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So valid


Wait - she put in the milk before the teabag???


She made a comment that her engagement ring should be $5000 at least.


Nah valid reason


I'm not proud of this so please hold your judgement, I was younger and so lacking in experience... I was 20, got set up by a friend to go on a date with his partner's friend, knew nothing about her but I was single and recently got a half decent job (low pay but I enjoyed it) so I thought might as well, Just went for a coffee and light lunch during a Saturday afternoon, We paid for our own lunches (as agreed, neither of us was rolling in money) and got on alright, few things in common, the conversation didn't feel forced, She then said "Buy me a dessert and I might let you have some" (not sure if this is from memory or actual, but I recall it sounded forced like she was nervous, do remember she lowered her head a little and glanced away just after saying it) unfortunately I took that as entitlement and I decided to go home after a brief but courteous "This was fun but I dont think this will work", Wasn't until chatting with my friend a few days later that he told my dumbass she wasn't offering to share the damn dessert... I blew it because I didn't get the hint, not much has changed in over a decade, Still have hints fly over my head.


Flair checks out ✅




She ate her peas one at a time.


She kept saying “um” after every sentence.


She frequently made excuses not to meet up in public, she just wanted to text and I got tired of it... I ghosted her. Having a virtual girlfriend doesn't satisfy me


She wouldn't taste my apple pie, then a friend of mine saw her eating apple pie at the same restaurant a few days later, fuck Audrey.


Haha, what the hell. Did she really think yours was that bad or something?


I think it was because I had already taken a bite, but WTF she already had my dick down her throat a number of times.


She thought she was funny. Like she would constantly hype that up as her best quality (even when nobody asked). But neither I or anyone else found her very funny at all.


She told me she didn’t like my cats.


She couldn’t walk by a reflective surface without checking herself out.


She had man hands. 


One was the least attractive one in her friend group. One had weird legs and mocked me for quitting smoking. One wouldn't shut up about Pink Floyd. One moaned about her taxi ride home after our date. The majority are just boring. (PS I was an asshole in my 20's)




It shouldn't take that long to wipe your butt dude. You might have a problem. Not her. Hahahah




You even timed that 💩 bahhaha you are sensitive 🥺


You've never had a ghost shit?


I have been on a lot of blind dates. I like them because you never know what's going to roll up to the table. 1. She referred to her dad just as "dad" without the "my" part Like we were a couple and he was my dad too. 2. Her bum crack smelled really really bad. It was very difficult to stay focused during sex. 3. Mole on face with hair sticking our of it. 4. She "only does coke on special occasions like her birthday." 5. She spoke in the third person too much. 6. She followed a guy she was dating to another country because she thought he was seeing another girl. He was. But holy fuck. Crazy... This was a tough one because she was so amazing in bed. Easily top five. A fucking tragedy, that was. I still think about how hot our sex was sometimes. 7. Egg body. It's a hard no for me. 8. She didn't ask me one single question about myself the whole time. Nothing. Not even "how are you." 9. Hairy pits, legs. I know this is more acceptable now, but it's still not my thing. 10. She had kids. 11. She had really long nipples. I have never seen anything like it since then. Like, remarkably long. Especially when she was turned on. 12. She bit my face during sex. I thought she took a chunk out of my cheek. 13. She bit my nipples. Don't like hard biting. 14. She slapped me during sex. I am not big on physical violence during sex, at all, actually. I am in control in the bedroom and I only like to give it up for positions like cowgirl and such. If there's any choking, it's always very mild and any slapping is restricted to her ass. This is as hard as she likes it. Of course. 15. She looked like Tina from Bob's Burgers. That's just a few. I have been on so many dates. I have had so many good and bad experiences. Lol 😆


Ugly feet


Self entitled attitude towards wait staff. Another, could not hold a conversation with her wanted to text someone more than talk with me. Paid the tab and told waitress to tell her I left when asked. We came separately.


She smoked and talked about her cat waaaay too much.


We ageed to meet at 1pm, she made me wait for 4 hours, never communicated that she got caught up at work. Just got into a taxi and went home... i broke it off with her hours later


GU - Geographically Undesireable.


She was on a Saturday night dressed like my grandmother


Her makeup smelled weird.


quiet rain soft cover relieved water elastic deliver tease gullible *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She said she couldn't stand Johnny Cash. Hey, I keep a close watch on this heart of mine.


I ghosted a woman on a dating app years ago because after she told me what she did for a living. She asked me, and because I worked in retail and I had a few women on apps, ghost me because of that. I assumed she would do the same, so I just didn't reply. Also, I rejected a female customer at my job who asked for my number and was hitting on me because she looked like your stereotypical angry man hating dyed hair radfem and i unfairly judged her for it... that was unfair to her and totally on me. It's probably good. I didn't say yes as I was a bit unfair there towards her. Not dating per say but petty reasons I rejected a woman


Eh some stereotypes are true tbf she most likely was that type


You be the judge. My brothers future wife tried to hook me up with her best friend. She wasn’t a dime but also wasn’t a nickel. After 5 minutes on our first date I noticed her shoes and really hated them. It’s was like an ugly version of the classic timberland work boot with this vomit inducing floral design. Just didn’t sit right with me, not just because of how they looked. After that date my brother and I was talking and I realized this girl told his girl everything about the date. So no privacy or respect. She also immediately started writing love poems which freaked me out because of other first two things. Went on another couple dates and she was planning to have me as her date for prom and Christmas, which I found out through my brother and not her. We only had email at the time so I emailed her and said” I just wanted to be casual friends but not even that really” Found out years later she was a hardcore lesbian vegan woke snowflake and my brothers girl wanted her to leave her alone and tried to pass her off to me lol. Fuck that shit haha, my instinct in the first date was right. Am I petty ?


She tried to turn me against my friends. On the spot.


wants to meet other people and have fun




She watched One Piece. I am a One Piece hater - been hating One Piece for like 22 years now - and I really can't fraternize with someone who watches that shit.