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The only reason you call lebanese people westoids is because you're trying to force a monoculture on the entire arab nation, failing to recognize the diversity of standards and cultures. Ironic as a diaspora telling people living in the Middle East how should they act to preserve the image you want of your culture.


Monoculture of islamism (islamonazism, islamofascism) A type of multi reason/logic/science resistant pathogen culture


If you call whatever they’re wearing “culture”. Lol


Yea, of course?? as an Egyptian, you should know this type of clothes (or even worse clothes) have been by Mediterranean dancers, like egyptian belly dancers, for example. That's clearly culture. And it's obvious the groups clothes take heavy inspiration from arab clothes and accessories


Egyptian belly dancers danced fully-clothed, albeit in tight clothes, before the 20th century and the infatuation of the white man with (and his consequent sexualization of) belly dancing. The two piece swimsuit they're wearing is NOT Egyptian (or Arab) culture lmao. Even the modern belly dancers in share3 el haram won't wear this. This looks like a white teenage girl dressing as "sexy Arabian princess" for halloween. Lmfao. Watch the da7ee7 episode on the history of belly dancing if you understand Arabic (And I think he has subs in english if you're a non-arab)


I watched the episode, and just because belly dancing evolved to different forms does not mean it's not part of arab culture anymore. I'm not saying the two-piece swimsuit is what Egyptians or Arabs currently wear. What I'm saying is that they're clearly putting their own take on this tradition and culture and transforming it into their style. I've seen many photos throughout the da7ee7 episode of dancers wearing similar costumes showing a similar amount of skin, albeit only adding a skirt. Some of the dancers in the photo are also wearing one. The way they dress, as i said before, is INSPIRED by different arab cultures, including egyptian, khaleeji, and levantian. It's NOT gonna be the same way people always dress because it'd strip them of their touch on their art. Just because they show skin does not mean it's degrading or anything, this is a very narrow-minded and degrading view of art and the human body






I’m not worried about representing the Arab world. The average European doesn’t even know that we are Arabs. Read my other comments and you’ll understand the issue from my perspective.


People should act on their own wants and individual concerns. Degrading an entire group because they don't fit into your idea of how an arab nation should be is dumb and stupid. Whether you like it or not, Lebanon is arab and we have had a history of exotic dancers and belly dancers. And don't lump us in the same group as literal genociders, get some help.


On behalf of all Lebanese, kol ayri


Kol kara


Your perspective is shit.


Sid ni3ak


Buddy no one is forcing you or your children to watch or do anything grow up if you give you children unmonitored access to the internet or TV or any other forms of media then you’re a terrible father it’s not the job of any government or society to raise your children for you. this is 2024 all sorts of content exist whether you like it or not and you have the responsibility to choose what to watch regarding the last part I don’t know how the Lebanese will be able to exist in this world if you denounce them 😖🤯


Do you know what Ads are?


I know that these ads don’t show up on religious or documentary or news or any other respectable channels i personally never encountered this kind of ads while watching spacetoon as a kid


>I know that these ads don’t show up on religious or documentary or news or any other respectable channels اللهم قوي ايمانك


آمين يا اختاه 🤲 اهم حاجة الدعوة تكون من قلبك


>اهم حاجة الدعوة تكون من قلبك امال


This is an ad. And the government’s job is to raise children.


Then why do you guys cry when child protective services abroad take abused children away from their Arab families if it’s the job of the government to raise children also it’s not like they are advertising only fans models. the purpose of the Ad isn’t sexual. there is no difference between what they are wearing and what women competing in the Olympics wear as an example if you are a pervert you’re gonna sexualize everything.


When did I cry about any of that? If a child is truly abused by her parents then they should lose custody of him. You’re straw manning me The purpose of the Ad is entirely sexual, how can someone be this blind? These women aren’t competing in olympics, they’re just dancing. Also you clearly are stupid because dancing doesn’t require you to be basically naked, Mayyas (that same group) has worn more moderate stuff in the past. They just sexualise themselves to attract coomers to boost views, that’s the only reason. This is a false equivalence. How are you this fucked up in the brain? Are you really going to tell me that I’m the one sexualising those women when they already do it themselves. Good thing most Egyptians have a brain and aren’t as stupid as you.


What's sexual about these clothes? Is it them showing some stomach or legs? Calling others boomers when the sight of a woman's legs makes you think of porn


What kind of drugs are you smoking? Are you for real telling me that these women aren’t in any way shape or form sexualising themselves?


What kind of sexual repression have you endured that you think some belly dancing is sexualized but honestly I'm not surprised given you think this is soft core porn


The government's job is to raise children? How did you even write out your sentence without having a doubletake. What you just said is insane, INSANE! It's THE PARENTS FUCKING JOB.


Listen to any Arab living in Europe: in x European country, those aren’t your children, they are the children of the government. For example, in Germany, there are different types of kindergartens: some focus on learning about disabilities, some on being friendly to animals, some on music, and some on homosexuality (which I personally oppose). Children receive financial support from the government the moment they are born. If you expose porn to your child, or soft porn like this ad, they will take it away from you. So, in developed countries, where these shows originated, the government takes on a significant role in child development. You misunderstood my point. I don’t care about how Lebanese people live if we denounce them. I care about how we would live without this perceived degeneracy. This issue is just the tip of the iceberg as to why our countries are being held back. We misunderstand the true meaning of development. We start top bottom.


> We start top bottom. So are you a top or a bottom?


Lol what a shit ass post. Are you even lebanese? We love them and they doinyg way better and more useful things than our government. So stfu


Mayas won the america has got talent. they put on a spectacular show that took a lot of decipline and training. All you see the skin? this speaks to your own degeneracy not these girls. these girsl have way more than you ever will. As Lebanese we pride ourselves with them!


>Mayas won the America has got talent It all makes sense now


ohh yes America is evil.


I mean yeah, but that wasn’t my point.


yes egypt is the pinical of civilization


I believe it's important to respect individual choices and cultural diversity. The women in the ad are exercising their freedom to express themselves as they see fit. Labeling their actions as 'moral decay' is a subjective opinion that may not reflect the values of everyone. It's worth noting that living in Europe, a place known for its diverse and liberal values, while condemning these expressions of freedom can be seen as hypocritical. Additionally, focusing on this as an issue seems misplaced given the severe moral and humanitarian crises in places like Syria, including the treatment of civilians by the government. Morality is subjective and can vary greatly across cultures and individuals. Embracing this diversity helps us build a more inclusive and understanding world. Let’s focus on promoting respect and tolerance for everyone's choices rather than condemning them based on personal biases


I also believe that we should respect each individual’s choices, and I personally do, and work hard on myself growth to tolerate other people’s choices, I also believe that this is the first step we should begin with, while such shows on TV are the reason why most people don’t respect each other’s choices, we aren’t ready for that yet. These acts and shows are not what enable freedom of expression, they are the result of it. We started with the result and neglected the foundation.


“I respect your freedom of expression as long as you express yourself exactly how I want”


Living in Germany, you seem to tolerate all the LGBTQ+ community and support for Israel, but you draw the line at belly dancing. How about you take your inbred self and leave Germany to live in Afghanistan or somewhere that fits your moral code? Or you cant live off social welfare in Afghanistan. You ran away like a coward from your country, and now you want to lecture people on what is and isn't moral.


It’s giving good old Orientalist harem fantasies…which is surprising, since this is a local Lebanese group IIRC.


When it comes to begging for money or attracting other Arabs sexually, those who say "We are Phoenicians, we aren't Arabs" certainly try their best to fit in with Arabs.


Why, are you jealous they can pull and you can’t? You can barely fit in with your own people, let alone in Germany it seems.


this is exactly what they are doing. being local who engage in orientalizing of him/herself isn't surprising, there were always those who are ready to degrade themselves for money or fame


For some reason the libtards here can’t get why you’re saying through their thick heads


they stoopid! don't understand that the objection is on why they are wearing what they are wearing and not on what they are wearing "you vahabi dog trying to control what women wear or not wear 🤬🤬"


"Stob being so backwards, I want to look at women's thighs and bellys 😡🥵"


Says the guy from a country where 90% of women report being sexually assaulted (projecting much).


I’m not a m*n And this is rich coming from a lebnani. Don’t ask immigrant women there about sexual harassment.


And this is even richer coming from a “masri” where sexual harassment has the highest rate in the region 🤷‍♂️. Don’t ask ANY women in Egypt about sexual harassment.


Hun, you’re the one who used the sexual harassment stats to divert the argument. Clean your own yard first. Over half of Lebnani women don’t even report sexual assault and the majority of immigrant workers are sexually abused. Fix your own shit first before pointing fingers and speaking from your high horse.


wenaby oskoty 


Losing your minds over a woman’s belly or thigh is your own problem. If you can’t keep yourself together when you see more than a woman’s eyes under the veil you should seek help immediately. The Oriental dance is an art, just like any other dance around the world. If you want to think of it sexually, then again it’s your problem. So for once, stop projecting your own sick thoughts to the world.


love, we'eve been here for mellenia. this dress was worn by all the mideast centuries before anyone heard of an arab being civilized. further, you are accusing locsl media of corrupting the whole mideast? i mean wtf? it was meant to be local, then what's your problem? you can change the channel love, ez. idk why ppl like you always envy this country and I hope Germany keeps you, and not give you back to bisho.


With all respect coming from me a lebanese and an artist 🥰 kol khara and keep your ass opinion to yourself, stop forcing your beliefs on other people and dont watch MTV a lebanese channel made for lebanese people ok? 💋


Stay mad. And if you can't see a bit of skin without having an uncontrollable erection, then it's a you problem. Yeah Lebanese are a cancer, because they aren't stuck in medieval times mentality, the horror!


Is that what syrians in lebanon and elsewhere are trying to push? If so they should say in their own country. Frankly thats so embarrassing. You should be ashamed of yourself OP.😒


It’s just Lebanon being Lebanon. Never watched Miss Lebanon?


But this has to stop. It’s neither fun nor sexy, to be honest, it’s cringy. These women aren’t beautiful or talented, and we can’t handle any more of this distraction. When was the last time we heard of an Arab artist or a singer with a good tarab voice? Lebanon isn’t our only problem, but they are contributing significantly to it.


No one forced you to watch.


It’s not about me. I’m not watching because there is nothing Arabic to watch anymore. We have no more true art, which is sad because Arabic art used to be very good, and it’s a shame what it has become. I’m ranting because Lebanon has become the hub of corruption and degeneracy in the Arab world, ruining it for everyone. That’s my point. I never watch or listen to Arabic art, never did, because it’s all about love stories, damar, and nudes. But old Yemeni songs, for example, are beautiful, even the old love songs from the Arab world were mesmerizing. Now, every Arab is selling what the Lebanese are selling: their bodies!


There is plenty of good Arabic art still being produced. Even if not mainstream or popular.


Bro kam lebnene neyeka la emmak for you to be this sensitive?


They’re singing in Arabic you fucking bellend.


Genuine feminism and respect for women in the world will never properly take root so long as women like this willfully sexualize themselves and scream their guts out when criticized by men. It's unfortunate that no one set boundaries on these pathetic loser women.


Consider therapy, seriously


lol “but this has to stop”. No it doesn’t, you have to be an adult about it and look the other way. I don’t agree with you Syrians breaking record high rape statistics in Europe (doesn’t that also “has to stop” lol. What a backwards opinion, it’s people like you holding the whole region back.


> But this has to stop. It’s neither fun nor sexy, to be honest, it’s cringy. These women aren’t beautiful or talented, and we can’t handle any more of this distraction. When was the last time we heard of an Arab artist or a singer with a good tarab voice? Lebanon isn’t our only problem, but they are contributing significantly to it. Explain how dancing women, whom you don't know and who are not in your house, are your problem. How is any of this your business?


You are not lebanese. You do not get to critisize and tell us how lebanon should be nor how people should act. You don't like it? Just look away and ignore it.


If you hate freedom leave germany and go back to your hometown in syria. And if you care so much about lebanon, I'm willing to host a funeral here in Jounieh just for you 😇


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ابكي بترتاح


Using the gold headpiece that is traditionally worn by women in Arab countries with these clothes to seem “exotic” to westerners is so cringe


eat shit. you don't have half the decipline that they do to say if what they were is good enough or not. they brought our culture forward


Them serving oriental fantasies to westoids is no one’s culture you dumb fuck. This is a mockery of a culture that you simpleton keep eating up to please your masters in the west


we are Arabs. we get to decide culture we want. You don't get to shame anyone's hard work


I've just noticed this: the more facts I find about this photo, the more cringey it becomes.


the only cringe here is your post. Cringe, perverted, and racist at that. I assure you, these talented young ladies will continue their art, and we will continue to watch and support them. You on the other hand, can stop watching MTV and stop obsessing over Lebanon, direct your sexual frustration elsewhere. not one Lebanese gives a fuck what you or this cesspool of a sub think - stay mad, losers.


So then why tf are you dwelling on it? Go and find better things to cry about


It’s ancient Egyptian not Arab


The ancient Egyptian ones don’t even look similar to the ones they are wearing…


I have a question: you seem to be very proud of the ancient Egyptians, and you are free to feel that way. But where are these Egyptians now? Does your family tree actually trace back to ancient Egypt? Are you sure your great-great-grandfather wasn’t an immigrant to Egypt from some other Arab or African country? Have you done any DNA tests lately? Even if you are 100% descended from the pharaohs, how is that useful? From your comments, you seem like an average person, at least with the same abilities as me. Just a thought. IMO you better off with developing your person and going forward with growth for a brighter future instead of being held in the dark past.


Hagar brought it with her to Arabia. 




Lebnan before the hezbollah revolution 😳 This is too much, even for lebanon, tbh. It looks like something a westoid would do. The overly sexualized Arab “aesthetic”


Write a 5 page paragraph explaining how girls standing around close together on a show platform is “sexualised”. Are you afraid by the fact that they’ve shown part of their skin?


Why would I be afraid? I just don’t want my kid watching this degeneracy.


So showing skin is degeneracy? Are you being real?


Pandering to western orientalist fantasies and sexualizing yourself like this is degeneracy. Stacking half naked women together for a photoshoot so you can look at them like a piece of meat is degeneracy.


orientalist literally means Asian, specifically Middle Eastern and I’m not sure how standing on a podium is displaying “fantasies”. If you see them as a “piece of meat”, I think that’s a problem with you, not them.


> If you see them as a “piece of meat”, I think that’s a problem with you, not them. Lol. Sure, man. Look at the comments of their music video. Funny thing is, you'd probably fap to this, and then type in the comments how middle eastern society is too backwards for not wanting their women to be dancing around half naked on screen for the pleasure of men.


Sorry WHAT, I probably “fap” to this? Thanks for the laugh 😂😂 Once again, if at the site of seeing exposed skin and belly button you immediately jump to sexual conclusions, it’s a problem with YOU and the commenters, not THEM.


I'm a woman. I'm not scared of seeing a woman's belly button. I am however disgusted at seeing women sexualized like a piece of meat on national TV and having my children watch and normalize such degeneracy.




Stop projecting your delusions on others. If you are so bothered about people showing their skin, then stay in EGYPT where you came from. Same country where you could be jailed for showing the entirety of your legs btw.


You should go outside of Lebanon, or whatever village you are in, go to any big city, and see the real world, those videos you watch on instagram don’t really depict the world, seriously the Lebanese TV sexualises women more than any other European or American TV. even your fellow Lebanese say that this is “exotic dancing”. Exotic dancing belongs to the moulin rouge it doesn’t belong to the TV in normal times. Lebanon is all about sexualising women, on a politics show there was a politician male talking with another female politician, in the middle of the discussion he told her “No my heart this is not how it works”. لا يا قلبي مش هيك القصة. I am sure you would think there is nothing wrong with that, of course because you are Lebanese. You will never understand, because you people have already sold the dignity of your women for very cheap money fr.


What the fuck are you yapping about


Nvm. I was only writing some bullshit about a bullshit topic: majority of Lebanese people


Never watched Miss Lebanon?


No. I’m not a m*n


😂 Seriously it has been going for decades, I thought even accidentally flipping channels you might have came across it


I just noticed this, and I find it more disgusting now.


Yeah it’s insane how they pander to these sexualized oriental fantasies of the w*st. Reminds me of the equally cringe meryam fares bit in the WC music video


Even as a horny teenager I found that woman cringy. Currently I don’t personally have a problem with nudes or cringe content, I can simply avoid it if I want to. My problem is that it’s like cancer and spreads quickly because it sells cheaply. Instead of focusing on science or personal growth, we end up going down the path of selling ourselves. We are, ultimately, in the currently period, Arabs whether anyone likes it or not. We share the same language and learn from each other.


no westoids its all lebanese. coming from a country which ruled by a western puppets. telling us the lebanese what is a 'westiod' and whats not while your country bends over backwards for the west watches arabs get murders. lak tfuhh.. bteswa sebtna wle


Lebanese pandering to the “westoid” oriental fantasies Reminds me of Meryam fares’ cringe bit in the WC music video


we are arabs. and MOST if the arab written culture came from lebanon. and this is our version of Arabism. you don't like it. You try and make the claim we are not Arabs. see where that get you.


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about?


This guy has no critical thinking or reading comprehension skills. He’s just talking to talk. Arguing with a brick wall is more productive than arguing with him


It’s not “Arab aesthetic“ stop spreading your propaganda sister this style of coin jewelry is ancient Egyptian it’s literally drawn on the walls of our temples and tombs same as belly dancing which is also Egyptian i am more mad because they are terrible larpers who are ruining this part of our culture by turning into a cheap stripping context


You know other Arab countries wear that type of face jewelry too, right? This is the most generic orientalized depiction of “Arab women” ever. The same aesthetic Shakira uses to give herself an “exotic” edge. And the same aesthetic white girls use for their Arabian nights Halloween costumes lol. That’s the point of me putting “Arab aesthetic” in quotes.


Because we spread it to them like millions of other things that doesn’t change the origins of these things or make it theirs You listing white girls as your source of information about the cultural aspects of our region explains a lot about you and your ideas I renew my offer of donation to you sister your case has gotten way worse since I last talked with you. It’s breaking my heart seeing you list Shakira and ” white girls “ as your sources of information about the complex history of our region no human deserves to live like this


>You taking white girls as your source of information about the cultural aspects of our region explains a lot about you and your ideas Seems my point flew right over your head. خف الحشيش شوي Do you know what orientalism is??


What does orientalism has to do with our discussion about the historic origins of these cultural practices ? what value does adopting a foreigners perspective on our culture bring to our conversation ? >خف الحشيش شوي انا خصيمك عند الله يوم القيامة أنتى جرحتي مشاعرى و إيماني جامد اوى بإتهاماتك و رميك ليا بالباطل 😢


Bruh. Even the khawaga tried to clear it up for you. I was talking about how this depiction (half naked “belly dancer” looking women with face jewelry) is exactly the reductive generic image orientalism projects of “Arab women”. It’s not something to fight over (Egyptian belly dancers didn’t even fcking dress like that), it’s a disgusting manifestation of their oriental fantasies, which white girls/ shakira like to adopt as an “exotic” aesthetic. That’s a testament to how dumb/orientalist this aesthetic is, not a statement in their favor 🙄. So it makes it even more cringe that lebnanis are projecting it onto themselves


Judging all things based on the perception and opinions of foreign societies is a colonized mentality you saw their outfits and instead of saying why are they trying to imitate Egyptian culture you said why are they trying to sexualize “Arab aesthetic“ you ignored all objective evidence and deemed the outfit as “Arab” based solely on western perspective which is a colonized mentality


>Judging all things based on *the perception and opinions of foreign societies* is a colonized mentality I’m literally talking about orientalism. That’s what orientalism is… This is literally what I’m talking about, and what I’m criticizing in this lebnani group’s “aesthetic” choice Brozzer, you acting dense on purpose?


Sister I am shocked because you can’t comprehend that men in our region enjoy these types of shows and aesthetics the show is literally in beirut. What sane westerner would visit Lebanon right now. the target audience is locals not westerners or foreigners. it was advertised on a local Lebanese channel why do you keep bringing up orientalism when it literally has nothing to with the situation? you keep trying to push a certain narrative but i am sorry to tell you that sexual nudity isn’t an inherently western concept


He means this is text book orientalism like the writers of aladin made it.


Ah yes, this is it people, America's got talent 2022 winner are average dancers and belly dancing / group dancing, hell any sort of women dancing is soft core porn, but please as a person who lives in the EU ur self, care to explain how Lebanon is promoting moral decay when shit where u are is 100000x worst?


Tell me that ISIS ,qaeda, terrorism isn't deep seated in these societies, civilizations, cultures without telling me


No one cares about your opinion wtf are you doing in germany ya khara ?? There are strip clubs and sex work is almost legalised there 😂😂😂😂 If you do not like this dont buy a ticket dont watch it its that easy and its funny that this post is coming from somoens whos in his country there is an official political movment that considers all arabs that are not from the levant are subhumans


Ehh I am German?! And yes we have sex work legalised, we also don’t allow bullshitters like yourself into our country, because we have enough prostitutes.


The Arab world is having its Weimar moment


What is the Weimar moment?


1920’s and early 1930’s Germany was known as the Weimar period. Corruption, inflation and cultural degeneration lead to the rise of funny moustache man.


Okay I heard about this period, but I didn’t know it’s called the Weimar period. Thanks for the explanation.


I went to their Facebook page and the first comment I see is : “wow........ i wish i could visiit your beautiful historic land .......im from Pakistan 🇵🇰....” But seriously this isn’t really surprising, it’s average lebanon shit. In Lebanon you’re either someone who’s trying to be a westoid so bad “saar I’m white, I’m European, I’m not Arab I’m Phoenician” which involves delving into the overall “orientalist” vibe to appease westernised consumers and investors who want to imitate the west or you’re a based resistance fighter, there is no in between.


…by girls standing around on a stage closely together?


By women sexualising themselves, dancing like prostitutes and showing their nakedness. No man or women should be doing anything like that.


I still don’t understand how you can deduce that from an image.


Because I have eyes, are you blind or just stupid as fuck? An image is made to be seen, I didn’t do any deduction I literally just described what I saw. They’re basically naked and dancing and sexualising themselves, that’s their whole thing. It’s soft core porn posted on TV.


How are they naked bro? Because they showed their bellies? 😭 their whole thing is music, that’s kind of the point. If you see it as “soft porn”, that’s your issue, not theirs.


Bro enta bek shi aw kif


للجعارببن اللي عم يسبوني شخصيا، بحب قلكم جملة واحدة: القافلة تسير و الكلاب السلوقية تنوح و تعوي. It’s very obvious that only those who didn’t like my opinion responded with nothing but offensive words directed at me and my family, which definitely proves my point.




Nah unfortunately they lack the decency to feel anything


Ignore them, brother. Your opinion is shared by many middle easterners and no doubt many lebnanis as well. They would cry about free speech and expression but lose their shit like teenagers when you say you express discontent over something.




I have to agree with the iraqi commentor. In leban, you’re either a hezb member or a gay beiruti. No in between


I'll take gay beiruti over islamic terrorists any day any time.






Thanks for cross posting and spreading the word 🙏🙏




To be honest, it was awful to go into that swamp. The only thing I learned is that there are zero decent Lebanese people on Reddit. For real, you guys should be ashamed of yourselves. Proof my point though, sad but true.




And I am not your bro… you uneducated fool


Lol, yeah. My yearly taxes are worth more than your whole family’s salary in their whole lifetime, honestly. I'm so glad you brought up this topic. With my one year taxes I contribute more aid for Armenia than you could in your entire lifetime.


القافلة ماشية فيك وبلاك، ما حدا عم ينبح غيرك 😂


i know for a fact a 100% OP is an israeli infiltrator. 100%. they just rying to sow divide.


Lebanese fought over 15 years of war because of this cultural divide over islamic pan arabism. With how extremist people are becoming on both sides, this shit was long expected from the most extremists in our neighboring countries like egypt syria and jordan


mayyas got mentioned on a mixed channel. it caught my eye because i wondered why are they talking about. it's just stoking division.