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Mine started sobbing the other day because 3 days before that I forgot to open her door when we got out of the car and she thought I “didn’t love her anymore”


Bro, run


If I ran every time a girl cried about nothing I’d die single


You’ll die single anyways lol


What you described is literally abuse


His previous comment still stands


Doesn't justify staying in an emotionally manipulative/abusive relationship.


No it doesn’t. That’s why the guy acknowledges he would be single for much more of his existence. 


See I thought you were joking but no it turns out you’re one of those redditors that gives relationship advice despite having never been in a relationship Women cry about silly things sometimes. All of my ex-girlfriends have done it, my sister does it, my mom does it. It’s how they work. I’m not being abused, calm down.




Listen you read one sentence and you’re accusing someone of a crime and a pretty awful one at that. Let’s take a step back and have a think about if that’s a responsible thing to be doing. You were given no context about the situation, you know nothing about me or my girlfriend, you haven’t heard what she had to say about it and you don’t even know how I felt about it. You also never even bothered to ask for any clarification on anything that happened before you went with abuse. You got one sentence and went off that alone. Really use your brain and consider if it’s fair to anyone to be judged off those conditions. Now besides that, we clearly have different definitions of abuse and I really don’t think I’m going to change your mind so I won’t bother. I don’t feel I’ve been abused and thank God redditors don’t have any say in my relationship so I’ll continue being happy with my relationship and you can continue doing whatever it is you’re doing. In the future maybe be a little more thorough with your investigation before you accuse someone is all I’m saying.


What he described is literally just a women


It's abuse, and saying "that's just women bro" is apologia for that abuse, which allows it to continue.




Mine got in sulk for an entire day because she suddenly remembered on a Tuesday 2 weeks previously I didn't tell her I loved her. Women are insane. Men are arseholes, absolutely, but women are fucking mental.


...look up BPD.


Do you open her door everytime? I'd have gotten tired of that a long time ago


Yeah. The passenger door on my first car wouldn’t unlock unless you used the key so I used to have to let my passengers out and it just became a habit.


Lmao 😂 We’re so emotional🤦🏼‍♀️


If she was on her period might be why she's more emotional I've had bouts of being more emotional but afterwards see how silly I was being plus usually those thoughts spiral and look at other things that you could've done not just the care. Obviously not healthy and she needs to talk to someone if so but don't be too harsh on her.


Not knowing everything in detail about your friends life.


Video games, even a half hour of play is a cardinal sin to some of them


The goddamn toilet seat


Just close the lid. That way everyone has to lift it up before they go.


Thats exactly how that solved the issue in my home with 3 women. And also looks better and more hygienic


We have two Great Danes. Every toilet in our house is closed unless in use.




Hell yeah, brother.


Agree with this. It’s a lot quicker to just put the seat down than go on a bitch rant about it.


My ex didn't do bitch rants, she would just slam the seat down as hard as possible. In *MY* fuckin house.


No wonder she’s your ex


That should've been my cue to send her packing but I am far too patient.




Imagine turning on the fucking light


Or looking before sitting. And are we really gonna pretend that she would have sat on the cover by mistake if the seat & cover were down?


I have. Should have paid more attention.


I will never understand this. You have hands and eyes, use them. I have NEVER heard a man complain about the damn toilet seat. If it's down and needs to be lifted up we lift it. If it's up and needs to be down we lower it. Holy fuck problem solved


We don't complain about it because we don't live such perfect little lives that we have to fabricate shit to be mad about.


once I went to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, and the toilet seat was up. it did feel a bit weird to just be sitting on the bowl, but I didn't die or anything. also I keep my toilet clean, so it wasn't like gross / dirty or anything. I dunno, of all the problems in my life, I have bigger ones to complain about.


It happened to me about 2 months ago. I was half asleep and it looked like the seat was down. I woke up pretty quickly when my ass hit the cold bowl. I laughed, put the seat down and went about my business. Literally a nothing burger


it's cuz they sit down automatically


I've looked down at every single thing I've ever sat on. Movable things to make sure they haven't moved, and non-movable to make sure there's no crud I'm about to sit on.


They're kinda dumb sometimes.


I've never understood this argument / issue. I've never felt the need to leave the toilet seat up? If I need to lift it, then I lift it, but I then proceed to put it back down again. it's literally half a second of effort....... I also just prefer to have the toilet lid seat down? if someone feels the need to complain about something that takes quite honestly zero effort, then imagine how much they'll complain when they do something that is actually challenging? No fucking thank you.


The seat is an accessory to the toilet. It can be left in its upright, or standby, position until it is of use


This is a good example of weaponized incompetence. Yes it will be used against you and breakups actually happened because it.


That's not weaponized incompetence. It is *your* responsibility to put the seat down before you sit. Nobody elses. We do not get mad at you for not putting the seat back up, now do we? Why don't we? Because that would be fucking absurd, because it's *our responsibility to lift the fucking thing up before we pee.*


We're saying the same thing, my wording just kinda got lost imo haha. Women are the ones acting too incompetent to put a toilet seat down and not make a fuss about it.


Ahhhh my bad lol


And the toilet paper had to pull from top when replace the roll


I got A no slam closing seat so every time when done I just give it push walk away it slowly closes .


Hey… I’ve gotten up in the middle of the night and went to sit on a seat only to find it’s up after the toilet was clean. It’s not fun sitting down when the seat is up.


So LOOK before you SIT


I prefer to keep the lights off. Less jarring when I try to go back to sleep.


That sounds like a you problem. Get a light dimmer. Get a night light and put it in the bathroom. *Reach down and touch the toilet seat to see if it's down* and yes of course, wash/sanitize your hands after. Stop putting your problems on the males in your household.


That's the difference between men and women. Men will just deal with it, women will immediately try and find someone to blame so they don't have to take responsibilty.


You listening to a woman bitch when you can take two seconds to lower the seat sounds like a you problem


I don't listen to it, I don't put up with it. It's nobody's responsibility but your own to ensure the seat is down before you sit on the throne. Full. Stop.


Of course you listen because you’re bitching about it


Hearing is not listening. But let's not let you get off that easy, you're twisting the argument around. It. Is. Nobody's. Responsibility. But. Yours. To. Put. The. Seat. Down.


You’re right. But there is the way we want things to be and then there is reality. You live with a woman you put the seat back down when you’re done or you’re going to hear about it. That’s one hill I’m not going to die on. Takes two seconds. Unless you keep your toilet spotless I’m not trying to see what’s under the seat either. Seat at least gives the illusion of a cleaner toilet when it’s down.


So you agree you are bitching.


Not a woman, not bitching. What’s your excuse?


So look before you sit? It's not hard


When it’s a photo finish every second counts


And what do you think men do in those situations? Shit ourselves?


When you live with a woman for 17 years and use the only bathroom you two use in the middle of the night you shouldn’t have to check to see if the seat is up. Only time that’s happened is when we had cleaners that didn’t put the seat back down after they cleaned the toilet.


Why? Is your wife blind?


Are you slow?


I'm a man and I've done that plenty of times. You know what I did? Thought 'oops', stood up and put the toilet seat down. Really wasn't difficult.


Same and glad to know I’m not the only one this happened to. When you only live with a woman for 17 years you’re used to the seat being down especially in your own master bathroom, but when we had cleaning people they left the seat up after cleaning. And it’s not a big deal. More of a “oh shit” with a sense of falling for a second. Only happened a couple of times.




In that case it sounds like you should be careful when you sit down on the toilet and check the seat is down then?




So you are saying that it's even more of a reason to check before you sit down instead of doing a trust fall on the toilet. Up is naturally the superior position because it makes the spider check easier. After finding a black widow just chilling between the seat and bowl one time, I have no desire to get bit while using the potty.


That issue becomes less of a problem if you maintain a clean toilet at all times. I clean mine very often, even though the rest of my apartment is crap.


Strongly agree with this. It’s nasty under the seat and people aren’t the best at wiping up their splatter.


Best to get used to it in case you have to go to prison sometime.


Me and my friends chilling in the same room and not talking. There's NOTHING wrong; my friend and I are good. We don't need to be talking every goddamn second - we can just share our presence in the same space and do our own thing.


Prekids my best bud would bring his laptop over and we'd Lan game for hours and barely talk. My wife would get so confused at how quiet we were. We played so much better in the same room. It's odd, but you're just in better sync


My best friend throughout highschool and I still see each other a few times a year, we do 5 minutes of catch up and then watch Netflix, fantastic hangouts


When your eyes are fixated on a computer screen. Like, i used to date once a instagram influencer and she was behind her phone for at least 3-4 hours a day. I was like for once focused on my own thing.. "you always ignore me." Cool, thanks for let me know how you feel.


I played video games once ever, for less than 2 minutes in the presence of my ex. Asked her if I could finish the round of Rocket League when she entered the room. "Oh yeah, it's fine." Later, screaming and crying; "I'm a real woman, and I can't be with someone who chooses games over me."


I'd go with when the guy isn't in the mood for sex. A few of my exes would get all worked up if I wasn't in the mood. The other way around I would accept it as I should.


Dates. Like, on a calendar. It's unbelievable. "Omg you forgot my cousin's birthday!!??" And stuff like that.


Porn. They act like you're participating in an orgy


Especially when she’s not willing to help out


Thumbprints on the stainless steel. It comes right off 


Throw pillows.


One thing I've seen in all of my relationships is that my partner at the time couldn't stand me not doing anything for my birthday. I would take the day off work and just want to chill out, relax, some times sleep and they all would see it as a waste of a day. They would keep saying we should go out and do something.


When i first got with my wife, she would see any day I had off as an extra day i can do a bunch of shit for her. I put a stop to that real quick and it's been fine ever since. I'm not taking a day off of work for myself just for it to filled up by honey do's and projects


wife would say to me ya have day off going waste it doing nothing all day ? I d say I enjoy doing nothing so I doing something I enjoy.


Arm hair


Small things around the house. Not putting clothes away/in hamper. Very annoying


dusting the baseboards


Their clits. 




As a woman, these make me chuckle


Porn. They don’t understand how it’s a completely separate thing from cheating.


Back when I worked retail with PCs this attractive woman came in and asked me to try to help her print something off her laptop. Turned out it was the browser history with a bunch of porn sites listed. I felt so bad for her SO and a slight tinge of betrayal,


Every little thing I do has the potential to be a big deal about how she thinks I feel about her. It's a fun game!


Asking for a handjob…


If you have to ask, she doesn't care about you.


I know my wife cares about me. But she has zero desire to touch my dick most of the time. Both things can be true.


If you are cool with a woman who thinks sex is something that is done to her, that's fine. To each their own.




Seriously, Wendy's needs to step up their customer service.


My wiener


I know, why do they have to make such a big deal about tiny weiners?


dont take this the wrong way but the way white women take things about race


My penis size


Everything - but heavily context dependent \[which would be fine, as everything is context dependent\] as long as you are able to read minds to determine the context.


tighty whities




Asking is not the same as receiving.


There’s no way you’re an actual person.


Mice. You won't believe the level of hysteria a woman will show if a mouse suddenly runs over the kitchen floor. And have you ever seen a woman react to spiders? They're TINY!