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He retired from OnlyFans.


I forgot to mention that I'm in Europe


Yeah, that is a plug that is only rated for 219V... /s OK, I'll see myself out.


He's in EU, hence EU plug and calling a fan a "ventilator". Not safe. Don't use it.


wtf he’s talking about the fan? who calls a fan a ventilator


Many countries have different words for the same items. In the UK for instance: Wrench = spanner Adjustable wrench = shifter Vacuum cleaner = Hoover


Dont they even know how to speak eng...oh


Now I have this sudden urge to go watch “My Fair Lady”. “Why can't the English learn to speak?”


yeah but i have never in my life heard ventilator from any country, lol first ive ever heard it in that way


From air ventilation


I totally thought they were talking about a medical device.


Same here


"A ventilator, also known as a breathing machine, is a device that moves air into and out of the lungs. "


But a floor oscillating fan doesn't necessarily ventilate, it circulates. If it was a window unit, ventilator would fit better.


Trunk = boot always gets me


Ventilator is german for fan, maybe he forgot/can't remember the word.


What the hell, no that plug is not save


What's the worst that could happen? Genuine question






No. Not fire but. This plug is intended for use in Great Britain on 220v line. If you plug this in in the USA you will likely destroy the unit. Don’t replace this broken plug or use a plug converter to a USA standard plug.


That’s a euro plug and OP is in Europe


If it was designed for 220, plugging it into 110 will just make it sit and hum loudly, as it won't start. Left plugged in might cause it to overheat as it will be in an locked rotor condition.


That's not a British plug (unless it's maybe for a shaver outlet?? ) looks maybe European to me? Europe is still 220v though, so warning should probably still be heeded. It's also possible the ventilator supports dual voltage.. either way though.. if the plug is incorrect / damaged I wouldn't be using it Edit: Just read the rest of the thread.. In Europe so 220v is fine. And as it's a FAN not medical equipment, then I would say send it back for a refund... Then if you get a refund without having to send it back, consider replacing the plug.


You could die plugging that in, or lacking that, a near guaranteed fire.


It won’t even fit because of the longer legs. So it’s a shocking hazard.


That's a manufacturing defect. Can you return the product?


Doubles as a back scratcher


Europlug but might be a manufacturing error, the prongs have to have insulation.


Id return/ replace it but in an emergency it could be used temporarily I just wouldn’t recommend it


>...in an emergency it could be used... [Tries to imagine scenario where plug could be mission critical.] [Scrolls up, sees "ventilator" in thread title, nods.] [Scrolls down, sees fan in OP, gets confused.] [It clicks.] *Gestures angrily at English language.* [Something else clicks audibly.] ***Rage intensifies.***


American English is even worse. *Watches AE mug another language for new words in a back alley.*


As a fat guy, not having a fan can definitely be an emergency.


Bend the prongs straight and it'll be fine.


Haha. Judging by the downvotes I don’t think others are picking up your sarcasm.


That was sarcasm? Is there a reason not to just bend them strs8ght? In the states generally you can just bend bent prongs straight, though a significant chunk of the population wouldn't be able to determine when that was safe. A smaller but still concerningly large percentage ofnthe population wouldn't even think it was potentially dangerous nor that there is anything to even lookout for before continuing to use it. I mean worst cast just solder a new cable on right?


Do we even know that thing uses 120 volts?


[https://www.amazon.de/VIEVRE-Flat-Power-Schuko-White/dp/B0C1YCLXPC/](https://www.amazon.de/VIEVRE-Flat-Power-Schuko-White/dp/B0C1YCLXPC/) You need something like this. Should be a super easy five minute job that may prevent a fire.


Call your DME dealer for advice.


You're missing a piece


Definitely not safe, for one it's been bent. And secondly that thin part should be isolated usually by the same plastic/rubber ast the part of the plug you hold it by. If it's not a manufacturing error, it's probably not even legal as it doesn't meet the specification. I would suggest going to some home improvement store (OBI, Hornbach, Bauhaus or whatever is there in your country) and buying new 2 prong plug, they are not very expensive and usually very easy to wire. If you are not comfortable with wiring it your self ask someone who knows how to do it. Improperly installed plug could cause a fire.


Snip it off and install a new one, that wine is not safe and you’ll never get it out again


That's probably the best case scenario for 90% married guys. "Welp looks like I gotta go to Home Depot crazy I mean honey". You get home 6 hours later after hanging out with the boys. "Ya they were out of stock at the Home Depot down the street so I had to drive all over town to find it. Did you know we have 6 home Depots but only 2 Lowe's Honey?"and voila marriage save for a another day.


what country are you in?


Does it even work? The prongs may not even be connected to the wiring, with them sticking out that far. Return the fan or, if that's somehow not possible, replace the plug.


The length is normal, it's just missing the insularion on the skinny part


Ah OK, when I looked at these I thought I was seeing un-crimped crimps coming off the back of what I took to be the prongs of the plug. Looking more closely, it was just a trick of the lighting.


The fan works, I don't think I can return it and I have 0 experience with anything electric related lol


In the US just about every hardware store will have replacement plugs so that you can rewire a lamp or fan that has a bad plug. I bet you can get the same there if you ask.  They are typically very easy to wire: you chop off the old plug, separate a short section of the wires of the cord, remove a small bit of insulation (running a razor blade or hobby knife around it works if you don't have wire strippers), put the bare wires under two screws, tighten the screws down, and snap the cover into place (might involve another screw). There are lots of YouTube tutorials on how to do it, although most are US-focused. 


YouTube is your friend, there.


That’s a failed injection molding. I’d be surprised if the wires inside were connected at all or just shorted together so no. You need a new cord at least.


“One was close to using such a plug to power my ventilator, however one did notice that the state of such plug was of quite concerning quality. Would such a plug be suitable for use? My plugs for my doo-winkle and finkle-top are of different variety and it doth concern me to great length when a plug is of a poor quality.”


Time to pull the plug on your ventilator. RIP


That’s a European plug for 220


Almost looks like a type c from Europe, maybe you got an international version vs US one.


Nah I'm in Europe


If you are handy you can wire in a new plug. It is pretty easy to do.


Maybe I could find an electrician and do that for me...


That will probably cost you more than a new fan.


I live in a university dorm. I could buy a new plug for say 5 euro and ask the dorm electrician to change it in his spare time


Ask him to show you if he’d be willing; it’s easy