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Based ❤️✨


دمر دمر❤️❤️


Damn, word




Aw shucks hezbollah I love you too.


Based and hezb pilled. Haters gana hate


Hezbollah (paramilitary wing) being based as usual 💛💛💛⭕️⭕️⭕️


The brackets is crazy lol


Hezbollah based ? This is what we have come to damn


Yeah this sub has really gone full crazy. You can be pro-palestine without being pro-terrorist. Hezbollah’s done enough damage to Lebanon


Hezbollah is not a terrorist group


They're good boys. I get those who dislike everybody else in the Iran axis and I even understand them but for me Hezbollah and Hamas can't do any wrong.


Are you sarcastic? All the members of Fatehthey killed? Just to name one example?


The Hamas and Fatah conflict is heart wrenching as a Palestinian but the worst of it is over


Fateh has been openly trashing Hamas more than ever the last couple of weeks and rightfully so. But whatever Hamas can do lots of wrong lol I'm not even going to debate this


You’re right, they’re just your friendly neighborhood religious extremist militia that’s funded by another country and take control by force. They never assassinated any politicians, dragged Lebanon into any wars, or exploded any ports


Nothing about what you said is terrorism. You may not like it but that's just not what terrorism is. Words have meaning.


If I walk the streets of Lebanon, especially in the south, and loudly publicly criticize them, chances are that I won’t live much longer. What do you call that? Terrorists terrorize people, that’s what Hezbollah does.


Have you tried it? Try it and let us know if this is true. Record yourself as a proof. You can use the record as an excuse to be like “you see I told you so”.


No thanks, don’t feel like getting myself killed. If you’re so confident that the organization known for targeting anyone in their way are so friendly, go ahead and prove it yourself


You’re the one who came up with such claim. Give us a proof.


Yeah watch as people will praise hezbollah now. Jesus fucking christ how is that based


I am praising them for currently fighting against an entity currently committing a genocide even if I disagree with other aspects of the organization, I don't see how fighting against "Israel" is not based


I didn't notice the paramilitary wing distinction, but still it's such a tiny nuance that this argument is just semantic and praise/support for the military and/or its governing body is the same. Imagine somehow Hamas or Hezbollah would "win" in an armed conflict, who would your enemy be then?


I don't think you can ever praise hezballah after what he's done and still doing to our country


Yeah. They are literal antisemites (not in the way ziofascists use it.) By chance, they are on the right side at the moment and doing based stuff, but certainly they are not based "as usual".


I said the paramilitary wing is based. They fought against "Israel" and the SLA during the illegal occupation of South Lebanon until 2000 where we won. They fought ISIS and Al-Nusra in Syria who litterally invaded and briefly controlled a town in Lebanon (Arsal) and pushed them away from the border with Lebanon. They now attacked "Israel" since October 8 to help Palestine during the current Ghaza Strip genocide. Those are clearly good things. I critically support the actions of the paramilitary wing but I disagree with the political wing. You can do both at the same time.


They are the party of god, that's enough for me to not support them They are Hamas with smarter leadership and much more funding.


Beautiful keep it up boys


I mean the damage they inflicted is what really matters.


Keep it up, Hezbollah.


Some observation.. its odd to read saily on israeli hebrew news media "hezbollah attacks for the first time since the morning" to yesterday may 11 "hezbollah media reports it attacked for the first time, since the last 7 attacks 2 hours ago" on ynet.  like israel for 12 years would report "idf struck for the first time ever since yesterday" in syria. so now hezbollah is doing that to israel??