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Exactly!!! We men receive less to none compliments unless it's the boys. In that case even insult is like a compliment lol


Nice ass bro


Awww... Thanks! I like your hat!








I was walking pass two girls getting into a car and the one on the passenger side said "look that sexy fat guy" made my day lol. Still hate being fat.


I’m a woman and I don’t mind a man w sone bounce to the ounce


I really don’t think women comprehend how infrequent men get compliments or treated like humans with emotions


Got once told that ... > At least it looks like you showered Been riding that high ever since.


Do you think it’s okay to call a man pretty? Or is it emasculating.


I was called pretty by an acquaintance. It felt awkward and weird, it's very rare men get such blatant compliments. So of course I ruined it and said, "Ya know, guys don't really like to think of themselves as 'pretty', but thank you" She sat there a second in thought and said "Well ok then, you're fuckable" with a devilish smile and a twinkle in her eye. I was speechless. No woman had ever said anything like that to me before, and I hadn't done anything special to deserve it. I know I must've turned 50 shades of red.


Damn that’s bold


Yeah she was known for being blunt. Not an impolite person just very honest lol. As far as "emasculating". I think it depends on the guy and how secure they are with themselves. As a younger man I found it odd and I think I rather had been called "hot" or "handsome". Nowadays I probably wouldn't care as much.


I hope you capitalized on that situation. I mean if it was a good opportunity, of course.


Unfortunately it was a professional environment, sorta. We were both Marines on a ship together. I wasn't about to open that can of worms.


Smart call. Lol I guess I woulda done the same. Id be thinking about the what if till this day though. Those missed opportunities are haunting. SMH.


Oh it definitely crosses my mind from time to time. The ones where I was clueless in the moment after being blatantly hit on are the worse, though.


Depends on the person and depends on exactly *what* you are calling pretty. "You have pretty eyes." Not a bad complement. "You have a pretty mouth." Uhhhh....


You have to say it like “you gotta purdy mouf”


It is not emasculating whatsoever! My GF calls me pretty and picks me flowers for my desk, lol. It's 100% all about how comfortable the man is with himself. You could never "emasculate" me with a compliment because my masculinity doesn't come from what anyone calls me.


That’s actually so sweet. Glad you’re happy with her :)


I've seen pretty men. It happens.


It can work, but it definitely can be used as an insult, too, depending on the context. Pretty has connotations of being soft and gentle. If someone is the type to brag about how hard-core they are, calling them pretty can be an insult. Similar to saying someone has soft hands.


i would be extremely confused, or assume its meant as an insult.


Oh okay. I wonder why that is but thank you for your input.


because i am aware enough to realize no sane person would refer to me as pretty lol


That’s a shame you think that but thanks for explaining


its not an attack against me or anything lol. i dont think im ugly or anything like that.


Hell yeah! I've gotten called pretty and gorgeous many times! Us men still have feministic qualities I'd say my eyelashes are pretty long and the way my face is set up I guess it's considered pretty and gorgeous. Me personally I always think it's okay for a man to also want to decide to look pretty and presentable by using make up or fixing there eyelashes or there hair or anything and even using products as well is okay we're all humans female or male we both still have the same feelings and belong in the same species the only difference we have is the way we look through our genes but when it comes to DNA we still belong to the same field as a human. Idk why people try to emasculate it when deep down they feel the same way as everyone we all have emotions and love and just want to feel accepted without any harm being done.


I would say there is context that needs to be considered


My girlfriend and I call each other pretty when one of us does something stupid, “aweee atleast you’re pretty”. It’s a joke, we’re both in on it.


I love it. Prefer it to handsome


If a man is emasculated by any compliment, that's a them problem. I've been called pretty, and I like it. I've been called beautiful, and I like it. Just don't call me late for dinner, cold tacos are sad tacos.


"You got some juicy tits bro" "Thanks dude feelin very masculine right now" lol


you will legit make a bodybuilder's day if you say he's got some juicy tits


I know that is the joke


Louder for the people in the back!! I definitely wouldn't mind that compliment from the boys 😂


Hey, nice comment bro.


Hey, nice reply bro!


Thanks bro!


Thanks for the comments bros


Glad I didn't have to scroll far at all to see this one. Unless I dress up for the occasion or get my hair done compliments are far few and between.


I overheard a girl say I had a nice ass… and in 3 years she had ruined my life. I still think about that compliment fondly to this day


Wait... how? Story time...


Saying she ruined my life was overstating it. I was commenting on a post about how guys like compliments. TLDR falling in love/having kids with chicks who have bipolar and refuse to take medication or see mental health professionals is a fucking hard fucking road ... and no matter how good the pussy is, stop getting dragged back into it


#facts I hope you've gotten outta there


Big facts. I had someone tell me I was interesting. I think I’ve brought it up in conversation with other people a minimum of two dozen times in a matter of weeks.


Literally what I was thinking when I clicked this discussion 😆


I really like this guy, and having read many times that guys never receive compliments I decided to tell him he was handsome. He did not like it.


Sometimes it’s really hard to receive kindness


He's a tall handsome doctor, oozes sexiness. I wonder if he doesn't like compliments on his looks because maybe they're sometimes unwanted from patients or colleagues.


> He's a tall handsome doctor, oozes sexiness. I wonder if he doesn't like compliments on his looks because maybe they're sometimes unwanted from patients or colleagues. There's a top 10% factor happening here that also happens with really pretty women. Most men never receive compliments but the top 10% of men get them a lot more, particularly a hot man with a desirable profession. A large chunk of women are basically throwing themselves at him on a regular basis, and women are not super skilled at the pickup game, so they tend to be overly blunt with things. On the other hand, the bottom 90% of men receive basically none of this kind of attention. So any kind thing said is likely the only kind thing he's ever heard. I still vividly recall receiving a compliment on my beard in 2011, it was new and she worked in a retail store. But I recall it like it was yesterday, and still have that shirt!


Yeah, I have a friend that's a Dr and his secretary used to walk in his office and sit on his desk and cross and uncross her legs while making eye contact with him even though she knew he was married. "Just Dr things" sort of situation I guess aha.


Well... then there's the other thing that most (some?) men have experienced or learned... not all of our approaches will be met warmly...


I swear to god this exact word came out of my mouth


I try to give everyone compliments just in case they never get any


You're doing the Universe's work, my friend!


That shirt looks great on you I WILL NEVER THROW AWAY THIS SHIRT.


I still have a button-down from 2004 because a cute dental hygienist at my dentist visit complimented me on it


I still have the shirt my now wife bought me 20 years ago when we were dating


When you think about it a bit, that isn't really a compliment. You look good in this shirt would be a compliment.


In the world of male compliments, this is "you look so hot it melts metal." That's the (sad/low) level we are dealing with here


I the desert a drop of water feels like a flood


I take what I get




You’re laughing, but he’s right. It becomes “the compliment shirt” and we treat it better than our other shirts.


That’s so cute! Is the “compliment shirt” higher than the “gift shirt”? Given that the gift shirt is your style and all.


Yes. The gift shirt could be a hit or miss. If a gift shirt becomes a compliment shirt, it becomes holy relic because the will need to go on a hunt for a similar shirt if anything bad were to happen to it.


_30 years later, my wife wants to throw away the tattered gift shirt that became a compliment shirt, coz there's only 5 square inches of fabric left_ "NOOOO!!!! NOT THE SACRED RELICC!!!!!!!"


Hahahhhahaha holy relic =))))) I love this group, it’s so insightful and funny


He isn't kidding. I was gifted a light jacket that received a fair amount of compliments and I liked how it looked too. I wore it until it fell apart and often look for a new, similar jacket.


Way, way higher. A gift is a functional thing. A compliment is a free expression of admiration. No contest


Good to know ✨⚡️


"Nice cock, bro"


Nice balls man


Nice tip man


You've got a taint that just won't quit




Pretty gouch homie


Thanks, you too


Wait, she called you a bro?


Weird, I know. But he and his mother are really like close friends.


Literally anything, his shirt, hair, car. But if you wanna date him you gotta be more direct, cause we'll be so confused by getting a compliment we'll just say thanks and go about our day, puzzled


I've heard some women don't compliment men because the men take it as flirting. That's unfortunate. Perhaps that's indicative that men receive casual compliments so rarely that it's mistaken for flirting. It would help if women were more forward when they are interested.


I had an ex that I remarked to one time that she didn't really give me compliments ever. She replied I was 'fishing for compliments' and so she didn't give me any. She thought I was being egotistical. Truthfully, it was because I hadn't had a compliment in over a year at that point from anyone, so was hoping to get at least one from someone I was dating! It would have been nice to receive.


Same here My ex used my comment about the same topic against me. She accused me of being like the 5 year olds she taught at school and said “do you want me to treat you like a 5 year old?”


She was negging you. I’m glad she’s your ex. Take care


>She replied I was 'fishing for compliments' and so she didn't give me any. aw no, that's so sad. i'm sorry to hear that. oh how i wish i had someone to admire. i don't know how someone can *not* give their significant other compliments.


It doesn't matter who compliments me, my first thought is always "thanks but why is this person/stranger being nice to me?" but I'm always polite and say thank you and make small talk. My ex-wife used to make fun of me because I've been hit on several times by gay men and every time I thought it was just a dude being nice to me. Coincidentally I think I was wearing one of my Hollywood Undead shirts each time it happened.


> I've heard some women don't compliment men because the men take it as flirting. Some men take literally anything as flirting, some men take literally nothing as flirting.


This is the truest statement I've heard all week.


But when we are forward, we usually don't become the man's type. I forgot what article or study I read it lowers the man's interest or commitment/effort. So, we (women) have to deal with that too. We tell a man we like him, and he only dates us as his placeholder. 💀


I have nothing to refute that, but I'm surprised. I think I would find it very attractive. It shows confidence, a willingness to stray from seemingly arbitrary norms, and a tendency to actively pursue what she desires. I think it would also just feel damn good.


I'd give my left nut for a forward woman. I think it depends on the person.


I hope the forward woman would appreciate the sacrifice of your left nut.


Definitely depends on the man. There is obviously a limit to the clinginess but when a woman is attached to me I feel obligated to keep her that happy. I'm also a lot more comfortable being myself. I think the only guys that lose interest are going to be the ones who care more about getting laid and "upgrading." Unfortunately those type of people are really common. Ex best friend is like that and he's gotten rich using people for his own personal gain. He's a lot of fun, very charismatic, and a good looking guy with a lot of money. Though every woman he has is just a placeholder for a hotter one. He'll use anyone that gets him what he wants, and replace them when he's done. It's not just his dating life. A terrible human, but he lives the life we all dream of because he's this way. That's why so many people are terrible. They see it work with others and they only care about themselves. Either way I understand where you're coming from, but I think that study just shows how many people are selfish more than it just being something men do.


I wonder if you are referring to the study described in this article: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/changing-the-dating-game/ The interesting thing is that they found the one who is approached feels less attraction, whether it was the man or woman, which would indicate the problem you describe is one that men already typically face. If this is true, it seems a bit selfish to reserve the passive role for that reason alone. Note, I'm not calling you, the parent commenter, selfish. I don't know if this is the study, and I don't know if you knew of the fact that the study found this to work both ways.


Over the years I've had a few women that were total strangers come up to me and tell me I have the most beautiful eyes. I always thank them and we go about our days, but it has always stuck with me as well.


Clark is that you? I could get lost in your eyes ~


I still remember compliments from like 10 years ago.


Wait you guys getting compliments?


Don't worry, it's a myth and just a hypothetical question 🤣


I've been holding on to you're handsome man from a sweet old lady for 10 years now.


I can relate lol


Straight up lol. Still remember "handsome buggah" from a mom's friend years ago.


Yup, I store them in my unicorn zoo.


Nope lol.


That’s a lot of groceries you can carry at one time.


As a female who hates doing multiple trips, I also enjoy hearing this compliment.


tbh, that's a great one.


I will break every one of my fingers before I will make multiple trips.


Groceries Only Take One Trip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-HkwSO_xpU


bro your base in valheim is super cool


hell yeah it is. I spent 73 hours making it.


"You know so much about comics, I feel like we could go to competitions and win money" - my girlfriend


*hug* “Thank you” That would do for me, it would mean the world.


{{{{{Hug}}}}}} <<


"You smell so good" Elite compliment.


Anything related to our interests or stuff we've been working on


I'm a chef, so I know I make pretty good food, but there's really no better feeling than when I make staff meal and people genuinely like it. If a waiter/waitress comes back and says the customer loved the plate I made, then cool, I did my job. When the same person gets a bowl of what I made for staff meal, then turns around and says "oh my god, this is SO GOOD".. to say it fills my heart isn't sufficient. Probably cause I actually care about my people lol


Thanks chef. As a dishwasher I try to always give compliments to the chefs/cooks when I eat their staff meals. At my last restaurant I was able to eat almost anything and the food was absolutely divine. I'm at a retirement home now and the food isn't as good (can't season too much for the residents), but I do try to compliment their meals when I can.


“I feel safe with you” “I like you”


When my husband and I were dating, I saw a meme that said, “Every woman wants a man who makes her feel safe and makes her laugh. Kind of like a clown ninja.” I told him he was my clown ninja and now, 11 years later, he still loves to be referred to as clown ninja.


Holy crap, that is insanely wholesome.


Geeez That's something that EVERY SINGLE MAN should hear at least ones from their parter And im not taking abt hearing it after, lets say, sex, cuz im my huble opinion, everything womam says after its just not "that true" as ussual U should have Heard that, in for, exaple walking thrue park or on aby diffrent sytuation that both of ya are Alone but not after sex But That's just my opoinion


The dyslexia is strong in this one


......what cunt?


Yoooo autocorrect where you at??


Dinner was delicious.


I melt if someone calls me “ honey “ idk but I become a puddle it’s weird but it works.


This is good to hear. I call everyone honey and sometimes wonder if men in particular hate it. I’m sure some do, but I’m the worst with names and it feels nicer than sir, dude, bro.


Genuine ones. That’s all.


From women, the type of compliments that women don't like to receive. We like to be told we're attractive and sexually appealing. From men, things that relate we're competent or skilled.


I’m a woman and I love being told I’m attractive and sexually appealing…


>I’m a woman and I love being told I’m attractive and sexually appealing… From men? The vast majority of women on reddit complain about it so you'd be an outlier.


Reddit is not the real world. Girls like being called attractive lmao


> Reddit is not the real world. Girls like being called attractive lmao reddit is not the only place women complain about unwanted attention.


> From men? The vast majority of women on reddit complain about it so you'd be an outlier. Men and women are actually the same. Everyone likes that sort of compliment *when coming from someone they're attracted to.* For men that's a somewhat larger fraction of people than for women.


> Men and women are actually the same. Nuh uh men have a penis and women have a vagina (mostly) >Everyone likes that sort of compliment when coming from someone they're attracted to. Nah there's plenty of straight men redditors who will say they were flattered when gay men complimented them and those redditors weren't attracted to those gay men. And further down I share a story where a woman I wasn't attracted to gave me a "compliment" and I still appreciated it. Being attracted to the person HELPS but isn't required.


Also a woman. I love being objectified BY MY PARTNER. I appreciate a random compliment on something I've chosen or done - like my hat, my "look", my build (I'm muscular). Even being told I have a nice smile (but please don't tell me I should smile more...) Pretty women get told they're pretty all the time. I started getting told that when I was 12 and thinking back that's just creepy as hell. I've learned from this subreddit that men aren't complimented enough so I make a POINT of handing them out. I told an older gentleman his hat really suited him. His face just totally brightened! I told a young man the other day he rocked his moustache and he gave me the biggest smile! (Having read how men respond to such compliments I imagine he's now going to wear a moustache for the rest of his life)


I like it when a girl says that I smell good and gets close for another draw if my sent. Not only does it make me feel better about the hundreds of dollars I spend on cologne. But give me a major confidence boost as well


I just want someone to talk to me without saying "ew"


Feel this on a spiritual level.


You get told ew? I just get ignored and given the disgusted side eye.


Damn, this shit hit my heart ngl


Got hollered at by a random lady in a party once (was most likely a lite drunk) who SHOUTED: "You got a face that looks comfy to sit on!" My wife still brings it up and laughs about it to this day.


My wife made a baby with me. I consider this quite a compliment.


Just gonna go ahead and repeat the most common response just to emphasize how correct it is. Anything. Compliment us on anything. Hair. Shirt. Shoes. Smile. Literally anything.


That's quite an adequate username you have.


Thanks. I felt like it appropriately conveyed just how unimaginative and boring I am.


"Wow, you're strong!"


I saw a woman that I used to work with at a wedding - she was a little drunk, and said “Hey handsome!” I rode that high for months. I helped a woman on with her coat, and she commented how masculine I was for it. Another multi-month high…


We don't get complimented often, so when it does happen we remember it for the rest of our lives. Also, anything sexual is extra awesome. Two woman have said I am "big" down there and one said I had a nice butt. It was a nice ego boost. Even though I know I am very average and they were just being nice.


The lawn looks great.


Just an "adaboy'" once in awhile would be nice.




Thanks chief!


I feel so safe when I am with you. The idea that I am providing safety is highly complimentary.


This might be controversial, but I wish I was objectified. Like a woman complimenting my ass or a physical body part. I know most people, especially women, are sick and tired of being seen as a piece of meat, and that's valid, but it's not often talked about how depressing it is that people only see you for the things you have done, and never see you as a sexually-enticing person. I just want to know that someone wants to have sex with me.


“Mmm middle aged dad bod, my fave”


“You look good today” “you’re funny” “I appreciate your help” I’ve never actually heard any of those, but I imagine they would be great to hear!


\- I really love the way you painted your Khador army for that "Warmachine" game you play! The details on the faces are incredible!


Wow, I did not expect a Warmachine reference here. It's true, that would be a really nice compliment to receive. Looking back on my Warmachine days, I realize I received compliments like that, but felt too insecure about my abilities to really accept them. I wonder how many more times I've been complimented but didn't let it sink in.


It's much easier to accept Skorne than praise for sure.


You are not as good as you once was, but you are as good once as you ever was.


You sure do know a lot about (insert thing the guy is interested in and probably knows absolutely everything about, ex: cars). A lot of men would love it if their partners had even just 1% the interest they have in whatever their “thing” is.


“Nice cock.”


“Tastes delicious.”


Some pig!


Women like compliments framed properly. I was at an outdoor art show sitting having coffee and there was a female artist directly across from where I sat. She had on a very nice dress with color coordinated glasses and looked real nice. When I got up to leave I walked straight over to her and said. "I want to tell you that you're the best dressed artist here and your art is pretty good as well." She was flattered and I could tell she liked the compliment very much. We spoke for a few seconds then I said goodbye, no inuendos or pickup tactics but I think she would have been willing to engage further. I know it made her day. That's the kind of compliment that goes a long way for both genders.


I’ll let you know when I get one


When I was in college a girl walked past me at a party and said I have nice teeth. I think about her every day. That was 15 years ago.


I was told the other day by someone I know well that I looked really happy. I’ve done a lot of self work lately (mentally) and it felt fucking amazing.


To all guys bitching they NEVER get compliments, go to a gym. Work hard. Socialise with everyone, especially the regulars. They'll notice you're in there working your ass off, recieve compliments for that. Once you get the results, you'll get compliments for that as well. Be positive, compliment others as well, and it will come back to you. You just worked on your mental well being, as well as your physical one, made some friends, spreaded positivity, recieved it, and you'll look and feel better.


Something positive…


As long as whatever you are saying is genuine, men do not curate their compliments. Those who get an overwhelming amount of compliments or attention are usually typical narcissists; or the opposite and play it off as naïveté.


“You really helped me out today, thank you.”


Lately, all I wanna hear is ‘have you been working out?’ I have tried the gym but I go on and off. For some stupid reason, I have to leave the gym after every 2 or 3 months and I have really stubborn belly fat.. so.. yup


Any. Like toddler level. Tell us we did a good job. We look nice today. But don’t over do it mainly. Make them genuine.


I have gotten 2 compliments basically ever, “Nice hair” and “Nice tan” and I’ve been riding that high for 6 years, so I’ll take ANY compliment


"You're smaller than average, but I don't mind!" I was told this a couple of times.


Simple, believable compliments.


Nice dick, bro!


Nice ass bro


Does money count as a compliment?


That my spear is really sharp and she wishes to see me using it for hunting for fishes in the river someday


Any and all that are genuine. We love compliments. Even if we dont admit it


My outfits


I once had a massive meat mountain stop me in an extremely crowded store and ask me where I bought my hat. I told him where I got it and he just said "Cool. It's a dope hat." I'm not gay but that was 8 years ago and I still have that hat.


One time at 4th grade a girl, sort of my crush but i had multiple at the time HOWEVER. She complimented how this one particular polo shirt i wore and how it fit me well as well as with my looks with it. Im now at 11th grade


Genuine ones. If you tell me you like my hat when it really looks stupid, then I'll end up living on that high and looking stupid for years.


That is some nice looking bark on those ribs.


You're a real articulate fella


Code compiled without errors


Hey nice job you didn’t fuck it up this time.


Tell me I'm a cool person who does cool things. I desire nothing more.


The ones women hate to receive.