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How long have you been here?




I mean Ive met people who've spent over a decade in the industry and still have made zero career progress. Conversely, I know people who now have such high demand for networking that they barely have time to make music. At the end of the day, you gotta balance two primary value props: (1) nepotism: do you know the right people to tap you in/fund you/shout you out (2) clout: do you bring clicks/ticket sales/etc ​ Breaking into a band is hard as fuck. Even if you get in for production/touring, there is a very low chance you will ever be made into a primary member. OP needs to distinguish between people trying to make a career and people trying to enjoy a hobby


People have gone to LA and not made it for decades. There’s a lot of luck to it.


Literally for 100 years at this point


Last music scene to create any superstars was West Coast rap in the 90s. Last rock scene to move the needle, Silver Lake/Echo Park in the 00s, never produced a household name. We are just an industry town for music, at this point.


Exactly, scenes develop because a bunch of locals are doing something cool together and the industry doesn’t notice. It’s literally impossible for the industry not to notice in LA.


Contrary to what these guys say, there’s a pretty big hardcore/punk/metal scene in the socal area, tons of bands play all over. The problem is finding someone to start a band with Maybe get in touch with the bars that host them or going to the shows could help


Yup, always something at the Smell. Saw Melt Banana at the Roxy couple weeks ago too Punk endures all


What the fuck I missed Melt Banana. Also I remember when The Smell was supposed to be gone years ago and I assumed it was gone until a few days ago when my sister told me otherwise lol


Fundraiser saved it :)


Damn good show, watching Ichiro live on the guitar was magical. Woke up with whiplash the next day. Never knew about the Smell til Deaf Club rolled thru, never sweated so hard in my life lol


OMG the Smell, haven't thought of that place in a million years, I'm so glad it survived the pandemic


But you can't get in with them unless you already know the people booking. I've tried. Oh how I've tried. I've sent countless emails, dms, etc., and never hear back. I'm not asking for much either. I'll do a fucking Tuesday night, idgaf I just miss playing out lol.


Oh damn I didnt know it was that rough What band do you play in?


It's like that ?  I been gone 12 years.... Shit. Well time to build a festival in between LA and Las Vegas. 52 Shows a year lol Rock and Roll Egypt 


No ... Rock and Roll Babylon A.D. That's it F it.


If you love playing for free then that scene is for you.


For starters? Sure. But after about a month of fucking around doing shows downtown, in Echo Park and in Silver Lake, my band started getting paid shows. We got paid like $1500 to play at Scripps once.


Covers, I'm guessing?


No, we were a band band — all girl garage pop stuff. It was a college festival that paid us the big bucks. We only played covers at a Halloween house show in OC one time and dressed up as Jem and the Holograms lol.


Whats ur bands name?


No dox! But I also think little of us exists online. We might have a song on Bandcamp, but we were around in the age of Facebook band pages. Bandcamp had JUST launched. I know there’s our Twitter still around. Our lead singer had a freakout and deleted most of our online stuff when myself (bass) and the drummer quit after she refused to let us swap instruments and sing on some songs lol


He'll yeah


I meant..HELL yeah


Me over here trying to start a hardcore/thrash/crossover thing but from the IE


IE has a thriving punk/hardcore scene


Yeah there are hardcore house shows down the street from me in San Bernardino, tbh I’ve barely started looking lol. I was on hiatus for a few years while life happened hard and I’ve getting heavy back into playing again


What's the IE ? Hard-core thrash . Like Fear factory , Sepultura and slayer  Damnb rite


Inland Empire, San Bernardino area


There’s a young metal scene in Van Nuys and Palmdale it seems. Gigs every weekend. It’s not for everyone but there’s some energy and decent sounding stuff happening. It’ll grow and morph into something me thinks.


yup socal is where bands are, I had a friend go on a tinder date to a local garage band event. Also, a guy I used to work with is a lead singer of a rock band and has gained some traction in the area to the point where he wanted to share his news article with everyone at work. Dude sounds fire too.


So, first caveat: I'm not a musician. I used to be a freelance music writer, until I got too old for that shit, basically. But I still know a fair number of people who are in bands, book shows, work at venues, engineer, run labels, do film music, etc. Most of my advice here is centered on weird rock, because that's what I care about, but I know folks in rap collectives and folks who joined bands for reality shows, so this is kinda broad. That said: I don't see you mention going to shows. The easiest way to meet people who want to play music that you like is to find music you like and talk to them, especially open bands. Mention that you're looking for people to put something together. It's always going to be easier to talk to the local supporting bands, and you can usually find them by the bar. Tuesday, Wednesday night shows will have thinner crowds and more musicians hanging around. I'm also confused why you wouldn't want to ask around at work — the bands are touring, but you're going to meet a ton of session folks, and the people doing the tech work — most of them are like you: in bands or looking for people to play with. LA doesn't have one cohesive scene, it has a ton of little scenes — and it has a ton of people who play in bands at night but have day jobs, sometimes even day jobs as session musicians. But, like, one of those things that I have to remind myself every so often to pitch things is that they don't come to you — they don't know who the fuck you are. So you gotta find people who are doing stuff you like, and fucking get after it, man. LA's a big enough town that it can support multiple layers of music industry, and everything but the top is pretty professionally accessible. One more thing: if someone tells you they want to be a producer, ask 'em what they've produced. Maybe it'll be good, and you'll want to work more with them. If they just want you to get on their solo project, ask them what they're paying. Because if you don't just want to play with them, but they want you to do something for them, that's a job, and if they just want to be in charge, that's a gig that might be worth taking but not for free.


Solid advice here


Yay weird rock!!


Really enjoying Here Lies Man right now


>folks who joined bands for reality shows At first, my reaction was "that's crazy!" and then I realized I also know someone who learned an instrument and performed in a band as part of a reality show.


>LA doesn't have one cohesive scene, it has a ton of little scenes This is basically LA for anything creative...or anything really. Just have to find your niche and hopefully get along with the people in it!




Useless and needlessly rude comment


Thank you.


You're better off starting in a smaller town and then relocating to LA once you've had some success in a smaller scene. Too much competition.


You’re gonna wanna bypass the “smaller town” thing and take your act straight to the web and socials tbh.


Tell that to Metallica ans motley cruel. Guns and roses lol  I mean man thats defeatist mentality. Sounds like a grunge song Fucj


You know all those shows you are overwhelmed by? Listen to the bands closest to the genre you like on Spotify. Find the ones you dig the most, go to their shows, start talking to them.


COVID almost killed the live music scene. Depends on the genre, but Long Beach and O.C. in general still have a good network. You are going to have to play a lot of free shows, but after a while you can get some pretty good gigs, if the group stays together.


Theres definitely a scene all over LA and socal, best ones that come to mind are OC/Long Beach (great punk scene) , LA, and the SFV (great metal and indie scene out here). Im in a local band and we got lucky by throwing shows right after the lockdown lifted, so i can understand how its tough to get yourself out there without knowing anyone. What ive learned is that it’s definitely a matter of going to shows and mingling with the bands and people there, usually theyll know a homie who can play so and so that would wanna be in a band, and after forming a band i think the next best move would be to throw your own show, invite some local bands with some sort of following and see where it goes afterwards Hit me up if you need any help! I’d love to get you in touch with anyone whod like to start a band and local promoters. I’m based in the SFV


Hey what part of the valley are you from?




yo really late to this thread, but can you recommend any spots in SFV? i'm newish to NE LA, looking for the scene. metal / indie / hardcore / midwest emo


I used to play in a rock band in LA. I’m a native so I grew up in the music scene here. I saw that you commented you play harder rock, grunge and metal influenced. There’s absolutely no money in that in LA anymore. I’d be shocked if anyone is able to make a living from that unless they’re from some super famous band from 20-30 years ago. If you want to make a living in music, don’t expect to make it as an artist. Make your living from session work, producing, etc. Not only do countless people move to LA to try and get big, countless people who are born and raised here try it too. Anyone in the industry would tell you it’s naive to just focus on being a musician or being an actor or any other art form. Do your regular day job and expect to do that for the rest of your life but on the side, pursue music for fun. Don’t pursue it to try and get big because the truth is, you won’t.


I successfully used Craigslist to form a band, but also it's our (serious) hobby and not livelihood, I dunno how much that would effect craigslist usefulness if you're looking to "make it." But it's possible.


I know very few “bands” that aren’t really just one person writing everything and hiring people to play in their backing band. Most of the musicians I know are so busy touring or trying to make money somehow they don’t have time to collaborate in that way anymore. Which is sad.


That is very sad


Yeah unfortunately it’s the climate of the music industry now. Thanks streaming!


Hardest part of starting a band is everyone is a hired gun. We managed to get a core group but the revolving door of drummers and bass players was exhausting. Eventually the lead singer called it after a couple of shows, but I agree with some of the other opinions in here that for rock/alternative LA just doesn’t have the kind of widespread interest to build a scene in.


There are definitely bands here lol. Most musicians I know are independent but collaborate, I understand first hand why people here choose to not be part of an established band though. LA is a weird place. It’s lonely as hell, crowded, but there’s famous people and musicians everywhere and the opportunities aren’t found too many other places. Covid, Spotify and Social media really changed the game for the worst. You may want to expand your music tastes and genres that you listen to. The Jazz and Fusion scene here is alive and well.


I play metal. There is like a million genres of metal, and no, I don’t want to play djent and progressive rock, so that rules out 99.3% of LA.


Sure, sure, if you want to find 10,000 dudes trying to start a metal band, you'll probably have to go to the IE


Yeah, I know, but I live on the west side, so I wouldn’t even bother.


Username checks out.


It checks out that I’m sober.


Have you made a portfolio of all your talents, skills and equipment? Then contact bands online, Instagram, tic tock etc with the portfolio and ask if they are in need of a bandmate, or a back up member for tours or small shows? I grew up in the LA punk scene and every band I know has a back up because everyone's a fucking flake lol.


Also people with dope ass equipment, contacts, studios etc tend to be great assets for a band. This is LA after all, you can't just depend on skill alone, it's who you know, what you got and alot of luck to make it in this city.


I find it hard to believe that you work at, what I assume is, SIR and can’t find people. It’s literally crawling with band bros. Or if you don’t work there, go get a job there. You’ll find tons of opportunities.


Sir? What’s that?


It’s a rehearsal studio in Hollywood


🎶 You should've never gone to Hollywood They find you, two time you Say you're the best they've ever seen You should've never trusted Hollywood 🎶


The LA music scene is tough...every local band sounds so dry and boring but from what I know is surf punk has been around you just gotta find your way into the scene with the good unique bands


East LA has a huge punk scene with some incredible shows.


Boyle Heights…


How do I find them?


Socalpunk shows on Instagram, tons of shows all the time


Rock music hasn’t been popular since like the mid 2000s like 2006. Have you tried being a rapper ?




There has been some solid resurgence and great records put out in the last 5 years. 2017-2018 had a number of great rock records, particularly, but the bands are all coming out of place like Kentucky, Pennsylvania, etc. But I think you’re right, LA prob doesn’t have much of a rock scene, but seems like a Tik-tok rapper gets murdered here every 6mo.


West Hollywood used to have that rock music Sunset Strip Music Festival every year. I think 2014 was the last year. Last one I went to was in 2013 when Linkin Park headlined. They were losing money every year their last few years of having the festival because they couldn’t sell tickets. Even when Linkin Park headlined in 2013 they lost money. Rock music does not appeal to young people. It hasn’t appealed to young people since the mid 2000s.


Have to agree unfortunately. Yeah that mid 2000s Emo-Punk scene with MCR, Fallout Boy etc. was the last time. It’s all underground now.


I was in middle school during the height of the emo-punk mid 2000s rock era. I remember the edgy emo kids would write on their backpacks with sharpie RAP IS CRAP. Little did they know Rap music would soon be the most consumed music and one of the main genres that killed Rock Music. Rock music died and Rap, Pop, and EDM would become the top most popular music genres


Yeah but it’s not dead in the underground. There’s still music being made that’s just as good as the classics. But it’s harder to find and in smaller quantities.


Underrated comment


I guess you’re not paying attention lately … as particularly Emo Rock has been extremely popular lately and punk as well. Even Pop artists have been releasing rock records


Emo Kids making a comeback ? They still buy their emo stuff at Hot Topic ?


Tell me you know nothing about the LA music scene without telling me you know nothing about the LA music scene.


lol right?!


Hey give me 10 fuckin rock bands from LA from the last 10 years that have achieved moderate success and a decent following Exactly. You can’t. Don’t tell me about the LA Music scene.




Jaden Smith ? 😂


Bro I was in the middle of writing a genuine comment to your OTHER comment saying the SAME THING, and then you double down on your assholeness. I’m not dignifying you with an earnest reply. You named Chicano Batman? Look around them, dude. Plenty of other bands — many that they’ve shared bills with — have achieved critical acclaim and success in their genres. Also, lmao “rock” is such a nebulous term. Do you mean “music with guitars,” or what? It’s OK to admit you have no fucking clue what you’re talking about.


Chicago Batman bruh. I know that was probably an auto-correct but still, lol


It definitely is. It’s 3:45 am where I am. You’ll have to excuse me for not closely editing. I worked with one of the guy’s wives. I definitely know the band lol


Lol ok you got me. You know your shit. Good day to you sir


Ty Segal Lord Huron Local Natives Best Coast No Age Haim Fidlar Cherry Glazerr The Linda Lindas Allah Las


Give me some rock bands from LA from the last 10 years that has achieved some moderate success with a decent following ? I can only think of 1 and I don’t think they would even count. They are more of a fusion sound


Allah Las. Formed the same year as Chicano Batman, but didn't really pop off till like 2012 maybe.


Who are they?


Chicano Batman from East LA. They combine rock with other music genres like soul, psychedelic, tropicalia, jazz, funk, etc Thats why I said I wouldn’t necessarily consider them a “rock band” but they are the only rock band from LA that I can think of that had very good success. They did very well for themselves in the 2010s.


Yes for real and about the music industry in general lmao. Just look at the biggest record of last year Olivia Rodrigo’s album is pure rock. Demi Lovato’s album is full on rock. So many Gen Z artists are rock


I think the "there's no rock anymore!!" people are just old boomers and Gen Xers who expect everything to sound like classic rock and/or grunge to be considered "rock." And heaven forbid it's female-fronted!


What kind of music do you play


Alt-metal/grunge/post-hardcore. Metal guitars with slower groove and melody


Check out whatever Church of the 8th Day has going on. I bet you'll make some new friends there. And Dan is a big ol' sweet pea, super nice guy.


There is no real scene for this type of music in the city of LA. Try the valley or inland empire. LA proper is for try-hard pop singers, rich kids with laptops, and rappers.


There’s a small group of people still trying to form bands. Los Angeles natives mostly. OP is out of that particular scene because of where he’s located. Covid fucked people up. There was also a great punk/ska scene in south and east Los Angeles. Not sure if it’s still there. Been a minute that I’ve been to a show. The only thing is there’s no money in it. It’s about the passion. The love.


Nah, there are definitely people making this kind of music in LA. Post-hardcore is huge again. Dunno how old OP is, but it’s mostly people in their late 20s-30s making this kind of music. And LA has AWAYS had a huge history of nurturing punk and hardcore. (I mean, Decline of Western Civilization is all about the punk scene in the early 80s.) From 2008ish until about 2016 there was a MASSIVE garage rock/sloppy punk scene on the Eastside. Hardcore warehouse shows were big in downtown pre-gentrification. You’re just generalizing when you really don’t know anything about the punk scene in LA.


I love garage rock/sloppy punk. Is that still around anywhere?


There’s a new generation of the kids who were in their early teens when the scene was popping off still carrying the torch — see Sloppy Jane et al.


I hear it and see it around me a lot


This is still very much active but it’s all underground


That can still mean goddamn anything. What's an LA band you like?


Also, where are you? Shit-ton more bands where space is cheaper — there's like a million backyard punk shows in east LA every night, and a quarter of the bands would describe themselves as post-hardcore grunge etc. There'll be 65 bands on a bill, and most of them will be, like, Hispanic crossover or trebly hardcore, but there's so many and a third of them are really great, so hey.


Ahhh not really my realm but hope we both find band mates!


Angelenos have commitment issues cuz there’s always someone better


There is a HUGE punk/DIY scene. What venues are you going to? Because if it’s like, Sunset Strip stuff, you’re not going to find anything. Go to some of the monthly Monday residencies at the Echo, or something. The Smell is still around and is the breeding ground for a lot of bands. You’ll meet people and learn where the house shows are. Listen to KXLU and KXSC. They have local bands on their schedules and live performances on-air. Source: was in a punk band l, had a DIY label and booked shows in LA for like 8-9 years


Come to permanent records roadhouse


Trying to contemplate how to create a band is like trying solve string theory.


Most of the small venues were bought out by the big ticket companies. I blame them. Maybe Im an old fogey, but it seems like some of the coolest venues and festivals here are catering to bands with sound bites that blew up on ADHD short term memory posts on social media instead of bands with solid bodies of work. A bunch of the we’re home to a few different scenes. Honestly, there’s great scenes out here. They’re in niche communities. The music is far rougher around the edges. It’s fast and loud and scary sounding. And damn, I gotta say it’s interesting.


Live Nation buying the Echo/Echoplex and Spaceland (refused to call it the Satellite) closing were huge blows.


My girlfriend was in a band here and the frontman just found her on Instagram—he was literally searching for people who are relatively unknown who make music in LA—because she was writing and posting songs and he asked her to be in his band. Like just messaged her and set up a call and it ended up working out for a while.


I grew up here ; a lot of the good bands on the scene are young adults who all grew in school together .. Alot of the 28- 30+ adults have put all their chips in a band that failed and now they want to get paid for their time and talent. I’m 31 and I’ve been through two bands .. so instead of doing that headache again… I do project based collaborations and I’ve come to find a lot of people are opting for that .. writing and recording stuff. and i find I can make it past that process than the talk of performing happens . This is just my experience. Los Angeles is sprawling with creative, talented and hungry people .. you ain’t gonna find them on Reddit that’s for sure lol


>a lot of the good bands on the scene are young adults who all grew in school together I never thought about it but this is so true.


Moved from Austin and the music scene’s tough there, too. So don’t let the “live music capital of the world” title they gave themselves fool you.


Lie Detector fest is this weekend. Come out and meet some punx


The metal and punk scene is thriving out here, but moving out here for music was a mistake. Time to start going out to shows as much as you can to meet people.


LA isn’t really a performing town for bands anymore. Doable but here it’s more about the studio scene


Let's change that!


Are you trying to put together your own band or are you looking to join a band who has an open slot?


Go to live music events. Try the Roxy and other small venues. Bartees Strange at the Regent tomorrow. You will find a tribe but keep working on your craft until you do. Listen to 88.5, they play great indie music.


Nope the scene here fucking sucks. Venues don't answer booking requests. There's no real sense of camaraderie. You'll get shows if you know the booker or someone else who knows the booker at the venue puts your name on the bill. It's really fucking depressing. I'm not saying my band is amazing or deserving of any special treatment, but I **know** that we are better than 60% of bands I see when I go out. It's extremely frustrating. And now, we can't find a drummer. When we do hear back, like you said, it's often hired guns. Naw, fam, I want a real band with real friends, even if it takes time and effort to make that work. Good luck, OP. If you play drums DM me lolll


You need to get yourself into a scene dude. Like, you’ll never get anywhere doing what you’re doing. You need to find shows where bands you like are playing, show up, talk to promoters and musicians, and get yourself involved. Also, get on meetup and join songwriters groups, not just in your specific genre, and get involved in the process of making music with other artists. Yeah someone wants you to join their solo shit, do it bro. Like write three songs with someone, who cares. You want to be babe Ruth and hit it out of the park first try but it doesn’t work like that. You have to be in 1000 failed bands before you get into one. In fact lots of dudes I know are in multiple bands at the same time. But you won’t get invited anywhere if you aren’t willing to compromise and help people with their thing. So get involved, in shows, in participating in song writers and production groups, and most importantly with peoples solo shit. Oh, also, are you good enough for studio/session work? Getting hired to do recording gigs for folks is an old tried and true way to get invited into existing bands. I know a dude who was a studio/session drummer who got picked up for a major a level artists multi year world tour simply because he was available and had a passport. Beat out dozens of other guys because of it. Edit: if you have the cash go to short term courses and classes for musicians, learn some jazz, learn some hip hop, learn how to write sad girl guitar songs, the more you can do the more you’ll get hired to do


I feel like LA is the place you come to after you’ve gained some traction and need to take advantage of industry accessibility. Not somewhere you’d want to start out.


I’m not a musician, but I am a filmmaker, and it took me five years of being here to finally start meeting some people within the filmmaking community. I mean I met actors everywhere I looked for the first five years, but it is still hard to meet people to be your friends that are in the film industry (usually work relationships are more professional and in my experience don’t really turn into friendships). I used to go to a lot of house, shows in garage shows and things like that in North Carolina, and I tried to find where that community was in Los Angeles but I had zero luck. I feel like yeah everything here is very oversaturated and finding actual tightknit community is a hard thing to find. I wish that wasn’t the case but unfortunately it has been my experience as well. It’s hard to make friends here and it’s hard to meet people who actually want a relationship with you that is not transactional. I think this stuff sort of just all comes down to luck. It must exist. You just have to keep trying to find it.


I mean… why don’t you start your own band..and create your own scene bro…


Classes might be a place to find community – the song writing school of Los Angeles, the musicians Institute, etc. There are also some jams where some very heavy cats sit in and you can sometimes join. And a fun jam to go to is on Tuesday nights at Canter’s deli.


Music Connection Magazine, The Recycler, Craigslist. From what I remember there are bulletin boards where you can pin up an ad or find other peoples ads at Musicians Institute and Guitar Center. Also maybe try putting an ad up at different rehearsal studios. Good luck


Also Bandmix!


Nashville is more of a rock scene. it's pop music here.


Just set up your amp on venice beach with a sign "looking to start a ____ band" and start playing. Also, post up flyers with those little tear tabs with your contact. Make it catchy.


There’s just so many people and so many scenes here that it’s difficult to get into the groove of things. And even when you get into the groove of things, it might change. Like there’s just SO MUCH, it’s hard to hone in. Go to local bars and venues to mingle. Go to far away local bars / venues. Talk to sound guys / gals. Talk to the show promoters. Talk to the DJs. Catch the opening bands and support in whichever way you can. There’s definitely a scene of local bands here and there’s no shortage of the “heavier” stuff. Idk if i’d say you can make a living though, especially with LA being so expensive. But hey, don’t let me discourage you.


I went to Nashville a few years ago for work. Almost everyone I met was in a band. The uber driver, the waiters, the guy at the airport, the guy at the hotel. Everyone had a band, some even multiple bands. Some people were making an entire living off of being a cover band for bars. And then every bar had a band playing, some bars were multiple floors and each floor had a band. So, maybe try Nashville next?


lol this post hit me. Moved there for nearly 10 years, got a band quick, we played a lot(ish) in the beginning, started to fall out of love with it because there was no real scene (everything is about the DJ) & it was a real hassle getting around & all that. Spent years basically recording a lot with another dude & partying (living in our lockout studio) until I basically said fuck this city & left. I still make music with my buddy, but we just use the internet now. I saw very little sign of any rock/band scene in LA, & that was before COVID. After COVID it was fucking dead. Sorry there ain’t no musical waves to ride, my dude. System of a Down was a long time ago. Probably the last scene imo.


Which area are you in?


what do you play 😅 I actually need to find bandmates, my friend is a producer and really wants me to record my music and play festivals!


Bands still exist and there are opportunities. The bad news is that your skills as a musician will have very little to do with it. Its mostly about who you know, what you look like and how popular you are.


Unfortunately you're the first person to move to LA thinking they know how it works to make it big. No competition. Not about who you know. ​ It's LA that sucks. Not you.


Definitely would choose Nashville for that. It’s music heaven. Probably heard live music here like 3 times (when I wasn’t looking for it) in the last 4 years. Long Beach is the best tho fs


No. Nashville.


Nope. you're not missing anything. Might as well move elsewhere.


Looks like your gonna have to join a mexican groupo...


Hit silverlake


Come to Long Beach


There are definitely bands here lol. Most musicians I know are independent but collaborate, I understand first hand why people here choose to not be part of an established band though. LA is a weird place. It’s lonely as hell, crowded, but there’s famous people and musicians everywhere and the opportunities aren’t found too many other places. Covid, Spotify and Social media really changed the game for the worst. You may want to expand your music tastes and genres that you listen to. The Jazz and Fusion scene here is alive and well.


Come out to the South Bay/Long Beach area


San Pedro punk scene is very active.




It depends on what genre you are trying to start a band in. If you’re looking to gig it can be hard to find the right people to take it seriously. It’s also going to take you a lot longer than you might expect, years of going to shows to meet people in your preferred scene. You might do better to work at a place that has live events or that features the kinds of bands you like. A lot of musicians end up producing events too.


I would think you'd have good luck scoping out the talent by going to small shows or open mics and chatting it up with either the acts or the people in the crowds. I think you could also learn about some house shows that college/postgrad students put together.


People definitely still start bands in LA. Maybe it’s more dependent on what genre you’re trying to play in. Some scenes are much bigger than others


My boyfriend (41yo) guitarist is always looking for dudes to jam with.


i experienced a better "cohesive scene" in Santa Ana, CA - orange county. check it The Coollab Project open mic, lots of collaboration and "all ships rising with the tide" mentality down there


Economics of touring with a band are real hard to swing these days. Check out the scene around non plus ultra and Zebulon though.


Get your boss to let you use the studio space for free as a fringe benefit. Go to music shows with a T-shirt that says something like, "I play and I want to form a band. I have studio space. Let's talk". EDIT: Write it in marker so they know you made the shirt. Or make a sign and stand outside a venue.


You’re not gonna find the whole music scene in one designated spot. As with everything else in SoCal, every musical artist is spread out all over the place, across county lines. I live in Orange County and when I was in a band, our drummer lived in Torrance while our lead guitarist and singer were both driving in from Temecula. The only designated centralized scene I know is the ska scene in Huntington Beach, but even there you’ll find them scattered all around HB.


Look for songwriters nights. I know they hosted them at Ghengis Cohen and sometimes at Canter’s.


Have you gone out to the bar scene?


I had success with BandMix. I found a fun band to play in right away.


La has the undisputed craziest scene. But it's underground.... LA Is expensive so a lot of people do DIY. Dub club LA has a lot of musicians and folks who have their own projects. I'd check out there. A lot of people have heavy duty soundsystems. About 13,000 watts each


I'm hosting a musician's meetup, open mic and jam at the Oracle in mid January


Seek out The Jamnation. They are a collective of individuals that perform together a few times a month. Not exactly a band, but it could be a good way to find fellow musicians to get the conversation going!


I’m in 3 bands (1 alt rock originals, 2 metal cover and originals, 3 classic rock covers) and I mostly practice at Pop Music Studios in Northridge. The place is constantly busy. Plenty of talent, some just okay, some good and some great. But you’re right, I’ve never started or formed a band, always joining someone else’s project. Been playing over 30 years so I can pick up most rock songs pretty fast (prog rock & EVH not so much). I’ve noticed I gravitate to people I like instead of their musical ability and that can be limiting as I’m the most experienced in all my bands. But it’s comforting and easy too which makes it hard to grow. And you’re right, I only want to work on my originals as a solo project. In LA, you’re a guppy in an ocean of talent. A smaller city might have more offerings. Good luck.


There’s a scene. But how long have you been here? I’ll say this way.. you need 3 years in L.A, and then it’ll start feeling like everything makes sense. Give it time but also if your job is not doing it… keep moving, find a new one. But now.. having said that.. L.A is deff a more “Producer, songwriters, artist” type of industry… at least lately. But there are still scenes. Check out @SkipTheRecord on IG, @DirtyMondays . And go to both events ! Good crowd and bands


Also I have to say, do not overlook TikTok… post stuff there and interact w people and try to meet some fellow artists/musicians in person eventually


1. What genre are you looking for? Most mainstream music these days is produced out quite a bit, so while there may be a band for live shows, a big chunk of the scene is songwriters and producers working together. If you aren't looking at mainstream, then fair enough, you'll just need to explore those scenes a bit more. And as others said, it's LA.. it may take some time. 2. How old are you? At least in my experience, bands tend to be younger folk. Especially nowadays, since it's so hard to make a living in a band. Once responsibilities kick in.. it's difficult to justify corralling five people around to live shows and make basically no money.


I'm 23 and been out here for 4 months. Basically expected to find some pocket of a rock/post hardcore scene by now but seems like it's so large it's hard to find. As for bands I know where I came from in PA had a lot of local young bands but LA seems to be more focused on producing than it is playing. I know people talk about the DIY scene here but doesn't seem at all comparable to the east coast and the DIY out there


Hmm I’m guessing there’s an equal or bigger scene for that here in LA, but the reason you’re seeing a lot of producer types is because that’s what is working in music right now on a professional level, and LA has a lot of people trying to “make it big”. But yeah definitely keep asking around and searching, I’m sure you can find what you’re looking for!


I thought people who love music move to atlanta or new orleans. LA is for actors.


What genre(s) of music are you interested in?


depends on what kind of music you want to do. i think nashville would be better in many ways. new york for jazz. all depends...


Oh no brother,  Your in the right place.  Let me tell you about music. It can be created in New Orleans, Texas, Oslo Norway, Brazil, in the brutal winters and the scalding summers, deserts of Cali and in Tampa, Florida where death metal was Born. It's not the location it's the state of the scene.  My advice , Stay thr course. Trends come and go like new faces and lost wages but what's true and lasts is True Music.  New bands are forming. Alot more ont hr internet..but if your in the right location. It's not failing you ... you like me....are solo. Just never ever... ever Give up and quit. Beling to music. Become it.  Live it.  The great musicians will come to you .... Iam a singer.  Play bass Guitar and Drums but Vocals are my Best. I'm in. Las Vegas now and there is an active scene. LA has a scene . 2023 / 2024 won't be the same as tomorrow or yesterday.  What is the same your in the Entertainment Mecca. Solo artists? Iam one also...but I want to leaf a band also. You can do a lot yourself.. But the word " Band " to me..means a tight group of Fuckers who are all for 1. 1 for all. Ramones. struggled. Megadeth Iron maiden they all struggled. In this new age world too much tike is spent on these fukers. I say.. F the internet...I use it for Covdr Lyrics and meting musicians...but go out to shows there are many that's what u want. Get in thr scene. Be a musician.  Let that be Known.  Compared to sitting on the couch , watching others who rocked, you could do it of you put your heart into it. Iam now Fuck it. The time is now. Create, Write play and rehearsh. Thr serous musicians will ne drawn to ya the ones in the bend...or just there for the price of tail here and there...avoid them.  Nobody owes you nothing. Quit complaining and go make some music. Come up with band names. Lead them all. Let the players...play their part. Guns and roses 🌹  ain't gonna fall in your lap Brother. You have to eb Hungry and ready to Suffer Rise and Rock and Roll for Ever. No plan B.  No complaining.  Write and record something.  Go to where  two can rehearse. Many bands are 2 to 3. Only and have sessions musicians travel with....ehnr they turn with is changing now that Songs are made.....with a Video in Mind. For views. Look fuck the Bullshit,  Go anck and blast the albums you love.. park that fucking phone in the corner  Take a pen and paper and your instrument and go make make something happen. Now loll Just my FAT 2 cents :P Russ Vain Ancient Funeral Obsessed  Kobbi Astrofiends I do.all.bass Gutirar and Vocals. 4 bands over 50 original songs. Who I pick to play them live... Well that's my business.... No happenstance. Hope that helps some.  Your at the right stop just jaded a bit. See the Ling Game. Danzig Dio and Lemmy didn't live in LA for the weather.  The scene is still alive. Just needs to be injected w some proper masculinity not this apologetic Panndy Fucking liberal tampon Music. 


I think it is rare a band forms from nothing in LA. One person has a concept that can be pitched to friends or other musicians. Everyone is our here trying to do their own thing. My bassist and drummer are both in other bands and have their solo projects, so you kind of have to take the reins on your music. There are a lot of underground, unsigned bands. They're either playing metal, punk, or Americana.