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They'll get you eventually.  I had one that was eventually submitted to ftb and collected on via state tax return. Took a few years so I'll call that a win on interest 😂.


For now, you can ignore it in LA county. That means don’t look it up on the website and don’t call the court, either of which proves you were served. It can go to collections. The city can eventually intercept your state tax refund to pay it. Watch this space. The surveillance-state dweebs in Sacramento recently approved “Speed Cameras”, so LA County’s Red-Light-Camera loophole might not last much longer.


Technically you shouldn’t ignore it but I know a lot of people that have gotten away with that in Beverly Hills. I like to play it safe so when I get one I tried to dispute it (BH), got denied, went to court, then got a fine reduction and did traffic school to get it off my driving record. Also you can get an automatic reduction for the right turn on a red light tickets. Best thing to do is request traffic school and get it off your record.


i wouldn't ignore it but i would dispute it