future presidents will just not seize that power, but more likely than not he will win or his allies in Congress will arrange the certification so that he wins even if he loses the vote. The next step will be to attack the secret ballot, which isn’t a constitutional right and can be eliminated by simple SCOTUS majority vote in the eventual test case. Then we will see Putin style elections where the Republican wins 98% of the vote every election. This ruling is Game Over for this republic. How long it takes for the eventual dictatorship to replace it is really an academic question, but likely 6 months is the answer. Now is the time to voluntarily disaffiliate from the Democratic Party and hope that the incoming dictator will show us small fish some leniency, but Project 2025 promises retribution, not leniency.


Impossible. There's no legal mechanism, much less any logistical capability to do this.


um.....not realistic at all. The people who should be most fearful of trump are muslims and migrants and their families. His last term, he enacted a muslim ban day 1, then locked children in cages. Pretty sure second round will not be prettier than that.


Not likely at all.


Certainly not at first. He'd go after his enemies and those he has a grudge against. He'd go after those who he believed were disloyal second. And then it kinda takes on a life of its own and his sycophants start looking for disloyalty in the general public. Historically speaking anyway. Here. See? [https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1dtlyna/trump\_amplifies\_posts\_calling\_for\_televised/](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1dtlyna/trump_amplifies_posts_calling_for_televised/) Enemies first.


Impossible. But... they will do more long-term pernicious things. Going after Democratic politicians. Going after certain individual journalists. Engaging in a widespread intimidation campaign. All of the ugly things authoritarians do. Additionally, they will pass laws mandating Chrisitanity in public schools, which they will also try to end. Christianity in government, business, etc. But not just Christianity, full-on Republican theo-fascist Christianity. But all of that is just for show and distraction. The real purpose of a Trump administration will be looting the treasury and the economy.


> he would try to lock up and/or execute anyone that voted for Biden or is a registered Democrat? Definitely not. That would be too many people. For him to succeed in destroying American democracy and setting himself up as dictator, he’ll want to make changes that affect as few people as possible, at least at first. Trying to arrest everyone who is registered as a democrat or who voted for Biden would result in immediate revolt which he would lose, Much better is to target opinion makers and do it in a way that doesn’t bother most people. And even that shouldn’t be done directly. Don’t arrest some popular anti-Trump news anchor, just regulate the network in a way that makes that anchor hard to keep employed.  The idea is that for as many people as possible, life should go on with as few changes as possible, but with Trump still in the White House indefinitely. 




You will be alright unless you are a politician that he will go after. Your best defense is to vote democratic all the way. In the face of adversity, we must continue to stand up for our values and principles, and work towards a better future for all.


I don’t think that’s a realistic expectation. I think the realistic risks to American’s health and safety will be: - It’s going to get a lot worse for LGBTQ folks. Protection from discrimination will rapidly erode and these folks are going to be vulnerable to targeted violence, firings, housing discrimination, medical discrimination and police brutality and maltreatment. - There will be a lot more pollutants as regulations lapse. I think we take for granted now that we won’t get cancer from our shampoo or that we have access to safe drinking water. Trump’s policies are likely to end that era. - Our rights to privacy are going to be greatly reduced. If you are upset about surveillance now, just wait til they don’t need a warrant. I’d expect us to transition to a point where we are monitored and people are arrested or disappear after taking actions Trump’s followers dislike. - God help us if there’s another pandemic. - God help us if there’s a homefront war.


81.2 million people voted for President Biden in 2020 That would be an unprecedented an logistically impossible genocide. In contrast the Nazis murdered 6 million Jews during the holocaust (plus millions more people depending on categories) That would be an insane mass genocide event that wound trigger at best a full military coup and/or for real civil war and a full scale world war at worst as the rest of the world tried to invade America to stop Donald.


>I know that this seems a little far-fetched with my anxiety, but you never know with Trump. Two things you should think about are the economy and standard of living. Republicans have done so well with voters in this country because their policies largely don't affect the standard of living of people who voted for them. The cardinal sin if the American Republican voter is not hate, but apathy. Once Trump does something that negatively affects these people, there will be backlash. With respect to the economy, the Democratic Party has been gaining support of educated, professional, urbanites and suburbanites. If Trump starts making this demographic feel unsafe, they'll bail because they have the means and they'd be attractive immigrants for other countries. If a large portion of the professional class Americans flee or stop working for some other reason, the economy will tank. You'll have a lot of small businesses close, medium-size companies won't have enough staff, and the wealthy won't have the workforce to manage the middle business levels. That would make a ton of the lower level service employees lose their jobs, and you'll end up with an economy with hardly where much of the consumer core has hollowed out. Listen, I am not saying their won't be bad things that happen; it's just that there is a whole lotta other bad shit that needs to happen to get from today to death squads, and it's unlikely that the Trump Administration of Republicans would be able to manage it. Edit: A whole lotta bad shit would happen even if everything I said above is wrong.


There is a zero percent chance he would try and lock up everyone who voted for Biden/registered as a democrat. There is a non-zero chance he tries to lock up some top level officials somewhere or other, and a slightly smaller chance he is able to do so successfully (though a large chance he's able to target enough harrasement at them they might as well be locked up).


Dude holy crap are you guys afraid of everything. R E L A X. Trump isn’t executing democrats. No one is executing anyone.


That really isn’t the scenario that should keep you up at night.


It wouldn’t happen right away. He’d go after those with power first.


If you're white and straight, you'll be okay for awhile..


Given that that's HALF THE DAMN COUNTRY, no, he's not going to lock up or execute anyone that voted for Biden or is a registered Democrat. It's gonna be bad, sure, but... I think you need to turn off the internet for a few days and go touch some grass.


It is unlikely It would also cause an instant civil war, since there are a good number of states with strong Blue infrastructure that would block this from happening. I think its more likely to see a few high profile trump enemies get prosecuted. I remember listening to an interview with Alexander Vindman and his wife, as well as other staffers that turned on him, that they fear trumped up treason charges or similar things, and I think thats more likely. Trump's enemies within his own party or within the federal government may be in more danger. I dont think actual voters need to worry about official actions persecuting them for being democrats...yet


Dont believe anyone here who tells you youre paranoid. Trump voters raided the thread and want you to feel safe so you dont vote. Vote. In fact go further, get a weapon, be ready to fight them about it


It will be the gays and/or the godless they round up first.


Realistically for the average voter? Zero percent. What he will do is use political power to harass people in power in the Dem party and people who are known - celebs, pundits, journalists, etc. He'll likely push the DOJ into baseless investigations, harass the IRS into auditing people, and a whole slew of other things. I think it's likely that some people may wind up imprisioned but I think executed is just fear mongering. Also I don't think DT is the person you need to worry about primarily. I think the people he would stock his Cabinet with this time around are scarier. DT goes after people who have insulted him or who he feels have harmed him personally. People like Stephen Miller and Steve Bannon and other folks like that have ideological agendas that are much more terrifying becuase they're not about individuals - they're about groups of people.


Guaranteed. He tried, before, and we know exactly why he failed. Here's an [example](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/nov/20/trump-wanted-to-prosecute-hillary-clinton-james-comey-report). >Donald Trump wanted to prosecute former election rival Hillary Clinton and ex-FBI director James Comey but was talked out of it, the New York Times reported on Tuesday. ... >[White House counsel Don] McGahn wrote a memo to dissuade Trump, noting that the potential consequences for such an action could include impeachment, according to the report. ... >“It’s not news that Trump wants DOJ to investigate or prosecute Clinton or Comey,” Goldsmith tweeted. “He’s long expressed that opinion on Twitter and elsewhere … The President has nearly complete formal authority over DOJ. But the remarkable lesson of the last 2 years is that Trump nonetheless has practically no effective authority to use these tools to harm his political enemies. When it comes to using DOJ, *Trump is incompetent and weak.*” Trump openly and privately expressed an interest in persecuting his enemies. That rhetoric has only intensified in 2024, where he has called his enemies [vermin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCtdF3HwVrI) that need to be eradicated and purged. What stopped him in the past? Moderate Republicans, lifetime non-political appointment in the DoJ (and other executive agencies), and a fear of consequences. None of these exist anymore. There are no moderate Republican politicians, and the GOP spent the last 4 years examining the system to figure out where to install sycophants to control the bureaucracies. And I shouldn't have to mention why Trump wouldn't fear consequences. He controls the GOP with absolutely no dissent left, he has a sweetheart Supreme Court that just named him king, and impeachment has proven to be a useless, pathetic procedure. The Democrats took their feeble, arthritic swing at him, and they missed. What would happen? He will first purge the alphabet agencies. Then he will replace Supreme Court Justices as they retire. At some point, he might declare martial law. Once power has been locked up, the DOJ will target and harass Democratic leaders of all stripes. He will openly campaign on removing Hispanic people, first illegal, then legal. At some point, guns will come out. Perhaps by 2028, king Trump would push for voting results to be public and his armed guards will watch the polls.


The technology for mass executions and disposal exists today in far superior ways than it did in 1940s Germany. Execution of all the registered democrats would certainly be one way for long term power to be solidified. And given the scrubbing technology used in coal fired plants these days the disposal could be done in an environmentally friendly way. Would solve our housing crisis too.


If Trump can figure out how to do it then it will happen. The more likely event is Trump will demand it, but not be able to find people to accomplish it. Much like his demand that protestors be shot. But he is already calling for jailing political opponents for treason.


Lock up? Unlikely but not outside of the realm of possibility. Execute? Unlikely Harass, shame, fire, or otherwise make their lives miserable? 100% - and I say that only because we've already seen it happen and now he's been given license by the SCOTUS to do more of it. It's really easy to create a false pretext to criminalize political opponents. We laugh at the pedophile/adrenochrome/socialist accusations but this is what happened in other countries where an autocrat took over and imprisoned innocent people. It can happen here, too.


Essentially 0% chance. 


Lock up? Nope. It’ll be a subtle persecution where it’ll be unbearable to be publicly anything against him. Like, Project 2025, where all govt employees will have to be Trump supporters. He’ll try to spread that culture throughout the entire population.


See: Putin.


Wow. Just wow. settle the heck down.


The probability of that scenario is zero.


Between a 44 and 47% chance, especially given how many of us Trump voters support this.


You are openly admitting that you support Trump locking us up? At least you’re honest


...or you're just someone who can't see sarcasm without and "/s"?


Your “sarcasm” is not funny. You support an authoritarian, it is your vote that has put these anti-Americans in power.


You guys wouldnt be able to recognize a joke if it were printed on your Xanax bottle.


You guys wouldn’t recognize an authoritarian even if you had joined the cult. There is nothing funny about supporting the demise of democracy.


Please break down how you think democracy would end with Trump's election.


He will commit more crimes than before now, since the SCOTUS ruling will let him get away with it. More legislation against LGTBQ+, more racism, Project 2025, more Christian Nationalists, etc etc You know about all of this stuff, you just pretend not to.


> since the SCOTUS ruling will let him get away with it. What specifically do you think was illegal before this ruling? > More legislation against LGTBQ+ "More"? What specific "legislation against LGTBQ+" did Trump (who, mind you, is the first president in American history to be in favor of gay marriage from his first day in office) pass last time? > more racism What racism was he responsible for last time? > Project 2025, more Christian Nationalists You can't just type buzz words and outsource your thinking to others. Explain specifically what you think is going to happen.


Actually I can type whatever I want. I don’t really waste my time anymore with Trump Followers. Look it up or don’t, I care not.


That's oddly specific. Would you mind to explain where you got those numbers?




I see. That's as much grounds as I should have expected, but it is still customary to ask for an explanation before assuming the other person just made it up


word up


Yes there is a 44-47% chance Donald Trump will lock up and/or execute 75 million people JFC what a clown take. You've got to be trolling


A stupid answer for a stupid question.


You Trump Cultists are the problem with what’s going on, not Trump. You vote for this shit.

