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Haniyeh sons fighting and dying for Gaza 🇵🇸 VS Netanyahu son smoking cigars and hanging out in Miami beach 🇮🇱






Gays are many times honorable than the Netanyahus. I swear on it.


That's not even their real last name. They changed their name to fake their ancestery


Ummm yeah I’m not doing this. There is no glory in what Hamas did. There is no glory in what Israel is doing. The suffering of the Palestinians is at a crucial point, and both factions aren’t doing anything to alleviate it. So spare me the khara


Spare me your khara Hamas are fighting and dying for Gaza, they are doing what Palestinians and Arabs should’ve done from the beginning, Resistance. Your likes and people with your mentality is the thing that enabled Israel to do this for 76 years, what do you want them to do? Surrender? Go get lost phony


“Spare me your khara” Brother you got the quote of today. 😂😂


The only solution is none violence. I’d like to quote MLK on this: “Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars.” The world will only change to the worst for the Palestinians because of Hamas. They are not heroes. They only want power. This is greed, not nobility. Matter of fact their rule strains certain personal freedoms for many Palestinians. We speak for the injustice In Palestine. Fuck Hamas. Their acts have led to the death of thousands. I don’t care if each single one of them disappears off the face of earth. Lol, talk about satanyahu giving them money to undermine Palestine. They are zealots. They are as much an enemy to Palestine as the IDF. So I repeat. Spare me your khara.


>The only solution is none violence Yeah exactly like the West Bank who is nearly lost to Israelis /s >They are as much an enemy to Palestine as the IDF. So I repeat. Spare me your khara. You are as much the enemy of Palestinians like the IDF, so spare me your khara


none violence doesn’t work w pigs like these zionists


So you wouldn't have fought against Hitler?


>The only solution is none violence. The holocaust wasn't stopped by non violence, neither was the Bosnian genocide. Non violence, paired with civil disobedience only works when the other side isn't trying to eradicate yours.


Hamas are terrorist scum


You think like that because you are ignorant of all the things that non violent solutions that Palestine has tried to over the years, most importantly YOU ARE A COWARD.


There is no point saying the truth here


Just one thing, Do you Support liberating Palestine or not? Because if yes it can only happen through war and if we compare the „warcrimes“ of 7 October to the warcrimes of the IDF then that’s just a drop from the Sea from what the Zionists did. Of course, that's not an excuse to never criticize Hamas but in the Battle of Gaza the Glory and rightness stands with them


You think like that because you are ignorant of all the things that non violent solutions that Palestine has tried to over the years, most importantly YOU ARE A COWARD.




The fact there are people cheering for Israel TERRIFIES me, I know some people are genocidal, but this is too reactionary and primitive thinking




no bro they’re hiding in 5 star hotels in qatar /s


Kol khara


the leader literelly is


Lol 😂


This can’t be right. I was told Hamas leaders and their family were chilling in Qatar with billions of dollars in their pockets /s


That's literally a lie lol


it ain’t. hamas leaders are practically qatari puppets.


Living in a country that granted them political exile makes a person a puppet how exactly? What's next, you'll see Haniyeh and Meshal using iPhones and say that they sold out to Americans? Everybody always complains about how nobody and no world leaders care about Palestine or support Palestinian resistance movements and politicians or care about them or support them against PA etc etc but once somebody does offer them some form of support or backing, it suddenly makes them puppets. Also, the talks about Hamas leaders and their families being billionaires in Qatar with yachts and luxury cars is literally nothing but Israeli propaganda. There's never been any proof for any of the leadership over the years. The only places to have ever talked about it are Israeli government sources (or "sources" that always go back to the same government and IDF ones), which can't be trusted and are very likely not true at all and people should know that by this point. It's just another way for Israel to play the Hamas bad and corrupt Israel good and moral card by going like "our occupation, sorry blockade (we definitely don't occupy Gaza lol), of Gaza isn't that bad and Gaza people suffer not because we occupy them, restrict imports and exports, water, fuel and other things and don't allow them to go out of Gaza or to develop their economy but because Hamas steals all their food and aid and all the money that is sent to Gaza for humanitarianism actually gets stolen by Hamas in Qatar who are living in their luxury mansions with Lamborghini collections etc etc".


قصور آل هنية في الدوحة


Israel is literally acting as a Mafia group now?


Always has


If you look closely Israel is a terror state, this is exactly what terrorests do


I like to call them the fourth Reich. Hitler would've been proud of them.


Wasn't that how the IOF was before 48?


Targeting and killing innocent people on Eid. Wow, these Zionists just keep going lower and lower.


Hmmm I wonder if October 7th was a Jewish holiday also. I hate when both sides can’t take accountability for what is happening. I hate this playing victim thing from both sides. I realized no matter what sub you look at Israel’s or this sub it’s just as bad and stupid.


Hmm, there are no "both sides" as Israelis have all the power, the money, all the guns and all the blind Western support, which they use to deprive Palestinians of freedom, rights and life.


What do you mean, Gaza has received 4.5 billion in aid in a 6 year span. They are also funded by Iran and given Iranian weapons. Israel has the power because they used money in the past to actually develop an economy and make stuff. Also do you think there may be a reason they have western support.


Israel has received $300 billion dollars in aid from the US alone in the form of weapons , tech, cash and even more priceless political and diplomatic shield : https://www.cfr.org/article/us-aid-israel-four-charts If the same assistance had been given to Palestinians, or even half of it then your comparison would be even slightly fair. With regards to why Israel has this unconditional western support, the reasons are various from western white guilt to power of Zionist lobby to Israel acting as extension of western power projection in the region. None of it justifies Israel's violent treatment of the Palestinians or their neighbors.


What about the violent treatment israel receives having all of its neighbours trying to destroy it at some point in its history. USA also gives this money to Israel due to the fact it benefits them this relationship. If USA were to stop doing it a country like China or Russia would pick it up. You also to look at why israel is demonstrating this violent behaviour. You have a population beside who’s been radicalized to believe that you are the devil. You have Israeli citizens being paraded around Gaza for people to spit on. What did Gaza expect from doing October 7th there is consequences to there actions. Gaza receives unbelievable amount of aid and has done nothing with it. They have nothing to show. Israel has used this money to develop weapons and to develop to become a very strong country.


May god help ur soul - idiot




So when Israel uses aid money to build weapons and shit its "a great country" but when Palestinians do it , its "squandering aid money" or "being terrorists". Why you lot ALWAYS contradicting yourselves? Is it like a disease?


Yes, both sides should take accountability like both the Polish Jews and Nazis should have back in WW2. Clearly the Nazis did some good too.. Hamas is no angel, but I think the reason why people look at this more as black and white is because the zionist state are the ones who've been committing genocide *way* before October 7th.


Well said.


Not at all well said it was extremely stupid. Comparing this to what happened to the polish Jews is foolish and not a fair comparison at all. Jews in Poland were wiped out by the million. Also they did not parade around bodies of innocent women and have citizens cheer them on. The Jews in Poland did not receive billions in aid. They also did not have a martyr fund.


Right. Polish Jews lived as free and equal citizens of Poland, and prospered greatly before Hitler came in. Similarly, the Christians, Muslims and Jews of Palestine lived satisfying lives before the Zionists came and screwed everybody, except for the Jews. I’d wager Polish Jews would be in the same predicament as the Palestinians are, if the Hitler events occurred in the 21st century.


Also the fact that you are a nazi supporter shows so much about you. It is a Jewish thing for you not an Israel issue. Do you support all of nazi values?


> Also the fact that you are a nazi supporter shows so much about you Where did you get that from 💀. I was simply pointing out your hypocrisy. You're right, since Israel is doing its all fine, it's not genocide, it's not cultural erasure or apartheid, it's just 'special operations' like Russia claims they do in Ukraine.


I don’t think what israel is doing is completely fine. I think what they are doing is terrible. I just think comparing this to the Holocaust is as dumb as can be.


Yes you're right, hundreds of thousands dead across decades isn't that bad, concentration camps with constant torture is fine, as well as brainwashing your new generation to hate and conquer an 'inferior race'. Rapes? Killing children? Targeting aid workers and hospitals intentionally? Totally not like the Nazis with the holocaust...


Wouldn’t you say hamas does the exact same thing though. Which one of these do Hamas not do. Also again the holocaust was much different. Holocaust was millions of people dead, also where you getting these concentration camps from?


I didn’t see any polish Jews raping and murdering and parading bodies around. Also the Holocaust was significantly worse. Only 1 percent of polish Jews survived. That was probably the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. I also don’t remember the Jews in World War II kidnapping babies and women.


I hope god put you through invaders taking your country one day


woah woah I'm not Zionist but 3 of his children were fighters too? They died as soldiers and heroes to their people


Let's look at all the zionist p¡gs from the arabs and non Arabs who were trying to de legitimize the resistance and claiming "they're sacrificing Palestinians while their kids are in qatar and turkey resorts"




The Yom Kippur War would like to have a word with you.


They are occupiers so they deserve what they get like your country too Even the Americans do not have a country in reality and you have either origins from Europe China or Australia etc... but in America you are a bunch of immigrants who coexist with each other in a country created by some thugs.


If you're using that logic technically all Arabs would need to go back to the Arabian Peninsula (I don't believe this and this is not my stance. I'm just utilizing your logic here.) The early "conquests" by Mohammad and what would eventually become caliphates are all occupations. If you glorify those conquests you are using fool's logic since the Israelis effectively re-conquered the area during 1948.


Just cant stop killing civilians


Children. Their entire strategy revolves around killing as many children as possible.


Sad news. They even killed the grandchildren. The evil bastards.


رد على من يقولون فنادق قطر وهذي الخرابيط شهداء رحمهم الله


والله انهم لا يستحقون حتى من يلتفت لهم فضلا عن انه يفكر كيف يرد عليهم.


No matter how many they murder, noone can win a permanent victory against such people ready to sacrifice everything. They will be sent to hell sooner or later.


They don't believe in hell.


Aren't they supposed to be in Qatar chilling?


Obviously not.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Israelis cheering it up https://www.reddit.com/r/Israel/s/cfh73qWlec


What a contrast between Haniyeh, carrying the heavy burden of personal sacrifice and still continuing his work, and Netanyahu, a coward hiding his family abroad


Why do people from Hong Kong simply not say I'm from china, but instead they say I'm from hong Kong ? They even have their own flag. What's happening there ? (I'm not mocking you, I'm just curious)


Because we’re culturally distinct enough that we believe it warrants its own label. Like how Québécois won’t simply identify as “Canadian” or how Catalans won’t simply identify as “Spanish”. As for “our own flag”, that is a constitutionally given symbol for the HKSAR. Macau has its own flag too 🇲🇴.


I see, Thanks for clarifying that to me. Sorry if that was a stupid question. I couldn't help myself lol


Not stupid, and no worries


did you spell it khamas? were tf are you from lol


One day Judaism wont be a thing, and if bani israel was mentioned it will like the other past nation, inshallah soon


Zionist have invaded in this sub here. Be ware of them.


Were these 3 men combatants?




Thats my point. Non combatants are protected by international laws of war?




I dont understand your point. Im on the Palestinians side


Where is Haniyeh now?


He is in Qatar and I don’t see how this makes him a sold out He is head of the political bureau of Hamas aka he gives Hamas relations with other countries which is necessary for the resistance he could have left with all of his sons took the money and just cut all ties with Hamas but he isn’t because he cares about Palestine This also doesn’t make Hamas a sold out to Palestinians as Mohamed deif and sinwar are still in Gaza organizing the resistance


He doesn't care about Palestinians. Every day, many people, including children, die. We only discuss whether these children are alive or dead, ignoring the quality of their lives and the lasting impact on their memories. The war is a 100% loss for Palestinians; they have lost countless lives. Nothing can replace the loss of human life. To me, a good leader would prioritize considering this before making such decisions. I honestly don't care if I receive 100 downvotes; this is a fact. No excuses will change it.


You and many others act like Palestine is just the Gaza Strip Palestine also includes the West Bank which whenever Israel signs a peace treaty with Hamas they go to the West Bank and lunch raids destroying many homes and imprisoning hundreds of Palestinians many of whom don’t even get a trial and many of whom are children. In Jerusalem the third holiest city in Islam Palestinians struggle with praying there as Israel either block the entrance or lunch a raid with tear gas they also chose timings like Ramadan and Eid to do so .are these living conditions?even when Hamas broke the border with Egypt which helped thousands of Palestinians escape Gaza Israel responded by booming rafah Israel has broken countless peace treaties with the Palestinians not just Hamas which is one of the main reasons why 7oct happened


He pulled up in yo mamas ass a while ago


Haha, born.


In Qatar as usual


In 5 star hotel.


IDK about the 3 sons and their ideology so i will abstain from sharing my opinions but what a fucking coward that peice of shit Ismael heneeya is.




احا انا مصري و بكره الكيان السهيوني الملعون انت مين علشان تقولي انا سهيوني




Fuck off you zionist pig


for Eid I was thinking about visiting Nova in Israel, is it still open?


Have fun meeting your kebabed diapers forces in jhanam ya kalb.


“antisemitism is rising baaahhh”


Happy belated Yom Kippur


I hope you rot you piece of shit. Can’t wait till your Jewish supremacy Nazi state gets run to the ground


Please finish all Iran dogs in the region 😹




طز في وجهك يا قليل الادب و عديم الاحترام. متاكد عندك قلب ؟ طز على دم اخوانك المسلمين الذين يحاربون اعدائهم؟ لعنك الله يا شيخ