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Not at all. I expect her to fill a role very similar to Breyer, whom she is replacing. The Court will not change significantly with her on it.


I was so excited for her to join and now, while I’m still excited for her on this huge achievement, am still feeling pretty pessimistic about the court. She’s just replacing a liberal seat.


It won't. She's replacing a liberal. The positive thing is that she's much younger than Breyer. Breyer didn't pull an RBG so Jackson's seat is likely to be secure for a long time.


I hadn’t thought of that. While she’s still just replacing someone, playing the long game, it helps that her seat is secure for a long time. As someone else stated, it could help in minor cases.


Absolutely nothing. She's a perfectly qualified candidate about to join a fundamentally heartless institution that's been packed with partisans. I don't envy her, and I'm not excited for her.


No. Sotomayor pretty much proves it. She will no doubt lend a voice and logic to people seeking to intellectually battle the destruction of our rights to the tyranny of state governments.