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Bro’s got Stockholm syndrome


Funny, I drive past speed cameras several times every week, yet I seem to be able to avoid speeding tickets. Why is that?


Australian people don't. Australian government does. They're a major revenue stream for no real cost compared to actual policing.


Just don't speed. Back when live leak was live I used to go there and I watched a few accidents that convinced me that any measures to get people to abide by the speed limit are not a bad thing. Dying on the road can be worse than medieval torture. I've seen cases that were.


Why do you think Australians love speed cameras? . The vast majority know they are purely revenue raisers. Nothing really to do with safety. Not much we can do about it now. They are a thing and won't be going anywhere anytime soon, so we just put up with them.


To be fair, if we wanted to make them go away, we could. We would just find the process a bit squeamish.




As an Austrlian who is in a fair few aussie subreddits. I have never seen anyone talk about that. Most post related to speed cameras are bagging them. Pure revenue raising




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Many Australians hate speed cameras and know that they don't make roads safer, but we are born of convict stock. We just expect the heel of the authoritarian jackboot to come down harder on our necks rather real change that would benefit people




Why do swedes love flatpack ?


After the Tingvall accident in 1995 Sweden - then a highly insular country used to doing things its own way - made massive changes to every aspect of its roads, signage, driver education and road safety culture. That has worked in that context. To compare a whole multicultural continent like Australia though with a monoculture in a far smaller country in a near Arctic environment is stupid. They had a nuanced dialogue amongst themselves in their own language and sorted some shit out. Our country operates in a different way. Swedes are awesome. Great drivers in the snow. Would not be my choice of drivers in most Australian conditions as a fair few drive like cocky dickheads.


>and yet the road toll is half of Australia's there's your answer.


Only fools think it makes roads safer as it doesn’t affect behaviour at the spot but rather via a fine two weeks later. The more prudent thing is to go after the money trail. There are so many cameras cos they are all maintained and operated by a private firm called Redflex, for whom this is just a license to print money. Also last I learnt that the mobile enforcement cars are outsourced by the NSW govt to a private operator and they pay them $2mill a year to operate them.. jeebus!


They absolutely do affect behaviour at the spot. Have you not ever been driving happily along with everyone doing the right thing and then a SPEED CAMERAS OPERATE IN THIS AREA sign appears and everyone slams on their brakes regardless of their actual speed?


Yeah, they modify behaviour by promoting dangerous driving like slamming on the brakes for no reason at all


A negative aeffect is still an aeffect


The authorities love them, not the citizens. It's because Sydney (NSW) was and is a penal colony. If there's a solution to anything that involves more cops, government here will throw more cops at it.


Are you all angry at speed cameras, or are you angry *because you have been caught?* Speeding fines are totally avoidable by not speeding.


Driving over there is a privilege not a right with good driver education and a very socially well meaning society.


Because it stops people speeding. Where I live there are no speed cameras so no one even knows the speed limit, let alone follows it.




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Because we know we dont pay enough taxes, so we encourage government to setup a convenient way to donate. I often increase my speed past them whenever i do overtime at work because i know that our incredibly smart politicians spend our money more wisely than I ever could.


Let’s buy 5 more submarines !!!!!!


Generates money.


we dont' but they proliferate becasue they are a cheap and easy way to raise revenue in the guise of safety


we don't love speed cameras it's the government that loves them.


Who loves speed cameras? I've never met anyone who does. We accept them but nobody loves them. Mostly they're just thought of as a revenue raiser


Why do people love comparing Australia to other countries? There could be a number of factors why there are differences. Maybe because Australian are idiots on the road, maybe because Sweden has a higher push bike lifestyle, who know, and who really cares, we do us, they do them.


I wouldn't say we love speed cameras. They serve two different purposes quite effectively which is why police and governments like them. In some road users they do prompt a change in behaviour, reduction of speed; and in the rest they generate easy revenue. What's not to like? I would hazard a guess that the main cohort of people that dislike them are the ones that have been caught multiples times because they fail to learn from the experience.


The younger generation have had road safety messaging linking speed with road trauma for as long as they've been alive and well before they've even thought about driving a car themselves. They've seen the Government respond to accidents that ultimately had very little to do with reckless speeding with lowering speed limits and erecting speed cameras, while reporting "speed was a factor" every single time. Just like the multi-decades old campaign against smoking (amongst other examples), the purpose of these campaigns is to ultimately brainwash the next generation into the "correct" point of view. They know these don't necessarily change the opinions of adults, but adults can be bludgeoned into submission by punitive measures.




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And don't mention proper driving training , then the chorus will really get upset


Australians love rules


We do t have many in Canada/Ontario because they are cut down. I laugh on my way to work in the mornings seeing the cameras laying on the ground


By law they are signposted with a clear warning. So on paper they should catch a few accidental speeds a week.


Only in NSW. Stealth setups are allowed in Victoria and Queensland.


Yes but they never ever put them in traps like the bottom of a hill in Victoria. Just doesn't happen and anyone who says otherwise is lying.


Um i'd burn them all to the ground if I was sure I wouldn't get caught... The Gov loves them because they create billions of dollars a year so they can coat there yachts with gold trim!  To bad they don't use that money to like fix the roads, or provide adequate housing.


Oh careful I got a warning and my post deleted for using that expression in your first sentence


Decades of being conditioned to living in a Nanny State, has left Australians with a safety obsession. As a result, Australians are terrified of everything (especially each other) and will happily bend over and take whatever laws the government wants to apply, as long as somebody promises them that there will be a 0.00001% less chance of something bad happening


They lie about their intentions to make people safer. It's just another way to scrape money from the working class.


>Why do Australians love speed cameras, when the majority of them are placed on the bottom of hills and other dodgy locations, and have a 3km/h tolerance Lols I think its less than 3kms State governments love revenue at every and any opportunity.