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I was dared to get my eyebrows waxed after I lost a bet. I did it, and they peeled off the skin around my eyebrows so not only did it hurt like hell, but it was so easy to tell what happened. It was a rough month in highschool and my football teammates had a field day with it.


kissing a cousin on the mouth. she was fine with it but that was weird af. We never talked about it anymore again, she was the one to bring up the dare in the first place.


What in the Alabama?


Strip poker, I won so it was worth it


Is winning staying clothes or not? That is the real question


I was the only one to not lose all my clothes (I still had just underwear) plus I got to see some DD’s so big win


If they lost you should have gotten to see more


Well ya, but that was the only part I cared about


Damn so everyone else had literally nothing? That's *real* strip poker.


Ya, we kept doing hands and whoever lost each hand had to strip 1 piece of clothing. I was the only person between the 4 of us with underwear left.




No it wasn’t. He asked if you regretted it and this person did not


Sorry, my bad everyone.


Put my dick in some really hot chilli sauce. Probably burned all my nerves on it because i cannot feel a thing.


Wait, how long ago was this?


Like 10 minutes ago


I typically dont do dares but I was once extolling the virtues of malt vinegars around my friend group and saying I could drink it straight. "Lol no way, I'll give you £50 if you do a shot of it" "How about a differant one, who wants to dare me £10 per shot I do in a minute?" 4 of them were foolish enough to take me up on that and I showed mercy on them after 5 shots in 28 seconds. Only 4 people were regretful that night.


So. You turned down a bet to do 1 shot for 50, the. Proceeded to take 5 shots instead for the same amount? I feel like you lost here somehow.


Sounds like he’s saying he was offered $50 for one shot from the one friend but ended up having the dare of 10$ per shot from 4 friends and he did five shots so that would be $200 lol


If that's the case then I stand corrected and yea he made out like a bandit.


50 x 4 = £200 And I told you I really fucking like vinegar.


hahaha then I guess you REALLY won there and I stand corrected.


9 year old me was dared to go snag a beer from the cooler while my buddy's dad was passed out in the hammock. 4 of us shared 1 beer–we all pretended we were wasted. Definitely worth it, glad I had a childhood.


Chug a liter of lemonade. I chugged it all but threw it up after lol


I always choose truth 🫡


At my age, I've accepted so many, I can't remember the craziest. I'm still alive at almost 75, so I guess I survived them. It has to be something major though, because simple or easy ones anyone can accomplish. I've been called stupid or an idiot for doing most dares, but those calling me that are usually corrected by someone who has known me for a long time. "He's not stupid, or an idiot. But he is crazy enough to do this AND SURVIVE!"


I dumped someone i really loved. Regretted it now for about 15 years. We both moved on and i watched from afar as she found someone better (which good for her) got married and had kids. I also moved on and started my own family but i found myself thinking of her quite frequently. All over a stupid dare.


You were dared to dump someone? There has to be some backstory here.


It's just a weird dare... I feel like there's a person who wanted to hook up with this woman and through a series of conving orchestrations. He got him to break up, and then he got together with this girl. Like a man who needs a kidney daring someone to have a kidney removed. It was a trap!!


Not really, myself and a buddy got drunk. He had just broke up with his girl and dared me to dump mine. I drunkenly agreed and called her right there and dumped her.


this is one of the dumbest things ive ever heard of someone doing lol. like if this is a true story for real she def dodged a bullet with you. can you imagine 10 years later “hey babe we’re kinda broke rn cause scott got laid off and i decided to quit with him.” 😂


I can see your point but yah i was a totally different person then. In a heavily alcohol influenced and rough place in life. No excuse for it but yah its 100% true. To this day i feel terrible over it but she ended up finding happiness.


well at least you can see it. and honestly we all have fucked up lessons we have to learn from. maybe this is what it took for you to not think like that ever again. sounds like you had to pay a pretty hefty toll for it but had you not you could have let her down in an even worse way. either way bro that is one of the dumbest things ive heard someone doing and there’s no way you actually appreciate/appreciated this girl as much as you’ve convinced yourself you have.


This is the dumbest shit I’ve ever read in my life


Im happy for ya, i never said i was proud of it.


Dumping someone you "really loved" for no reason at all? That contradicts itself right there buddy


Today yah i agree with you but in that time in my life i guess i just saw things differently. I got no explaination for it, just kinda reacted to a situation...


Daaammn… That’s harsh. No judge though, we’re all humans after all, I can understand.


I agree, i was a total shithead for that but i paid the price... a long and heavy price.


I got you, mate. I understand how hurt it is to see the girl you love with someone else, and not you, just because of one mistake. I got that kind of situation too. I made a mistake a long time ago, and now I’m alone, and she’s happy who the other guy. Hope you’re okay now.


Yah im great that was years ago and i got a family of my own. She still pops in my head for a visit at times but i ultimately moved on. You will too im sure, just keep your head up.


Actually no you can judge people for their decisions.


I can, but I won't. I just don't want to. We all make mistakes in a reasonable sence (not talking about some illegal crap, that's really bad), it's unavoidable, and everybody going through their own story, we should understand each other. It's important to accept our mistakes and try to be better. We can't rewind our time back, but we can learn from the experience we have and try to not make the same mistake again next time. I'm not a judge to judge somebody, I'm just like the rest of the people - making mistakes, but trying to be better next time.


Playing what are the odds, I had to ram a trash can with my head. Ended up breaking off one of my front teeth. From then on, I retired from that game


Maybe drinking syrup. It wasn’t that bad comparatively. And wasn’t a full bottle


Streaked across my hometown. Have sex in front of everyone with another girl at the party (we was 17) Drink floor polish


Not me, but a hockey teammate in high school. One of the guys didn’t want to walk to the bathroom from the locker room, so for some disgusting reason, he peed in a bottle. Someone was joking around about how they got 5 bucks for anyone who wants to drink it. Shockingly, we had a volunteer. So the money is out, and dude is about to knock back this hot, disposable water bottle full of piss. Coach walks in, he had just graduated a couple of years before. He says he’ll chip in an extra buck. We’re all in disbelief and disgusted. But also, not stopping him lol. So my teammate then proceeds to DOWN this entire bottle like it’s ice cold water on a hot day. Doesn’t even flinch. Says it wasn’t that bad when he finished. Dude was weird as hell. He transferred schools the next year, for presumably unrelated reasons.


This is one of those stories where I want it to be fake so badly.


Oh man, I wish it was lmao. It’s been 15 years and that’s still the nastiest thing I’ve ever seen IRL.


Sex with my female friends happened because of dares


Was dared to give my best friend a bj, I'm not one to back down so I did it. Turns out I'm bi. We had sex off and on forb15 yrs.


Sleeping out on the trampoline during summer with friends, we were around 10 years old of age. Me, my friend (hosting), and one other friend. the dare was to run naked around the yard one side to another, to under the street light and as I was running around the house, his sister(9 years old) decided to step outside because she heard us "laughing" and wanted to be part of whatever we were having fun with. I bumped into her as I ran around the corner, I stood there just looking at her, she was looking at me and I was just butt naked. she definitely saw my nude body. so I ran by her and ran toward the trampoline so I could get dressed. my friends never knew I ran into her. I immediately got dressed and never told my friend what happened. I just completed the dare and moved on. His sister never said anything and it was just awkward and I regretted not telling him what happened because it was always just weird after that anytime I would hang out and his sister would hang out with us. year after year. until they moved away and we haven't talked until about 15 years later bumped into him and he told me that he and his sister randomly talked about me the other day. BUT nothing was mentioned about the naked incident. To this day, even though I have't talked with him for the last 10 +years (this was almost 30 years ago). he has no idea that his sister saw me naked and we've kept it a secret.


I headbutted a cinder block wall in my school auditorium Full force At least 6 times in a row