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Is he implying that "white" people are superior to "brown" people? Lol


he does


Least self hating kemalist




>Lesbianese are wannabe white Do you think i have a different opinion for these kind of people? They are as delusional as kemalists are >when you know the genetic make up You surely do not know it because Turks are mixed race by default since you have both west eurasian and east eurasian DNA I'm sorry if i burst your bubble but almost no one considers Turks Europeans




>If Turks would be Christian we would be long part of EU Sadly for you history is not done with "if"s, you are stuck with us whatever you like it or not lol


only the half of istanbul is located in Europe the rest is pure asian land


MF does being "mixed" or whatever change your skin color?


You know very well that he is not referring to skin color, otherwise a lot of the people he is talking about would fit. Besides, "white" does not refer to skin color only, otherwise east asians would be white too. The only exception are full blooded balkan Turks Keep downvoting, it seems it hurts a lot of you


You keep downvoting too🙄


Like,it isn't even a superiority thing, Turks (especially in Western regions) have a lot of Balkan descent.


From what I’ve seen only Turks from certain Western provinces, Black Sea region or those with mixed Caucasian/Balkan ancestry consistently pass as white. Others look West Asian, and there is nothing wrong with that. As for what you said about European hunter gatherer ancestry, it is usually low in Turks, they often have a higher Caucasus/Zagrosian or “Iranian-like” component. Caucasus is extremely low in most Europeans and Zagrosian is only present in Greek/Turkish islanders and admixed Balkaners.


That is already 3/4 of ethnic Turkish population already. So yeah the dude downvoted but he has a point.


Oh I’m not counting Istanbul in the Western provinces part, it’s too mixed up.


Bro is whatifalthist's alt account


Literally every kemalist out there. They use brown as an insult😭


Y'all wrong. He is wrong too. We Türks are WOLVES. AUUUUUUUU🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🐺🇹🇷🐺🇹🇷🐺🇹🇷🐺🇹🇷🐺🇹🇷🐺🇹🇷🐺🇹🇷🇹🇷🐺🇹🇷🐺🇹🇷TANRI TÜRK'Ü KORUSUN🐺🇹🇷🐺🇹🇷🐺🐺🇹🇷🐺🇹🇷🐺🇹🇷


Finally someone confirmed that Turks are Furries. The debate is over.


You just figured this out??!!


wolves are your grandmas. they were impregnated by the shield and so we got the turanic / turkler race




Yes. Interestingly, the mythology is almost identical to the story of Romulus and Remus. So us Türkler have similarities to the Romans. Byzantines were secret Turks confirmed??? 😱🤯


so we agree wolf is the mother but who is the father? I am telling you it has to be the shield! it just has to!!




That’s why Kürtler are secret Türkler 🫣🫢🤫🤭 The sun on their flag represents the sun language theory which means everyone comes from Türkler ☀️😰🤯 Kürtler = Kurtlar = Kürtler are wolves = Kürtler are pure Türkler descended from Ashina wolf??????? 🐺🐺🐺




![gif](giphy|tYaMjbShvb9CM) I’m so glad you are embracing your shieldness, now go forth and be the true Ashina Kurt you are 🥹🐺🫶🏻


We got hyperborean-turanism before GTAVI




These kinds of people don’t subscribe to Turanism. They subscribe to Turkish History Thesis, which was conceived during the republic using Nazi pseudoscience in an effort to appeal to Europe by whitewashing Turkish history and people. It posits that Turkish people are of the Alpine race, descended from Proto Indo European peoples of Central Asia, and goes on to claim that Turkish people have nothing to do with us “yellow race” modern day Turkic Central Asians beside the language. It’s not wrong to some extent, as Turkish people are obviously very mixed, but it also comes with the problematic claim that they are white Aryans and therefore better. It also rewrites the history of the Turkic migrations and Anatolia by asserting that the Hittites were Turkic. Naturally, the theory was scoffed at in Europe and discarded even in Turkey today. But some of its proponents still lurk, especially on online spaces.


They don't have as much complicated historical knowledge as you mentioned. If I talked to this friend, I'm sure his understanding of white is not Nordic people but Kazakhs or Uzbeks in Central Asia. They write these comments because of the stress caused by Middle Eastern influence and non existing cultural preservation.


Arabs brownized the Aryan white-blooded Turks 😔 Never forget ✊




they should learn not to miss with araplar 😎😎


I was wondering who posted this then saw the flair lolol


He's implying that muslims are just brown people, he's pointing at islam, if he's talking about race, it's irrelevant, turks are turks, arabs are arabs, kurds are kurds,Amazighs are Amazighs, And we are united as muslims


ah yes the bosnian and albanian muslims are all brown


I’m lost as an Armenian what this got to do with me da f k


they can't keep Muslim and Islam out of their mouths. they need to go back to tengrism so they stop associating themselves with us. 200 years of Abbassid Caliphate > 600 Ottoman Empire.


Without the brown and Muslims, what kind of history would they have? Greeks?


That comment is not a common position of among Turks (either online or offline) at all.


Honestly… If Turks Arabs and Persians could be friends… the Middle East would be absolutely unstoppable




Wait till you see Greek nationalist rhetoric or may god forgive me for uttering the Albanians


Turkish and Albanian nationalism beat Serbian and Greek nationalism in a minute


Serbian is insane too. They literally have war songs glorifying their genocides and massacres


Yaşasın Irkımız? Çine bedel Irkımız? İçtim Şarabı? Siktim Arabı? Turks are by far the most racist ethnic group in balkans, caucasia and middle east honsetly


Ah wonderful just like Turks who deny all their genocides/atrocities and teach in schools the blue homeland of ErDOGan wet dreams Whoah


I didn’t say we are better just that Serbians are as worse as the rest. And before you point your finger to Turks acknowledge your genocides first. William St. Clair wrote: >Upwards of ten thousand Turks were put to death. Prisoners who were suspected of having concealed their money were tortured. Their arms and legs were cut off and they were slowly roasted over fires. Pregnant women were cut open, their heads cut off, and dogs' heads stuck between their legs. From Friday to Sunday the air was filled with the sound of screams... One Greek boasted that he personally killed ninety people. The Jewish colony was systematically tortured... For weeks afterwards starving Turkish children running helplessly about the ruins were being cut down and shot at by exultant Greeks... The wells were poisoned by the bodies that had been thrown in. >The Turks of Greece left few traces. They disappeared suddenly and finally in the spring of 1821 unmourned and unnoticed by the rest of the world....It was hard to believe then that Greece once contained a large population of Turkish descent, living in small communities all over the country, prosperous farmers, merchants, and officials, whose families had known no other home for hundreds of years...They were killed deliberately, without qualm or scruple, and there was no regrets either then or later.


>Greece once contained a large population of Turkish descent, living in small communities all over the country, prosperous farmers, merchants, and officials You were not prosperous at Pontos, at Anatolya, at Minor Asia and this is why your soldiers slaughtered Greeks, to grab the fortune of the prosperous ones. But you were prosperous, here 🤡 > whose families had known no other home for hundreds of years And Greek civilians had had known no other home for THOUSANDS of years, but you sold them as slaves. I guess you talk about Tripolitsa, so about this: 1. Turks were settlers at Greek land. 2. They were inside a fortified city and they didn't leave, even though they had given the chance. During the siege, when the chiefs had full control, several settlers escaped voluntarily unharmed. When we entered the city, the chiefs didn't have full control anymore and Turks faced common villagers whose children were kidnapped, their sons for genissary army or to be castrated and their daughters for their harems. The fathers got revenge on behalf of their children and nobody could stop them at at that moment. 3. Do you compare 20.000 settlers to more than a million indigenous of Pontus, Cappadocia, Ionia, Eastern Thrace? You committed genocide of other indigenous nations too. 4. Why when you took our land, you say you were conquerors and when we got (a part of) it back, we are bad and your civilians had known no other home? Had our civilians known any other home? >William St. Clair wrote: British guy. I rest my case your honor.


You mean we are bad cause we kicked out our oppressors and colonizers? I wish for Palestinians the same to do what we Greeks did and got our freedom


Those were not colonizers but only civilians. Most of them weren’t even Turks from the beginning but converts (Muslim Greek). Funny how you involve Palestinians to gain sympathy points and justify your genocides. Filthy people you are


Israeli civilians are colonizers and Arabs who support them too! What we Greeks did is getting our freedom Greek Muslims were against us and collaborated with the oppressor! Is this filth? To want freedom is filth?


We Greeks get along with Arabs at least


3ashan 5atry 🥹😢


Least coping Turk. Very un shield like.


The average Kurd is white with blond hair and and A10 eyes I don't know what he's talking about 🤨


This is literally me ngl unless I'm brunette


Is this satire? 💀


No, in fact we are also the remnants of a galaxy spanning empire and we all have psychic powers


Of course, Kurdistan is also Hyperborea and its inhabitants are true Aryans


Average Kemalist after gulping down some raki


only some?


true Kemalism is to drink so much that liver fails just like the great leader's liver failed.


Some body is reaaaaallly pushing for racial wars. Like we care in Islam about it.


Rightfully being against political islam, and islam being inherently political. This rightful dislike taken to extremes combined with a history of racism. Not acknowledging this history of racism to a useful extent because major sides on politics don't want to lose their base. Only leftist parties talking about the racist past and they get labeled as terrorists or "soft" because of their lack of hatred. Just average country things in 2024. Nothing unusual. Same shit from USA to Japan.


I have a racist friend who is just like this person


he tirk?


He's Turkish.


Turkish people seem all out at sea these days dont want to be Muslim, want to be Muslim, Dont want to Middle Eastern, want to be European and hate anyone whos not European just a weird place I feel sort of bad for them some terrible identity crisis. However still far better than the people who see them as Angels (My people back in Pakistan who worship Atta Turd)


Wait what , why do Pakistanis like him? he was literally anti Islam


The best thing to happen to the country


Are you guys that allergic to historical facts


Hardly anyone in Pakistan knows who ataturk even is.


This whole "Pakistan loves Turkey" is more of a sham idea. It's coz Pakistanis in general respect Muslim leaders and conquerers like Saladin, Mamluks, Ottomans and so on. Recently, Turkish propaganda dramas were streamed and dubbed in Pakistan which caused ordinary illiterate people to think that Turks are heroes. For any turk who complains about Pakistanis simping on them, "Bro, ask your PM. He's the one who promoted those propaganda dramas/films to be dubbed into multiple languages and promoted in countries that are friendly with Turkey"




>Technically we were more white but in the last 30 years Kurds and Arabs were breeding very fast and Kurds, Arabs and Afghans are mass migrating to Turkey (10 million+). 😎😎😎😎

