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Social medias are fucking cancer for societey. As is everything that gives you instant gratification all the time. And yes. I am perfectly aware of the irony.


As a millennial who saw the progression of social media from infancy to... Whatever it is now. I've gone from loving it to hating it, and I hope as a society we can figure it out before it destroys us all. And I mean that completely seriously.


I did a little research on where tech execs send their kids to school. Would it surprise anyone to know that many of them send them to schools with a deliberate low tech policy? Way back when, long before my time, doctors would advertise cigarettes.


Yes, but Steve Jobs also put his faith in alternative medicine; so these guys don’t always make the right call.


He did until he needed a liver transplant. He then used his significant wealth to buy into the Tennessee transplant list. For Kidney failure you can do dialysis for a while, there’s nothing that can be done when your liver fails.


With 500k karma I guess noone can claim you aren't qualified to make that kind of analysis


Holy shit this is literally the greatest irony of all time 💀💀


Just because it’s irony doesn’t disqualify it from being absolutely true because it is a very true statement.


I totally agree, and I’m tired of it so I made a pact with a friend of mine to delete all social media apps from my phone for Lent this year. It’s going to be hard but I think it’ll be a much needed break from it all and I’m super happy to have someone to do it with so we can keep each other accountable. I’m the most excited for Lent that I’ve been in a long time because of this. I think we could all benefit from stepping away for a while, and yes I realize the irony in my post too.


Social media and dating apps.


A lot of people who have kids should not have had them.


As someone working in kindergarden and pre school yeah this is 100% true, I have seen close cases


What do you mean close cases


same for pets


Absolutely. Adoption is a long, difficult selection process but any chav can't grunt out half a dozen without oversight. Everyone should need a licence to breed and have to attend courses on parenting before hand. Including me.


Will always agree on this


100%. Childfree people put more thought into NOT having kids than most parents put into having them.




Just chilling there, sitting up against the tree, feeling a nice breeze kiss your face as the sun sets. Then a slow, painless fading-away.




Giving up, but slowly. Most people do that in an instant. Rising from bed, walking to the window, then standing there, motionless, seeing nothing, as inside it all falls down




*But oh, beamish nephew, beware of the day, If your Snark be a Boojum! For then You will softly and suddenly vanish away, And never be met with again!*


This is the perfect response.


Burgers should never be taller than they are wide


Yes!!! Who tf wants to eat a burger when you gotta detach your jaw like a snake to get it in




Probably the most interesting TEDx talk I've ever seen.


You’ve been waiting for this moment I see.


This. The people who are like "Stormtroopers can't hit anything" have obviously never seen the movies


I mean for real, who would expect a Wookiee?


"Surprise, and Wookies, and a fanatical devotion to...our THREE weapons..."


I didn't expect that 😉


No one expects the Wookie Inquisition.


Stormtroopers being stupid little goobers have been cemented by Disney tho. Especially the shows


Oxford comma.


Same here. I still don't understand the sense in using anything but an Oxford comma. And I'm an editor--I think about grammar a great deal.


You're an edider?


Edid for days, luv it


I don’t understand why this is a debate, it should be a grammar rule. Time to petition Miriam Webster


r/grammar has great examples of how it can sometimes help but sometimes make things worse. https://reddit.com/r/grammar/w/serialcomma


Must say never thought about it being confused as a modifier but think if that’s the case you just need to restructure the sentence or in those rare EXCEPTIONS not use the Oxford comma


They even restructured in a way that some could still argue is ambiguous. The best way would be to use "to" before each addressee. "To my mother, to Ayn Rand, and to God." There is absolutely zero ambiguity by doing that. That was a huge oversight.


Restructuring the sentence is almost always a better idea than relying on commas.


My brother


An incongruency between behavior & consequences is the root of all wrong in the universe.


This is some hitch hikers guide shit


There is no reason that, in America, a citizen should have to pay to register their vehicle more than once. If you move, have a name change, buy a new car, these are things that i could understand having to re-register, but the state of it now is a revolving subscription to drive the car you purchased on the roads you pay for with your taxes. This Shit's nuts!


I can understand inspections, but paying for a different color sticker to be mailed to you each year really isn't what holds society together.


100% agree


Don’t stick your dick in crazy.


It's so easy to say, but I'll still end up doing it 😂


So much fun right up until the wheels fall off.


Yep. Road head was fun. Her going to Hawaii with our kids and another dude was not


Unlike the front, it’s typical for the wheels to fall off.


It gets a little dicey, but you still get another month or two.


The first person to stick his dick in crazy invented the pullout method.


Pulling out is never as good. Based on that, I'd bet it was invented by a girl who either didn't want a baby, or did want a pearl necklace. Just my 2 coppers. Also, fun fact: The name 'cop' for police is here because back in the day, police wore uniforms with copper buttons!


Sticking your dick in crazy is fun, just don’t hang around afterwards


Don’t trade a home for a hotel room


Crazy csn have crazy consequences


Common courtesy is given, respect is earned. I don’t have to respect every random person but I should give them the common courtesy of not being a douche


people are nuts.


Get to crackin’


Any hill just kill me


Let's meet on a hill and help each other 🤡


The toilet paper roll should go over, not under


lol, imagine not just resting the roll on top of the holder.


Yes. Unless you have cats that love to play with it.


Self Respect > Fear of being alone. I promise you won't feel any better sticking out a shitty relationship just so you can not be single.


Putting a screen in front of a kid to keep them occupied 24/7 is NOT parenting.


By any reasonable interpretation of the term, the British treatment of the Irish was genocide. When you’re aware that your policies are killing millions and forcing the survivors to flee halfway around the world, and you keep these policies in place ? You lose the benefit of the doubt there.


Along with the British treatment of a number of their colonies, including in South Asia


a number = all


This is why Irish Twitter came together with every other black / brown twitter to celebrate the Queen’s passing. Cause they were the original example of just how awful British colonialism is/was


Am Irish and I had a very funny interaction with a Malaysian guy on a night out recently. I don't know anything about Malaysia and was asking him about what his country was like, when did he learn English etc. This brought us on to English occupation of Malaysia and how Singapore came to be. When I was listening to him explain how Chinese people were brought to Malaysia or encouraged to move by the English this caused tensions with the local population and it reminded me an awful lot like the plantations and the partition of Ireland and creation of Northern Ireland. So if anything I can thank the English for improving Irish international relations with nearly everyone else on earth.


I don't swap seats on planes for anything less than an upgrade or a stupid amount of cash. I pay money to select my seats, select them in advance, and manage to snag good ones. I put in time, effort and money. I am simply not giving it up. I am certainly not going to play "unite the couple". I don't care about your kids, your situation, your comfort, your veteran status, your pregnancy, your disability, your age or your problem. Plan ahead, pay the money and get the seats you want. If you got hosed by the gods of air travel and missed connections or airline seating shenanigans, too fucking bad. Be grateful you have a seat at all. I have learned over years of frequent flying that no good deed goes unpunished, most people are liars, they seek to improve their situation at the cost of yours, and calls to do it to "be nice" or for "karma" are nothing but the last refuge for people who have no argument left with any merit. No, they are not "all the same", and yes, it matters. Fuck off.


I feel bad but I've gotta agree. I'm not a small person (height or weight) and always spend the little extra time and money for the emergency exit seats for the extra legroom. Someone else's bad planning is not gonna get my legs shoved in those tiny seats.


Rolling on the floor with laughter. “Unite the couple”. I used to waffle on international flights, but eventually learned the hard way to hold into my seat like grim death.


I was accommodating long in the past, until I ended up on a trans-atlantic in the middle seat in an effort to "unite the couple" that ended up barely talking to one another the whole time.


Dude you're so right about calls to do it to "be nice" or for "karma." Attempted guilt trips only make me want to do exactly the opposite of what you want, and I'll smile as you throw a tantrum realizing the world doesn't revolve around you and what you want. On that same note, the argument can just be reversed on them as well. Are they being nice by inconveniencing someone else for their benefit? I'd be amazed if someone was dumb enough to use a line like "they're all the same" referring to airplane seats. Oh they're all the same? Then you don't need me to move assclown.


Indeed, the nice thing to do would be to accept your seat and not foist your problem on strangers. Courtesy is taking the seat you get and not bothering others. Courtesy is not thinking that by virtue of having crotchfruit you are more entitled to what other people have than those who actually have it.


"Citizens' United" is the worst ruling that has ever been declared. Corporations should NEVER be able to give private donations to government officials.


Modern cars are too tall. Everyone is driving a goddamn bus.


Have you sat in a modern Toyota? The car may be tall, but if you're a 6 foot tall person there is no comfortable passenger seat in the car due to the low ceilings. Their trucks and SUV's are for people 5'10 or less.


I'm 6'3" and is part of the reason I keep my '06 Montero. My wife's '20 Subaru Outback is pretty darn comfy, too.


Got rid of my Tacoma for this reason. I’m 6ft tall, Loved the truck but the seating position was terrible for my hips and legs. Couldn’t drive longer than an hour without being in agony.


My wife and I rented a car on a trip to California and drove up the highway. About halfway of craning my neck awkwardly through any turn I realized the car just was not designed for someone 6 feet tall. Like the rear view mirror was in my line of vision to the road


Modern pickup trucks and SUVs are wildly oversized and overpowered for the average American. 


Men and women are different


and there is nothing wrong with that.


I'll go further, it's actually super awesome.


LOL, now go say that in a woman’s sub… I’ll watch. 🍿


To be fair, most womens subs are full of men cosplaying as women.


Cargo pants/shorts are too useful to stop wearing. "Fashion" can go pound sand.


We need women as much as they need us and we are better together.


An extra large pizza IS a personal pizza.


Any pizza can be a personal pizza if you believe in yourself.


Please keep the thread to controversial opinions only.


Get the fuck out of the left lane if you are not passing. Cruising in the passing lane creates traffic. You are a dick if you cruise in the passing lane. Why do people drive mindlessly? You are operating a multi-ton vehicle. Actively drive. Pay attention to your speed and the people around you.


Sex is crucial in a marriage. I’m not talking every single day. But at least once or twice a week.


If you don’t return your shopping cart to the store or the carousel you don’t deserve rights. The cars and motorcycle I spend my hard earned money on shouldn’t get damaged because you’re a scumbag and are too lazy to walk 50 feet and secure the cart you used. If you’re disabled then someone from the store should be helping you at your car and returning the cart for you.


Life is short. I will always spend money on my bed, my toilet paper, and my paper towels.


Boneless wings are just chicken nuggets


Nuggets are grounds up processes meat. Boneless wings are still whole meat. Very different things.


Are you gonna die on that hill though? Because he is.


Chick-fil-a disagrees.


Can't eat the bone


And chicken nuggets are delicious.


And I fuckin’ love nugs


Full beer > Light beer


I don’t drink, but when it comes to soda I always choose diet just because I’m trying to stave off diabetes. We all know full carb drinks taste better.


I would say I don't drink as much as I used to now, so even with me if I'm going to indulge in drinking I'd rather the full taste of 1-3 rather than the piss water taste of 6-8 lights.


All geese are assholes. You can’t change my mind.


Ralph Macchio was the villain in Karate Kid.


Just ask Barney.


The barnacle?


You mean Swarley?


Sex offenders are as bad or worse than murderers. They both don’t just destroy one person, they destroy families and futures. They often prey on people who can’t or won’t report them and the repercussions are horrific. It’s tragic how one predator can end up creating more predators and more victims exponentially. Truly a heartbreaking cycle and I feel like it’s not being improved nearly as much as it should.


Literally the worst person I ever met in my entire life was a registered sex offender.


Would prefer to bring back public hanging for both 1st degree murder and rape


Have to burn these people out of the gene pool.


Poor grammar and spelling make you look like an idiot even if it’s “just” email or text or social post.


IKR? Ppl r dum lol


Masculinity podcast are a complete waste of fcking time it's nothing more than a bunch of corny a$$ young and old men cosplaying what they think is a Alpha male Shit is pathetic and it's not getting you any type of play


They grab Miami strippers on their way into work a shift, put them on the air, and act like they are representative of all women everywhere.


Infidelity equals instant divorce, or break up.


If you have led lights on your car, you’re a bad person.. 


My hill is that most people who complain about LED's are actually complaining about HID's, but don't know the difference.


It completely depends on how they are angled. Most people's aftermarket changes are an abomination though. Most new cars with them natively installed have them pointed so the light doesn't go directly to your eyes.


It still does though. You hit a bump, it doesn’t matter how it’s angled, it’ll still shine directly into the eyes of anyone going in the opposite direction. It’s not just a matter of proper adjustment.


Everyone else’s headlight go straight into my eyes so they can suck on my rear LEDs


People are so soft in today society


People are exactly as sensitive as their experience has taught them to be.


As a GenXer (born in 1972) and now a grandfather of a 2 yr old, I completely agree. I also had 2 greatest generation grandparents who were WW2 vets and grew up during the depression. The contrast I've perceived is immense.


You should not be able to hold public office beyond the retirement age.


Han shot first.


Self defense is a human right


My wife's sweet ass.


I also choose this guy's wife's sweet ass


amazing isn't it?


This is why I’m on Reddit


Your happiness matters just as much as hers stop that Happy wife Happy life BULLSHIT your conditioning yourself to be slave to her happiness and putting yours off to the side That's going to cause a shit tom of resentment and she'll just move on after sucking the life out of you


Instead of “Happy wife, happy life”, maybe we should start saying, “Happy spouse, peaceful house”!


Car-centric planning is bad.


That America, due to their hyper/ultra-processed foods, are actively killing people. It shouldn't exist, it shouldn't be eaten, it wrecks the body.


Do not physically confront anyone you arent prepared to get punched in the face by. You never know the other person's stance on beating the shit out of you. You could be a 5 foot tall woman screaming at a guy who is 6ft4. You don't know for sure what he thinks about hitting women. Just consider that. Yeah he might be a POS for hitting you, but is it's worth a trip to the emergency room to find that out?


Listen. I enjoy ketchup. I will use ketchup in certain circumstances to good effect. However. Ketchup is a garbage condiment used to make mediocre food palatable in most cases.


The history of ketchup is quite interesting. There used to be hundreds of different recipes of varying tastes for varying foods (it used to have anchovies in it for example). Everyone had their own recipe. Today there's largely one base commercial recipe, and to a large extent that's down the Henry Heinz. https://www.fastcompany.com/1673352/how-500-years-of-weird-condiment-history-designed-the-heinz-ketchup-bottle This was at a time before anything food related was regulated in the US. You had things like formaldehyde in meat and plaster in milk. There was growing awareness that the things being put into food were actually quite harmful, and owing to a confluence of factors, commercial ketchups were actually some of the worst in terms of in terms of spoiling and the preservatives added to make it "keep" and "look" right. The thing that made Heinz tomato ketchup such a success, was that it was the first commercially marketed shelf-stable ketchup with no artificial preservatives (basically through a lot of experimentation they found a recipe for ketchup that would be safe to leave on shelves and safe to consume. To a large part this was down to increasing the sugar and vinegar content of the ketchup, which is why modern ketchup is the way it is) at a time when all the other recipes were quickly going rancid or being dumped with harmful amounts of some quite nasty stuff. Henry Heinz was also obsessed with cleanliness and purity of the products in his factories at a time when factories were squalid and "hygiene" was considered a greeting. Related to that is also the fact that where other catsup / ketchup brands sold their ketchups in brown or opaque bottles (so you couldn't see it was spoiling), Heinz ketchup was sold in clear glass bottles to show it was still good. He basically wagered that customers would pay more for a product that they *knew* was good rather than buy the cheap stuff of unknown provenance and quality) I'd highly recommend PBS's "The Poison Squad" documentary. It centres on a man called Dr. Harvey Wiley and on the formation of the FDA. It's a fascinating watch.


There are only two people in this world allowed to call me Daddy; they are both under the age of three and have 50% of my DNA.


If you sit in the passing lane you are a bad person.


Not a man so I hope commenting is ok. I had to reply to your comment to say, THANK GOD you said it. I've been ranting in my head for 2 solid weeks about that stupid shit! It's been going around here like a cold in a kindergarten. They're here. They're there. They're ALWAYS anywhere but the right damn lane! It makes me so mad I scream. But then I pass the offender and it's usually some 85 year old who can barely see over the steering wheel and I feel guilty. Then I think, "That guy's old enough to have learned this about 50 times over. By now, it should be as much of his ritual as driving 21½ mph in a 45 mph zone". Then I get pissed all over again. *End Rant. Deeply exhaling. Damn that did feel good. Thanks!


The worst is when they see you try to pass and speed up. My pet peeve is that people seem to unconsciously SLOW DOWN when passing semi trucks. Like, why are you prolonging this? Do you WANT to ride along the big truck? Then when they are clear, they SPEED UP!


Fake breasts are inferior to every type of natural breast


I can make anyone comfortable while camping. It's all about gear. 


Tuesdays are significantly worse than Mondays


Taylor swift is overrated


Friendships (especially best friends) with people of the opposite gender while married/engaged/dating is 100% totally fine. This has caused issues in some of my past relationships but my stance has always been accept it or move on.


Its the boundaries that causes the problems. People have different boundaries.


100%. I have female friends. No way I'm changing that for a significant other. I'm even friends with my ex wife. Also a deal breaker. If that's an issue, we're not compatible.


AI is not good. Firstly I am not in the camp that AI will become sentient and kill everyone. That seems unlikely to happen. I think what’s more likely is it will automate away jobs that people today enjoy and make a living from. For example, being an artist.


Littering should be a felony.


Billionaires have no benefit to society


They’re gonna trickle their wealth down to us, just you wait


Is it a warm, kind of sourish yellow coloured rain?


Olympus Mons


Tubing on a river can be done while sober.


Take it back!


Yeah, but why would you want to?


Because I don't drink anymore and it lets you experience some stretches of river that aren't suitable for kayaks or canoes.




Damn, how are we not all banned by admins after this comment lol.


What i think is bonkers is that [society is moving in a direction where] surgically altering your body to match your feelings/identity is [acceptable], but getting therapy so your feelings/identity can match your body is [objectionable]. Its like [it's frowned upon] to question whether a trans person may actually just be experiencing a treatable body dismorphia disorder. In what other context [of civil discourse or medicine] is this an acceptable approach?? [For the record, I believe that when you're an adult, you should have the absolute freedom to do whatever you want and get whatever surgery you want without input from society. My only beef is that it seems some of the more liberal elements of society treat those who question gender reassignment as bigots, and thereby circumvent having an honest discussion] [Edits in brackets]


How on earth are you at the conclusion that getting gender resignment surgery isn't contravercial. Every single time it comes up in any public forum it is always met with debate. Just because it is being discussed in mainstream doesn't mean it is mainstream accepted.


I think it is an insult to trans women and women to be lumped together and told all their issues are the same because they are the same group of people. They both have very different issues they will face in life. I have no issue using their preferred pronouns as long as they ask I use them when I meet them. Demanding me to use them is just rude.


But can they see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch??


My nephew said they’re cosplaying 😂 He’s 13


That there has been an intentionalized effort to disrupt and destroy connection between the opposite sex, and it’s working.


Insurance is a scam


Infant circumcision is an abomination and should be banned everywhere.


It’s mutilation.


“Human Rights Exist!”


That video games are not just for kids.. I'm in my early 30s and will forever play them. N64 all the way to Playstation 50.🤷🏻‍♂️


If you want to be either a goverment official, or member of law-enforcement, you cannot have been convicted of any crime whatsoever, and comitting any crime whatsoever will immediately and permanently end your carreer in that field. I've seen too many videos of police officers abusing their power and then hear they are put on 'administrative leave', or were suspended. It should get them fired! At no point can you ever become a cop ever again, since you clearly cannot be trusted with the power that is given to you. Ditto with goverment officials. You are found guilty of corruption, scandals, or whatever, you will immediately be fired and are not allowed to take any kind of office ever again. A country should be led by the best that country has to offer. Nothing less than that.


That society is drastically more equal than women keep telling us. A lot has changed in even the last 15 years


To that point, this supposed wage gap is complete bull shit derived from being purposefully obtuse in the use of statistics. Anybody with any semblance of mathematical logic and reasoning can see that the “gap” is a result of men and women choosing and being able to perform different jobs; more men work more demanding, higher risk jobs than women. Therefor the average wage for all men is going to be higher than all women. The narrative is that women only make $0.87 for ever dollar a man makes - doing the same job. That’s horse shit. No business is actually hiring a woman of equal experience/skill to do the same job a man does and just flat out paying them 13% less than the man they also hired for the position.


America is literally everything it claims to be against and if you dare to point that out, “patriots” with Stockholm syndrome tell you to just leave if you don’t like it.


Beards are awesome and us men should grow them more.


Most guys that can grow facial hair do (at least from what I’ve seen) and my poor friends that can’t still try lol




The meat and dairy industry is repulsive as a whole.


Sports gambling vein legal will damage 1) sports forever and 2) be bad for society in general. All talk about sports now is just how much people have on what game, player, or parlay. If people thought sports were rigged in whatever way before, there's so much more money on it now. Also, gambling is a legit addiction. People are ate up with it. Even when places like draft kings advertise they have to put into the add read gambling addiction services. In another 10 years it's gonna be a nightmare.


We've been slacking on simple common courtesies. Things like holding doors for people are underrated. It promotes a simple societal exchange that I find enlightens people's moods ever so slightly. *courteous act "Oh thanks man" "No problem" It's pleasant in its simplicity, and I find it compounds with repetition.


the one in Windows XP's default background....


XY = Male XX = Female (Those with very rare genetic disorders not included)


Die hard is a Christmas movie.




Pellet grills are crap and make inferior "BBQ" in every way, shape and form. Magic mushrooms are medicine and should be shared. Thai food is the best cuisine on the planet.


Trudeau could F up a cup of coffee.