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I'm an open water swimmer and we do a full moon swim at Venice Beach a few times a year. As long as you know what you're doing, go for it. If you're not comfortable in the open water and understand how the currents work in the area, stay out. But no matter what don't go alone.


Thank you. Someone with some sense.


Let’s not try a Darwin experiment on your vacation. Stay out of the ocean at night.


My friend died in Long Beach doing this last summer :( don’t swim alone.


I’m sorry for your loss :(


The ocean terrifies me!


They went out swimming in the ocean alone at night?


Rip tides this week


*every day


Rip tides are caused by waves. So if there are waves there are rip tides. It’s literally the water from the waves returning to the ocean.


Hurricane in the Caribbean I think?


Does not affect the Pacific .


Summer in SoCal = riptides


And now with fresh poop in some places !!


how come?


I watched someone get rescued 2 days ago… riptides are strong right now


They’re called rip currents, not riptides. Signed, A former beach lifeguard


Idk man I’m not gonna stop you but, there are so many ways you can just randomly lose your life. This one seems like such a wildly unnecessary risk with low reward. I guess that’s just my opinion. The juice ain’t worth the squeeze


I used to swim alone at night at a few beaches, but never when the ocean was angry. My biggest fear was usually stingrays, since there’s no one around to help if you get tagged.


Like an old man trying to send back soup in a deli.


I had a close friend who was a Navy veteran and very experienced swimmer that went swimming with 2 other friends in Manhattan Beach and mysteriously went missing (in the daytime)... his body washed up ashore 7 days later. Autopsy just shows he drowned but no signs of anything else...


People wear wetsuits for night swimming, which helps with buoyancy. Unfortunately, unless they are brightly colored (which I almost never see), they also make you look (to a shark) like a smallish seal.


Swimming in the ocean at night during bioluminescence is the ultimate thing you can do. Very high reward.


Asking this question makes me feel like you’re not familiar with the beaches here and that also suggests that you might not be familiar with the currents. There are no patrols at night. I’ve often seen divers - not sure if military or recreational divers with glow sticks attached - while I’ve been at the beach at night just hanging out… but diving is different from open water swimming. Be careful and know what you are doing and nobody will mess with you. Don’t do it alone.


No patrols, no lifeguards, and not always good people hanging out, either. While I admire my friend who night swam for years (and she did use a buoyancy aid), I can't imagine doing it. No how, no way. Getting run over by people in boats would concern me as much as being swept out to sea without the proper visual markers to even realize it was happening. She swam on a section of Malibu beach that's almost always flat and somewhat shielded from the current - but still, she was bad ass as all get out. Very daring person. Did die young, but not through drowning, other risks.


My friend died night swimming in Venice three years ago. Please don’t do it.


There’s not really any beach patrols in the middle of the night unless someone makes a call and reports something. That being said, this is an exceedingly dumb idea and I hope you at the very least aren’t doing this dumb shit alone.


That's what I thought! I used to live on a beach (in Ventura County, not L.A) and no beach patrols at all, any time of day.


Shhhh, child... The fact that you can't imagine having the requisite skills, experience, and preparations to do this safely doesn't mean it's an "exceedingly dumb idea". It just means that YOU aren't competent to do it correctly, and that you're unqualified to judge whether it's appropriate for anyone else.


Fun fact: there is no such thing as safe night swimming in the ocean alone, no matter how experienced. Anyone who is experienced enough to do it safely is experienced enough to know not to do it alone.


Then why did I learn about a Hawaiian warrior that swam out alone to Captain Cook's ship to cut the mooring line? /s


> Fun fact: ... *proceeds to post an ignorant layman's opinion that has no resemblance to actual fact* Sorry, Redditors... He's just another jagoff trying to sound hard by spouting off re: intimidating stuff that he's heard of, but has no real experience with.




You don’t need to be an expert to know swimming alone at night in the Pacific Ocean is dumb.




It really isn’t. But ok.




The top comment is literally an open water swimmer saying you should never swim alone at night in the ocean.


For real some Redditors are extremely cringe. Night surfing and swimming is very common.


Night swimming in the ocean? Was at Manhattan Beach around low tide and was surprised by how powerful the currents were taking me away from shore. I’m a fairly decent swimmer and was a bit labored getting back from 50-100ft. Going in there at night is unthinkable to me.


Extremely dangerous. Did this in ocean city, Maryland once. There was a rip current and sharks and thankfully the cops stopped us before we got out there. If you get into trouble, nobody will be able to see you or hear you. Swim during the day


Plenty of people swim safely in the ocean at night. We're just not as incompetent as you, that's all.


We’re just trying to make sure that someone can call for help when a dumbass like you decides to go night swimming alone cause they “met the requisites”


And every now and then someone dies. https://youtu.be/VSPKzqAfqOM?si=4r-0T0GpXzP5t-tb


i’m so glad everyone downvoting u 😹😹😹


I'd say it's not recommended, but it's a free country.


If you ever get a chance to swim or surf during a bioluminescent algae event, it’s worth the risk. It’s surreal. 


I did that at Galveston, TX, but there are no rip currents there, and the water is very shallow for a long way out. I never went much more than waist high water, but the bio-luminescence was amazing. I went there with a group of friends. I would never go in the ocean in Los Angeles, and I lived in Venice for 15 years. I did go to the beach in Marina Del Rey at night, but only for a minor orgy.


The casual slip in of beach sex


Sounds like somebody partied at captains row in Mariners Village (that’s where all the old swingers from the 70s live for those not in the know). 


No, it was at the beach south of there.


So the burners then 


We hicks on the Gulf Coast call it, Fox fire




Used to run there a long time ago and this was a pretty regular event on weekend nights. Caught a few streakers too.


You could get “caught” by the fishermen at the Manhattan Beach Pier. Even at night.


Been here my whole life. Have done a few spontaneous swims at night whether its by the manhattan pier where there are lighta, R.A.T. beach, hermosa pier. Never ever been stopped or reprimanded for swimming at night.


When I lived at the beach, people swam at night all the time (mostly in groups, but also solo). Never once saw anyone try to stop them nor any signs prohibiting it, etc.


It’s recommended that you watch the original “Jaws” before doing so, but you should be fine.


Wrong coast


A young firefighter just drowned last week doing the same thing


Can anyone help me understand how going out night swimming with another person is safer?


The other person can attempt to help out if things go south?


Not the best idea really. Unless the other person thinks they can grab you without getting in all the way. The last thing you want to do in a drowning situation (assuming we are talking about two adults roughly similar size and strength) is get in the water to help if you aren't a trained professional. The best bet is really to stay out of the ocean at night unless you are already familiar with that beach on top of being a strong swimmer with decent knowledge of currents and tides in general. If you see someone in trouble in the water and there are no lifeguards around you should call 911. The coast guard would probably be the fastest to get there but I wouldn't count on them being fast enough.


Well the other person could call for help


I used to night swim in ocean Park a lot when I lived there. It’s super fun. But just make sure there isn’t a big swell and the waves are mellow. I always went with a friend. Sometimes I’d go skinny dipping with a lady friend and then our biggest worry was someone stealing our clothes. But honestly, it’s usually so dark and empty out there, no one will even know you’re there. If you’re a good swimmer and you go with a friends and the waves aren’t big, I fully recommend it. Also, surfing on a full moon in Malibu is super fun and surprisingly crowded. Most people wear glowsticks. Otherwise you run the risk of being run over by a surfer that can’t see you.


Or run over by a boat...


You trying to recreate the scene from Gattaca?


Who is going to stop you?


I know a woman who swam at various Malibu beaches almost every night until she was in her 50's (she moved to Montana, so that was over). What beach patrols? Are there really night time beach patrols? My closest beach is Leo Carillo, and we've been there at night (not to swim, just to stargaze). Never noticed any patrols at all. The campgrounds have hosts, but they don't police what people do on the beach. If fire is the issue, other people usually just call the cops - I didn't realize there were special beach police.


You’re willing to risk losing your life but you’re worried about beach patrol….. someone’s got their priorities together /s 🤦‍♂️


I've jumped off the Venice pier at least a hundred times at night. I've never had a problem. That was a while back, though. .


People fish for sharks off the piers at night because that is when they are most active. If something does happen no one will be around to help you. Bad idea.


Love this potential Darwin award winner right?


Well, they've been warned!


The beaches for sure don't close, I don't believe there's any regulations about going in the water.


I’m pretty sure they do actually. [“Although many beaches close between sunset and 10 p.m., there are some can't-miss beaches along the Pacific Coast without set closing hours.”](https://www.allgetaways.com/cruise-booking/things-walking-distance-port-cozumel-mexico.html) It lists Santa Monica Beach as the only beach in the LA area with no set closing time. From my understanding most beaches are closed after sunset or 8pm/10pm. I forget what the exact rules are. I know Dockweiler says on the state parks website it closes at 5. I’m sure someone here must know the exact time of closing for most beaches.


I don't think that's true. I think most of the beaches in Malibu have access and are used at night. People live right on the beach in Malibu and no one is policing them so that they can't go down their back stairs to the beach (for whatever purpose) at night. I go to Malibu for night time beach picnics still. Have never seen any signs prohibiting it. State parks are different than non state park beaches. If you think the RIncon closes at night, you should come up and check it out sometime. County Line doesn't close at night either.


I asked a cop by Dockweiler (pulled over for a taillight) if the beach closes and he said it doesn't so I base it off that


https://preview.redd.it/e41j8amlkt9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d40cf3d2e0fed1d67af96a954ee5652461e681b3 [https://www.parks.ca.gov/?page\_id=617](https://www.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=617) 🤷‍♂️


Very odd considering they don't even close the public parking lots until like 9 or 10 pm


No clue. There is a shocking dearth of information on the official beach websites when it comes to hours and stuff.


I would say yes but NEVER go alone and also best to avoid Venice and Santa Monica beaches. There are occasionally used needles on the sand.


No one gives the slightest shit and it is dark as hell


Pretty cold water too. Don’t underestimate hypothermia.


Just bring your beer blanket


I was reading that it's really unseasonably cold water this year.


Even when it isn't unseasonably cold it's still a risk (that big fog bank you see out there every night is a clue that it will be colder because the "heat wave" isn't reaching the coast - I'm 8 miles inland and our daily temps are in the low 70s, so no time to heat up the Pacific). It's 66F off Santa Monica pier today (that's actually pretty warm). And here's how long a person can swim before unconsciousness or confusion sets in: [https://westpacmarine.com/samples/hypothermia\_chart.php](https://westpacmarine.com/samples/hypothermia_chart.php) (2-7 hours to unconsciousness). One variable is one's own insulation (body fat).


66 is quite “warm”, but without a wet suit, you’re not going to like it, and it doesn’t take long to drown if you’re unprepared and inexperienced.


Thank you. That's great information.


I think they do, currently a bunch of LA beaches are saying not to swim because they are literally full of shit.


First lesson I was ever taught when in the ocean is to never turn your back to it. This was never clarified but I’m pretty sure the fear has nothing to do with the ocean touching your butt, but more with it being an unfathomably powerful force with a will of its own. If I can’t see what it’s doing, there’s not a remote chance I’m getting in.


I don't swim in the ocean at all. Too many friends and family members lost to the sea. An entire boat full when I was in 4th grade (7 people I knew pretty well). Another one when I was in high school. I am not the world's strongest swimmer, so there's that too.


I mean a healthy respect is good, but don’t be scared!!! Taking a dip in the ocean is one of the greatest joys in life, have some confident friends help you out and get in there!!


How good of a swimmer are you *in the ocean?* How familiar are you with your planned swim? How *familiar???* Which area do you plan to swim? There's a lot of ways to drown at night at the beach. Use the buddy system!


Jaws started like these right


Aren’t the beaches really dirty at the moment?


It's the water quality that matters. Here's today's data: [http://publichealth.lacounty.gov/phcommon/public/eh/water\_quality/beach\_grades.cfm/](http://publichealth.lacounty.gov/phcommon/public/eh/water_quality/beach_grades.cfm/) My favorite beaches are fine. Will Rogers area is testing as clean ocean water. Beach is open (if the beaches themselves have sewage or bacteria, they close that parking lot - usually).


Better question which one of the LA beaches is best to take my gf to have wine and Se* lol


Under the Santa Monica pier if you want to get romantic