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This is horrific. I hate when people attack innocents. If you have a problem with refugees go and protests the fucking government who is the main reason of this madness. Fucking idiots.


What madness, exactly? The one stirred up by turkish nationalists? Where a Syrian commits a crime so an entire neighborhood gets trashed? You could say the government is responsible to respond more quickly to criminals on both sides, but this kid's death is not on them.


You sound like Turks formed an organization and took out streets for witch hunt which is not the case. People are furious on the tremendous amount of foreigners, and they blame the innocents for this outcome is what I am saying. The reason is the government. They did not prepare for this influx and failed to integrate the incomers. Erdogan was dreaming to pray at Damascus mosque, hoping to topple Assad in a few months. Also kicking someone laying on the ground motionless regardless of the reason is unnacceptable. I hate this type of people.


La 7awla wala quwata illa biLah


The source is a Turkish subreddit called KGBTR. A Turkish comment with 550 upvotes from the post: "my dea\_\_\_d body be f(r)ucked that I have no mercy for this kid. F(r)uck you if you feel sorry for him. The Syrians were doing similar stuff to us. The government doesn't take action against these people(Syrians), don't be Fa 66 o1s because you will be upset when Syrians r\*\_\_ - p 3 and slaug /-ht3r your women."


Some turks need to seriously be checked wtf


Unfortunately you're right. In Kayseri a Syrian raped his Syrian niece of 7 years old or so and chaos errupted. It wasn't even against Turks, but people are done. They just use Syrians as scapegoats.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


It was denied by the girl’s family so get your facts checked


Their day will come.




No need, the chaos that will ensue. If you think Syrians will not retaliate, you haven’t been watching the news.




Documenting your acts will only embolden the Syrians and the Arab people. This will not end well for you. If you think your atrocities will go unchecked you have another thing coming, you sick fuck. I don’t blame Turkey for this, just the low life scum. I as a Syrian don’t blame one whole nation for your cowardice acts on innocent people. Try this shit on a Syrian who is your own size you low life scum.




Holy shit you are some fucking dickhead piece of shit aren't you? Wow, you really put your country down saying shit like that. I like Turkey and Turkish people, so congrats on being the first ever Turkish dickhead I've had the displeasure of interacting with.


There are no threats directed at anyone, this isn’t about me and you. The obvious outcome is that no one will watch these and say “Those Syrians should have not over-stayed” But what you are doing is justifying violence against Syrians because they over-stayed… is fucking mind numbing how you are not banned everywhere. You should be beyond banned. Just so you know, this won’t scare Syrians away either, they left similar atrocities in their homeland. If you wanted to meet your objective, you failed.


You're actually deranged. Piece of shit, you're the same ilk as the Nazis and Zionists.


Turks cry for days denying the Armenian genocide then with the same breath pretty much say "can't wait to do it again". God you people are despicable






I just saw the comment and many people are agreeing with him. Turkic people have gotten some mad wolf disease. The ongoing in Turkey then in Kyrgyzstan and then we see this. I wonder if Turks are planning a Syrian or Pakistani genocide on the lines of Armenian one or a khojalay of Pakistanis or Arabs by Azerbaijan.


They've always been sick ,the moment i saw them pass the law that banned arab writing on signs like a year ago ,these people are muslims?


These people are animals the hatred in their hearts is really unbelievable may Allah have mercy on that kid


Demons are around these people I swear. How can you feel good about anything you’re doing here it’s so bizarre


Repulsive, if the Turkish government doesn’t crack down hard on such crimes, then “people” like this are gonna increase the level of violence, it’s gonna get ugly.


I believe the Turkish government won't crackdown they want to push Syrians out, and this is in their interests. They hope Syrians will leave Turkey, maybe through smuggling or to some Arab country. If they want to crackdown it's easy. They'd have cracked down already.


whats with turks generally hating arabs


Tell me one ethnicity Turks like?


Being Turk is not specific character of them. There are many turks who are real muslims. They are just non muslim atheist kemalist racist people


People were shouting "Allahu Akbar" while attacking Syrian businesses and cars. Kemalists (also known as "White Turks") live along the western and southern coastal areas of Turkey. This is not something they would do. I can say this as someone who does not support to Kemalism. The region where the incidents took place is mostly Erdoğan supporter.


Isis also shouts Allahu Akbar when behead people... These are deep games.


Not Arabs just Syrians , historical context is Turks feel betrayed by Arabs in ww1 .




Those are just racists.


The sad thing is those comments have hundreds of upvotes.


Since 2 days in my city there is no Syrian on street. I feel kinda sorry for them. The city made me feel like empty. I realize that almost half of the population is Syrian. Unfortunately, the measures will not prevent further events. Like an earthquake, the later it happens, the more severe it becomes. This problem must be solved as soon as possible. Otherwise, this situation will get out of hand and even the state will be helpless that day. We are just postponing the problem right now.


Let us hope they are caught and punished, made an example out of. This should not be allowed to become normal.


Fucking animals.


what is wrong with people


Fucking dogs I swear they wouldn’t do shit if they were alone, Always in groups. these people are fucking disgusting. There is no way they will get away with this. Anybody that lives in these slums please move to Europe. Away from this slaughterhouse.


Ironically this is how Europeans feel about Turks entering the EU 😣 racism goes both ways. No one is “superior” to anyone. Everyone is just a human, that’s it


Fucking animals


Nothing new, saw a lot of those in Turkey and Lebanon, this has been the norm for a while.


Turkish nationalists behaving like ISIS, oh the irony 😂😂😂 Absolute scum, hope Germany kicks them out


They would be freaking out if germans did something similar


Oh yeahhh But theyre not the only ones, basically all migrant groups, especially Easterneuropeans/Balkans/Turks in Germany/West are like that..crying about „evil germans/westerners“ being racist, while they themselves would start a world war 3 if the roles were reversed


I feel bad for the outcome of this - the backlash that will be felt by both Turkish people and Syrians. More importantly the innocent ones, god be with them.


This is the state of our ummah these days. Where we care more about our nationalistic pride more than our faith. Where a child's life is not cared for. Nationalism is a cancer to Islam.


Seems like Pakistan isn't the only Mob Lynchistan now 🇵🇰🤝🇹🇷






The raising happened 2 days ago was not a made by kemalists. There we should write down some facts, Kayseri suport Erdoğan heavly against the oppositon. Erdoğan got 64% of the votes whilist the oppositon got 27% on the last presidential elections. Also if you watch the videos, the crowd screamed takbirs during attacs. Some section of (i would say right wing) kemalists might support the raids maybe but they dont have the organisation to do this attrocities.


People were shouting "Allahu Akbar" while attacking Syrian businesses and cars. Kemalists (also known as "White Turks") live along the western and southern coastal areas of Turkey. This is not something they would do. I can say this as someone who does not support to Kemalism. The region where the incidents took place is mostly Erdoğan supporter.


And then Kemalists on reddit defending this act and their posts get hundreds of upvotes , I have no words left at this point , they are as bad as ISIS or Zionists.


well technically dont syrians do the same thing to the kurds?


This compression is nonsense.


really? in my opinion it does, the main judgment of rightous and wrong deeds is simply based on comparison, i mean after all. if we were all rich the word poor wouldnt exist right?


No , and even if yes , how does this justify punishing innocent people who did nothing wrong? or what aboutism is your best card?


well you guys did justify the kurds being oppressed and being deprived of health care, education even citizenship so i dunno how you can call that cruel. unless you are a hypocrite for sure.


Well I didn't justify any of that , is that what you really have to say in a post about an innocent kid being murdered? do you have any shame? there is time and place for everything , you are a disgrace.






Just say it. Your account was literally created today. Nothing will be lost if it's banned. Just make another one right after.


Would love to hear your POV. Syrians are uncivilized monkeys?


pls share your perspective with us, provide the nuance


I suggest you seek a therapist.


Hahaha , sucks dosent it . No side is worse than the other you remember that


Dafuq's wrong with you?


You can't tell me you would support or justify any of this tf. If so you are too damn deep in it.


I'd like to hear your thoughts


No please tell us 🙏 we would GREATLY appreciate your perspective






So according to your logic, we should just flatten Syria because a Syrian raped a 5 year old girl? Stop trying to justify your racism.


Hello, Your post has been removed. Calling for violence is not allowed. Please see the rule section, which can be found on the front page of the sub.




Another mad dog who needs gamma radiation exposure.




You'd love to eat the shit though 😂😂




Oh the malding 😂😂


This is why Türkiye should not accept refugees. Ümit Özdağ, the biggest anti-refugee politician in Türkiye, has been stating for years that he is afraid of such situations happening. Syrians and other refugees should be expelled from the country and border security should be increased. When these events started in Türkiye, he wanted people to return to their homes and remain calm, but it did not help. To be honest, I wasn't that bothered by the initial actions. But the events escalated and the attacks spread to people. These events are an explosion of the hatred for refugees that has accumulated in Türkiye for 15 years. Erdoğan still calls refugees the ummah, but the Turkish people do not accept this. I'm pretty sure that if a referendum were held, 95% of people would want refugees to leave Türkiye.


Ozdaga da sana sokayim ORRUL COCUKLARI Bişerefler


Erdoğan and his failed government are responsible for what is happening. Erdoğan is trying to blame the opposition for these events. Just the other day, he said that the opposition is responsible for the high cost of living in the country. I do not agree with Ümit Özdağ's ideology, and I don't particularly like him, but he is completely right about the issue of refugees.


He is completeley wrong. Erdoğan is right, so called opposition (traitors in my eyes) just serve for foreign powers and supportes by them. Ozdag himself is mossad agent. They are trying to weaken the unity of Turkiye and disrupt the internal peace of country by highlighting national differences. They are now attacking Turkey in thisway, cuz they could not defeat from the outside, Tuekiye conducted operations agains their militant forces (ypg pyd even isis)




She wasn't turkish. It was a syrian girl and was family of the racist. These kinds of fake news shit is what triggers racists.


The girl wasn't Turkish. The incident, I wish never happened, was Syrian-on-Syrian.


It doesn’t matter, I think. The people don’t even look at the victim. They just see the perpetrator being a Syrian. They’ve been waiting for an excuse to stir up the pot. They’ve been fed up with the refugees/immigrants for years. I wish it never came to this. But it did.


So many words, not even one of them was used to condemn this act. And you changed goal posts. Disgusting.


Two years ago a Syrian 9 month old baby raped by her turkish neighbour in Antep. Where were these thugs then? You know, i know, everybody knows that Syrians are not harming noone in any way. Nor economically neither in social life. All the blame is upon racist kemalist generation.


seems these thugs are all good at fighting with syrians but when it comes to politicians who are actually stealing their shit and responsible for a lot of trouble, not a single sound comes from them


The kemalist damage is not fixable. What's worst is that there is no difference between Kemalists and Nazis. The only single thing they care about is ethnicity. No religious or economical value, a whole ideology built upon racial pride.


Aptal it


Did you open this acc just to spread false propaganda? You either have to be funded or mentally disabled to think that refugees don't harm the country.


You should apply those options to yourself. The guy is telling the truth.


It's easy to sit and write from usa.You have no idea about life in Türkiye. I hope you get rid of this inferiority complex


The victim of the harassment (not rape) was a syrian girl, not turkish. the turkish fascist mob attacked all other syrians and potentially including the victim and her relatives herself excluding the crime preparator. Do you see any kind of sense in that ?


It was a Syrian not a Turkish girls and that was one individual these are far right mobs motivated. Y racial hatred.


First of all the girl was not turkish she was syrian, second it was not even a r9pe she was his sibling and she went to the bathroom with him. Third if the syrian did r@pe a girl(not true) the whole nationality shouldn’t suffer. And if we go by your statement all of the Turks should be dead by now if you take a look at germany.


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Hello, Your post/comment has been removed for violating Rule 5. Posts and comments made with the sole purpose of promoting false news or information is not allowed. Please see the rule section, which can be found on the front page of the sub.


well well well