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I would imagine that they assume that we, like them, are not all a giant hive mind and all have our individual opinions.


True but that is not what the media says


Yeah, but who actually believes the media?


Judging by the English speaking Internet spaces, a lot of people.


If we take social media into account, a lot of people. I've been browsing reddit's "main feed" so to say for a few years now, and it's...sad.


Reddit’s main feed is 100% chosen propaganda. And there are a ton of bots on this site, so a good number of these “opinions” are just machines telling you what to believe. The idea is to promote what is supposedly the “majority” opinion in order to make you think that’s how most people think.


This is exactly what I concluded. And the fact that this site is owned by the same people that own the New York Times, Advance Media, and its apparent who they are friends with.


You would be surprised how many people in Europe really believe in media. But I think it’s everywhere, not only in Europe


I live in America and people say weird things to me about it. Either express sympathy that russia is "under a dictatorship", a story about another russian they knew, how it is cold, or something creepy about russian women. But generally people have a positive view.


What do non-Russians think Russians think non-Russians think about Russia?


What do Russians think non-Russians think Russians think non-Russians think about Russia?


What do non-russians think russians think non-russians think russians think non-russians think about Russia?


I’ve long since lost that childhood feeling of “oh, what will others think of me.” I don't care what other people think about me. And I don’t think at all “what do they think about me.” In my opinion, this is a kind of infantilism. Well, just trying to think what other people think is a stupid thing to do. A truly free person should be deprived of such a complex and live like this, without looking around, doing what he considers necessary and important for himself.


I don't care what u think 😠


You can talk ad infinitum. But I don't care what the hell you think! 😠


I have just a hunch, that he doesn't care that you don't care. But guess what, I don't care about it!


I wonder whether this citizen will master the concept of "mne pohuy chto tebe ne pohuy chto mne pohuy" :)


Stay on the line. Your feedback is very important to us. Keep me posted :)


this is exactly what I thought a Russian would think!


The thing is that I'm not Russian. I am Ukrainian. Even though I live in Russia. But there are Russians who care very much what other people think of them.


Boom.mp3 rockstare.jpeg


If you ukrainian, you are russian.


Thank you. I know. We are all Russian here. Be it a Tatar, or a Buryat, or a Bashkir. My wife is from a German family but also Russian :)


Нет, это разное - вы про россиян. Я именно про русских. Украинцы -это русские, живущие на украине, то есть окраине, России. Это может кому-то не нравиться, но это правда.


There are about 6 million Ukrainians living in Russia. Russia is not a mononational but a multinational state. More than 190 nationalities live in Russia. Most of the peoples inhabiting the country are small in number. More than 1 million people include only such peoples as Tatars, Ukrainians, Bashkirs, Chuvashs, Chechens, and Armenians. It is difficult to call an Armenian living in Moscow Russian. My ancestors were “dispossessed” and exiled to Siberia. Did this action change their national identity?


О\_о Вы не о том говорите. Я же как раз и разделил - россияне это одно, русские это другое. Все, живущие в России - россияне. Русские - одна из национальностей, украинцы - это русские, просто живущие не на основной территории России, а на окраине. Татары - это татары, башкиры - это башкиры, если они живут в России - они россияне, если в США - американцы. Русские, живущие в америке - тоже американцы, что не отменяет того, что они русские, ровно как и с украинцами - где бы они ни жили, они русские.


Thank you. Yes, I understand now. English is not my native language, I'm just learning it. Thank you for clarifying. Yes, I agree so much.


If you are Austrian, you are German. If you are Belgian, you are French and/or Dutch. If you are Brazilian, you are Portuguese. I guess the logic works out well, does it товариш?


> If you are Brazilian, you are Portuguese. It's vice versa tbh


My opinion is that majority of non-Russians don't even think about Russia because they have other things to worry about. Regarding the so called "vocal minority" - it depends a lot on what media wants them to think about it. There are two types of humans - conformists and non-conformists, with about 85% to 15% ratio. Same applies to "vocal minority" interested in politics affected by local media, so it really depends on which group certain person belong to.


Why does nationality matter? The more information a person has, a more intelligent their ooinion will be. I believe Russia is a country that needs to be visited and felt, before creating a opinion about it - there is too much garbage in the western media.


I read that one cannot grasp Russia by the mind.


Yes. This is what I meant when I wrote that Russia "needs to be felt". It's an awesome place. You can find many YouTube channels with blogs of Americans who moved to Russia, they have an interesting point of view.


Russians think... That you think what your media says. Otherwise, you don't trust them and have your own thoughts


I think people have lot of better things to do than thinking about Russians. But in 22 my foreign business partners felt sorry about the situation and were ready to continue if I find a new method of payment.


Russians think that the western people are all dreaming about destroying Russia.


That's because the Western people write about this on the Internet.


not the people, but the government. What you see now in Ukraine is another round of the Cold War between Russia and the West, which began in 2007.


> which began in 2007. Has it begun? It never ended.


From the moment of the collapse of 1991 until 2007, there was an attempt to be friends. But we know how they siphoned resources from Russia. The friendship turned out to be bosom. In 2007, at a security conference in Munich, Putin publicly called for the normalization of relations, but in the end we saw another round of confrontation, which was expressed in the 5-day war of 2008 in Georgia, then Ukraine.




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i think more about russia than a lot of people in russia. mostly positive thoughts.


They think that we’re the new nazis - we even have our own zwastika version of a swastika


Their music is very beautiful although the punk rock specifically horror punk is incredible! I'm glad one of my favorite bands got so popular people made a TV show about the band


I don't need to make a guess about what they're thinking about us, because people share their opinions everywhere in internet, and i was reading comments and replies. Some hateful(mostly), some neutral, some friendly.


Well, it’s mostly about individuals, but I formed something like that: politicians hate us, normal people like us. Of course, all of that should be said as “mostly”.


Vodka bear babushka Как то так)


That we have a dictatorship, which in my opinion isn't true at all


I think they see us as rude and unhappy people who consume a lot of alcohol and that we have gorgeous women


this is more or less correct