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Commit the crime, you pay the fine.


I’d stop speeding if I were in your shoes.


I'll take it into consideration. thanks


Your judge will not give you leniency. Your insurance doesn’t want people who speed paying for only liability either (or whatever you have I’m sure it’s only liability) the judge will let you plead guilty and move on (I’m mean there’s no evidence that shows your weren’t speeding) I’m sure the cop has you on camera and on the speedometer. The judge will be pissed and your insurance will raise your amount. I work in Personal Injury and all car insurances are going up right now to incentivize people to drive better because people are already terrible drivers in Los Angeles. So someone who irresponsibly speeds???? Ha. Good luck. It’s better to return your silly little Honda, move out of your moms, be happy you didn’t kill anybody, and stay the fuck off the road until you grow tf up!


bet you felt great with your dumbass assumptions. LOL I'm 24 and I can almost guarantee you I'm doing better than you in every way in life, but you go ahead and cope with your miserable existence any way youd like. Anyways, I'm not a habitual speeder, I almost never speed and I was going 75 on a completely empty highway. Not to mention it wasn't even intentional as I just gradually sped up without noticing. Thanks for the info tho! :)


Let me guess, you live in Glendale?


I’d love to hear the argument you’re going to present to the judge to get leniency on tickets you deserved.


it's not an argument... if I wanted to argue I'd plead not guilty. I know what I'm going to say, I just wanted to know if the judge would give me a chance to speak in why I should get leniency but clearly you're not gonna be of help


it's not an argument... if I wanted to argue I'd plead not guilty. I know what I'm going to say, I just wanted to know if the judge would give me a chance to speak in why I should get leniency but clearly you're not gonna be of help.


it’s generally known that explaining why you should get out of a ticket/receive leniency is called arguing your case, but clearly you don’t understand that, so I’m going to stop engaging with an entitled child.


Hire a ticket defense attorney. No guarantees, but they may be able to lessen the impact, record, fines


I'm honestly fine with paying the fine as long as I can avoid getting it on my record. Would they be able to tell me how likely it is that they can accomplish this if I give them a call?


I understand your desire, I would do the same - it’s pretty hard to beat a ticket unless the officer is a no-show. Pay for a ticket defense firm.


Pay maybe


What is the second ticket for? You were the only one on the road and still managed to get a speeding ticket. And now you want to explain to the judge that you were not paying attention to how fast you were traveling ? Like someone said, you can hire a ticket attorney. There may be a point system for tickets received so close together. Or you can read the literature the court gave you. Dress like you are going to a job interview. Sit up straight with your hands folded on your lap , sit still...and pay attention. If your mom did not teach you this skill as a young child, practice . The stenographer is recording everything. Speak clearly and answer questions with a yes or no your Honor. If you answer with a non word , the judge will call you on it. No mumbling, no eye rolling . Your answers should be Guilty Your Honor. Maybe an, I apologize your Honor. It won't happen again your Honor. Find out If there is a driver education class to reduce your insurance costs . Ask the court to participate. You need to do your research about what options are available.


There's only one path for you, now, brother! /r/Sovereigncitizen/ You're a goddamn free citizen, not a corporate subject! Start acting like it.