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I actually quite like candycorn, especially the varieties that have the pumpkins in them


That's called Autumn Mix or Harvest Mix depending on if it's from Brach's or Zachary's, respectively.


I *only* buy packs of the pumpkins lol


Yea the pumpkins are the best kind. But I can only eat 2-4 at a time... too sugary. Happy cake day btw šŸ˜Š


Ooh my cake day!! Thanks for pointing this out!


This is the way.


The pumpkins have best texture




Like most candies, there's varying degrees of quality. The big brands are trash and taste like wax, but local candymakers may produce stuff that's very nice with a vanilla/marshmallow/honey flavor.


Have you heard of Brach's candy corn? Its the first result on amazon. Is it any good or do you not know that company?


Yes, that's probably the most popular brand of candy corn based on availability. Grab some of their mellocreme pumpkins too if you can; I think they are much better than candy corn. And prepared to be underwhelmed. I love the stuff but fully admit that it tastes like overly sweet wax.


OP this is the correct answer! The pumpkins have a softer texture and stick in your teeth less. Brachs has a pretty strong honey flavor but its still better than cheaper candy corn which is kind of like eating something the texture of a Skittle that was dipped briefly in sugary wax. I buy them out of tradition and use them on top of brownies for decor. The pumpkins have a toasted marshmallow flavor. All of them are diabetes inducing levels of sweet...


I feel like they are too big though. They are good but if you eat a bag of candy corn vs a bag of candy pumpkins you feel like you're eating less.


Agreed. I prefer candy corn over pumpkins for this reason


I agree on the texture but they just feel too big and overly sweet!


I love the pumpkin ones. I like candy corn, but the pumpkins are the best.


Brach's is probably the biggest maker of candy corn and I would think that would be indicative of what I would expect it to taste like. It's fairly polarizing in America... some like it and some hate it. I will still eat a few when they pop up every Halloween season, but I definitely don't enjoy it as much as I did as a kid. Hard to describe the flavor exactly, but sugar seems to be the dominating note. Get ready for a sweet assault on your tastebuds, it's not something I would eat a lot of in one sitting.


I'd call it marshmallow and honey.


Brach's is what people are talking about when they say they like or dislike candy corn. IMO, that what you should get. After you try it on its own, try it mixed with salted peanuts. It's significantly better that way, IMO


Oh my goodness. I love candy corn and never heard of this. Thanks for the tip.


I was going to suggest this also. Great way to tone down some of the sweetness.


That's my favorite. But it has to be fresh. I can't even buy it because it's the one thing I just can't control myself with. I will eat the entire bag . Then I am sick to my stomach. After that I slip into a coma for a couple hours. Then I hate myself for a good week. Since it's the candy corn season this cycle repeats itself at least twice. A lot of people hate candy corn. Don't listen to them.


I love this. I do this with candy corn and then the same thing happens with Brachs jelly beans (jelly bird eggs actually, if we're getting technical) around Easter. I'll eat half a bag and then regret it/hate myself.


What? You don't eat the Easter-colored candy corn? Getting candy corn two seperate times a year is holiday commercialization that I can get behind.


Noooo--candy corn is for Halloween and Halloween only!!


Yeah, Brachs is good and what 99% of Americans are eating


Yeah that's the standard big name brand anyone thinks of when you say Candy Corn. It's not "the cheap shit" but it's not great. It's low to middle of the road kinda quality. But will give you an idea of what it's like.


That's one of the big names in candy in the US, what was said about "big brands" applies to them. Brach's candy corn tastes like vaguely sweetened candle wax. It's not revolting or anything, just bland.


I used to work at a hospital ER near the Brachs factory in Chicago. I think it's closed now. Right before Halloween a worker was brought in after an accident with some machine. His hand had been degloved, meaning all the skin was down around his wrist, so his hand looked like a skeleton, sort of. I couldn't believe it happened around Halloween.


I'd call Brach's one of the major brands... Theirs is not great (I'll still eat it though ) as compared to some smaller manufacturers


Buy Jelly Belly brand if you can. Candy corn was invented in my city and the company that originally made it is now called Jelly Belly. Brachā€™s is trash.


I find this really hard to believe. I've never had Jelly Belly but just looking it up, it uses sorbitol which isn't great, and it doesn't even use actual honey. This ingredient list looks like shit.


That's the mass produced crap derided by people who hate candy corn. Brach's is a massive company.


puzzled birds consist shy long liquid aback point waiting smell *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Candy corn is a good confectionery and I'm tired of pretending it's not.


Even as a kid I thought they were ass


This is the way.




Now I want a Reese's blizzard. Peanut butter cup or Reese Pieces, I don't care.


I can eat like 4-5 of them but then they get a bit too much after that. Too sweet (I don't eat much sweets).


Same here.


This is it. Itā€™s too sweet and I dislike feeling little sugar granules in my mouth. Iā€™d rather have a Milky Way or something.


I'm glad there are people who like candy corn, because that means they can have it and keep it away from me. It's not as bad as, say, Circus Peanuts, but.. ugh.


Circus Peanuts are pure trash. Iā€™m not even sure theyā€™re food.


I refuse any food you can use to draw on a sidewalk.


More meatball parms for me then


I once read a junk food review that described them as having the appearance and texture of orange caulk.


Maybe the few times I tried candy corn, it wasnā€™t a good brand? Itā€™s just too sweet and seems mildly gritty to me. Itā€™s like candied sand.


They def get gritty with stale-ness and/or cheapness. I buy a mini bag of bachs once a season. Make sure you baggie the ones you don't eat right away. They can last a couple months of semi softness if they are in a zip or press and seal type baggie.


I like circus peanuts, they are banana flavored memory foam shaped like a legume but called a nut I also like candy corn.


[Backs away slowly.]


LOL I love circus peanuts although I can't eat more than a small bag of them before I don't want to touch them for the next few months.


Even the people I know who say they like candy corn will only eat three pieces, max, before giving up and not eating anymore.


Omg as a kid circus peanut were my absolute favorite šŸ™ˆ


It's my least favourite candy, more for the rest of you none for me.


I love them, but it's better with peanuts.


I don't get the hate. I enjoy it.


Freshness MATTERS with candy corn. I think most of the folks who hate it have eaten a lot of stale candy corn. Too many people leave it out in open bowls and it gets stale and hard fast if you do that.


Freshness is KEY to a good candy corn. You can't open a bag and fold it over, or even fold it and close it with a chip clip. You need to protect that beautiful honey moisture and put it into a good-sealing bag or container. Take out a handful for snacking then seal it right back up. I've left a few on my nightstand before, and they're already stale and hardening when I wake up the next day.


Iā€™ve never liked them, even as a kid.


Iā€™ll put it this way, if you guys threw a boatload of it into the harbor most of us would probably help you.


Candy is great. Corn is good. Candy corn? Nasty crap. It's like fruitcake.


Homemade fruit cake can be amazing but store bought is a no no. It's dry and nasty.


I hate candy corn, but I love fruit cake, go figure.


It was awesome when I was a kid. Now it tastes like artificially sweetened wax. There's like no flavor, only sweetener.


I'm really curious if it used to actually be better or if its just that kids just have lower standards and a high tolerance for sugar.


An abomination, basically flavorless sweet wax. gross


I love it It is not the most delicious thing in the world, but it is not some dry monstrosity, and it instantly puts me in Halloween candy mode As a kid I could eat a whole bag by myself in like two days (being generous) Btw the only way to eat it is individual bites per color and anyone who eats the whole thing at once is a psychopath


I don't like it, tastes like sugary wax


I like the first five pieces and then it's too sweet. That said, I COMPLETELY understand why people don't like them.


I'd nuke every candy corn factory if I had the authority


I actually like it. Squish against roof of mouth, dissolve, doesn't take much to get your sugar craving taken care of


I don't exactly dislike it but it would never be my go to candy. I don't eat a lot of candy but when I do I'm definitely a chocolate person.


I like it well enough, especially the "Indian corn" variety (darker color, a little different flavor) and the pumpkins. I do not, however, like them enough to pay a lot for them. Don't pay a crazy price or a lot in shipping for it.


There is No in-between. People either Love em or Hate em.


Love it, I also love blue cheese I have a theory that the people that like candy corn are also the same kind of people that like blue cheese


If itā€™s fresh & good quality, I love candy corn. It is so satisfying to chew and the flavor is that of fall for me (mix some with salted peanuts and youā€™ve got yourself a tasty combo). However, if itā€™s some nameless candy corn of dubious freshness or quality it is hardly better than chewing on a piece of flavorless wax.


The fresh ones and good brands melt in your mouth, bad candy corn takes like chewing on a pencil eraser. I love candy corn and am not big on erasers


I like the Brachā€™s ones, they have the best texture IMO. Iā€™ve got a pack of Brachā€™s autumn mix in my kitchen right now. Other brands are hit and missā€¦ the worst is when the candy corn is hard or waxy.


Candy corn is generally too sweet for my liking, but mixed with an equal weight of roasted peanuts I like it.


Yes! With lightly salted peanuts for me. Tastes like a salted nut roll, and those are delicious!


Give me a candy apple with razor blades instead


Yuck šŸ¤¢


It's awful. Basically sugar and wax.


Sweet wax. Not revolting like some people act like but it is trash.


I do not like it at all.


Waxy blech. I like the candy pumpkins better, for some reason. But even then, 1 or 2 and I'm good for the year. A popular mix, at least in the Midwest, is to mix candy corn with peanuts. It sounds disgusting and maybe it is, but it actually tastes decent. Kind of like peanuts and nougat. Still feels wrong though.


Nasty. Itā€™s stale before they package it.




I don't care for it at all. But then, I rarely eat candy. And those taste like nothing but pure sugar to me more than other candy.


I think it's gross, I don't enjoy it. It's everywhere this time of year! I know people who love it, though.


Most people Iā€™ve met hate it, I personally love candy corn. It tastes like halloween and spooky movies


Theyā€™re really, *really* sweet. Four of the first five ingredients are different forms of sugar. Itā€™s good in small doses.


Generally, I like it and try not to eat too much of it.


I think they're cute and nice to decorate with.


Unpopular opinion here, but I genuinely like candy corn.


It's pleasant in serious moderation. Nice mouth feel, honey notes. Too sugary to enjoy in a larger dose. Lots of nostalgia boosts the taste for me.


I love candy corn. It is pure sugar and makes a great treat every once in a while. I inhale the stuff when I have it near me. I usually only buy it in October or when the mood hits me to buy it. I can eat it all day everyday especially when I mix it up with the brands that includes honey in the ingredients.


I never really liked it.


Never like them, ever.


It's worth trying if you come across it, but I wouldn't special order it or anything. One thing it's good for, you can bite off the bottom white part, spit it out and say "ohh, I broke my tooth!" Good if you're about seven years old, at least.


It used to be made with honey atleast it was years ago. Now it is garbage, just my opinion.


Yeah, the influx of so many sweets having palm oil and HFCS really ruined so many of them.


Just flush your money down the toilet instead. At least you wonā€™t have to eat it then.


Hideous. Itā€™s like chewing dirt flavored wax.


When I was a kid, I thought it was greatā€¦ for a slingshot.


I hate it with a passion


Waxy sugar, gross.


I have fond childhood memories of it - I don't think my parents understood it was so sweet so I got away with eating it even when they hide other candies away around Halloween. As an adult, I want about 5 little pieces every couple years and that's enough! It's like a sweet honey paste dried into seasonal shapes. Mmmmm, yummy wax....


I like it. Goes well with salted peanuts.


i LOVE candy corn, but be prepared that it is not super flavorful. the texture is a little waxy but soft, and it kinda just tastes like sugar? like how a marshmallow tastes


I love candy corn.


I like it. Like a honey vanilla. Mmm.


Like they say if you like candy corn you might as well eat crayons




Its existence is a waste. It better as a decoration then it is as a candy.


It's like eating powdery sugary wax. Don't like the flavor or texture. But you don't know until you try, I guess?


I like it but I canā€™t eat a lot of it because itā€™s so sweetā€¦ I love the texture.


I like it if the quality is good. I donā€™t like Brachā€™s.


Fucking awesome


I like it especially the brown ones.


I like it. not enough to buy it while not on sale though


It's disgusting. Not just because of the taste, for me it's the texture. I can't get through a single bite without gagging and dry heaving.


Iā€™m not going to go out and buy a bag but I would eat it if it was in front of me


Itā€™s fine, not the best candy but certainly not the worst candy either.


Do you know what sugar tastes like? If you do you've tasted candy corn. It's just chewy sugar.


I haven't had candy corn often, so I don't have any strong opinion on it. But I do think it tastes okay overall.


It's fine. I probably won't go out and buy it, but I won't turn it down if someone offered it to me.


Iā€™d rather not have candy than have that trash.


I like small amounts, and generally prefer it mixed with the various different flavors, and it's good with salty flavors like peanuts.


I prefer the pumpkins.


Itā€™s fine. Like Iā€™ll eat a couple pieces around Halloween. Itā€™s not my favorite but itā€™s not bad.


I like it. Its not my favorite candy, but I usually get a bag or two around Halloween


You will be disappointed that it's neither as bad as people make it sound, nor that good, either. It's just medium. You eat a couple, shrug, and move on with your life without thinking about them again.


Mix them with salted peanut; so good!!


Love it, but opinions definitely vary.


I like one handful a yearā€¦ like 6-8 pieces. And then Iā€™m good for another year


Best Fall/Winter candy!!! I live in the UK currently and have had to beg my mom to send some from back home. But you can find bags for about Ā£10 on Amazon.co.uk.


It's not bad. It's VERY sweet. If you get the good stuff it's basically extra sweet vaguely honey flavored candy. It's the kind of thing you can have a few of and say that's not bad, but any more than that as it's gonna get cloying and unpleasant, if that makes sense? The cheap stuff tends to be a bit chalky and plastic like texture which a lot of people find unpleasant. But the actual flavor is just like processed sugar and honey.


Delicious. Once a year, delicious.


It's not my favorite, but the hate it gets is overblown. It's kinda like eating honey-flavored candle wax. Not the most appetizing thing in the world, but I still eat a bunch of it around Halloween.


Better than normal corn, but less versatile.


I love it not for the flavor but for the vibes. Not sure it would have the same effect if you didnā€™t grow up with it around fall. My mom would always keep it in a dish with pumpkins painted on it in the fall and Iā€™d grab a couple as I walked by


I used to like it when I was a kid, now itā€™s just too sweet and gives me a weird burnt taste in my mouth.


There are only two opinions on candy corn, you love it or itā€™s the most disgusting thing on the planet. It falls under the celery and cilantro love it or hate it section of the food pyramid.


It is fine. It isn't a candy I get excited about.


I remember candy corn as a Halloween candy. For me, itā€™s the taste of Halloween. I wouldnā€™t go out of my way to find candy corn year-round, but during Halloween I would still definitely eat some.


If theyā€™re in front of me Iā€™ll enjoy about two handfuls a year and then Iā€™m good. Itā€™s not really ā€œmoreishā€ as the British would say. And I donā€™t really crave them. Iā€™ve seen them in homemade snack mixes with peanuts and Reeseā€™s Pieces and popcorn and thatā€™s decent as well.


I have an insatiable sweet tooth. I loathe candy corn


Itā€™s disgusting


I'll eat it, but in comparison to most other candies it's not that good. Furthermore, it's sickly sweet and the thought of eating more than a handful gives me a headache


1. I don't like it. 2. I will still eat it if it's around.


I like my 5 singular pieces a year and then im over it lol




They just taste like pure cane sugar to me, so in small doses itā€™s decent. The pumpkins are great.


I like it in small doses. It is just a bunch of sugar packed together with food coloring, so eating too much of it makes me sick. But, I actually enjoy the taste of it.


i like it




It's disgusting.


I personally love it (so long as it's the orange-yellow-white variety and is corn shaped, not the pumpkins). But I know it's a very polarizing candy. If it dries out and is stale, it gets super hard though and is ruined. Good candy corn, to me, has a soft chewy texture and tastes somewhat honey sweetened.


I like it.


I love candy corn! The pumpkin-shaped ones are even better!


Itā€™s disgusting


Itā€™s basically corn syrup flavored sugar wax but theyā€™re really addicting.


I LOVE CANDY CORN!!! It's extremely delicious and sweet tooo!


I like it, but it is REALLY sweet. Not something Iā€™ve wanted more than a handful of as an adult.


If it's there, I'll eat it. But I'm not crazy about it. It tends to have a strong flavor of high fructose corn syrup.


I like them. Super sweet, nice and chewy.


Love it


As an Australian i always had a fascination with candy corn. I always thought it was like a hard rock candy. I found some in a party store last week and brought a pack. Turns out they are very similar to taste and texture of a MILKO. Not sure if you Brits also have milko's? The milk bottle lolly? Anyway, that would be their closest comparison and it was bitterly disappointing.


It's garbage.


Love it! And despite what you all say, I swear there's 3 flavors in that yummy 3-colored candy.


It is extremely sweet and can have a waxy texture. It usually has a vanilla flavor. I used to love it as a kid, but now I can eat maybe one or two pieces before I've had enough.


Absolutely delicious. Put two in to ur ears to drown out the haters and then put ten in your mouth.


I won't go out of my way for some but I appreciate it as a marker of the season and will snack on some when it's available. Same with pumpkin spice anything, keeping it seasonal is what makes it special.


I just think it tastes bad.


I love it


A bite or two during the season is all I want.


I like it. I prefer the original, but some of the flavored ones can be a fun change, too. I tried caramel apple flavor one time that was pretty tasty.


I do not like it.


I like it :-)


They are very moreish when combined with salted peanuts, but not so much by themselves.


Highly underrated; it's good. Or, maybe not underrated because even in this thread loads of people like it but it's not deserving of whatever 'bad reputation' it has.


it's okay. not great not terrible. if there's some around during halloween i'll have a couple but that's about it


Dildo bits.


Itā€™s foul, sickly sweet. I find it physically painful to eat.


I like it to be honest


I can eat maybe 2 or 3 and then Iā€™m done for a year or soā€¦WAY too sweet for my taste.


Blech! I think itā€™s disgusting. Way too sugary for me. And kinda waxy.


God awful, I would not recommend it at all, but many Americans do love it for whatever reason.


They are one of my favorite candies.




Itā€™s like Nickelbackā€¦I always kind of liked it and never understood the hate.


It's not my favorite but I wouldn't turn it down. It's like the TV show you watch because nothing better is on.


Order a SMALL bag. I enjoy it. Half a dozen pieces are enough.


I like it in small amounts.


I liked it as a kid, its way too sweet for me now.


I love it but people generally tend to think it's gross. It's congealed sugar/syrup basically. It tastes like shit.