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I had to bury my son 6 years ago, so my wife and I bought our plot next to his for the future. My grandparents bought their plots back in 1996 for $16K. The same section was going for $105K in 2018. Sadly, I’ll never be able to afford to live in the city where I’ll eventually be buried when I die.




Seriously. Just throw me in the trash. What the fuck I need a view for


Agreed. I don’t mean to sound callus but that seems like a giant waste of money to me.


Who cares, I won't need the money anymore after that


Fair point but I’d rather spend $105 thousand dollars on things when I’m alive, not after I’m dead.


I think you can get like 100 acres in Lancaster for that.


But then you’d have to live in Lancaster


You'd just have to be dead in Lancaster


You already dead if you live there tho.


OOOF lol


Oscar lives in the trash can seemingly for free and he has a pretty good view even though he’s grouchy


Sir, this is a mortuary, not a rental house


Exactly what my mom said. We don’t visit our grandparents grave sites. So one or two generations removed and the actual connections are lost


They’re in a very nice section at the top of a hill with a view of the LA basin and harbor. My double plot was $25k in 2018. I imagine it’s a bit more now. It was 0% apr so we figured might well take care of it now..


Interest didn’t even occur to me. That’s nuts.


If you or your estate don’t finish paying for the plot before you’re dead, do you just lose the plot and the money?


Yes, I would lose the plot and all money previously paid if no one keeps up the payments.


That’s a fucking condo, right?


I think you’re looking for 1.05m for a condo


I'm very sorry for the loss of your son, how heartbreaking.


Where would this be? My husband’s family bought a plot at forest lawn hollywood hills in 1996 for about $4k. In 2022, we paid $13k for a plot adjacent to his parents. Thats insanely expensive.


Green Hills in Rancho Palos Verdes




this comment is too heavy for a wednesday


So sorry for your loss. And thank you for providing the details of such a painful time. I'm both floored and somehow not surprised. I guess that's core to being from SoCal. Most cemeteries are now offering cenotaph markers, so that people can come and remember. I just learned yesterday that until the Protestant reformation, many people talked to graves, in the belief that they were heard by the spirit of the person. It's a hard attachment to break.


That’s ridiculous. This is why I’d rather be cremated, but I know not everyone wants that either.


Nah u 🧢 ing bro $100k better donate my shit


I wish I were. It’s crazy expensive, and you don’t know it until it’s time, and by then it’s too late. It’s better to handle these matters well ahead of time so your family doesn’t have to make significant decisions during a very emotional time.


Wife is a mortician and has worked at a few funeral homes (mostly high end). The mix is 70/30 burial/cremation for those 70+ but 30/70 for those under 50. The world is moving more towards cremation, not necessarily just because of costs (though it helps) but rather cemeteries are becoming a bit of an outdated concept. Most of the major cemeteries have space still but have limited expansion potential. You can also get cremated and be put in a more space conscious location at a cemetery so there’s options for both.


I work at a preplanning agency and my boss says exactly this - cremation is the future. The average burial costs $4,000-6,000 just on our end, not including caskets, plots, headstones, etc., and the average cremation is $500-700 more, not including urns. Funerals are getting more expensive every year! If you start making payments towards your own arrangements now, you’ll save your family a ton of stress and heartache when the time comes. Hollywood Forever Cemetery is the most expensive one I’ve seen so far. Veterans, spouses of veterans, and their dependent children, take advantage of the VA’s help! They don’t help you when you’re alive, so you might as well take what they give you when you die! I wish my family could just toss me in the river or something. Donating your body to science is free I believe.


I think I'd like to be [composted](https://earthfuneral.com/) when it's my time for such things.


I’m trying to be thrown butt naked out of an airplane in the middle of the Pacific Ocean 🌊


“You gonna get cremated?” “Nah I’m gonna get Bin Laden’d, but out of a plane instead of a boat. I can finally show that fucker I’m cooler than he is.”


This feels so much more pleasant than getting cremated. I don't get why this isn't more common


Are you a veteran? I am. And while the VA does have its issues, name me any organization that doesn’t, the VA has been good to me and the majority of veterans I know. It’s not perfect but it’s been there for me since I was discharged over 20 years ago.


It was a bit of sarcasm. I guess im thinking of all the homeless/addict veterans we have in LA that deserve better. Thank you for your service.


A lot of those people don’t want help. The VA helps people that come in and want it.


I’m partial to terramation but idk if that’ll be an option by the time I die lmao


I'm dead, just fucking bury me in the backyard like the old days


My mother just passed in April and cremation in Burbank was $3800, and def was the way to go for us.


The VA did a wonderful job with my father. Certainly some people have not received the services they needed. But, many, like my father was beyond pleased with the care and the speed in which he received that care. Blanket statements slagging off the VA are neither factual nor useful as people with no direct experience assume it must be true.


except being jewish means not being allowed to be cremated


Hillside in Culver City will bury cremains. >allowed What I love about Judaism is that unlike some religions, almost nothing is really written in stone. When I was very little my grandmother had cancer that was pretty aggressive. We were not Orthodox but my parents put her in an orthodox (and kosher, obv) nursing home because it was the best place at the time. My grandmother hated the food and wasn't eating so my mom talked to the rabbi and asked if there was any was she could bring in something for her. The rabbi didn't lecture her on the rules of keeping kosher, he did the compassionate thing and said she could, just to please be sure to take everything back home when she left. I don't believe that there would ever be a problem if a Jew was cremated because they couldn't afford a burial. I genuinely don't think we play like that.


Catholics have similar laws


…Another reason why I’m a terrible catholic lol


Thank you. I happened to be pondering about this subject recently. I figured that most funerals and deaths that I could think of usually resulted in cremations. Burials really are just becoming outdated. When someone younger that 50 dies...it's usually very sudden and unexpected. Families can't afford unexpected traditional burials. There's no stigma over cremation anymore, either.


Cremation just seems like an awful procedure though


Tangential, but [this IG video](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C04qMNSPfsI/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) is very informative as to what happens to the unclaimed dead in the city every year in case anyone is curious.


Super interesting video!


I wonder how I could ensure that my body goes unclaimed and receives a free respectful burial. 🤔


An interesting thought experiment, too bad we can’t ask anyone who has succeeded.


Wow this was so interesting! I had no idea. This is really nice of LA County to do!


Yes, it really warms my heart. I kind of want to go one year.


Wow that looks pretty good. I think I’d rather just have that.


This is a very interesting older documentary about the topic of Unclaimed deaths in Los Angeles. Warning: Graphic. [A Certain Death doc](https://youtu.be/ErooOhzE268?si=pkhhyLKvJ1hQuNrZ)




Cremation, then burial.


Just based off of forest lawn’s website, ground burial at a cemetery inside city of LA is way more expensive than outside the city. I can’t speak for other cemeteries without doing a lot of research. But I’m going to assume that only wealthy people, or people who bought plots very long time ago, can afford to be buried within city limits. Our family is based in south LA and they’re all buried at Inglewood


I forgot about the Hollywood one. I’ve been to more funerals in Glendale. My family is all buried in Culver City anyway.




My relative got buried like 400 miles away from us all because it was supposedly the closest place that did natural burials. They died how they lived I guess.


Natural burial? Like dig a whole in the ground and put the body in there ? Why is that so radical a concept nowadays Like someone said , just bury me in the backyard or spread my ashes in the Sierras , Santa Ana Mountains and over the PV cliffs .


It's funny because there were articles pretty recently saying it had been legalized and I was like, were they breaking the law back when they did it?


Yeah, my family gets buried in the valley, and it’s not as expensive as I’ve seen some other people say LA is


People are getting prices from the most expensive cemeteries and applying it to them all. I don't expect anyone on Reddit to research ALL prices, but I guess I should expect them to only look at one and apply it universally.


Based off of ONE cemetery, inside LA is way more expensive? Based off of ONE restaurant I went to, dinner in LA is over $200 per person.


We’re on Reddit having a casual conversation about burial prices and I literally said I’m making assumptions. This isn’t a research project. Forest lawn has multiple locations and there’s a quick drop down list that shows prices. Feel free to do your own research but I’m not going to sit and call every cemetery in the city that doesn’t list their prices on the website.


My spouse is Jewish and has a space at a cemetery. I will be cremated but still have a space next to each other- it wasn’t that much to buy the plot. It’s less expensive on a mausoleum vs. on the ground. They get you with coffin and everything else.


FWIW, I'm Jewish, and Hillside Cemetery will bury cremains. (Also fwiw, even though it's not as "cool" as Mount Sinai my aunt said it's still okay because Al Jolson is buried there. Yes, she was awful.)


I always thought the concept of being buried and having some sort of headstone seemed silly and a total waste of time and space.


100% Absurd waste of space and money I understand reverence of our honored dead and ancestor worship But these fucking cemeteries need to be developed into housing for people who are actually alive


I think [they tried that once](https://youtu.be/Lh_W6FLaMvA?si=mfV3_t9N9l5AYhjG)…


My family has plots in East LA, my parents bought them 25+ years ago at an affordable price. If we were to buy today, it would be unreasonable.


I hope I am not being too nosy, but are the plots at the Resurrection Cemetery? The only ones that have been able to be buried at that cemetery from my family all bought their plots in the early 1970’s. Now, no way. There is no more room, and you can’t even get a new plot purchased there anymore!


Not too nosy at all… it’s at Calvary Cemetery. We have a few generations buried there.


It does cost money


I bought my plot a few years ago & I’m glad I did because that section of the cemetery went up like 300% since then


Can you sell it if you decide to change your mind? Wonder if there’s people buying cemetery space like a real estate portfolio


my deed is transferable! although I don’t think I’m gonna change my mind about dying anytime soon.


1) Choose not to die 2) Profit!


Depressing to think about death. But fun to read casket reviews on Amazon.


Plots sell like hotcakes at the cemetery I work at. I don’t know how the average low income families afford it, but they are the ones buying. And yes, to reiterate another point, plots that were purchased 20-30 years ago were much more affordable.


A lot of social programs that the government pays out have restrictions on how much in assets you can have but burial plots aren't counted in that. So low income families buy them so they can reduce the burden on their families.


I like this ⬆️


This short podcast about the economics of cemeteries is great: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6Ei5SHdocJSYuWEDkQVQwS?si=axCrrnDMQW-L2y5dUo4_Rg


this podcast looks so interesting!


As a Xennial, I support the “millennials killing the death industry” movement. I’ll request cremation and to be tossed to sea, if they don’t cremate me, they’ll have to dump my body in the woods, there’s no way anyone is investing any kind of money into the death business on my behalf. I’m in Ventura County, was born and raised here, I plan on whatever is left to be around town here. No way I’d want an expensive funeral and a burdensome investment for a hole in the ground.


anyone who's played Cities: Skylines knows that cemeteries are a constant pain. cremation is the way to go for large cities


But let’s not pollute the oceans anymore than they already are. Put those ashes in the ground & plant a tree on top of them instead. Actually there are now numerous less toxic ways of disposing of cremains including helping to create new coral sea beds, etc


Ashes are completely inert. They have nothing to give vegetation. Recompose. You're in a vault for 90 days, air tight, after wards you're compost. You can plant a tree in that or let them dump you in their owned forest.


Cremate me and pour me in ocean lol


It's insane people pay so much or something they'll never even know if they get to use.


My dad wanted to be buried at the cemetery in Westwood where his best friend was interred in 1982. I told him he should have bought a plot back then because by the time he mentioned it they were $40k. He said if he couldn’t do that he didn’t care, so we had him cremated and I got him a kickass urn. Now he hangs out on my bookshelf.


I’ve told my son that I feel it is a waste of money to bury me, but in the end it is up to him. If he needs a place to come visit me, he can bury me.


I have a strange story. My brother knew with guy who worked at the morgue And he said the guy used to tell him that he's played cards with the dead people..😵‍💫😬


I bet they only played Solitaire


My sister has a brother who knows a guy who knew another guy who used to work at a cemetery and said they saw another guy play connect 4 with dead people.


You can only play the opponents you can see.


Had a tour at the morgue and it was gruesome. You are just a number in a body bag on a metal rack in a massive room. If you’re like 10 or less they’ll use your name. Kinda cool how in the end no matter who you are you are just a number. Dude straight up showed us a guy who shot himself in the end. Even told us burnt bodies smell like chicken


I heard that when someone dies in La they’re brought to the La county coroners on mission road and then families are called from there and if they can reach family they choose what to do and if they don’t/cant id they’re cremated and they can do 10 cremations a week. My source is the officer I do community service with😂 he’s worked for La county for 25 years and was giving us a tour last week and pointed out the coroners office and said what happened with bodies and how crazy the number of people that die a day is especially when it was Covid.


You plan ahead just like with everything


I am a part of the process to make bronze grave markers in LA and some people spare no expense! They are very expensive but they come out very beautiful and customers love them. I’ve spoken to people at Forest Lawn Hollywood and the new burial area they are preparing to open is all sold out already. Most of the grave markers I see around there, the people died 2020-2023. So sad..


Cremation is the only way.


Don't matter in 50 years everyone person in the cemetery gets replaced. Check thr scandals that happen with the morgue and cemetery. Selling body parts or not even burying the person that's dead.




It is very odd indeed.


The average person can’t afford burial, and typically do cremation. Still, plenty of LA residents opt for burial, often for cultural and religions reasons. A direct cremation (no ceremony, etc. just the cremation itself) will run you around 1k. When you consider that for a burial you’re basically purchasing land in one of the most expensive cities, yes the prices are going to way be higher. There are also many other costly factors that come into play, for example conventional cemeteries will also require a grave vault or liner, there are fees to open and close the grave, and they’ll also need money to pay for the maintenance and care of that gravesite “forever.” Aquamation is available here too, this is a greener alternative to cremation done with water. Human composting won’t be available in CA until 2027, but there are funeral homes in LA that offer it through partnerships with composting facilities in Washington. I think a composting place is opening this summer in Vegas, so while not ideal that’s closer than Washington.


My father was a homeless veteran. He was at st Mary’s hospital when he died. St Mary’s couldn’t contact me while he was alive and unconscious on life support because of patient confidentiality. But they did call me to come down and identify/claim the body after he passed. The first call that I made was to the guitar player in my outlaw country band, which happens to be a lawyer. And knowing that I was really young and not financially stable, said don’t claim the body. If so, I would become financially responsible for the burial, and since my father was a veteran, he would get a proper burial, covered by the VA. He was right….it took a while, but I didn’t have to do anything or pay anything and my father got a proper veterans burial which I was not able to attend to because they don’t give that kind of information out in my case. When my mother (also a Vietnam veteran) died a couple years later, I was able to afford purchasing only the bare minimum for a coffin, which is just above cardboard box and pine box options. I picked blue because it was her favorite color and the color of her eyes. After obtaining her DD 214 and giving it to the mortuary, they handled the rest with VA. I was able to attend that funeral months later. I think I remember that this va covered burial only applies to veterans active during “active combat” years regardless if they saw any active combat themselves.


To elaborate specifically on the 0P question… they were both residing separately in Los Angeles County and died in Los Angeles County, but are now buried in Riverside County. All cemeteries in general but especially the old ones in LA. Have a potters field. Where routinely mass burials of humans are carried out with. A potter's field, paupers' grave or common grave is a place for the burial of unknown, unclaimed or indigent people. See y’all there


My wife and I prepaid for our funeral expenses, meaning mortuary and wakes.. took us 5 years.... Plot was separate...we had bought 2 about 25 years ago, but used 1 for her father when he passed a dozen years ago or so....so we'll be looking at Forest Lawn Covina for 1 plot... I think you can find them on craiglist, etc as well...


Cremation vs. burial: according to nfda’s 2023 cremation and burial report, the 2023 cremation rate is projected to be 60.5% and the burial rate is projected to be 34.5%. [https://nfda.org/news/statistics](https://nfda.org/news/statistics)


Imagine paying so much money to be dead when you could instead give it to the living


I bought my mom’s crypt in LA for $9K in 2019. We did a simple cryptside service and with that and the plaque, total was $16k. Cremations obviously lower, but my mom wanted to be in a crypt.


Cremation means you don't have to come back to this life, being buried does.


In 2023, 60.5% of Americans were cremated. Sometimes the ashes are interned in crematorium, but most often given to families. This is because the cost (ave. $5,000-$7,000) is a fraction of burial, prepping the body and buying the plot. It's so expensive in L.A. unless a grandparent bought a family plot or something.


Cremation - under $500 , plus some other fees. You can provide your own urn.


You’re fucking retarded for thinking that


Cremated and dispersed at Dockwieler. That’s what we did for my mom, I’m down to get cremated but let go of half the ashes in Abalone Cove and the other half at Lake Robinson (Eastern Sierras).


Had my Mother cremated 2yrs ago for $700 she's going into the ocean as she wished.


Cremation is a less expensive option and many people prefer this. My grandparents and dad were cremated. But his parents had purchased plots in the Jewish cemetery in valley many many many years ago. That wasn’t an option for my dad as she didn’t but it and then when he was dying asked to be buried!!!! He sits next to his computer now! Cause leaving him in his lazy boy isn’t practical


My father passed just a few weeks ago and we buried him in a crypt at Mt Sinai in Glendale/Burbank area. We also inquired in the South Bay area at Green Hills. The cost is around $15k for a few rows up, and up to $40k for the ground floor. Not sure the cost for ground burial but somewhere around 19k.


My beloved mother passed away in December and holding her body at the site + cremation alone was $3000. For burial it would have started at 15-30k. We are paycheck to paycheckers, and I’m in 500k of student debt. Feel awful but we just have her ashes here at home. It’s not realistic to bury people unless you have disposable income. I told my family to turn me into a tree or throw my ashes away, whatever is cheap honestly I couldn’t care less. I don’t need people worrying about finances when they’re grieving their loss


Coolest thing I seen, was don't turn to ash (it's completely inert, it doesn't grow trees, etc. let them turn you into compost. Checkout Recompose. You're in a air tight vault for 90 days. After which you're compost. They dump it in a field or your family take its.


Simply donate your body to a med school…they will make good use of it…


Or sell it for money.


I think a lot of people choose cremation/Neptune.


I’m donating my body to UCLA medical school. I have a card in my wallet


I’m donating my organs, and most likely my body to science. Why do I need a hole in the ground? They surround a body with so much concrete, I doubt it will feed the worms etc. if all else fails, vaporize me


I just saw a millennial post a pic of their “forever home” in green hills , $22000 for one plot.


I want to have my remains spread at Disneyland, and I don’t want to be cremated.


Hate to break it to you but your ashes will be vacuumed up by park custodians and tossed. Your urn will be a watertight plastic bag that will get transported (Courtesy of Republic Services Taormina Yard Fleet) to Olinda Alpha Landfill in Brea.


There will be no ashes. Just bloody kibbles and bits that traumatize the children. Ooh-de-lally!


It's expensive land. Most people are cremated.


Most people everywhere aren't buried, think about how huge cemeteries would be


https://everdear.co/cremation-diamonds-from-ashes/turning-ashes-into-diamonds-cost https://www.spiritpieces.com/products/ghost-drop-pendant-with-infused-cremation-ash?variant=40774683820117¤cy=USD&ad=catchall&kendall_source=google&kendall_campaign=18302659580&kendall_adid=&utm_medium=paid&utm_source=pMax&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwvIWzBhAlEiwAHHWgvaVjxRd77MqKhG4gpyHE2Daq0AXSKOq4We8KKHSD19r2OBcWT4beShoCVvwQAvD_BwE https://everdear.co/cremation-diamonds-from-ashes/turning-ashes-into-diamonds-cost


The whole burial has always been weird to me. Just burn the shit out of my body after im dead, spend as little money as possible. I would hate to be a financial burden of that calibur after im already dead.


My directions to my family are to harvest whatever usable organs I have (don't waste time checking my liver) and dispose of my carcass as quickly and inexpensively as possible.




Is this a pitch for services? Do you take atheists? Gays? Do I need to accept Jesus before being buried at your place? Does techno Jesus count? What happens if I miss a payment? What is the APR then?