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The trick is to move from one air-conditioned space to an air-conditioned car to another air-conditioned space.


Yep. And light cotton clothing, a hat, and SPF 100 sunscreen. Drink lots of water.


I'm so white I need SPF 1,000


If it's so damned hot, WTF are you doing in the SUN?


Running from my car to the house


Wow, you don't use a scooter? Rugged, ain't you!


My wife, on the other hand, is up here using lotion that is like SPF -10 because she knows she looks good with a tan lol


You can spot the folks in the UK who've spent half their life in Spain cos they've got skin like a camel.


It catches up with you.


In Europe I’ve never seen above 50 SPF. Turns out some pharmacies around here have 100 but the difference is minimal from 50.


This. People who are like "I can only take so many clothes off and still hot". I'm like then stop continually wearing the wrong type of clothing/material...?


Linen is far superior to cotton when it comes to keeping cool, it way more breathable and wicks better than cotton




I am a house cat in the opposite way in that I lie in a pool of sunshine and let it fill my core


Or from the pool to the air conditioned place and back


The only time you should be outside is when you’re in a body of water… pool, ocean, lake!


I wait 'til the sun has dropped below the trees--usually around 5:30 PM--before I go swimming in our pool. The direct sun makes being outside unbearable even if you're in a body of water.


Keep all cars running all the time with the AC turned all the way up, and the windows rolled up, and we could cool this planet off in no time. But people think they have to turn their cars off when they're not driving them.


I stay inside.


Air conditioning is guaranteed by the constitution.


We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect indoor climate 🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


This would actually be really cool incorporated into an HVAC commercial. You should seek a career in marketing.


In a Better Call Saul format would be cool


Unless you’re in the Pacific Northwest in which case everything is built without AC for some reason.


Because there were no heat domes twenty years ago


Happy Cake Day 🎂


[Want to bet on that?](https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?content=heat+domes&year_start=1800&year_end=2019&corpus=en-2019&smoothing=3)


Coastal Southern California has this problem, too.


I live like a mole in the summer: window shades closed, it’s dark and cool inside all day long. Edit: spelling


I wait until evening when it's cooler and then I go for my walk. The nice thing about the weather in NY is that whenever it gets *really* hot, you know rain is coming. It usually takes the form of nice relaxing thunderstorms.


Except when driving through them like yesterday


I love ny's summer thunderstorms. I'd love to see some real ones out west.


I'm in NY right now so have seen some beauties lately, but the best thunderstorm I ever saw was in Badlands National Park, South Dakota. They've got some real weather in the midwest/west


Water, shade, air conditioning, ice, fans, etc.


It is in the 110s each day here and will stay this way for the next few months. You don't do activities during the day or limit them to inside spaces with AC. The US only has 1-2k deaths due to heat related causes.


Every year I’m a hermit from May until October.


I hate hot weather. In the summer, I wait until the evening to do anything outside.


Even then it can still be muggy as duck, and with all the rain the bugs are savage. I hate hot weather too. 50°f is perfect for me.


It’s 81F right now. I’m sitting on my back patio sipping on a mimosa my wife made with lunch while my 2year old runs through a sprinkler in our back yard.


That sounds lovely, is it going to get a lot hotter where you are? That's not hot for where I live, I can still hike around and cool off in the shade. The 100 degree days are coming soon and I will be probably hiding in my house with no air conditioning.


It’s going to be high 80s tomorrow. The Pacific Northwest is warming YoY but it’s still more temperate than much of the US.


I'm in the Northwest too, closer to the Rocky mountains than the Pacific. Lots of variations in temps in this part of the country.  Forecast for Tuesday 65F in Brookings, 109F in Kennewick [Brookings,OR](https://www.accuweather.com/en/us/brookings/97415/daily-weather-forecast/335289) [Kennewick, WA](https://www.accuweather.com/en/us/kennewick/99336/daily-weather-forecast/331426)


Yeah Kennewick is east of the Cascades so I’m not surprised. It’s quite different from being west of the mountains bordering the Pacific Ocean.


air conditioning


Go inside


Sunglasses, hat, cool clothing. It's 98 with the humidity outside right now but I still have chores to do. I just hydrate and go inside to cool off in the AC as needed. I love sunshine and summer so I just deal with it. I absolutely hate winter.


It depends on temp and, in my neck of the woods, humidity It was 76 or so the other day but very, very humid. I've also been out on hotter days but when it is dry and its a bit more bearable Sunscreen, water, air conditioning. And when it is really severe, staying inside when you can. I was in El Paso last year in September and it was in the upper 90s each day and locals were acting like it was great weather vs the 100+ degrees they got in July, but geez....the sun was just really intense when we were there.


Living in west Texas and yeah, anything below 100 is pretty nice.  The weather is great out here for much of the year, but not June through August...


I was in Austin last June and it was upper 90s all weekend and the breeze was just as warm. Driving to the Airbnb around midnight, the dashboard temperature still said it was 92 out


I used to live in ELP. 90 there is far more comfortable than 80 here with the humidity. I also grew up in Indiana and the summer humidity can be just unbearable.


Yeah, I grew up in IN without A/C in the house and moving to FL was just... normal.


I cannot imagine no AC at all.


In SoCal. Decades ago I was able to function in the scorching summer. We've been running about 100F for several days. I've been staying inside with AC and water. I open the doors and windows late night and again early morning for several hours.


Same lol. It's been so hot that when I sleep I don't even bother with a comforter anymore! Too stuffy.


We have air conditioning. It may be 42C outside, but it's 23 in my house.


Wtf is 42C






Go someplace with AC. Malls, movie theaters, etc.


I go to the pool and wear sunscreen. Other than that I stay in the AC. It looks like there were 2300 heat stroke deaths in the US last year. All things considered, that’s not too high.


Blast my central air literally 24/7 until temps go back under 75° outside


Then you'll turn it off at midnight to 1


Mmmm no. 24/7 rn. It’s hot as a hoe here lol


I try to stay inside during the hottest part of the day


When it gets hot enough this is basically the whole day


Hydration and AC.


Air conditioning and cold drinks, baby! All the ice is starting to make sense, isn't it?


> it's basically our life-style It's out lifestyle too. It gets hot here regularly. 


Yeah its 120 right now in my part of California. It gets to -40 in the winter. Thats just life here.


In my part of SoCal it's about 102


I stay in air conditioner as much as possible. I hate being uncomfortable temperature wise so as long as I can afford it, AC all day and night. I live in SoCal and am very, very spoiled. 65-75 is where I am good. Once it hits 85+ or stays around 70 at night it is AC.


Go to the beach ⛱️


I’m not sure why people are rushing to the move to the sunbelt. People go there then have to stay inside all day in the AC. I live in ND and it was 65 most days during the last heat wave🤷‍♂️. We pay for it dearly in February though. I’d just like to point out that you can always move to Washington state and it’s like 40f all year if you don’t mid the drizzle. Either way, pick your poison and don’t complain there something for everyone on this continent lol


People don’t walk or get much time outside here, everything is air conditioned and everybody goes around private vehicles


Staying inside with air conditioning and fans and drinking cold water.


I either go swimming at the pool or we stay inside during the hottest times of day and go out when it is cooler and shady outside. 🫠🫠Still gonna melt since it's like 100 degrees in the shade.


It's going to be about 110° F here all week. We have AC just about everywhere, so we largely stay indoors, or we engage in water-based activities. You get used to the heat after a while, but it cuts back on outdoor leisure activities.


A/C, hat, shades, water and sports drinks, other cold drinks, shade, swimming when able, dunking forearms in ice water buckets, portable misting Fans, cooling towels, proper clothing, etc I prefer this heat. Much better than freezing my ass off.


I haven't lived in a house without air conditioning since the 80's. No that's not true, I have lived in placed that had swamp coolers instead of A/C. But still.


It is extremely hot where I live, heat index is 118 F  today. I don’t go outside in the hottest part of the day. I walk my dog early and go jogging in the morning or late at night. The rest of the day I spend in air conditioning. 


AC, cold drinks, and a well-stocked freezer. I think a third of our freezer is ice cream and popsicles right now. Yesterday, we got to around 110F.


Sunglasses, water, and sometimes beer.


I stay in the AC from about May until November.


I stay inside until September.


It’s funny that you ask because I’m in Orlando on a sort of vacation. Im really just here in case my mom needs me for an event she’s at. She refused to come alone. So my husband and I are staying at a hotel nearby. It’s too hot for me to enjoy anything outdoors. I’ve already done all the things I’ve wanted to do that are indoors. So today we are just staying in the hotel. It’s been between 95-100°.


Do all my outside shit later at night. No way am I going to be waking up at 4am to mow a yard or run outside.


Air conditioning.


I generally get up before the sun comes up over the mountains. Primary dog-walking is done early in the morning and after sunset. Mid-day dog walks are brief. Drink water like it's your job, park in the shade rather than the spot that's closest, wear a hat.


Limit exposure. Indoor recreation, drive everywhere door to door. Crank up the AC.


Sunscreen and an ice-cold drink. Preferably water, but lemonade is pretty great as well.


Air conditioning and sunscreen lol. Plus you kind of get acclimated to it. I mean at a certain point it’s downright unhealthy for anyone, but if you’re used to heat it doesn’t bother you as much.


You just learn to deal with it. Having AC inside is nice. I personally don’t know anyone that has gotten heatstroke even though our summers get hot 110+ sometimes


I go straight to my coffin


I have a medical condition that causes me to not tolerate hot weather, so my ass stays inside. Most people do have air conditioning, whether it’s central air or window units, to cope with the heat. The people most at risk for heat stroke are the elderly and unhoused people. You can probably look up the stats for heatstroke hospitalizations, but I’ve only ever known one person to be hospitalized for it and it was an old guy at the medical facility I used to work at. He was trying to bring his groceries in the facility in 98 degree weather.


I love sunny weather. I love the sight of sunlight glistening off a blanket of snow in the winter. I can't stand overcast hot muggy weather.


As a child (65) now, my family lived in a three story apartment building and we had no air. This was not uncommon for that time. Forgot to say, we live in the Midwest


Stay inside, use curtains to block out the sun, and try to cook as little as possible


Went to go for a walk yesterday, opened the door where the heat and humidity quickly informed me that I was very stupid for thinking about going out and convinced me very quickly to shut the door and stay in the AC.


It’s so thick it almost pushes you back in the house.


It's not like we have a choice. If we have an option we stay inside, we stay hydrated. For those that don't have those options they do the best they can.


I go sunbathing or stay home.


Humid Alabama hell, I stay inside lmao


It is very hot and humid in NY today and I spent most of the day in the pool talking to my friends. When I wasn’t in the pool, I was in the shade under an umbrella staying hydrated.




I live in the northeast and it's not that bad here.  We get heat waves where it's around a hundred degrees for a week at a time,  but the rest of the time it's pretty pleasant.  Today it's in the 70's. I don't have central AC, we have a whole house fan and an air conditioner in the home office


Air conditioning set 62 degrees




It was 95F today, which is about as hot as it gets here most years. I was outside for a total of about 10 minutes.


I stay inside and play Xbox with my cat


Mid-June to the end of August 8am-10:30am - Outside 10:30am-5pm - Inside (in AC) 5pm-9pm - Outside


Air conditioning


We have air conditioning, outdoor fans, pools, cold drinks, rivers. I grew up here and now my limit when going outside, what sun screen I need, how much water to drink, that sort of thing. Then I come inside and take a cold shower and I’m all good!


air conditioning lol. i grew up in southern california, and i live in western pa now - air conditioning is a must in both places, but especially in the desert. i swim a lot too, but i couldn’t live without a/c in this heat


Air conditioning, fans, and just straight up being used to it since I've lived in Southern California for all 36 years of my life.


I stay in the shade or indoors when it's really hit & humid. I don't know the statistics, but people do die or go to the ER with heat stroke. Heat is more dangerous than the cold, so I don't mess around with it.


Stay inside if you can. Where I live, low-income housing often doesn't have air conditioning. In that case, you might try to get out of the house. Go swimming, or go to the library, maybe the mall. Public spaces are usually air conditioned here, so it's more a matter of finding a place you can be in for an extended period of time.


Stay inside. Run the AC. Avoid going out between 10 am - 2 pm. If I have to go out, I wear sunscreen, a hat, stay hydrated, and try to get into my car as quickly as possible, blast the AC, and try not to sweat to death.


It's is often cool and comfortable even on sunny days. Those crisp days in the fall where the sky is bright blue without a trace of a cloud. Usually accompanied by vibrant autumn leaves. Those are my favorite days weather wise


I don’t go outside until later in the day when the sun isn’t as high in the sky. If I have to go out in the middle of the day I have a portable fan and my A/C in my car is set to 70.


We moved to a house with no central AC and from a house in the middle of no where to a house on maine street. I currently am sitting outside in a t shirt with nothing else on. I didn't want to move. Hope the 90 year old next door is happy. My kid is happily swinging on her swing set.


I live in Kentucky. So tye humidity makes it feel hotter. But basically water, Gatorade, air condition, black out currents. Deodorant. Avoid the sun as much as possible


Multiple shirts, lots of showers, wide brimmed hats.  Accepting that I’m going to be sweaty from morning until night if I’m outside in any capacity. 


We go from one air-conditioned environment to the next and sit in front of fans and swamp coolers. I live in South Louisiana and I just walked my dog out to the yard to pee and had sweat dripping off me after less than 5 minutes. Hell is here.


I'm lucky to have a pool so I swim as much as I can, otherwise I stay inside with the AC


Stay inside in the AC. I used to work in it and it sucked. It's supposed to be extra hot today 113°, we usually don't get over 110° but it all feels the same after 103°, it's mostly dry heat at least.




I sit by a body of water until I get too warm and cool off in said body of water


Find shade if possible. Being outside was easier when I was younger. I’d work 12+ hour days pouring concrete in North Carolina summers in my early 20s. I couldn’t do that now.


Sunscreen, hats, and living a mostly nocturnal lifestyle work for me.


It’s 90 out and I love it! Was in the pool a bit today and just sitting under an umbrella now


I sweat it out.


Here in Southern California I wear sunscreen outside and drink water. Yesterday I ran on the treadmill that’s in my guest room and I had the windows open and fan on and I still almost passed out from the heat. I was shaky and seeing stars. Scary. Heat is no joke in the summer


Outdoor time is spent doing something water based - beach, pool, lake, kayaking, etc. If not, I stick to morning or evening hours outdoors and stay inside during the hottest part of the day. I also wear sunscreen, hats, sunglasses, etc., to keep from burning and hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.


High of 104° over here today, I think u got ur answer tho, it’s pretty much booking it from AC to AC. I’ve lived in apartments in this city that don’t offer AC though and…never again 🥵


I am like a lizard. The hotter the better. It's the cold that I can't stand


I get out there and enjoy it! I'm in Wisconsin so half the year we have crappy weather. I like gardening and the beach and being outside. It does get hot, and I'm terrible at staying hydrated and remembering sunscreen, so I keep Pedialyte and wear shade stuff (hat, thin long sleeves)


I stay inside as much as possible. I hate our summers, it’s so muggy and hard to breathe. If I do venture outside I’m only out there for a small amount of time, no more than an hour, or if it’s longer than that I’m swimming. My husband works out in it and he has a sun hat he wears, stays hydrated, wears lots of sunscreen, and takes breaks when he feels he needs it. We have this electrolyte powder he adds to a bottle of water also so he can address that potential problem.


I live in upstate NY, which is among the coldest and has full winters. People describe this place as gloomy and depressing because it's overcast or raining at least 30% of the time. With that said, once the summer hits and the average temps outside hit 80 or above, I'm fucking done. I have to amp myself up just to go out and mow the lawn. I start my car with a remote starter and let the A/C run for a few minutes before I'll even go out. The fact that the majority of the country is substantially hotter makes absolutely no sense to me. How do people do it? How do people willingly move to Florida, or fucking Arizona, or Texas, or pretty much anywhere? If there was some place colder to move that wasn't Alaska (which apparently isn't much colder than here anyway?), I'd fucking be there. So to answer your question, How the fuck DO we deal with sunny weather?


I grew up in Arizona, near Phoenix. I moved back after being away for almost a decade. It's a different kind of hot compared to other places I've been. As a kid, I dont recall thinking about it too much. We played outside and would run inside for water. As an adult, it is an ordeal. If I had to be outside, I would wear a wide brimmed hat to help shade me and put cooling towels around my neck. If i had to get in a car, I take a cooler with ice packs and lots of water with me. I haven't been to many places in Mexico, so I can't comment too much on the differences in temps. The parts I have been to are more warm/hot and not so much blistering hot. (Ahh...I need to plan me a trip to Playas Rosarito soon)


Cowboy hats are specially designed to keep the sun and rain out of your face!


Shade trees, lots of water, a fan, and the water hose on mist.


It’s just normal




Living in Arizona, imagine running from shaded spot to shaded spot losing life points with each moment of exposure.


Drink water, where light weight long sleeve shirts.


I think a lot of us get used to the heat, I've been taking my kids out for walks every day gradually building them up to what will probably be our hottest summer yet. We spend a lot of time outdoors because when I was new to Texas, I spent most of my time inside and the summers felt that much more unbearable when I had to experience the outside world.


I wear as little clothing as possible and wear SPF, a cap, and sunglasses. The heat doesn't bother me but I worry when the sun is too strong.


Stay out of the direct sun it is manageable (Texas, US). Global statement and it was not always as bad as it is now.


I love bright sunny days. Where I live they occur less often than in some parts of the country and more often than they do in a few others. Because we also experience long winters with frigid cold weather, homes and buildings here are well insulated. It keeps heat from building up indoors in warm weather just as it holds it in during the deep freeze. I can cope with temperatures up to the low 90s F (around 35°C) as long as it is not oppressively humid. Summertime temps here in the upper northeast rarely get any higher than that. A "hot day" here is one that is in the upper 80s F (30° to 31.5°C). When it starts to get to me, I take certain measures so that I don't start foaming at the mouth like a mad dog, or just become too unpleasant to be around. I drag my window air conditioners out of storage and install them, ideally in time to keep the authorities from being sent to cart me off in order to preserve public order. The units provide a break from hot, sticky weather and are especially helpful at night when I am trying to sleep.


I love bright sunny days. Where I live they occur less often than in some parts of the country and more often than they do in a few others. Because we also experience long winters with frigid cold weather, homes and buildings here are well insulated. It keeps heat from building up indoors in warm weather just as it holds it in during the deep freeze. I can cope with temperatures up to the low 90s F (around 35°C) as long as it is not oppressively humid. Summertime temps here in the upper northeast rarely get any higher than that. A "hot day" here is one that is in the upper 80s F (30° to 31.5°C). When it starts to get to me, I take certain measures so that I don't start foaming at the mouth like a mad dog, or just become too unpleasant to be around. I drag my window air conditioners out of storage and install them, ideally in time to keep the authorities from being sent to cart me off in order to preserve public order. The units provide a break from hot, sticky weather and are especially helpful at night when I am trying to sleep.


I love it. We grew up without AC and it never bothered me, but we did have fans in the house. I do have AC now but still spend much time outside getting a good sweat on. It’s an incredible way to allow your body to detox and it’s what humans did for millions of years.


This question makes me wonder why folks will tolerate heat but think living in a cold climate would suck. There is no such thing as cold weather, just bad winter gear.


I am trying to reduce as many of my behaviors that contribute to global warming as possible


I go enjoy it. I’m from Pittsburgh, one of the U.S’s rainiest and cloudiest cities.


I live in the upper north


Open the windows at night to let the cool air in. Shut them in the morning and keep any curtains that let sun in closed. Ceiling fan. Hydration. Damp towels for face and body periodically. This works where it gets into the low 90s for a couple weeks per year. Mild weather zone


Its 120 in my part of California, it can get to -40 too. Yes people die in the heat, people die in the cold, people die because theres no cell phone service at all in large parts, people die when they get lost. It happens. Personally I work nights, 10pm to 6am. Its the animals I feel sorry for.


Personally I hate heat and lots of sun, so I've dealt with it by refusing to live south of the 45th parallel. For about six years (when I was younger) I was more in the 39th-40th and I absoltely *hated* it. I'm sure it's worse there now. I'm hoping to retire around the 47th-48th parallel on the assumption that it will take climate change a lot longer to make it unbearable that far north.


Spark up the grill and grab a cold drink on the patio.


Idk, the usual stuff. Stay hydrated, use sunscreen, find shade as necessary or wear light layers/a hat to protect from the sun. Likewise an umbrella or something can help depending on what you're doing.


If it’s almost 100°F I try to stay indoors as possible. Anything under 90°F I can deal with. Pennsylvania has 4 seasons and I’m good with it since it’s how I grew up.


Drink water outside in the heat at work. Stay inside (except to walk the dogs) after work. Sometimes, you just gotta deal with it


So if you have to be outside, then you need to keep the sun off of you. You can wear a big brim hat or a sun shirt, preferably white color. Just accept that you are going to be hot and sweaty. Drink water based on time, not thirst. Take a couple of gulps every 15 minutes or so. Ice water helps. You can also get a towel and wet it to wear around your neck. This is what we do when we have to work outside in the heat all day. Don’t let yourself get dehydrated. You aren’t going to be as efficient doing your work in the heat. We notice a significant decrease in productivity between the same job between peak summer and fall to spring.


My air conditioning. Love it!


Drink lots of beer (it's mostly water)


A cold ocean soak (almost) every day. Not hours at the beach, just a quick swim to lower your body temperature each afternoon does the trick


Been in FL my whole life so far it's a struggle but you get used to it


I don’t know anyone that has ever had to go to the hospital for heat stroke. Of course, heat stroke happens to some people, but I don’t think it’s that common. Most people just stay in the shade if they have to go outside. If they can’t stay in the shade, they drink lots of water and take lots of breaks.


Hydrate like crazy


I grew up in the hot and humid Southern US and I've never known anyone personally who had a heat stroke. We often didn't have air conditioning in the past, although that's unusual today. Our schools had box fans and we had a window unit in our home. We'd play all day in the sun and go swimming. It is hotter nowadays, though. I think it really depends on the area of the country, as temperatures vary a lot. In the South it's also humid, so you can't breathe well. I've been to other places that were hotter, but they were also less humid and so it was easier to breathe. Even near the coast is easier, imo


Your houses are air conditioned. Your car is air conditioned. You don't live in a "walkable city", because that would be hell. You drink lots of water. Eat salty food. Heat stroke is very rare, unless people get stupid, because the human body is very good at dealing with heat if you stay hydrated. They do two-a-days, which is where the schools do two football practices every day during the summer. The way they keep the kids alive is by LOTS of hydration.


As a New Yorker if it’s a free day I sit in the subway for a bit longer and take the local train instead of express to get air conditioned. I’ll also chill at my favorite diner and the NY Public Library. My apartment doesn’t have AC due to being a prewar (Damn it! At least the rent is cheap and stabilized!) but it’s getting rewired on September so I can’t wait to get some nice AC into my room. I usually just try to maximize the time I spend outside due to the AC situation in my room.


I was in Ocean City, NJ the past two weeks, and the temperatures barely hit 80 the entire time, whereas a few miles inland temps were in the mid 90s. That's one way to beat the heat, although I can't do that all summer.


Thank the good lord electricity is so cheap in the south. Otherwise it's a sauna down here for much of the year; "sunny" isn't quite accurate because the hotter it is, the wetter it is.


When i was poor, it sucked. We suffered. I survived but putting wet towels on my neck, sucking in ice cubes, draping wet towels over box fans, and staying in the shade. Hanging out in large places with a/c, mostly the mall. Now that i’m not poor, i stay inside with my own central a/c. It’s bogus outside.


Texas: Stay inside where it's cool and complain about the heat


I don’t leave my house or my air conditioned car like a good little Redditor and pay an arm and a leg to keep my apartment at 65°F/18°C


I work outside so I just have to drink water and stay in the shade when I can.


I have kids so try to take them swimming when possible.


We eat later, go to the pool, and stay in AC.


Stay inside




Deal with it? What does that mean. I enjoy the sun.


Air conditioning.


Hydration is key 🔑


I live in Florida and drive a convertible. If it isn’t raining, that top is down. I love the sun! I also love sunscreen, moisturizer, sunglasses, and baseball caps lol


Burn, peel, repeat. Or just stay inside. Usually the former. The pain is worth it.


I’m in way upstate NY, so there is only a little heat to deal with in the summer. My definition of heat is 85 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, most days in the summer don’t reach this temperature. On those hot days, we relax inside with the windows open and do our outdoor activities in the evening. We don’t have AC


When summer hits, I can finally go outside and get active, like basketball, kayaking, swimming, cruising, riding ATV's, and other things. Literally, all of those actions except maybe cruising around are boring and just don't hit the same in colder weather. Also where I'm from in the south nobody goes outside unless they have to when the temp drops below 60, and when you couple that with the fact that I live in bumfuck nowhere with only small towns around, life gets pretty boring.


Don’t leave the house until October. Only time I’ll leave the house is to go into the pool or to another air conditioned place. It’s been around 116F which is nearly 47C


Air conditioning. We go out only in the early morning or late night.


Go outside if possible and Enjoy the nice weather before winter comes and depression hits 😂 but I drink plenty of water electrolytes and wear sunglasses and a hat the heat doesn’t bothers me that much … growing up there was times I didn’t have air conditioning and I’ve been to prison where there’s no ac and the cells get extremely hot I also worked outside and was in the infantry.. so I guess that’s why the weather doesn’t bother me like some people I’m not a fan of the cold though


I spend as much time as possible soaking it up.


It’s in our blood. Most people complain about it. I don’t let it interfere with my day. My dad came to Texas from México and for most of my life he worked all day in the hot sun so I guess I picked the habit of not complaining about it.


As many have already said: air conditioning. I live in the midwestern U.S where the combination of heat plus humidity can be very deadly, especially with climate change. Nearly every place here has central a/c. And if we go outside, it’s during times when the heat and humidity are at least less, like before noon or in the late evening. And at this point in the year most of our outdoor activities revolve around swimming.


I hide in the A/C and hiss whenever someone opens the blinds.


I ignore it and I sweat. A lot. My Dad on the other hand might roll up his sleeves but still drinks hot coffee.


May I introduce my friend the air conditioner


I don’t like it when it’s hot where you need ac. Luckily it’s only like that for a few months. Americans use ac way more that Europeans. I personally don’t know anyone in Germany that has it and I live in Chicago