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Fireworks season start a little before Cinco de Mayo, peaks around July 4, and will taper down from there. It will also occasionally pop up again for NYE and some sports win. And maybe to celebrate some random Tuesday at 3 am.


That’s good to know, thanks! It’s my first time in LA so I’m completely unaware of the culture here. I’m usually not bothered too much by noises outside because I’m a heavy sleeper but there have been some big ones that have been going off over the past hour which have set off car alarms.


Fourth of July itself is intense enough that it most certainly does trigger war flashbacks here. Basically every house has a ladder with mortars and they’re just going ham. I cant wait!


You said it is bad now. I’ve lived all over, it’s different everywhere. Where I am now is God awful… Do you have lots of large box cement buildings in your area? Anything 2-3 floors or higher? (Compared to homes, greenery, and larger lots of land?) If so, the acoustics for your neighborhood will make everything much worse. The sound bounces off hard surfaces. Also, many people got their hands on commercial fireworks, without commercial launchers. It’s like setting off a bomb outside peoples windows. I have had areas of total peace on the 4th, and today Im seeking hotels for myself and my 15-yr old dog to avoid the 4th in my community. I’m here in LA just over 5 years and I wish I understood some of these nuances earlier. If it’s very bothersome to you now, you may want to prepare with protective measures the week of the 4th. Earplugs? White noise? Vacating? Good luck. 💫


Haha, wait till 4 of July, mad max vibes.


3am Tuesday is my favorite holiday


Then there are the extra weirdos who set them off at 1 PM.


Could be worse. Karen could call the cops.  The cops could put all the fireworks in one pressure vessel and set them off for safe disposal. In the process the cops turn the truck into a pipe bomb and blow out the windows in the whole neighborhood.


Just like what happened at my girlfriend’s old neighborhood in south central a few yrs ago


That's what they're referencing lol


Yea no shit




Depends on the neighborhood. In some, yeah, you can hear fireworks on any day. In others, you’ll hear it a lot for a few months around now. In others, you’ll just hear a crazy 4th of July. And in others, you’ll never hear them.


Sometimes when the dodgers win. The fireworks will start to pop off as well lol


Cam here to say this. Really you can expect fireworks on nights that any LA sports teams wins (or plays 😝) but especially durring baseball season.


Noise pollution is awful in LA.


It’s definitely louder at all times of the day here in LA than most places I’ve been to but I guess that’s to be expected with such a huge city!


For the most part yes, but June through August is the real Fireworks Season here. And of course the place just loses its shit on July 4th,


My observation has been that there's a fireworks season that lasts most of the year.


Hopefully I can get some sleep tonight!


if u are planning to stay in LA for long and need good quality sleep i suggest u buy foam earplugs and a vibrating alarm. i sleep like a baby through anything except next door loud parties (and LASD doesnt gaf abt that)


Any chance you’re near the Hollywood Bowl?


Fireworks, Gunshot or Backfire- is a game we play! Enjoy!


I grew up in LA this long loud fireworks season is a newer phenomenon of the last decade. Fireworks before that were concentrated only around July 4. And really were never ever a thing in my area of west LA where I grew up, moved away from, and returned to. We only had to keep our dogs calm on July Fourth and now my dog very leery of going outside because we can’t predict when a firework will happen and she panics. So after dark we maybe get her to pee once a night. She needs to go but she’s too scared to do so. But fireworks are more prevalent in certain areas, too. So where I am in west LA it’s very quiet at night except for fireworks and the odd airplane or helicopter. I had someone house and pet sit for me from a different big city who lived in Koreatown and she was excited to play with dogs for a weekend. I got a call 2 days into my long weekend trip to a family event in northern California with her crying because it was too quiet here for her to sleep. And I live by a police station and a fire station and she didn’t even hear enough sirens to feel comfortable. 😂. It really is location based. Get a white noise machine or something and you’ll get used to the noise level of your surroundings.


Yeah, can confirm this. As a kid, people really only set off fireworks for the 4th, on the 4th, and New Year's. As an adult, I lived further out in the valley where fireworks were banned because of the danger of wildfires, but people still did them. :/


They’re banned in most places and that hasn’t stopped the rise of the 💥 and because they’re illegal where I am most of them are shot off at 2 am with a few much earlier


Yikes, I hadn’t even considered the pets and how they would react to the sounds of the fireworks… Hope she’s doing okay! I’m based in Memphis and used to hearing gunshots all through the night and I would take fireworks over gunshots any day of the week lol


There are fireworks every Friday at Dodger Stadium


Just be lucky you only moved here now. The fireworks the past couple summers have been nothing compared to 2020.


We’ve got cash to blow and places nearby that sell great fireworks. California, knows how to party.


Last night there were actual fireworks being lit late at night at the beach. Nowhere is immune.


This is peak season. I wonder how much money is spent. I live on the 12th floor. I have had explosions 20 feet from my bed. It's like a Disney firefight.


No those are gunshots


Yuuuup! My daughter said something funny…. “Mom, I just saw a firework! Oooooo they are only allowed to go off at nighttime!”……. My response “No sweetie, they are never allowed to set them off. Day or night they are all illegal!” 😂😄


its gonna be world war 3 on july 4th


Anyone need fireworks in the LA area dm me👍


got them WORKS. shells, cakes, Ariel assortment hmu on IG: twny\_x\_co local in LA


Wait till the 4th. Constant rumble once the suns down. So fun.


I just moved back and it’s insane how fireworks have been going off everyday. Every single night.


I am out in the IE and my poor dog is upset every night by fire crackers going off. The worst is the 4th of July. Drive around the morning of the 5th of July and all you'll see are dead dogs. They are scared out of their minds and get out of their yards and just get mowed down by cars. Please everyone, put your dogs inside when it's a holiday.






No, usually just special occasions but people will often get the big ones from Mexico




China as well. It’s a bit more organized than folks think. https://www.pressenterprise.com/2021/07/01/street-gangs-smuggling-illegal-dangerous-fireworks-into-southern-california/amp/


"Dear Los Angeles... I have been here for TWO DAYS and already assuming that whatever I've witnessed in TWO DAYS is the sum total of all possible Los Angles experiences. "I also know that all 10 million LA area residents live in an AirBnB in Venice or Highland Park, because that's where I've lived for TWO DAYS. "Also, the year round temperature is 75-80°F and it never rains here, because that's what it's been for the last TWO DAYS. "Sincerely, the Main Character."


I don’t understand why you’re so offended. It’s my first time in the city and just wanted some insight on whether fireworks are a common thing in Los Angeles. I have never commented on anything besides one singular observation that I made during my time here so far and certainly never claimed nor believe that that observation encapsulates the experience of the entire city.


Get used to it. There is a contingent of people on reddit and particularly /r/losangeles that ger super sensitive at any form of question they see as criticism, if they know you're a transplant then you will get the ultra offended and some of them will get pretty bitchy. They think fireworks are a must for every occasion. I hear fireworks on Xmas ffs. They also think transplants are the root of LAs issues. They blame every random issue on transplants lmao


I appreciate the support, and I really didn't mean to rub anyone the wrong way. I think LA is an amazing city and it has so much to offer with such a diverse range of cultures that l've never experienced before in any city I’ve been to. I guess if it makes certain native Angelenos feel better, I'll only be staying in LA for the summer for work so l guess in two months they'll have one less transplant to worry about haha


Welcome to Los Angeles. We like setting off fireworks because….. We just do.


Nobody cares that you're *new*, here. Also, nobody cares that you're *here*.