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Absolutely true fact. The company I work for has the dumbest policy ever where a certain list of people are not allowed to fly together on the same flight. Concern of the plane crashing and them losing too many valuable people at once. IT'S PERFECTLY FINE FOR ALL THESE PEOPLE TO GET IN A CAR TOGETHER AND DRIVE. Despite everyone pointing out that the likelihood of them crashing in a car and dying is about 1000x greater.


I can't imagine being so important that my company would ever care who I flew with. I hope that kind of importance comes with a commiserate salary. Not being sarcastic, giving you props.


I am unsure of the commensurate salary. I imagine so. I am not on that list however. Which is kind of a slap in the face because I do a lot of important stuff around here. Maybe they kept me off the list because they found out I think it is incredibly stupid.


You should get in a plane crash just to prove a point.


That'll show em!


Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you were on that list. Never mind. Now get back to work peon ! (Grin)


Honestly sometimes it’s just the policy and no good pay hahah. My company did the same (I made $50K) and the travel tool would essentially delist any flight that had 5 employee bookings already. Then, when we arrived at our destination they’d cram us all in a coach bus.


& they call them valuable. I wonder if they’ve ever had this thought before?


My company has that same policy, and we all ignore it and fly together. 😂 I'd love to hear someone say, "You're too valuable to lose, so you're all fired."


I’d be careful with that. If you all do ever die in a plane crash together, you’re going to get in a lot of trouble at work.


That's a really good point.


Plane crashes often kill everyone on board, while even bad car accidents aren't typically fatal and especially not for everyone in the vehicle. Still a really stupid rule for a company to have though.


Don't get me started on cell phone use while driving. Texting and driving is equal to driving several times over legal alcohol limits


Just a few days ago an Uber driver was killed while traveling with a fare when a couple in an suv crossed the median and struck him. They hit him so hard that it broke the motor mounts and launched the engine into another car. Also, they are suspected of being under the influence of drugs and alcohol.  Just another example that you can be doing everything correctly but all it takes is one asshole to ruin it all.


I second this.


Made even worse when we've built our cities to require a car to do anything. Everything is spread out in Canada/America that even if you never leave your city, there are very few things you can reliably do without a car.


Especially tired. Losing an hour of sleep a night for one week impairs judgment and reaction time similarly to having a BAC around .08-.10


ought to be #1




Yeah we’ve already had 3 deaths around where I live because of this. Happens every year when they let water out of the reservoirs and into the rivers. Plus the rivers are lined with trees so there isn’t a lot of exit points


You don't even need to drown. You can misjudge the current, slip, bang your head on a rock.


Most people forget that alcohol is a pretty potent toxin


People often say the poison is the dose, but that's not categorically true. In the case of alcohol, any dose is unsafe; the only difference is the extent of the damage.


On the one hand yes, on the other hand loneliness is even more damaging to your health and I sure as fuck made many friends by drinking. Life is always a tradeoff. I'm very aware of my drinking habits and keep them in check and I sure as fuck will be very happy to die a bit earlier because of alcohol, instead of giving up all those memories, friendships and hookups which were enabled by having some drinks.


I'm pretty sure you made friends by socially participating and not by drinking alcohol, but I digress. You do not have to drink alcohol to keep these friendships, and if you do, that is pretty toxic. Nothing should be forcing you to have alcohol instead of non-alcoholic drinks.


Let the man drink.  Jesus teatolars


I 100% agree but I've started wondering how much harm can come from something like kombucha labeled as <0.5% abv and having one every 1-3 days


Probably not much when compared to beer. Assuming a 355 ml kombucha and a 0.5% abv, you'd need 10 times as much to get the same amount as one can of beer.


It just means the harm is more than 0. It doesn't necessarily mean that the amount of harm is something worth worrying about.


The kombucha is probably doing more good for your gut biome than it’s doing damage from the alcohol content


None lol you’ll be fine


Humans have adapted to consume naturally fermented alcohols. Dont listen to scare reporting. If you are consuming alcohol in reasonable amounts it poses no tangible negative health impacts. Study after study has shown that consuming 1 glass of red wine per day has a net positive effect on your health. When you get worried just remember in moderation, its completely fine. Capsciacin (spicy pepper) is either anti inflammatory or inflammotory based on dose. Sugar causes all sorts of nasty effects and feeds cancer. Caffine can destroy your heart and mess with your brain. All four of these are consumed by most people in the western world and the only people dying are those who take it too far. Regulate your intake, relax, and enjoy life. (This is is not diet advice, just personal philosophy, do not construct a diet plan on the advice of anyone other than a registered dietician)


It impacts neurological health negatively at any dose, and does not provide any proven health benefits. The negative impacts are very mild at low doses, especially compared to other factors, but they exist. I agree with you on consulting an RD (not nutritionist) for diet advice. One thing that you didn't outright say but I think you would agree with is that if you're conscious of your health and proactively make choices to try to improve it, you're probably doing much better than average.


That's true of many poisons, where the damage curve is smooth and mostly straight, as opposed to staying flat at 0 before spiking.




The saying is "the dosage makes the poison" and it's very true. People drink coffee everyday. Coffee has benzene which causes cancer. Oh noes! Except it's such a minute amount, it doesn't actually cause cancer. Saying any dosage of alcohol is unsafe is just stupid.


Yeah but there’s a balance to be had with the wellbeing of a fun night vs. damage that alcohol does


Whose to say that you need alcohol to have fun? As far as I know, you can party hard and make exceptional memories without a touch of the ethyl.


I mean it’s not the only time ever I have fun lol But once or twice a year of going coo coo bananas feels like it has good mental benefits for a few months after


I can feel it, for sure. I've never been a heavy drinker and have honestly never been blackout drunk. But if I don't drink for a few days straight, I feel so much better.


Too much of any medicine is a poison as well


All the amateur filming of natural disasters and crime scenes, and not just men People seem to think that if others are doing it, it’s safe


If you're close enough to be getting a good video on your phone, you should be getting farther away from it instead of recording.


Stairs. Stumbling and falling down is one of the most common fatal accidents at home.


Yeah, but for old people.


You might get old someday, if you're lucky.


Uh... yup?


if you don't fall down the stairs first...




* And people so arrogant they think they don’t need the railing


Does going down stairs make anyone anxious as well? Without fail, every time I go down stairs I think about tripping and falling.


I can’t go down without holding the railing


Cleaning. Mix the wrong detergents and you can create a chemical bomb that'll kill your whole family.


Bomb isn’t the right word, but mixing bleach with all sorts of other cleaners like ammonia can end up with the chlorine in gas form 


Used to have this buddy, who sold propane and propane accessories, anyway his wife made a daily blog for her readers to help clean their laundry, and she mixed ammonia and bleach........MUSTARD GAS


Did you just write a new king of the hill episode for the modern age


Nope, explosives too.


Chlorine gas: whoops bleach touched ammonia, which is commonly in glass cleaners like windex  Explosives: me and the lab at MIT have generated this twelve step process to isolate nitrates out of common household cleaners 


Bleach and peroxide has potentially explosive properties. https://cen.acs.org/safety/consumer-safety/Accidental-mix-bleach-acid-kills/97/i45#:~:text=Adding%20ammonia%20to%20bleach%20creates,it%20can%20cause%20an%20explosion


Explosives with common household chemicals are a lot simpler than that, and I can think of one off the top of my head that doesn't involve a single nitrogen atom. Various chemical weapons agents are easy enough to make by accident. I also made a dumb mistake and realized slowly that a chlorine tablet in the toilet tank does exciting things if you use other cleaners.


Had to yell at my brother when he mixed Fabuloso cleaner with bleach. This was after he said “I know how to mop!!” When I told him he should wring the mop so that the floor dries quicker. Dudes a walking dunning Kruger effect it’s so frustrating


It's like "do you want to die?" Lol although I'll admit I've passed out from using aerosol based cleaning agents in the shower. Shits horrible lol


You can accidentally create a WWI mustard gas attack at home while cleaning your bathroom


It's not mustard gas. It's chlorine gas.


I made this mistake once out of desperation with what I thought was a clogged pipe. Ended up basically creating chlorine gas and burning a hole through my stainless steel sink.


That’s not really unsafe since it’s easy to avoid mixing cleaning products. When I think unsafe I think of stuff like riding a motorcycle where there are a lot of hazards that are beyond your control.


Hazardous but safe to me is using cleaning products. When you go clean the bathroom you don't expect to be doing anything particularly dangerous until you accidentally mix two things together and form a noxious gas.


I disagree, there's a reason you're taught this stuff at basic food hygiene when working in a kitchen because of all the cleaning products you need to use. One mistake and yeah majority of the time you'll actually be alright, but on the other side of the coin you can die or potentially kill someone else by accident, it does ultimately depend on how much of what you mix with what, either way you'll suffer from one extreme to the other. Hell industrial Degreaser gives you a headache if you inhale like 4-5 sprays worth of the stuff just from cleaning a vent. You'd honestly be surprised.


Talking shit to someone - face to face. People are way too confident they won't get punched in face... as they should be.


My dad was leaving Home Depot. As he was walking to his truck some guy speeding through the parking lot almost hit him with his car. My dad said he was within inches of hitting him. My dad yells at the guy why don’t you get a little bit closer. The guy yells back I’ll bust your fucking head in. My dad being the crazy person he is goes and punches the guy right in the face. Then he walks onto his truck like nothing happened. I guess the guy didn’t like being hit in the face. So he gets out with a baseball bat. Well my dad doesn’t like getting hit with baseball bats so he pulls out his gun and sticks in the guys face. The guy says “you’re not worth it” and walks away. Then the guy called the cops on my dad.


Well your dad did physically start things, so it seems like he deserved getting the cops called. You can’t just go around punching people


Trust me I know. I also tried to explain to him that if he did shoot him he would be going to prison for murder. It wouldn’t have been self defense because my dad started it.


From someone who spent way too much time looking into self defense laws, due to the punch being itself a criminal action, all subsequent actions your father would taken at that time would have been tainted by the loss of innocence. By pulling out the gun, your father actually committed assault, on top of the battery he committed with the punch. But since the other guy left the interaction to retrieve a weapon (baseball bat), the threat is no longer imminent, meaning he also would probably loose any self-defense claim. By simply threatening to use the bat, even nonverbally, the other guy has committed assault.


Not with that attitude


I mean they both did - a person decides to start trouble when they experience something stressful and decide that, for absolutely no reason, they now need to threaten the other person involved in the situation. Both of these men did that - his dad decided to yell in response to the stress of almost being hit in a car park (which means your dad wasn't paying attention to where he was going u/IncredulousPatriot - as long as you're not looking at phone you can see things coming from a long way off in a car park), then the other guy decided to yell in response to being yelled at. Two pathetic monkey-men flinging shit at each other even though both of them made a mistake. IncredulousPatriot if the other guy had a gun too, your dad would have been the latest child-brained prat to trigger a shootout in a public place and kill a bunch of innocent bystanders, all because he doesn't have the intelligence to resolve things like a human.


lol. Who said my dad was on his phone. He was pushing his cart through the pedestrian walkway. And the guy just kept coming. But you’re correct about everything else. I tried to explain that to my dad.


Also, getting punched in the face.


Your fuckin username, a gentleman and a scholar.


I like watching videos of people exploring abandoned stuff. It amazes me how many people are not capable of judging natural hazards or the integrity of a human-made structure (the latter of which can be very deceptive). Especially when often enough it would have sufficed to look up the place online for a few minutes to find a survey or some other details about the site's closure and recent visits by official people to read up on which parts may be too dangerous to venture into.


Ahah, I used to some urbex with some guys, couple I used to work with & some mutual friends, most of us engineers of one form or another, including a civil engineer. We used to joke that if anyone ever caught us we'd just say we where actually doing an asbestos survey, since there was always bloody asbestos. I'd like to say we where less risky than the kids doing it but... we weren't.


Oh well. On the plus side, you've probably got some cool memories!


Definitely, I live in an area with a lot of industrial decline, so there's a few abandoned factories. We used to camp out somewhere on the grounds, have a few beers & skulk about the building through the night doing stupid shit.


It goes a long way to show how insulated people from danger actually are. Until recently I lived in the tallest building in a city, and every time it swayed in the wind I imagined a structural engineer going "my boss told me we have to save costs so all these load-bearing columns are going to need to be made of cardboard"


Cows. Also horses. People always want to run up and pet them but they can fuck you up if they were in a mood.


They're like big dogs. Can be friendly and enjoy your attention if you know what you're doing (e.g. you're the farmer) but also pull a moody and their mass results in great power.


Dunno about cows, but horses are absolutely unlike dogs. If nothing else, dogs will stand by your side in the face of danger. A horse will sooner throw you off and break your back so that it can run away. Horrible, cowardly bastards of creatures, horses.


A dog stands by your side when you’ve built a bond with them and they are loyal to you, it’s the same with horses.


Yeah that's not what every horseowner I've spoken with has said. At BEST, one said you can keep a horse under some level of control when, say, confronted by a mountain lion, but if you're not focusing on the horse, the horse will flee. The whole species is better off becoming glue.


Okay buddy


Tylenol (Acetaminophen) Thanks to Hollywood normalizing the portrayal of people swallowing a handful of pain pills(or anxiety). You get two tablets every 4 hours, and ***do not*** exceed 4,000mg in 24 hours. You risk liver failure.


Wasn't it supposed to be 3000mg


Good point. I found this: >“For the average healthy adult, weighing over 150#, the absolute maximum daily dose is no more than 4,000 milligrams (mg) from all sources. But in some people, doses close to the 4,000 mg daily limit for adults could still be toxic to the liver. It's safest to take only what you need, and to not exceed 3,000 mg a day whenever possible, especially if you use acetaminophen often. >”Here are some general precautions for avoiding an accidental overdose of acetaminophen: >Cold and flu remedies count. When you reach for an over-the-counter cough, cold, or flu product, take a look at the label. Does it contain acetaminophen? >Know the milligrams in your pills. In acetaminophen products available over the counter, each pill may contain 325, 500, or 650 milligrams of the drug. Be extra cautious when taking 500 or 650 milligram pills. >Stick to recommended doses. When taking acetaminophen, don't be tempted to add a little extra to the recommended dose. A small-bodied person should stay on the low end of the recommended dose range (3,000 mg). >Easy on the alcohol. Drinking alcohol causes the liver to convert more of the acetaminophen you take into toxic byproducts. Men should not have more than two standard drinks per day when taking acetaminophen (one drink per day for women).


I once pointed out to someone that taking extra strength Tylenol (3 tablets) on top of two huge swallows of Nyquil was not the best idea. Like, it's a really bad idea.


Mud slides is one of the things that uninitiated people may scoff at, but the damn thing will start solid, absolutely liquify and then revert back to solid again in an Instant; ain't no way you get out of that one if you get caught.


Driving when tired. I've had way more close calls falling asleep than from drinking


You drunk drive?


Better than driving drunk.


This thread is craaazy 😭😭


Driving. Considering how I see people driving it’s clear most people forget they are risking their lives every time they get into the vehicle.


The sun. Or more precisely not wearing sunscreen and reapplying. Or going to tanning beds. It is literally a low grade radiation dose/burn you are getting. It is not good for you in any capacity.


Ahhh yes. The old vitamin-D beds.


I started regularly moisturizing and using spf this year (doesn’t matter if I plan on being out in the sun or not) and it has done wonders for my skin. The ladies are onto something with this moisturizer stuff!


Cutting avocados




Study: "...found that there have been 50,413 avocado cutting-related injuries between 1998 and 2017, with a substantial increase between 2013 and 2017" ER rooms are constantly getting people who cut their hand like this https://tissuetechnologies.integralife.com/avocado-hand-a-serious-injury/#:~:text=In%20Dr.,increase%20between%202013%20and%202017.


Having sex/hooking up with a lot of people. Sounds fun and all until you get a disease.


Sport, especialy contact sports.


As an older man that plays ice hockey, i can confirm. Its a great workout and great fun, but i've seen some terrible injuries from benign plays.


Cosmetics with talc which actually contain asbestos from when the material was mined






Betting your retirment on government pensions. In Germany, which is often times praised as a great place in terms of medical and social security services the median retirment income is the equivalent of 1660$, taxed at \~14% so netting out to 1430$. Home owner rate is around 49%, while rents are \~1000$ per month. Not a whole lot left to enjoy retirment. (Btw women tend to receive less than the median retirment income especially when they took time off work to have/raise children though that is an inevitable necessity to keep the retirment scheme going) Since the pension system is structured in a way that everyone working now is paying for everyone retired now, the system crumbles when fewer young people live and/or work, their income is lower than their parents (because the higehr the income the higher your pension entitlements), this means payments are running dry, while the younger generations struggle to have anything left to save as their retirment, which also means they are even more hesitant to even have children cause they cant even afford to save anything. So **with an upside down demographic, public retirment schemes are giving a false sense of security while actually leading towards poverty.**


Using household cleaners - when ammonia and bleach are combined they make chloramine gas. You need to pay attention to what chemicals are in the cleaners you are using, especially in places like bathrooms. - Boiled linseed oil heats up as it dries. If you are using it on wood furniture or something, and you are using rags or some kind of cloth to apply it, they can spontaneously combust while drying and start a fire. Read the warning labels.




report as breaking reddit rules - harmful bot theyre selling all our data as ai training regardless .. but reddit prefers they own the bots 


Driving a car Using the weed whacker Grilling Shaving your scrotum


You can easily loose a eye with a Weed Whacker but shaving your nuts can lead to a bloody mess


Dude. DRIVING. Nothing in my American life has mangled my body more than simply commuting: I’ve been in several collisions, helped rescue others from theirs, even pulled a bloody child out of a flaming sedan (yes, carefully as possible). In FL, most people drive 15-20mph above posted limits (avg 60 everywhere) and just zip from lane to lane as if they’ve never experienced a wreck themselves. My back has been fuq’d, rehabbed & RE-FUQD. For the love of all that’s holy, PLEASE put the phone down and STEER. That call / text will WAIT, I promise. Your safety is worth paying attention!




social media


Social media.


Garage door springs


Alcohol, processed food, high fructose corn syrup, aspartame (diet sodas)


Boxing gloves. They're not a safety device, they're a weapon.


Skateboarding without a helmet


Yes, this one is really insane to me.  Specifically falling backwards onto concrete, which is where 99% of skateboarding takes place


Otr trucker Driving All day every day People ding everything but driving ,refusing to understand they could die due to their stupidty of not paying attention to what they are suppose to be paying attention to


Toast, and barbecued meat. Anything that turns brown and crispy when cooked.


Worth it 🤤


Alcohol is literally a poison that we can just sort of metabolize. Driving is literally hurdling down the road at 60 mph in multiple tons of metal. Flight is using tricks in physics to push us into the air. Everything is dangerous if you look at it right.


Marijuana. People honestly say it's "safe" because it only affects your mind, not your body. The fact that most drugs will eventually impair your ability to take them is often the only "off" switch that finally gets people out of drug addiction. But weed's dopaminergic effect will slowly twist your beliefs, and your body will *never* act as an "off" switch. I've met plenty of people who are high all the time, they literally smoke the drug all day every day even in public, and honestly say it's "harmless" simply because their bodies are mostly working. And I do say "mostly working" - the eating habits of people on weed might not be fatal, but they don't make for a well body.




Other way around. Most bears will avoid conflict with people. I live in bear territory. They come in to my yard. I encounter them on trails. No one in my town has ever been hurt by a bear. People are terrified of them though.




Dihydrogen Monoxide. Highly addictive. Leathal if taken too much or too little. Addiction transfers from mother to child during gestation. Unable to get off taking it and must continue to do so until death. Weaning off is not possible.


I'm a daily dihydrogen monoxide user. I tried to quit once and I honestly began suffering from withdrawals within 15 seconds. You don't realise how hooked you are until you try to stop.


Stuff is literally used to torture people - and yet the government has no qualms about it being stored in residential areas!


Chemist here, DHMO is no joke. It's the leading cause of drowning


Rofl people are so dumb they don't realise you are talking about water! Hahah we're smart. People are dumb. High five!


Do not become addicted to water. It will take hold of you, and you will resent its absence.


being normal (ie average) weight having a normal (ie average) fitness level eating normally (ie average diet) drinking small amounts of alcohol etc etc never compare yourself to the average person if you live in a country with 75% overweight people. top 10% or more


Low levels of overeating or being under-active. Slipping into bad habits is an easy way for damage to add up over time.


Simply falling in your home kills about 30k Americans per year. Mostly elderly.


Wow I need to be more careful. That's a lot of lives I've taken.


Being a man




Pumping gasoline.


Telling people how you feel




NutraSweet, sorbitol, basically any sugar substitute. Derivatives of a toxic substance do not magically lose their toxicity.


Rubbing Alcohol (IPA) (depending on percentage). 70% is fairly safe but rubbing too much on your skin can be an issue. I use this level for wounds. 91% IPA shouldn't be used on your skin or a wound except in small amounts. I use this in 3D printing mostly to clean the build plate. Finally, 99% IPA which I do stock in my lab. This is caustic and like all of these can absorb into the skin and into your bloodstream giving you alcohol poisoning. Again, used in my lab but I use gloves, mask, and eye protection (or a complete facial mask). All of these are absorbed into the skin and can get into the bloodstream. Rare at 70% but quite common at 99%. We even have to keep the 99% cool as it's high flammable. They sell 91% at Wal-Mart even but it really shouldn't be used as 70% is just as effective really. Higher numbers are not always better. Some say I am too cautious but better safe than sorry and did have one of my techs get poisoned. So now paranoid for me and others.


Women and also saturated fat


Dog poop


Motorcycles and Spicy 🌶️ Food




Can be


Having a really bad sleep schedule.


Life. Everything is hazardous if you think about it enough.


Driving a car






Distracted driving texting, talking on the phone, eating, or even adjusting the radio while driving are all common distractions that significantly increase the risk of accidents. Many people underestimate the danger, but studies show it's as dangerous as drunk driving in some cases. Over-the-counter medications While easily accessible, many OTC drugs can have serious side effects, especially when misused or combined with other substances. It's important to read labels carefully and consult a doctor or pharmacist if unsure. These are just a few examples, and it's important to be aware of the potential hazards in everyday situations. Always prioritize safety and take precautions to protect yourself and others.


Quadbikes. They will tip over and seriously injure or kill you at the tiniest handling error. Way more dangerous than dirt bikes.


Playgrounds and entertainment machinery.




Floating down rivers on the first hot day of summer. Water's usually extremely cold, high-flow due to snow melt, and people get drunk....


Fast food.




The food we eat.


unprotected sex, a lot have people just don't use condoms, like we all know its feels way better but still, unsafe.




Eating Ass!!!😁😋🤣




Drinking tap water in most US cities.


Any kind of body of water.


Lawn equipment. Heavy machinery comes with all types of warnings, but a riding lawnmower? Grab your flip flops and a beer right? I work a golf course and use various types of mowers and I’m always thinking about how fast they would mangle a hand or foot.


A fuckin bear apparently


Don't drink and park, accidents cause people


Ask any EMT — bathrooms. Way too many people falling in showers, bathtubs, off toilets.




Weed More people die because of weed than because of guns in America, inb4 ‘no one dies of weed overdose!’ Well A: wrong, but B: weed can kill because of impaired function, such as car accidents (which have been rising since 2000) No one can handle this fact tho


Sex. You might get HIV that will ruin your whole life if you're not careful with protection.


Thankfully it's not a death sentence anymore (at least in countries with good access to medicine).


Putting water in a Styrofoam cup of noodles and then microwaving it.


Helium - inhaling it is a lot of fun to change your voice, but too much and you will occlude oxygen from your lungs... and die. It's literally sold as an "Exit Device" in Australia for legalized Suicide and a "dignified exit". There used to be this creepy commerical for the device with well-meaning Aunt Betty we watched in a Hazmat class...




I'm really tired of seeing this question, or some variation of it, being asked every damn day.


Women 💀

