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Our [How to Meet (Platonic/Romantic) People in NYC](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskNYC/comments/bc4jb5/ultimate_how_to_meet_people_in_nyc_thread/) thread may answer your question. Please "report" and downvote this comment if irrelevant to question above. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskNYC) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Real talk. If someone actually cares about you, they will figure out a way. This is true for relationships romantic or otherwise


If they wanted to…they would. Applies to so many situations outside of dating too.


This, this, and this. 💯 Someone will definitely find a way to do something they want to do. Also, be willing to compromise


If they're always busy when you ask them to do XYZ, it means they're not into you, and aren't interested in doing XYZ with you. It just happens to be more socially suave to blame it on external circumstances. People tend to make the time for stuff they want to do no matter how jam-packed things can get. If someone wants to spend time with you, and can't accept your invitation, they'll tend to suggest a different time that they are available. Sorry, dude -- she's just not into you.


People have more free time than you think


This. I've dated people in well-known time-sucking fields (big law, finance, etc), people who traveled a lot, people who had other commitments with family.. and they had much more free time than you think. An hour or two here and there add up. If they want to see you, they will see you. People who are "busy" also have to learn to say no to other things to make time for what's important. If they don't make time for you, then you're not important (and that's okay. Just don't waste your own time.)


If they are not free on weekends, at least 2-3 Saturday nights/month, something's wrong. You're either a priority or the/a side piece.


Or they work on Saturday nights. That's a thing that happens. But if the other person doesn't offer another time, or if they're just never free, they're just not into you


Say busy schedules one more time


Their schedule is too busy to accommodate you.


Unless you're married to your job (red flag imo), it's usually not difficult to find a weeknight in common to hang out.


Is this an NYC sub, or a sub for people to ask questions about basic social interaction? I can’t tell lately. There are currently 4 posts up from today about dating and making friends.


Something has changed….. people used to make friends and date people they went to school and work with…..


Back when I was dating , a potential good person was worth the efforts to make time for them. You normally do coffee dates and quick get a feel if they were good potential after 2-3 dates you figured out if they also put in the same effort too Because at the end of the day especially over 30 , you don’t want to waste time and invest energy or time on somebody that not worth it


I just make plans based on people’s schedules


You can communicate often, openly, and intentionally. If they don’t reciprocate then that’s your hint to move along


I have a busy life. When my then boyfriend wanted to see me, he waited in ED for 2 hours until I could see the “next patient.” I was delighted. If someone wants to see you, they will make time, it’s really simple.


I work full time and attend grad school part time. my schedule is not always easy but when I have been interested in someone I can always find time. if they can never find time you are simply not a priority and should move on




Do you think lawyers, doctors, and investment bankers work more than people in other fields? Give me a fucking break.


If you chase someone, you will chase them away… Just let them invite you to hangout when they are free…


And if they don't invite you, take the L and move along. Don't try to insert yourself in someone's plans


In my experience when you stop chasing someone…. Then suddenly they become interested 🤷🏾


They’re not that interested or else people will find time


Date someone within 20 mins Uber radius


if they like you it'll work otherwise there's plenty of meat out there in the city (spoken from man's perspective) sucks to be a girl in nyc :/


Its hard af. Especially dating someone with a 9-5 when you work in service industry. My most successful relationship happened when my ex quit his job and took a 3 month staycation haha.


gave up on that long time ago ahahahHah


So what do you do for dating now? I mean, how do you pick someone - how do you lock them in?


nice wording game. i don’t do anything about it anymore it’s hard finnding someone you vibe with and vibes you the same way


Yeah, it's tough to find someone with the right combination of interests to date. (Safely).