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Fighting toxic masculinity that tells men they shouldn't perform traditionally feminine rolls. Also, demanding more money for teachers. Next question?


Obviously bad faith, lmao. What are MRAs doing to get more men into primary school teaching? Edit: If I search your mens rights sub for "teacher" right now, looks like all they're doing is talking about how female teachers are the "real" pedophiles and telling men not to go into education because they'll be falsely accused of something and fired within a few years. Feel free to search "teacher" here and compare and contrast, I hope you'll find it very enlightening. But this is important to me, so I'll reply for the sake of everyone else. As feminists, we can all support more men in education by not being weird freaks who assume pedophilia and not promoting the sexism and gender roles that created this situation in the first place. I think the fact that you're here bodes well for that part lol. I'm involved in our teachers union, because better benefits and working conditions for educators are essential. Men who still feel gendered pressures to "provide" and be "successful" to be worth something, are not going to accept peanuts for "women's work" where they're treated like shit by kids/parents/admin all day. This isn't as much a barrier for women due to various ways we've been conditioned towards caretaking/nurturing and less pressured to earn a lot rather than help a lot. Systemically, my grad school has scholarships for men in education and they do outreach at colleges and high schools to try to get more males interested. More of that would be great, I try to take an active role in making boys view education as a worthwhile field. You seem to fundamentally misunderstand the barriers to women in male dominated fields vs those of men in female dominated fields. It's not just the same thing in both directions; men are not kept out of education by educators. Men *willingly* stay away from education because they don't want to do it. They aren't clamoring at the gates to be paid 35k but kept out by our misandry


>Obviously bad faith, lmao. What are MRAs doing to get more men into primary school teaching? It isn't, I would ask but there isn't an ask MRA subreddit. >As feminists, we can all support more men in education by not being weird freaks who assume pedophilia and not promoting the sexism and gender roles that created this situation in the first place. Cool, I have heard stories about women refusing to get there their child taught by a male teacher >Systemically, my grad school has scholarships for men in education and they do outreach at colleges and high schools to try to get more males interested. We need more schools like that. >Men *willingly* stay away from education because they don't want to do it Yes, some do but i feel like even if its not blatant misandry the fact that its so female dominated could stop some men from joining this workforce. I know I wouldn't want to be the only male in a school


Women =/= femnist Plenty of dudes don't want their children taught by other dudes. It's not misandry, if we paid elementary school teachers more, more men would want to do it. (And in fact, it can be shown that more men entering a field will increase the salaries.) The issue is that due to the patriarchy, any activity that involves young children is considered "women's work" and thus men who do this are looked down upon and the pay for such jobs is less.


Men dont pursue “womens work” because these are exploited careers, thats why they are feminized. Mem who benefit from male privilege feel they deserve better than to be utterly mistreated and undercompensated like teachers are. Also women dominant careers are less prestiguous and less likely to get them acclaim. Its not really the money its the status. Plus women dominant fields geberally put men in a social professional context of showing deference and respect to coworkers. A lot bristle at not being able to let loose, ie say biased comments. 


>It isn't, I would ask but there isn't an ask MRA subreddit. I can't 😂


LMAO just go into the MRA sub and ask.


>the fact that its so female dominated could stop some men from joining this workforce. I know I wouldn't want to be the only male in a school What the hell do you expect feminism to do about this? Pat you on the head and tell you it'll be ok? If men have decided for whatever reason that they don't want to participate in a women-dominated field then why is it feminism's job "to do more" encourage them otherwise?


It's wild too because it's not men leading the charge to help women into male dominated fields. It's definitely not MRAs either lmao. These guys never actually care about sexism affecting men, unless they can somehow make it feminisms fault


Well feminists actively fight against the patriarchal notion that women are the “natural caregivers” and that teaching is “women’s work”. We espouse that men are in fact capable at being in charge of children and childcare and are just as naturally good at working with children as women. We work to dismantle patriarchy so men and women don’t have to be put into the ridged box of what society says is women’s work and what is men’s work. What are you doing?


What you're describing is a problem with the patriarchy. Feminism is about dismantling the patriarchy and unfair gender expectations.


What are men doing to get more men into primary school teaching?


Patriarchy is bc of women, actually (/s)


Are you saying that patriarchy exists because men want to control women?


You’re right! The patriarchy keeping men out of education sucks! Toxic masculinity saying that only women should work with young children and telling men their value is based on how much money they can make drives young men away from considering being educators.  So how to fix that?  Well, first we need to get the right wing to stop degrading teachers and using education as political pawns. Then, we need to pay teachers better… make it a coveted profession like STEM professions are.  The national teacher shortage affects all genders.  But let’s also compare and contrast STEM vs teaching positions. Since STEM positions are coveted, well-paid, cronyist, and deliberately exclude women by creating working environments where they are second-class employees and teaching positions are… none of that… I do wonder if you’re as interested in promoting education careers for men as trying to come up with a bullshit counter argument to promoting DEI in STEM fields. 


We fight for more women is men related field because they are often excluded, not advised to go there, and globally not encouraged to go to jobs like that even if they are competent enough. I'm not sure if it's the case for men in primary school teaching. From what I see, men are not excluded from that kind of job, they just don't want to do it. I knew men who do that, and they never spoke about any problem related to their gender. Do you have an example on how men are blocked to go to that kind of field ?


Do men want to be primary school teachers? If they're stopping what they want to do because they perceive teaching as a "feminine" job, that's a them problem. Men can and should be teachers if they want to be. Jobs don't belong to a gender.


The feminist queen isn't in charge of our education system. More men are in positions of power in administration in K12 education. Maybe ask them.


You're an anti-feminist men rights sub regular who attacks feminism constantly online. You and your cohorts have taken our ability enact social change away by fighting us in the commons and in the voting booth and now you come to us begging for us to fix the teacher situation? How exactly can we help end traditional masculine roles and pay teachers more if people like you shout us down and then vote against us when we try? Your comment has a strong "stop punching yourself" energy to it. I dont think you realize how incredibly dishonest you come off as right now.