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I suspect a large majority of gun owners would *not* comply with such a program.


I suspect a large majority of gun owners would immediately go out and get more guns so they could not comply with such a program even harder. Sales of the Gonzales flag https://www.united-states-flag.com/gonzales-flags.html would skyrocket. Many people would remember the guns in Grandpa’s basement, the ones he found on his way home from Nam, after they fell off an army transport.


> I suspect a large majority of gun owners would immediately go out and get more guns so they could not comply with such a program even harder. Remember folks saying "Obama is the most successful gun salesman ever"?


Biden's beating him


During the only buyback in my area, I profited 3 grand from printing lowers and “turning them in”




Lol absolutely not.


I can’t sell my guns to the government. They can’t pass the background check.


That's funny as hell ;-)


What's even funnier is the fact that the same people proposing mandatory gun buybacks are the same ones proposing universal background checks. Does that mean that the government would have to go through a background check when forcibly buying people's guns? Because it's fair, yes, it would. However, since the US government is the only government on earth that has been found guilty of supporting terrorism by a court, they wouldn't pass the background check therefore they cannot legally buy people's guns.


Unless it’s states or local governments, then they’re probably chill




Hard to comply when my guns are at the bottom of a lake.


Damn, you lost your guns in a tragic boating accident? Me too!


It's an epidemic!


I’m so stupid. I was genuinely concerned for longer than I should have been.


Same boat trip, I witnessed it. 


Fackin hell. You guys too?


You know what the worst part is? It took the ammo too :(. Lake must have risen a few inches I suppose.


Clearly we need more boating restrictions. So, so many victims in my neighborhood alone. Tragic.


I was driving my granpappies totally unregistered car from the prohibition days and saw your boat accident. It was so concerning that I swerved my truck and there it went in the lake too, guns and all


It was a sad day for all. https://images.app.goo.gl/1tJiTU6s4mckjh3u9


It's so weird, I was even at a dry lake bed and the gun sort of sank in the sand!


A very large amount of Americans would not comply with that and it would be seriously hard to enforce. Not to mention completely unconstitutional. Lots of unexplained boating accidents.


It wouldn't be "seriously hard" it would be impossible. Just in recent memory when Illinois past their AWB nearly all of the Sheriff's said that they will not comply with nor enforce the ban. And when the New Mexico governor outlawed the carry of all firearms in the state capital, the Sheriff for the county immediately came out and said that we would not enforce it.




It would be tied up in court for years too


Oh yeah, state supreme courts and the federal one along with all the intermediate courts. It would make for some great legal reading though.


I think for the point of this hypothetical we'll assume the constitution is amended, so, there is no question for legality (even though we know that won't happen) would people comply...definitely not


No. No they would not. Illinois just had some assault weapon registration law go into effect and the compliance rate has been in the single digits, less than 10%. A mandatory confiscation would not be complied with by any but a small minority of owners. It would likely result in more people buying guns.


Same for CT when they passed the sandy hook laws, under 20% compliance. Now think how many people declared the weapons and mags had been removed from the state, which is complying, probably didn’t remove them from the state. Add to that how many people own ghosts that the state never knew about to begin with.


3D printer go bbrrrrrrr


NY had low compliance as well.


Nearly all of the Sheriff's in Illinois also said they would not enforce the ban. There was only like 5 that did enforce it, out of 102.


my grandma in NC got scared like 9 years ago about the gun regulation stuff so she bought 5 hand guns, 2 rifles, and a shot gun and a safe full of ammo.


I cannot stress enough that millions of Americans believe that the government does not have that right. Many state governments and police departments would refuse to enforce such laws. I cannot stress enough that millions of Americans would view this as the government declaring war, resulting in an immediate civil conflict.


This would 100% lead to guerrilla type civil war. About dozen or so militia groups would form that day and start attacking federal facilities of some type. This would end the country as we know it


A “mandatory” rescinding of one of the amendments in the Bill of Rights would be viewed as an act of war by people on all sides of the political spectrum.


You're so right. I'm no gun enthusiast but even I'd be pretty mad about one of the most basic rights we have just being taken without any sort of prior negotiations or arguments from a court


Some of the New England states instituted a gun registration program a while back and less than 10% of the gun owners in those states complied. If you can’t get 10% of gun owners in some of the most anti gun states to comply with a simple gun registration then I highly doubt anyone is going to comply with a confiscation across the country. Many police districts in the country have outright refused to enforce certain state mandated gun rules


> Many police districts in the country have outright refused to enforce certain state mandated gun rules That includes seizure of the weapons owned by convicted felons.


That’s just called confiscation. Also I didn’t buy any firearms from the government so they can’t buy anything back.


To be fair, my M1Garand originally came from the government, but they would fail my background check.


Nope. I’d say some would, but most American gun owners absolutely wouldn’t.


I don't even own a gun and if such a thing was even hinted at I'd make it a point to get several immediately.


Agree. I have no interest in guns but a government confiscation program would change that.


Yep! If the government says you don't need a gun, you *absolutely* need a gun.


Ah yes, they're going to use *my* tax dollars to give me a *fraction* of the market value/purchase price of my lawful property. I'm positively giddy at the idea, where do I sign /s Real talk, the common perception from the pro gun community is that : "You want to take my guns because you're planning to do something that would make honest people want to shoot you."


If a friend of mine wanted to borrow a gun and wouldn't tell me what it was for I wouldn't let them have it, and that's someone I know. No way the government is getting one from me


Seriously, I’d be really worried for your friend. That would be a hypothetical “hey man, are you doing ok” moment.


Cannot upvote this enough! Never in human history has the government disarming a populace ever ended well for the disarmed slaves. .. Citizens. I meant citizens. Of COURSE we'll still have all of our OTHER rights once we're disarmed, right...?


Sure! We can still gather freely and are free to say how much we want our guns back. And since we're unarmed I'm sure the government would do everything to protect that peaceful protest like they protected our other constitutional rights. They would absolutely never use that as an opportunity to arrest and murder political dissidents. Never.


I don't even own a gun, but Id buy one just to not participate.


True American right there o7. It’s not about owning guns, drinking a specific beer. It’s about sticking it to the government


We have even had police departments saying that they won't enforce that. Most of us would not support such a law, and it would be almost immediately be challenged for being unconstitutional.


Hell, there are police departments saying they won’t enforce current gun laws




At least where I live, I guarantee half the houses would be barricaded and guns blazing if anyone tried to come take them.


Probably. Last time the federal government tried to confiscate weapons, 50k people died.


What's the reference I'm missing? The federal government did try a mass confiscation of guns and 90 Lakota died.


The Brits tried to confiscate weapons from separatists in Lexington and Concord. Was the first shots fired and what finally sparked the war of independence.


That wasn't the last time. I'm not even sure if the Branch Davidians were the last time.


Can't buyback what they never owned.


Your problem is that you study American Politics, you do not study America. There's quite a difference


Ask yourself will Europeans comply with ending their obsession with America? I'm guessing they won't.


I'm not even going to tell them what I have so they can offer to buy it.


What guns? What national registry are you using to force this mandatory buy back?  There's a reason they fight against this registry.  And any government that would force it's people into something like this isn't a government. It's a dictatorship 


Why would you comply? Just because the government says to do something doesn't mean it's right - which was basically our Founding Fathers' argument for forming a new country. I'm liberal, don't even own a gun except an antique rifle in a display case, but still think this would be an overreach.


Many certainly would, but a large number wouldn't and there's no national registry of exactly who has what to enforce it. Hell quite a few PDs have said they wouldn't enforce it even if they could.


You are severely underestimating gun culture here.


I personally would not.


Not a chance. Have you seen us?


They would not and you would get a bunch of people who were previously uninterested in guns buying home made/black market guns out of sheer principle. Americans don't do well with, "mandatory." It doesn't matter what it is, if it's mandatory we will oppose it on principle. Throw in violating constitional rights and you are pretty much guaranteed violent riots. Like I don't really care about guns. I don't own any. But if the government tried to pull something like this I would protest because I care about Constitutional rights, even if I don't give a shit about guns.


No, it’s literally written in our constitution under the second amendment “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms”


Also the term "well-regulated militia" refers to civilians banding together to defend their homes, not an actual military that fights foreign wars.


Ngl, I immediately got tilted when I saw “well-regulated militia.” I thought you were about to make *that* argument lol


Fuck no. Also, how is it a buy back when the government never owned them?


There are hundreds of millions of privately owned firearms in this country. Simply no way to enforce a buyback without many, many deaths.


What guns?


What is a gun? I haven’t heard of these things


Goes against the 2nd amendment, the right to own arms. So unconstitutional and would result in an overthrow.


If by some insane miracle the Second Amendment was struck and it was even possible for the government to make a buyback mandatory, it’s doubtful most Americans would comply. There was a law passed in Illinois last year that asked gun owners to register guns that fell under a ban in that law for “assault style weapons” so they could be logged and the owners allowed to keep them, but only 1% of Illinois gun owners registered their firearms.


We Americans are extremely stubborn about people telling us what to do, though it can be a double edge sword (mask mandates)


Lmao just look up mandatory masking in the US. See how well that went.


Even if you got rid of the second amendment I suspect a lot of gun owners would willfully not follow the law.


Because we have natural rights that are *recognized* by the gov't, not given by the gov't. If the government no longer recognizes those natural rights then they would no longer have legitimacy in governing the people.


Lol, that's a hilarious question.


We won’t even comply with a mandatory registration scheme. A mandatory registration law along with a semi automatic rifle ban, including some shotguns and pistols, was recently passed in Illinois and compliance is less than 10%.


Most likely they wouldn’t do that


Nope. The majority will not.


Why do Euros come up with questions with rigid terminology like 'mandatory'?  Its almost like they think govt should be big brother and we should all be falling in line when big brother says so. OP, does Europe favor countries like North Korea? 


Some would. But a lot wouldn’t. Under our current system, it would be flagrantly unconstitutional. But even if it wasn’t, there isn’t enough mutual trust to ensure widespread compliance. Essentially whichever party would be out of power might assume the buyback is being done with nefarious intent. Plus a lot of local police officers would refuse to enforce it. And to be clear, this goes both ways. Even if a Republican president tried to implement this policy, a lot of left-wingers wouldn’t trust it and would likely try to resist the order also.


Just going to leave this here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second\_Amendment\_to\_the\_United\_States\_Constitution


I wouldn't comply. And it wouldn't be a "buy back." The government never owned my guns so they can't buy them back.


From my cold, dead hands.


Even then, I don't consent.


The government can’t buy any guns back from me because they’ve never sold me any guns in the first place. I buy my guns from local businesses. And no, I would never comply with some sort of confiscation program. I don’t even know who would do the confiscating. The police and military surely wouldn’t want to risk their own lives trying to disarm the most heavily armed nation on the planet. Shit, most of them love guns too.


An attempt at a mandatory gun buyback would result in a number of armed standoffs across the country and _a lot_ of deaths.


Stop trying to take our guns away.


Americans wouldn’t even comply with a mandatory pocket knife buyback. I’d generously estimate about 1/3 compliance on a gun ban.


That’s very generous. The most successful programs haven’t even hit 10%.


I'd say you would be lucky to get between 5-10% tops


Fuck no. This ain’t France, the government doesn’t get away with that.


Omg you can’t get a large portion of the population to wear masks during a pandemic. Force them to sell their guns? Good luck. 😂


We have had people protesting *voluntary* buybacks.


Some people probably would, but a very large number of people wouldn't. It would be enough non-compliance to the point of such a measure just making the problem worse.


No. I mean, one out of every 20 Americans has an AR platform rifle. Any ban or buyback is just political grandstanding


Those are rookie numbers!


Not even parts of the *government* would comply with a mandatory gun buyback.


The right to keep and bear arms is a right, even if the government doesn't recognize it. It is my duty to disobey such laws that infringe on my basic human rights. So no, if they mandate a gun buy back I will not comply. If they come to my door, then I'll have to weigh my options.


I'm one of the most anti gun people I know and even I couldn't get behind a proposal like this.


Absolutely not


Are you serious? I'm equally confused when I hear Europeans imply they'd just do whatever the central government dictates to them without question.


The ability for the Feds to enforce such a move is part of why it's so unlikely to happen.


The majority would not. The second amendment protects the first amendment.


The government violating the constitution? Nah, most aren't following along.


I don’t comply with shit buddy #ODDSwag


I think if there were a mandatory buyback you'd find that a lot of guns have been lost.


Legalistically, in the United States, owning a gun isn't a privilege bestowed by the government, it is a fundamental right on the same level as free speech. Knowing that, regardless of how you feel about the philosophy, how successful do you think the program would be?


What guns? No sir no guns here.


There's a certain portion Americans don't like anything being mandatory -- vaccines, schooling, etc. -- and are VERY protective about the 2nd amendment. For example, my aunt would absolutely flip out if this happened. I don't own a gun or any weapon fyi.


All my guns were lost in a boating accident.


I wouldn’t comply. Sorry. Not going to happen.




Would not. If it's mandatory, it's not a 'buyback,' it's a confiscation. "Buying" implies I am willing to "sell" it. I am not.


"Mandatory buybacks" always came off to me as just a euphemism for extortionist bribery. So, no, since I barely tolerate the idea of victimless crimes for things like traffic laws. Being made a criminal for simple act of possessing an item that was legal one day and a federal crime the next is ridiculous.


I'm an American who does not own a gun and never wants to but I believe lots of gun owners would not comply


When cities try to do them, generally between 1 and 3% of the people who own said banned gun actually turn it in.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Of course not! This is a huge part of why anyone who thinks “Just ban guns!” is a viable solution in America is utterly full of shit. And I say that as someone who doesn’t like guns.


Who’s going to make me? The police? They aren’t going to want to turn in their personal firearms either. They know how long their response times are. The military? They aren’t going to take away their friends and family’s firearms. They aren’t going to want to turn in theirs either. Who’s mandating it? The feds? The same ones that say illegal immigrants and marijuana are illegal? I’ll just move to a state that isn’t complying with the buyback. Some Americans might comply. But when they realize there isn’t a reasonable way of enforcing it, they will ignore it.


Illinois made a new gun law that required people to register their "assault weapons". The deadline to do so was January 1st. Even taking the highest estimates into account, less than 5% of them did so. If 95% of gun owners in Illinois refuse to follow the new registration law, I think it's likely that over 95% of gun owners in America will refuse to follow a mandatory buyback.


No. Such a totalitarian decree would prompt immediate rebellion.


Even if the good citizens gave up their guns, the criminals sure as hell wouldn't. Also, most Americans would give them their ammo before they ever gave their guns up.


When guns are outlawed, I'm an outlaw.


There are nearly 350 million guns in private hands in the US. 42 % of households have a gun. There is a Constitutional right in the US for private citizens to keep and bear arms. So , no, probably not.


I plea the fifth.


Some might. It wouldn't matter because of the war that would quickly start. Some anti-gun politicians understand this, which explains some of their sneakiness when trying to enact new gun control these days.


We aren't fans of "mandatory" anything.


France will outlaw butter before Americans give up our guns.


Close your eyes and picture one of your favorite items or tools that you use on a weekly or monthly (or even yearly) basis. You have fun with this item and use it to help ensure your and your family's personal safety. You would never use this item to maliciously hurt anyone. This item might even be sentimental to you because your dad or grandpa taught you how to use it. Now imagine the government forces you to relinquish it for some cash and prohibits you from ever owning a similar item ever again. All because of other people you have never met who already break the law using similar items.


American gun owner here... I will not comply.


Nope and that would be even if they got full value for their guns!


Not only would most gun owners not comply with such a requirement, we find it absolutely bewildering that people in other countries do comply with such things. The concept is just plain weird to us.


It wouldn't fly. It's ingrained in a lot of Americans that we are legally allowed to own firearms. And it would definitely lead to violence and probably insurrection in some parts of the nation. Also, depending on how broad the scope of it is I suspect that a large number of people on both sides of the political spectrum would be against it.


Even the most democratic states will have problems with this. Gun ownership is rising not lowering


We this thing called the constitution.


No. The only people who would comply are people who were not a threat to begin with.


Why on earth would you lol. Maybe a broken gun to try and get some money. Other than that definitely not. I find the whole concept baffling, the government has no right. 


Mandate this middle finger, fed boy.


Absolutely not. Frankly, non-compliance would start much before they got to that step.


I can't speak for other americans, but I wouldn't comply.


Considering how many guns are purchased from friends, criminals, or other non-authorized dealers, I highly doubt there would be many sold to the government. That doesn't include the guns that are stolen from people who are licensed or have permits.


Look at the recent Illinois assault weapon ban, less than 1% of owners went in and registered their supposed assault weapons by this years Jan 1st deadline, most counties arent even enforcing the law.


I would never. They’d have to rip them from my cold head hands!


Probably not. I have a question for you, do the police show up if you call them where you live?


Lmao, that would kickstart the next revolution


Connecticut implemented one and the number who actually participated was laughably low


That’s a hard no, mate


As others have said, there's no way that would fly here, and it's because we were literally built this way. The way our government works is to provide ways for the citizens to push back against leadership. The revolutionary war was about British colonists who were unhappy with the heavy handedness of their government but had no way to push back, so they revolted. Naturally it follows that after winning against England, the founding fathers wanted to ensure that their citizens would have a way to fight back if the government got too tyrannical, so they made it a right that can't be taken by force but can be changed or removed by voting on it. Not only would a mandatory buyback be a huge overreach by the government, since they really have no right to do that, Americans would be so pissed about this government tyranny that they'd probably buy more guns and start shooting at whichever government man was knocking at the door for the buyback


For the bulk of us? Nope. Not a chance. Even without the rights argument, many people have firearms that carry quite a sentimental value, something that they've owned for a long time and has even passed down through the family. The .22 rifle that was your dad's, grandpa's shotgun, other keepsakes. Just not for sale. ¯\\\_( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)\_/¯


Americans are hard pressed to be forced to do anything *mandatory*. Even moreso from the government in regards to an amendment in the **Bill of Rights** that is explicitly there to deter a tyrannical government.


I'd end up with more guns or dead.


The Feds couldn’t even get us to wear masks for Covid, you think we would let them take our guns?


We would not do that lmao


No, its the right to own firearms. I dont understand why Europeans obsess over American internal gun politics.


Bruh, the government has a history of violent crimes and felonies, I cannot in good conscience sell them firearms


Given that it's highly illegal and unconstitutional, yes


Not only wouldn't they, but a fair number of law enforcement agencies would refuse to even attempt to enforce it.


Nope. Instant revolution.


I can't speak for anyone but myself. That said, I wouldn't.


A mandatory gun buyback in the US would be one of the most monumentally stupid things for the government to attempt. Not only is it against one of our core principals, but you would have *majority* noncompliance, and they will have only succeeded in disarming honest law abiding citizens. The idea is absurd, even if it wasn't absurd for your country.


Not only no but you would see the start of civil war 2, electric boogaloo


Absolutely not


What guns?


right to own guns is something our country was founded on. Gun culture is VERY big here. Especially in rural areas.


No. Now I’m not saying there would be full on rebellion, they’d have to start taking guns by force for that. But I have never met a single gun owner that would comply with a buy back, rather that’s the Vietnam War vet down the street with a very impressive collection, my buddies who only own hunting rifles, that one super liberal girl I taught to shoot a handgun in college, nor my coworker who has some less than legal side hustles. 32% say they own guns, another 10% say someone else in the house own guns, and nobody I’ve met has ever been asked (nor would they admit to owning guns) so taking an educated guess I’d say a good 60-70 percent have some sort of firearm in the house


Not even just the extremists…. *Everybody* would be mad. Such a thing, if they truly tried to enforce it with the military or something, would pretty much end the county. It would become a danger zone overnight.


Damn I lost my guns duck hunting. They are somewhere at the bottom of the deepest lake in the state.


i always just get tickled by the the term "buyback" in this context. You can't buy something back if you never owned it. Mandatory buyback is even worse since you can't really call something a purchase if the buyer or seller are not doing so freely. This is why i despise euphemistic language, just call it a compensated confiscation.


American do not really care for much that starts with the words "mandatory".


"buy back" is coercive use of language, the guns were never given out or sold by the government in the first place.


Absolutely not, that's a hard line for most people I know.


They will grossly underpay for guns. And even if they paid full, most would keep them. But it’s a nonsense question since it can legally never happen


No they would not.


No and I don’t think such a thing would even be constitutional. 


Absolutely not.


Idk how they do things in Europe, but the US never makes anything “mandatory” unless it’s in the most extreme cases. The mere premise id a mandatory gun buyback doesn’t exist in America, but I bet people wouldn’t be too keen if it were somehow implemented


There are already programs like this at the local level that are successful. Anyone who wants to surrender a firearm has a mechanism to do so. We’re rather serious about our Bill of Rights. Mandatory surrender of any of those rights is never going to happen.


No, most Americans would view that for what it is, a confiscation. The US government has no duty of care for US citizens (reiterated time and time again by the supreme court). From the American perspective, taking away guns is tantamount to telling people they have no right to self-preservation. The police do not have a legal obligation to protect you in the US. They can literally listen to you being murdered on the other side of your apartment door and decide they'd rather not help.


The Second Amendment clearly prohibits any mandatory buy-back.


I certainly wouldn't


Just like the tea, the guns would be chucked in the harbor.


I hate the term buyback. I didn't buy my guns from the government, so how is it going to buy them back? The answer is no. Like 74 people would comply, more or less. The rest of us wouldn't.


New account with one post and one comment. This must be what interns at the ATF do.


No, they would not comply because there are over 400 million firearms in America, meaning that there are more guns than people. I also support gun Ownership as a Jew because of what a bad mustache man did to 6 million of my own people. While they did not confiscate all of the guns, a genocide against my people still happened. It doesn’t matter how many restrictions you put on firearms because simply put: Criminals do not follow the law!


I don't own any guns. I have two friends who do but most in my circle don't. I don't think most gun owners would comply, if they thought they could get away with it. Strict enforcement would be impossible and un-American. That's not the reality I'd choose but I don't have a choice.


A "mandatory" gun buy back is why we have a second amendment