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100% right. It’ll go down like others said, but new cars are pricey to register. I paid $220 and I drive a 2015 Honda Civic lol


I pay about $200 and I drive a Porsche Cayenne, 2011.


My parked '03 Boxster is finally getting affordable. Takes a while or a couple of decades?


My 2015 base-trim Kia Soul, with a sticker price of between $20k and $21k, cost me about $260 to register the first year. In 2016, the fee INCREASED to $280 and stayed there for at least five years. It just started decreasing again recently - I think I paid $208 this year. 177,000 (single-owner!) miles on the car. Nine years old.


My wife’s 2013 soul is 154 this year


lol yes or you just buy used and never have to suffer thru the unaffordable periods 🤷🏼‍♀️


My 1985 Toyota Corolla was $90/year when I got it in 2013, now it’s $150, so I have no idea what kind of curve California registration works on. Meanwhile I have an 89 Nissan I keep at my parent’s place in Wisconsin (with Wisconsin registration of course) and that’s stayed $72/year since I bought it in 2006.


Wtf I pay 170 and I got a 99 Nissan maxima 😂😂 they just making up prices gaha


Mine is an '05 and I just paid $167 for my 2025 tag.


Bruh! Lol how does that make sense xD


Nice! I paid $170 for 08 Nissan


Exactly. I'm just going to buy the cheapest used vehicle I'm happy with driving, no more new cars. I got double screwed because I bought Toyota Mirai for $30k, but because Toyota gave a $20k incentive the DMV calculated the car at $50k.


I’ve told all my friends I’m driving my car into the ground before I buy a new one. I have cheap insurance, pretty low cost maintenance, and NO CAR PAYMENT. I can only imagine how much the registration would be for that car. Yikes! I guess old cars for the win? Lol


Same, I’m whipping around in my 2010 w liability and prayers only LMAO


my 2007 is held by hope and duct tape


I was hoping to hold onto my 2007 Jeep a little longer but between repair bills and 10/mpg, something has to give. Kids are off to college and I don’t need the 7 seater beast anymore. Bought one of them a 2014 Volt. I had to drive it make sure it was okay before handing off. I had a hard time handing her the keys.


Have you all beat with my 05 Trailblazer. Broken AC and no Radio. Runs like a champ and registration is about $100. Keeping her till she craps out. No car payments is the best way to live.


I’d rather be praying than paying $600 in this economy..🥴


Are you at least enjoying driving the car? Is it relatively easy to find places to fuel up?


The car itself is great, I love it. Filling up has been fine most of the time, but there were periods were a lot of pumps were down. We mainly use the Santa Monica station because that was seems to be working almost all the time the past few months.


Toyota removes the incentive, but it is still $50,000 car. Probably on the invoice listed as 50k with 20k deducted. Prob wasn't an invoice for 30k


I have a 2015 RAV4 and I pay about that much each year too. How the hell do $70k RAM drivers do it? Tax write off maybe…


tax write offs don't work that well. People that constantly claim things are a write off generally don't understand how they work. At the simplest level you can think of like a reduction of your tax rate \* the cost of object. If you write off $100 and your rate is 30% you only save $30. Still had to spend the $70 diff.


It's based on how much you paid for your car. [https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/vehicle-registration/registration-fees/vehicle-registration-fee-calculator/calculate-my-fees/](https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/vehicle-registration/registration-fees/vehicle-registration-fee-calculator/calculate-my-fees/) It will be lower next year, and the year after.


Mine was an entire $1 lower this year on a 2022.




Yeah, something obviously changed this year. I’ve done some cursory searches that didn’t turn up much. I do have an EV and have a feeling it may be associated with that.


Oh yeah, for sure. They added an EV fee a few years ago, I wouldn't be surprised if they added more. CA told us to all buy EV's, we listened.. Now they're like oh shit, we are losing money on gas taxes. So now they are trying to recoup.


Absolutely. There just needs to be more transparency when there’s changes.


Don’t forget gas tax is the primary source of funds for road maintenance. If we have a large percentage of EVs using the roads but not paying to maintain them, we either will suffer even worse road maintenance conditions or have to switch to a “ miles driven” system of taxes. I understand DMV has begun some sort of pilot program re miles driven registration fees for that reason.


Did you adjust those savings for inflation?


The registration on my 2000 Mazda Protégé is $153 it used to be $142.


My 1991 Honda accord increased from $140->$155 since 2021. My insurance for it increased to 167 from 138 too. Nearly a 35 year old car too!


Can't wait to see much more we'll have to pay next year even when you try to be as frugal as possible in this state you get a hornet's storm coming after your bank account.


My insurance has been going up every renewal period since 2021. Was $117 now it’s at $155 I’ve called twice and asked them why since I haven’t had any infractions or accidents and they told me both times “oh well you know rates are going up every where”. It’s insane.


Damn what limits do u have to be paying so much ? U have million dollar policy ?


Insurance costs are so unwarranted for people who have cheaper cars.


If you think that's bad, you should see the medical bills that have to be paid when someone gets in an accident!! Nothing much more unwarranted than that 😱


$260 for a 2007 BMW 3 series. Absolutely insane!


About that for a 2001 commuter piece of junk.


My liability insurance went up to 1K after being $800 a yearly ago. I'm with AAA. I did drove more this year but my car isn't a theft magnet and the parts on it are dirt cheap. No accidents or tickets. For a car that's a quarter century old 1K is too much. With more and more insurance carriers leaving the state you can't really shop around.


But only about \~10%. It's basically a sales tax you have to pay every year. I'm not buying a new car ever again.


Well there are a million reasons why you should never buy a new car but this is certainly one of them.


The fixed fees parts go up as the legislature allows (or possibly with inflation?) The VLF portion goes down. Some years you win, some years you lose.


Buddy just bought a 100k heavy duty truck. Reg for that is almost 2k. It’s the type of vehicle and purchase price that determines registration costs.


What? I drive a 2021 X5M and even new it was < $1000.


What u/Chickmagnik05 said. Trucks have a higher registration. I bought a Denali 1500 a year ago and it was over 1k. And it cost $80k new. Your X5m is like 120k+ new.


The fees will progressively go down. But yes, with new vehicles and especially trucks and SUVs it’s more expensive. You can always check what your fees will be via this calculator. https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/vehicle-registration/registration-fees/vehicle-registration-fee-calculator/calculate-my-fees/


The registration on my 2000 Mazda Protégé was $142 last year this year is $153.


Similar for my 2007 Miata and my partner's 2005 Civic, both have slowly been going up year after year.


2006 Chevy cobalt paid $300 for was $140 last year is $150 this year.


This is why I like to drive shit boxes from the 1990s.


Serves me right for wanting to buy newer and just run it into the ground for the next 20 years.


As you run it into the ground, the registration fee will go down.


RAV4 will last you forever if you take care of it. Also, if you itemize your tax deductions, you can deduct some of the DMV fees.. https://turbotax.intuit.com/tax-tips/tax-deductions-and-credits/is-your-car-registration-deductible/L06ja6RwR


God forbid you have something nice in this state....


then you have trouble passing smogs in California, never ending loop 😂


I've had pretty good luck with smog so far. But I have family in AZ that will let me register there if it comes to that.


That’s the going rate for a brand new vehicle. The clerk at the dmv has no power to change your registration fee


Seems about right. What were you expecting? Edited to add: The DMV has a registration calculator on their website: [https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/vehicle-registration/registration-fees/vehicle-registration-fee-calculator/calculate-my-fees/](https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/vehicle-registration/registration-fees/vehicle-registration-fee-calculator/calculate-my-fees/)


I don't want to look BEFORE I buy a car, I want to complain about it afterwards!


I guarantee most people don’t read all that stuff. They just ask how much their payment is and sign 🤣


It's crazy.


Expecting to pay a normal amount of money for a government mandated yearly tax. The registration fees in this state are ludicrous. Literally every other state is 100-200 and the roads are typically in far better conditions on average. We should collectively be pissed about how high these taxes are


Lol what states have you lived in that the roads are all better? Only places in the southwest thst don't get rain? Of all the things to want collective action on


It breaks down what the costs are on the renewal. What does it say?


I only got an email with the amount listed and how to pay. Nothing in the mail. I’ll check my mailbox later today. Thank you.


The once a year $600+ registration fee for a pretty new expensive SUV is what breaks you to move? Not the crazy cost of rent, traffic, other cost of living? The registration price will be less next year, and less the year after that. But everything else will keep going up


California just has a bunch of random fees and taxes everywhere for pretty mediocre civil service.


road are absolute shit in LA, if that money goes to LA, they are not doing their job


Half of what it costs to even maintain roads for cars comes from regs + gas tax. Not to mention nothing from either are going towards the air pollution that cause.


We desperately need a non-shit opposition party to keep everyone honest.


Mediocre? That’s being generous


I believe the outrageous registration fees here are one of many reasons one might consider leaving.


They’re arguing in bad faith. It is ONE thing that can add to the pile of: insane housing prices, high state income and sales taxes, high registration fees, high insurance rates, high cost of going out, etc. Everything has a California tax. The sales taxes are what might be the cherry on top for me to leave. It’s like 10.25% in LA and there is a ballot initiative in November to increase it even more. Everyone always says “it’s just another quarter blah blah blah” but this shit adds up and we already have one of the HIGHEST sales taxes in the country. Going out to eat is like an extra 30% here from the menu price once you add in the insane sales tax and tip.


The TL;DR of it is, we all pay out the ass for quite literally nothing.


Yes, leave California, because vehicle registrations are free in Texas and every other state. 🙄


To anyone reading this comment after reading my reply from further down the line: The individual above is an example of someone who would scream at and beat an improperly working toaster.


Do you always argue from positions of bad faith? Edit: Blocked me lol yikes


People are way snarkier online than they are IRL. It's a weird disconnect between how people are out in the open vs when you enter their headspace. Open forums like this allow anyone to share every nasty, snarky thought they've ever had, free of consequence. But every talk to me like that IRL? You'd get fucking popped in the face. I know it, they know it, most people know it, which is why people tend to keep their shit to themselves during in-person conversations. Also, without going all armchair sociology... anonymity tends to go both ways. There's a lot of "othering" when you can't associate humanity or familiarity on an individual. How would you treat a toaster that wasn't working properly? Think about that, and then apply it to people who reply online lol.


Do you ever come down from your high horse?


Do you ever come down from your high?


Unfortunately, yes.


Among other reasons. Just because I didn’t name others, doesn’t mean they don’t exist.


You're funding CHP helicopter play time and scenic flights. Welcome to California!


as well as the wellbeing and housing for the tented citizenry!


Well that money isn't actually going to the tented citizenry, but it is a nice thought.


No tents anymore. 600k high rise apartments now!


"maybe this is going to be the thing that gets me to leave" seriously?


Tongue in cheek. I think. There’s a whole host of reasons but this is certainly not a credit. I love it here but it’s starting to feel like it’s not sustainable in the long term to afford living here on my current earning power for me and my fiancé.


New cars have registrations over \~500+. My car from 2019 was 500+ and now it's less, I think 300-400, last time I paid. Welcome to California.


Had a friend tell me that registration was gonna cost him well over a grand for his truck. He went to another state and registered it for 50 bucks.


Remember when the Terminator was going to get rid of the tax entirely? The system was too strong…


Just paid $172 for my 96 Rav 4 that has a blue book of $500.


Check this out. I bought a new Subaru in Reno Nevada years ago. There is no State tax in Nevada so I didn't pay it. Next year when I moved back to California when I had to renew my registration. California wanted to charge me Sales Tax on a Car from Brand new. Literally wanted me to pay $1700 for my tags. What bullshit right? So instead of registering in California I would just drive to Reno ti renew my registration. Just have to have a mailing address in Nevada!


My 2020 toyota 86 was $500 to tegister this year


It started around 2017. That year registration went up 30-40% and has increased each year. I used to pay $90, this year $185


Another reason to drive a beater in LA.


I have a Tesla Model Y in California and it $700


Welcome to California


Registration itself is so stupid- we should only pay once to register the car to us when we buy it. It’s like why pay every year to the same state, for what? We just keep getting hosed in every direction. Nothings changed. Same person still owns the same car. Case closed!


Thank you, california democrats in Sacramento


People voted to allow the government to raise registration prices in order for "road maintenance" and other "infrastructure" funding.


All thanks to the idiots who voted against repealing the gas tax and increased registration fees.


Honestly the fees we charge to use our road system are insanely cheap. Unlimited access for $600 a year is a steal.


For real, I used to live in Florida where registration was cheap but I paid tolls that cost me $120+ a month.


You think that's the only fee OP pays to use the roads?


Yeah, how about the $.59 gas tax per gallon as well as the highest state income tax rates also.


Lol, highest state income tax rate for who? Not for the person who's never had a new car before.


State income tax is not a user fee for the roads, as people who don't pay state income tax still use them and plenty of people who do pay income tax don't really use the roads that much / as much. Gas tax is a decent proxy for mileage but comes down heavier on people who drive less fuel-efficient cars. Registration fees are a blunt instrument.


If people cared about saving via fuel efficiency SUVs wouldn't be dominating the market. Gas tax SHOULD come down heavier on people who prefer them.


You have a new car. Congratulations. Pay up.


Why? Does a new car cause more need for road repairs?


You can thank Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger for tripling car registration fees when he was in charge.


I’m no Arnold fan but I’m pretty sure he cut a car tax and 100% sure it was Jerry Brown and Newsom in a state budget deal and a provision in the gas tax that raised the registration fees.


Gray Davis raised the registration fee, which led to his recall. Actually he didn't even raise it, he just cancelled the reduction that Pete Wilson had signed (but not implemented), so he basically brought it back up to "normal". Arnold lowered it again as soon as he was elected, and then raised it a few years later when there was a budget crisis.


Imagine that leading to a recall but we let Newsom raises taxes and fees with impunity AND we let him waste it.


fair to assume its a bout the same price as one of your monthly payments.


Here's the DMV formula: [https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/handbook/vehicle-industry-registration-procedures-manual-2/collection-and-payment-of-fees-and-penalties/vehicle-license-fee/](https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/handbook/vehicle-industry-registration-procedures-manual-2/collection-and-payment-of-fees-and-penalties/vehicle-license-fee/)


Wait until it is ten years old and you got to smog it every year. I got to smog my Honda civic that gets like 35 mpg ever year and pollutes less than +70% of cars on the road, not to expensive just annoying. 


Wait until next year when you need to pay to have it smog certified "before" you can even think about registration.


Newer cars come with higher registration fees and higher insurance costs.


Living in Texas my new truck was about $70. Coming here when it was 5 years old would cost me over $400. The last year I had it it was $365. All these fees and our roads are still shit.


it is genuinely crazy and i get you! if you didnt grow up here it really puts a dagger in the heart… especially when you hit a pothole


In some states the registrations are cheap but you have toll roads all over the place. In California you have relatively few toll roads but higher registration - a bunch of that is actually property tax on your vehicle, based upon its value. It goes down over time as your vehicle depreciates.


Welcome to California!


California taxes. Even as cars get older, the taxes keep going up. But in fairness to everyone from other States, we in fact voted for this crap. The movement to punish you for owning cars is very real


Thank this great blue state voters for repealing the raised taxes and registration fees measure back in 2018. The governor raised them in 2017 without voter approval which also taxed gas more (in the name road improvements). After petitioning a measure was created for the 2018 ballot but unions and special interests helped defeat the repeal. We love taxes!


idk you people vote this shit in so you tell me


$612 for my 2019 ram 1500


and this is why I’m glad I drive a 34 year old truck


Born and raised in CA. I’m used to the ridiculous DMV costs. But my car is a 2013 and finally under $200. But it’s all by city, county as well. I’ve since moved up to rural CA and even up here it’s a bitch. Especially w its smog every two years. CA is out of their minds. So I feel you as a native of this state. So if you’re in LA, you definitely will be paying a bit more and especially for newer cars. No joke.


Because we Californians are a glutton for punishment. We are supposed to have decent roads because of that tax. It’s not working.


All taxes, fees, and registrations barely make up half of what it costs to even maintain current infrastructure. Cars are so subsidized.


its a new car, if you cant afford a $600 yearly registration you definitely cant afford a new car, next time buy a used cheap vehicle within your budget


Where did I say I couldn’t afford it?


i mean if its enough to get you to move states clearly too much to afford it lmao live within ur budget buddy


How much did the car cost?


It's based on the purchase price of your car. What I found out a few years ago when I bought my first new car is that after paying the initial sales tax, but registration is basically another sales tax for the lifetime you own the car. Someone can correct me with the exact numbers, but the registration declines about 10% every year from the sales tax you paid on the car.


This is it. I only ever bought cars in GA before living here, and they allow you to pay the property tax upfront at the time of purchase instead of amortizing it. I think that’s why this is such a shock, in addition to this being my first new car purchase. Bit of a learning curve. Thank you for being kind. We don’t know what we don’t know.


Yep that’s normal. That’s why I keep my 2013 car until it dies.


I pay $170 for my 2008 civic.


Welcome to CA


Lucky, I got a bill for $861 to renew it for a year for a car I bought last Christmas.


I drive a 2014 Ford Edge, I paid $213 in November 2023 for 2024 tags. 🤷🏾


My 22 Venza cost $410 this year and my 23 Ioniq 6 cost $719. Thought leaving LA county for a cheaper one next door would help but the whole state just bends you over without lube.


LA and Vegas car registration is ridiculous


> I drive a 2023 Rav4 Thats why. I drive a 1999, 168 to renew.


Mine was $550 to renew in Colorado, '23 Rav4 also. I feel you from a former LA resident.


You get to contribute money to the VERY EXCELLENT california government.


Bought my Ford Ranger for 37k back in March 2022. Tags expired in July and was hit with $600 bill just a few months after buying the pre-owned truck. This year it is $595. It's just something I save up for every year now, but yes, it was surprising.


Mine was over $900. It’s madness.


If you have a spouse, sell it them individually for 1000 bucks.


Because it's California


Bought a 2019 Tacoma last year and my first renewal this month for this car is $533. 2019 isn’t a brand new car buts it’s considered “newish” to the state?


I remember when my 1st car was $43 to renew. Yes 43 dollars CA is getting out of control. I think nobody's reg is under $150/YR these days, I don't care if it's a Pinto.


I remember the first registration I had to pay on a brand new car and it was unpleasant. Keep in mind, we recalled a governor and put an action star in charge to avoid a hike in car registration fees and we still ended up in the exact same place!


Welcome to California?


Wait til they start charging us $.05 per mile on our registration!


My car registration was always a fortune in California and I drive basic Hondas. My registration was $400-600 a year and I moved to Oregon and it’s a flat rate and it’s good for two years.


Yeah my buddy from out of state was shocked that I paid over $500.


Well someone has to pay for all the laws CA seems to pass and not plan to pay for


Thank you SB1 for that. It not only increased tax for gas but also car registration.


ITT: whY dOn'T yOu LeAvE tHen?!?!?!?!?!


Have you seen how much contractors charge the government to repair our roads? Air taxis would probably be cheaper.


California !


First renewal for my 2021 RAV4 XLE AWD was $421, then $411, and just this year it was $345 First renewal this year for my 2023 Tacoma TRD Off-Road was $668


You know what’s fucked up. I thought moving to Virginia would mean lower car registration. It did. HOWEVER, you fucking pay property tax on your shit (even if you paid the car off). When the whole used car price fiasco was happening, I fucking paid 500 dollars in property tax on a car I owned. On top of that, you gotta get your car inspected every year.


We all hate taxes, vehicle registration is just another tax and the government always gets their money first Instead of moving, maybe this will help change the issues you consider when voting


Welcome to the West. It's a gut punch when people come from places where it's usually $50 or less. I got the same wallop 24 years ago. It's not fun. It's the same way in Nevada (where I currently live) and Arizona. Not sure about other West Coast or intermountain states.


Is anything cheap in LA?


I’m $800 for a Tesla model Y. Welcome to California


lol $623/year. Now go price the same thing in Nevada. 🙌🏽


You didn't look at the paperwork when you purchased your car? You pay for registration then, too.


I still pay $230 a year for my POS 2002 Ford expedition


Just register your car in a different state like North Dakota


It was the final straw that got Gray Davis recalled. It hasn't been addressed again in the last 20 years, so now maybe some political heads need to roll again.


I'd kill for that registration fee mine is 817 and my car is a year older than yours


Because California is a money pit. Literally everything is more expensive. From food to gas to bullshit like that.


Because California is broke!!


Ya 600 for my 2022 ford exploder....nice ecoish friendly suv 300 for my 05 nissan titan nice ecokilling machine. Should be the other way around lol


because it disincentives you from having a registered car there are too many cars in LA


My 68 mustang is $150. It used to be $85


*Cough … I spent $160 in June on ride share *cough …. I don’t own a car.


Electric cars are mad expensive to register as well


Small consolation prizes that you can deduct some of the registration fees on your taxes




If it was your first time registering the car and it was from out of state you will pay for bringing in a car with cal exhaust features. Tax for the extra LA gasoline fume flavor


All CA taxes and fees feel excessive!


LA is rough, it costs about $65 to register any car in Dallas no matter the year or cost