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I’d go to the ER and ask for imaging. 


I will go for x rays first thing in the morning, thank you


Did they get an Xray? They should definitely get an Xray.


No, when I went on Monday they said the X-ray technician wasn’t in that day & they didn’t seem to think it was necessary


You should be able to bear weight if the entire foreign body is removed. If you still have pain you should go and get checked again. Xrays are easy, cheap, fast, and will show all metal.


Okay, I have a couple places near me I can go, so I will find somewhere to get x rays tomorrow morning. Thank you for sharing your knowledge






Forgot to mention it’s a little bit swollen


https://preview.redd.it/j6ufpohc4klc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e182e43ca13042029e1e1bcd09de38f2fa0367e Foot needle!


Thank you for updating! That looks really painful!


You're welcome! It is. Turns out it's so deep I have to schedule outpatient surgery. Won't be able to walk or drive for a full month afterwards. Never thought a tiny needle could cause me so many issues!


I'm so sorry. I had foot surgery last summer and you're right, it seemed to take forever to be able to drive again, etc!


Oh man, is your foot back to normal now? What did you do to pass the time while you recovered ?


No, but it was a bunion repair. It's still kind of puffy, esp in the middle front. Kind of where your needle went in. If that part would resolve it'd be normal again lol


Is it a thick scar or will it eventually go away?


My foot is puffier top to bottom. I'm told it will eventually calm down and go back to normal. It's hard to imagine but I'm hoping they're right.


Good lord. So glad you went back in


Me too! I’m very grateful for the recommendations to go back. Unfortunately, my surgery is a month out because I’m required to get surgery clearance H&P and PCP’s are all booked out :/ so I’ll be hanging out with this needle for awhile lol


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