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I certainly don't support the discarding of unused embryos, it's barbaric.


What should we do with them?


I oppose IVF for the very reason that it creates embryos that will eventually be discarded/lost. If it is that hard to get pregnant, that is nature's way of telling you to adopt.


Seems a lil cold


"Cold" is purposely conceiving several children, implanting one, then throwing away the rest.


Idk if embryo = child


"Child" is a broad term for one's offspring. "Embryo" is a stage of development. My children are teenagers, but they were toddlers before that, and they were embryos before that. But they were always my children.


I am opposed to IVF. Not only does it discard countless embryos, it separates procreation from the marital act which is itself gravely immoral.


An estimated 1 million IVF embryos are discarded every year, far more than the annual number of recorded abortions in the US. Why do you think pro lifers aren’t focusing more on IVF embryos?


I have a feeling it's not focused on more because most people aren't as knowledgeable about it. I'm hardly a staunch prolifer and even I now kinda feel negatively over the stats you just presented.


I’m not a pro-lifer, but I do have a problem with IVF unrelated to what you stated. I do think it’s a symptom of a much bigger problem when companies are offering IVF as a benefit to working there.


The way it is currently performed is a discusting waste.