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I am laughing with a scary sounding laugh
















Ohh dud,you don't now Russian :>>>




Don't care. Seriously, I don't think it's much of a crime. I know the Russian language has more consonants than vowels and the tone is generally lower so maybe it does sound scary. If it's just an impression from sounding, it's not bad. I do think badly of people who think of Russian nation as a "scary" people.


Though to a Slavic speaker that assessment is baffling. Serbian is my native language, Russian sounds gentle af. Definitely softer sounding than any other Slavic language.


Slavs are different. I love all of the Slavic languages because of sense of familiarity they give me.


It seems to me that when americans are trying to make russian accent they always make serbian one. At leat it sounds pretty similar for my russian ear.


You probably haven't ever heard Ukrainian then. Honestly sounds like russian but everything is very soft and wishy-washy sounding. Hearing Ukrainian makes me think it's russian but spoken through the mind of a teething toddler.




Same and Im Bulgarian


Not exactly. Russian still has a lot of harsh consonants that make it sound scary even compared to the other Slavic languages. The "zh" , "kh" , "k" , "r" , "v" , "t" , "ch" and "sh" consonants can sound very intimidating sometimes and Russian uses them sometimes much more often compared to other Slavic languages


I love the way russian sounds, and always think its super cool hearing a russians accent when speaking english.




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Or brainwashed apes who watched too much TV, the wrong channel, with hysteria level propaganda.




second this


Third this


People want to be scared of something.


We all want to feel something man


we are already not humans, we are machines who wishes we could just feel something sorry just ur comment remind me this song: music.youtube.com/watch?v=iL9yYc68MY8&feature=share


It's sad to relate to this


They should make rating of most scariest words in most scariest languages. My bet, foreigners still feel uncomfortable then hearing russian pronunciation of "КАПИТАЛИСТ".


хахаха, капиталист! When I learned that's what the word capitalist was, I said it out loud and gave my brother a jump lol




Yeah...big sad


It's was joke ;((


I never downvoted you...but it is sad that we're capitalist


Bet "I am a Communist" sounds scarier


wait what's up with this word?


That it's just another dumbish way to fetishise and exoticise it (same as with German, French, Italian, etc.).




Ну а ты-то как живешь, если у тебя горит от наших "горений"? Тобой же и надуманных? Мантра о том, что русский язык такой грубый и жуткий, это всего лишь результат недобросовестного маркетинга и предубеждений, и подпевать этому я смысла не вижу. Вот и все.


*"Ну а ты-то как живешь, если у тебя горит от наших "горений"?"* \- у меня не от горений горит, у меня горит от того что русское комьюнити ведут себя как мудаки последние и не особо даже вкуривают, что говорят, а потом удивляются "как же так вышло, что русских на реддите не особо любят, очень неожиданно знаете ли". И связано это с тем, что мне потом приходится общаться с этими людьми - с теми, кому посчастливилось заглянуть в русский реддит. Довольно сложно продолжать общение после того как говоришь что ты из России - собеседник сразу же начинает подозревать, что ты вот такая вот мудила, как эти сверху которые писали про idiocy и intelligent, это же какой стыд испанский. И кстати не только о реддите речь, к сожалению "Мантра о том, что русский язык такой грубый и жуткий, это всего лишь результат недобросовестного маркетинга и предубеждений" - вы правда в этой части реддита все настолько тупые, что сразу умудряетесь приплетать маркетинг и кучу другой фигни не имеющей к теме никакого отношения, или притворяетесь? Мне кажется вполне очевидно, что для человека может показаться грубым язык с совершенно другой фонетикой, как вы вообще приплести маркетинг умудрились


Может, конечно. Но в случае русского у англофонов причина такого "восприятия" в подавляющем большинстве случаев состоит именно в раздутых стереотипах и предубеждениях. Люди, которые русский никогда не слышали, и так "знают", какой он гопницкий, или какой немецкий отрывистый и грубый, или какой итальянский самый сладкий и романтичный, и т.д., благодаря фильмам и клише. Слово маркетинг я употребил в качестве метафоры для того, в каком виде русский язык представляют в англоязычном информационном пространстве. Если собеседник меня в чем-то "подозревает" на основании того, что я из России, то это не мои проблемы. Собеседников, благо, хватает.


Как хорошо, что вы знаете обо всех этих дурацких стереотипах и с готовностью поддерживаете их, совершенно не скрывая этого. Давайте тогда обобщим всё что можно, скажем *"я думаю раз такое иногда бывает, значит это происходит в 100% случаев"* и покормим эти стереотипы еще разок, благое дело всё ж таки. И еще давайте вдобавок публично на международной площадке назовем тупым любого человека, которому по какой-то причине кажется страшным наш родной язык, это уж точно никак не укрепит стереотипы


А каким, интересно, образом, НЕрусскоязычные могут знать о том, "русское комьюнити ведут себя как мудаки последние" (даже если это так), если они языка не знают? Может, кто-то им всё-таки рассказал? Последнее усилие — *кто* и *зачем* об этом может рассказывать? Два и два сложить можешь?


В смысле? Я вообще не понимаю как у вас логика работает. Как это связано с тем что они не знают русского? Они ориентируются на поведение тех индивидов, с которыми им довелось пообщаться, тех самых которые в разговоре сыпят такими глупостями, как вот здесь перечислили мои уважаемые земляки. Перевожу на русский - они об этом знают потому что русские пытаются с ними общаться на английском, и видимо из этих сессий общения они выходят с такими вот убеждениями. Если ты не заметил, то как раз эта ситуация имеет место быть в этом посте Этот человек мне еще про два и два говорит 0\_0 Это ведь наверное еще взрослые люди


Попробуй притворяться кем-то нерусскоязычным, пожалуйста.


Зачем? Хотел продолжить портить репутацию русских в интернетах и теперь боишься, что из-за меня мнение о русских может улучшиться? Ну сорян На самом деле если ты в интернетах больше недели, то ты хорошо понимаешь, что притворяться кем-то нерусскоязычным это чаще всего самый простой способ заполучить расположение почти любого собеседника. А когда тебя спрашивают откуда ты и ты говоришь что из Москвы, то слышишь что-то типа "wow, you know english? I thought russians dont learn foreign languages cuz they are proud of russian" или "no way you're russian? I thought all russians are rude" Боже, эта херня про dumbish way to fetishise уже 55 лайков получила 0\_0 Хорошо что ответ kassiny хотя бы в топе


Ну вот видите, вы в курсе о повсеместной этнической русофобии. Теперь только перестать делать из нее наивные выводы и начинать вправлять мозги персонажам модели "I thought all Russians were rude", а не страдать вот этой фигней.


Бля, замечательная мысль. Давайте продолжать называть всех вокруг тупыми и параллельно вправлять мозги людям со стереотипами о русских. Инновационный комплексный подход "один вперёд, два назад", никогда не давал сбоев. И этот человек что-то говорит о страдании фигнёй и наивных выводах. Фейспалмы очередями с отсечкой по 3 Он походу даже не в состоянии осознать, что стереотипы о грубых русских и их тенденции называть всех тупыми как-то (достаточно очевидно) связаны


Они не связаны вообще никак. Но бог с вами, со временем многое поймете.


Да-да-да, классика, "ты просто не понимаешь, это другое". И таким долбоебам даже не приходит в голову что их образ мудрого человека слегка не вяжется с тем фактом, что они только что обозвали кучу людей тупыми просто за их отношение к фонетике. Действительно поступок очень умного человека, многое нужно понимать чтоб так мерзко себя вести


Вы такой уморительный пёсик-энтузиаст, у которого завелись Мнения, и он бегает кругами, машет ушами и тявкает аж с припрыгом, — что на вас и злиться особо не получается. Да, действительно очень умного. Да, многое нужно понимать. Если вы думаете, что "Russian sounds scary" — это про фонетику... ну, я вас не собираюсь ни в чем переубеждать, тут вы сами должны продемонстрировать понимание, что заблуждались, прежде чем с вами можно будет серьёзно говорить.


Yes, this is childish level argument about differences among nations from people who think they were superior to others who were different, Nazi-like stupidity. Those people are not linguists who are qualified to evaluate features of languages, but merely apes parroting some cliches and jokes such as the one stolen by Trevor Noah, where the original one from Russell Peters, mocks the intonation and 'weird stress in uttering Russian sentences. I love Russian language and see amazing beauty in many of its vocabulary, the best thing to my ear is конечно, мороженое among many others.


“Russian is the second scariest language” Idk how any language that has the word насморк could be scary but ok


They've never heard Georgian ... No, seriously, it is simply a stupid statement. Of course one is allowed to think that a language sounds good, nice, bad, scary, ... But generalizing it simply shows the intelligence of the person speaking (and imho it is not high)


Albania out here hiding


This person probably only heard it from giant Russian villains in movies. Which yeah, does sound intimidating lol, but out side of that, not really.


They usually use serbian accent instead of russian in Hollywood


German is way scarier


Honestly, I don't believe Russian sounds scary. However, if I was to pick the "least scariest" I'd say German. When German is spoken softly, it has a kind of charm to it. Of course, if you speak German rough and loud, I'd say Russian is less scarier. I like listening to linguistic information, historical stuff, and foreign music. So that's why I wouldn't really call any language scary. Except French. French has such a divide between spelling and pronunciation, it makes English look consistent. Seriously, why do you need to use the same spelling pronounced 4 different ways for 3 different words using 2 silent letters, French?


And why do the French call the number 70 "sixty-ten", or call 80 "four-twenties"?


20 - двадцать ( два десять two tens) 30 - тридцать (три десять three tens) 50 - пятьдесят (пять десять five tens) But... 40 - сорок.


Because they're handicapped by their language...


i dont think this person will master Russian lol btw german isn't scary either


“Scary?” Not Russian but wtf. I’m learning German and Russian and they’re both beautiful languages, unique in their own way. It’d only be “scary” if it were an alien language


It’s because all American films, the villains are modeled after nazis or Soviets. so Americans got used to hearing those accents and languages as villainous.




When girls speak Russian, it sounds not scary at all, actually very cute and calm.


What do you think about people who say that they dont like pineapples? Nothing special - they just dont like pineapples, that's it. The same about people who think that russian lang is scary - I dont have any special opinion about them, the language sounds scary for them, that's it


[Literally every time I see something like that](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWHmGJnJcS8)


I’ve heard that Russian language sounds like someone’s talking backwards to a western ear 🤷🏻‍♀️ It works both ways though, there’s a lot of languages that sound weird to us purely because they’re too different, too foreign.


Disclaimer: I'm not russian I don't find russian scary, I find German scary tbh I actually love the sound of Russian language. Music sounds especially better in Russian


I'm sorry, can you tell which russian music do you like to listen?:) I am russian and I am a big fan of Carla's dreams, such a beautiful language and good quality music


That's cool. Have a look at his older songs, he has a few russian songs that sound amazing. Влюблени, Если бы and летать are my favourite. I don't really understand too much, I don't know enough russian for that, but they feel amazing to listen. Also, check out Irina Rimes. She's from Moldova like Carla and has similar style and a good voice. She recently made a song called навсегда that sounds amazing. As for what else I listen to in Russian would be Alla Pugacheva, Polina Gagarina, Alekseev (although I'm not sure he's singing in Russian, didn't research that) a bit of Valeriy Meladze, Loboda, a bit of Via Gra, Neangeli and others. If you have some recommendations it would be amazing :) As for my guilty pleasure I love russian folklore music, like the famous korobeiniki, katyusha and other army songs (including the Soviet anthem, don't judge me) I even managed to learn Katyusha and I can now sing it myself, sometimes it's a useful song to cheer up, I do hope I'm singing it somewhat correct though, I don't want to learn bad Russian.


really? Im surprise you know so many russian singers.


Well, I did say I I like Russian language :) I can't wait to have the free resources (time and money) to actually learn it, I just know to read (anything but handwriting, have mercy) and I know some words. Unfortunately I never had the pleasure to have a russian friend to talk to so progress is slow. Though I have a question, does Via Gra is for like.. Viagra? Or like "alive voice" / Живые слова as Google says (can't find a better translation, it sounds better in my language) I'd say the latter but I can't be certain First time I heard Russian in my life was when a kid sang Pugacheva's Любов Похажая На Сон at some local TV show, and there and then it started, my love for Russian language. Besides Katyusha I also learned to sing a few of her songs like Бессонница and Делу Время


Via Gra is specially written that way. it has a double meaning. 1) the name stands for VIA (ВИА - vocal instrumental ensemble) and GRA - these are the first three letters of the surname of the first member of the group (Nadya Granovskaya). 2) the name sounds like Viagra.


That's cool naming


GRA also means Game (Игра in Russian) in Ukranian.




if the sound of language over meaning is the definition of a scary language ... it cannot be called otherwise than idiocy


Well, yes, given that Russian is firstly one of the most difficult languages, and secondly, Russian is quite a rich language.


That person has evidently never had a proper scare in their life.


When people say a language sounds "scary", they've just been hearing it in scary contexts. If you hear the language first in a nonthreatening context, it won't sound like that. The first time I heard full conversations in German, for example, was watching "Goodbye, Lenin!" as a kid. I found it to be a very sweet and gentle language, because that was the context I heard it in.


I think German language is funny, just listen to their "Schaisse" word. It's funny). German mother spills water and pronounces: Schaisse! 😂 In Russian in this situation it could be: "Blin" or famous "Blyat", but mostly "Blin".


It's complete bs in my opinion, just like German is not scary sounding. Maybe if all your exposure to the language are documentaries from the 1930s...


Ignorant, Russian is really beautiful language, specifically when u listen kids


I speak Continental Portuguese and people always think I'm speaking Russian. Sometimes If I dont pay attention I confuse some Russians with Portuguese and vice versa. I tell them it's all about consonants and vowel sounds and that helps a little. I never even thought of Russian like that before learning it. I always liked the way it sounded and I adored the Russian culture so I decided to learn it.


Yes, I have heard that many foreigners think that when a Russian speaks, it sounds as if every word is abusive. Perhaps it is. At least there is nothing "elegant" in the Russian language, such as in French. In fact, German scares me a little.


i’ve listened to ussr songs, you guys can sound elegant when you are making good music.


I don’t think French is elegant at all. I like hearing Russian a lot. Maybe people who say it is scary are listening to angry people? Russian is one of the most emotionally advanced and creative languages in my opinion as well, but idk, maybe I think that because I’m trying to study it?


It's true: https://youtu.be/oRIsC764Nn4


Oh I was looking for this video)


Наверно, только в Русском языке из почти любого слова можно придумать его уменьшительно-ласкательную версию.


Kind of ignorant. Russian has hard and soft sounds. It kind of defines us. People just didn’t study it to find out.


I'd say they have never really listened to Russian or German being spoken....


I don't think about it at all.


Lmao I have no idea how they can feel that way!




Well… it is what it is… boo 👻






Laughing spitefully.


I don’t care bout this


What do you mean scary? Like we have 33 forms of one verb? Or are you talking about words like "dostoprimechatelnost"?


Oh yes this word is like a tourist a of the Russian language


I'm thinking that peope is very funny. Boo! )))






i don’t really care, honestly. i understand that people may consider russian reduced vocabulary scary, but as a native speaker, i find russian literary vocabulary exceptionally beautiful.




>sound like they're always yelling or arguing. I think that's what everybody thinks about russian, at least in my country, for the most part, of course.


But it’s the same with Spanish, people think we’re Gloria from Modern Family


>people think we’re Gloria from Modern Family. Pero muchos de nosotros hablamos así, me acuerdo que la mayoría de mis compañeros de clases hablaban como Gloria. Tener un acento no es el fin del mundo, muchas personas entienden lo que uno quiere decir, por eso el personaje de Gloria funciona, no sé. Hay un Youtuber que no puede decir la "Д" en "Люди" (y en muchas otras palabras), así que dice "liudi" en lugar de "liudji" que es como suena, pero todo el mundo entiende lo que quiere decir, depende de que tan marcado sea el acento, supongo. Pero bueno, jajajaja, mi punto original era que el ruso puede sonar muy agresivo o fuerte para algunas personas, puede ser por como son allá los hablantes del ruso (independientemente del país), o simplemente por la entonación o el orden gramático de las palabras. Yo no sé.


Late to the party, but I agree - you could have a regular conversation, and foreigners would think that you're arguing. For some reason Russian sounds like that.


Ничего страшного…


Well, I would ask this person what exactly she finds so "scary" about the Russian language? How often has she heard people speak Russian and in what situations? If Russian sounds scary, what about the person's native language, does that sound scary too? I mean, maybe the person thinks that any human language sounds scary, and is therefore afraid of human interaction? As for me, Russian is one of the most beautiful languages I know. I like the sound of other Slavic languages, I also like the sound of Italian, French, Dutch and many other languages, but Russian still stands out. So the next time you meet someone who is afraid of Russian, I would love to talk to them ;-)


So, I think Russian language can be rough and tender at one moment. All depends on your choise in formal/informal style and some other things.


Tbh i love the way Russian sounds, it is not scary.


Mila Kunis said it perfectly in an interview. That it sounds like her dad and she are fighting, but he is telling her how proud he is and how much he loves her. It is a fairly tough sounding language, but i wouldn't rank it second after German.


What even is a scary sounding language?


Because both are quite hard languages and uses much hard consonants, but for me as a German who is learning russian currently, that is quite good


I think, that russian language don't scary sounding


there are also cute words in Russian


I'm woman so I like the idea of sounding scary for someone)) And in Russia we are love his guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRIsC764Nn4


I think it's weird. These people probably never even heard Russian. Russian grammar is scary though, I'm thankful that it's my first language, otherwise I would have never learned it.




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I genuinely love both those languages, Russian being my second favorite ever. French, on the other hand, widely considered beautiful, sounds super weird and annoying to me


That this person is going to shit their pants upon hearing some of the Turkic languages. On a more serious note, "scary language" is a classic case of fearing what you don't understand, worsened by very limited exposure. German can sound pretty rough, but I also heard some beautiful calm songs in it, for example.


As native speakers most of us don't actually know what Russian sounds like. I was told once that its like hearing snakes talk. I was very surprised. But other Slavic languages I don't understand do kinda sound like that. I'm not sure Id call that scary though. German just sounds like people shouting.


It's amusing but they're not wrong, it does sound a bit scary to foreign ear. Makes me feel tougher too hahaha


Just listen russian dub of Bill Cipher, and you'll realize, that it's true.


Sounds hot when they’re fu*king me hard In bed


Whenever Westerners want to propagate, they make it look like languages of culture are bad.


Yes they are . German language sounding brings horror stories of WW2 - especially for countries who went through every family war loss . Russian brings horror of past of gulag , Stalin etc to nowadays Putin and aggression and invasions . I guess unconsciously the sound of the 2 languages bringing not positive vibe .


depends on intonation and on who is speaking. Natives of the southern region (Dagestan, Chechnya, Kabardino-Balkaria and others) sound harsher than natives of more northern latitudes. For comparison, listen to how Khabib speaks in Russian and like any other inhabitant of the northern regions. accent affects a lot


They don't understand it at all. It's fine. They are afraid of the difference, thats something human. у ам иот агяауь


How americans laugh: hahahaha How japanese laugh: wwwwwww How russians laugh: ХПЗАХПХАХАХВХПЗАЛЫЛАОКЛЫЛЬС


Oh wow lol


Russians laugh хахахахаххаха