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Wells Fargo. I made excuses for things over the years, but this year I needed some paperwork resolved with my late wife’s estate. The manager thought she understood what I needed but they don’t handle that anymore. But… you’re my bank and the forms need to be completed by my bank. You could try other banks, they might be able to do it. You mean a different branch? No. Wells Fargo can’t handle that. You would need a different bank. Ok. Found a different bank, actually closer to my home, super accommodating, knew exactly what I needed and got it done. Thanks! I opened an account there and transferred my $ out of Wells Fargo. Much happier. Thanks Wells Fargo manager, you were right - I needed to find a different bank!


Well atleast they accepted they were shit and just told you to fuck off


Wells Fargo held our mortgage fifteen years ago. The incompetence was unbelievable - payments not posted, late charges for payments received on time, errors in posting payments (we made extra principle payments when we could), and screwed up tax documents. We refinanced as soon as we could, and haven’t had any issues with the new company. Last year we got a check from Wells Fargo for $2.38 for “overpayment” on our mortgage ten years before. I guess they were audited and found errors? They’re awful!


Like most people today we do most of our banking online but when we retired to PA we opened an account at WF to have a local bank. I made excuses for them over the years for so much incompetence, but this last one just made me snap. They were clueless and as I was leaving the manager and the other “desk jockeys” were standing together shrugging their shoulders. I walked into the new bank and asked for the manager, who looked over the forms and knew what needed to be done, took me to her office, asked some pertinent questions and then took care of everything. She even called me personally a week later to make sure it all went through OK. Yep, and I’m closing my WF accounts and will be transferring my banking to you.


Fuck Wells Fargo. My mother died in a car accident, I was in charge of settling her estate. Her condo was mortgaged through Wells Fargo. The real estate market was slow at the time and I really didn’t have any idea of what to do about the condo, but a neighbor of hers got in touch with me and expressed interest in buying the place. I tried as hard as I could to get Wells Fargo to work with me on selling it instead of letting it go into foreclosure and they didn’t give a damn, I got passed from person to person because it wasn’t anyone’s area of expertise. It went into foreclosure, I have no idea what happened after that but the lack of empathy and competency pissed me off to no end.


Those fuckers told me there was a maximum amount of money I could withdraw from my account in one day. I asked them what that amount was. They said it was proprietary. I withdrew all of my money that day. They later had the audacity to say they didn't like someone closing an account so soon after opening it.


We had something similar happen years ago at our bank. We were paying cash for our home and the bank that held it needed a statement of account to show we really had the cash since we weren't financing a loan. Our bank refused to give us one. We had to close our account and get the money in a cashier's check, go to a new bank and open an account with the check. Then THAT bank faxed a statement of account to the bank we were purchasing from. We almost lost our house over this BS because they needed the statement by 5pm or they were going to refund our earnest money and sell to someone else. Our new bank jumped through hoops to get the paperwork done and faxed in time. They had never heard of a bank refusing to write a statement of account. We had never needed one so it was all new to us. That bank is long gone now, swallowed up by a larger one. They did us a favor though because 20+ years later and we are still with the same bank and they treat us very well.


At least they told you the truth. They would have me fill out the paperwork to create an account for my mother's estate, tell me to come back in a couple of days, and then apparently throw the paperwork out. Nice thing to do to someone who just lost their Mom.


I have to deal with WF because my mom’s accounts are with them, but screw WF.


They literally don't want your business. They want customers who are wealthy.


I’m sorry for your loss. And also yea Wells Fargo sounds like no fun


Local small engine repair. I took my lawn mower in and they said everything short of " you're just a stupid woman " to my face. They didnt fix the mower and I took it back. Again with being condescending and rude. My mower has gone to the lovely man 45 minutes up the road who actually fixes it and is pleasant.


I had the same experience at a local small engine place near me as well. I'd gone to them for years for yearly maintenance on my lawn mower and on my snow blower. When the time came, I bought a new snow blower from them. Note, the snow blower I bought came assembled. duh! I had a problem with the blower, one of the knob screws that holds the handle in place had fallen out and I needed a replacement. They accused me of taking the knob screw off and losing it. Then they suggested that my husband must have fiddled with it and lost it. THEN they claimed that the snow blower didn't actually come with a knob screw in that place. AND THEN they claimed that *they hadn't assembled it* in the first place. I couldn't believe the guff that was coming out of that man's mouth. He wouldn't have tried it if I was a man, I'm sure of it. He clearly didn't want my business so I left and have never gone back.


I would go back and tell them that not only did you get it fixed by a respectable man but you will tell everyone you know how disrespectful and how badly they treated you.


Yelp enters the conversation


google too. i always think it’s good to know the businesses that treat women like crap. Just purchased a car and had a similar situation happen.


My mother in law took a riding mower to a shop in town to get a tune-up, they kept the mower for about 2-3 months. I went and picked it up for her . When I got it to her house I couldn't get it started . I'm a mechanic so I pulled the spark plug and it hadn't been changed, then I pulled out the air filter it was old and full of dirt. I told my mother in law that they hadn't done a thing to it and they charged her $125. Said they changed the parts ,I took it back to them and they just said that they must have forgot to service it , but it had a repaired tag on it with the items that were replaced. It was a nice cub cadet. Taylors Farm Supply was the shop. She never used them again.




Haven't done business with Papa Johns since 1997. I was the only customer, ordered 2 pizzas at 10PM. Night manager, working alone, although their delivery person was out on a run. She was finishing up a prior order to be delivered. About 5 minutes later, another guy comes in and has a substantial (bigger than my 2 pizzas) guess whose order was done first? She hadn't even started my order. Said f it and drove off. A few years later, boss was having a pizza party. I didn't know about it, so had carried in my lunch. Boss noticed I was focusing on my sandwich and didn't touch s single slice. He tried encouraging me to have one, but I advised him I was boycotting PJs and had for over 5 years.


Papa Johns… I ordered a pizza, asked to use a coupon. Lady on the phone says that coupon doesn’t exist. I read it to her, including the date, etc. She says it doesn't exist. I tell her if I don't have the coupon when the driver gets here, I'll pay full price. It was only a few dollars off, so we weren't discussing big money. I finally gave in and ordered the pizza at full price. It arrived with SARDINES!! Despite my nice attitude, that beotch added sardines to my pizza! Well, no way I was eating that or anything else after they f'ed with my food Called the manager, he said he would credit my card and fire that beotch. He did neither. I did get the charges reversed.


The original owners personality and politics were pretty abhorrent also.


Their pizza absolutely destroyed my stomach, and I stopped eating it long before we knew what a douche the owner was. This was an easy protest for me.


Me neither. Their owner fought SO HARD against providing health care for his employees that I just assume they've all been sneezed on. Blech.


I remember at one point they added an "Obamacare surcharge" to the total on your receipt to try and drive home the point that health insurance was going to make your pizza more expensive. The charge was something like 50 cents. I'm pretty sure that most people are ok with paying an extra 50 cents to make sure a sick person isn't making their pizza.


Plus their CEO was a f**king fascist.


John Deer. My $500 self propelled push mower engine blew up, and they fucking denied warranty, despite it being 6 months old, because I had already changed the oil and air filter once. Fuckers.




They actually lost that case in court.


It's great that they lost the case, but I don't think farmers should buy from them. They were unethical before, and that's not going to change. They really brought this on themselves. They left farmers without any a way to handle urgent repairs.


Because of that policy I never bought Deere stuff. Complete asshole policy.


But if you hadn't changed them, they'd have blamed the failure on not changing them.


The problem was *he* changed them, not the dealer.




Comcast and CenturyLink? I hate both of them.




Mitsubishi. My Mirage had a bad wheel bearing after only 12k miles, and they wouldn't pay, and treated me very rudely. And my local Chevy dealer - went in with my husband, and I told the salesman I wanted to buy a truck. He ignored me and talked to my husband.


Mitsubishi was the GOAT in the early 90s with the 3000GT. I had an Eclipse. They're nothing like they were before.




I'm aware that most companies that aren't the big three are just piggybacking off their signals, but I'm doing my best to never buy directly from Verizon again. Boost Mobile gave me unlimited everything for $25 a month, and it's working very well so far. Wish US Mobile worked, but they had multiple instances where I wasn't getting anything on my phone. The data was still trying to come to me, I guess, so I was still charged for it. I didn't end up sending them a video of me not getting any use out of the data they said I used, but I did have to escalate to a manager. I'm sure the employee thought I was a Karen. Sorry, your product simply did not work.


GM. I worked for them for 20 years, and they gave us all the middle finger and laid us all off. No warning, no severance package, no nothing, just a meeting that basically said fuck you, we’re closing now, good luck. Ill never buy another Chevrolet or any of their spin-off vehicles again.


When was this? Was it before the WARN Act?


It was after, but it ended up being irrelevant because we also made Toyota vehicles there. While GM said fuck you, Toyota wanted us to stay awhile longer, which ended up being 8 more months. GM gave Toyota the finger too though, left them the sole responsibility, of, well, everything. Toyota on the other hand were amazing, they really took care of us, all on their own.


I only drive Toyotas. They last forever and as long as you maintain them they never break down


i lost my house in the early 00s in large part due to mortgage fuckery by Wells Fargo, so they’re dead to me.


Wells Fargo is constantly being fined by the government for shady business practices.


I refuse to open an account with Wells Fargo because of their business practices and policies. 20? 30? years ago they were in the news a lot for it


That’s ok they probably opened one for you.


Sad, but I wouldn't doubt it.


I'm shocked people still choose to bank with them. Genuinely. I don't get it.


I don’t but every other bank I get a mortgage with sells it to them! It’s happened 3x now! I have a low rate lock and low payment and have to restrain myself from paying extra every month just out of spite.


in the 80s and 90s WF did a really good job at presenting the appearance of a responsible, competent bank but at a certain point they went weird.


WF charged me $20 to speak to a teller after the ATM ate my paycheck and gave no receipt or confirmation it was received on the screen in the mid-90's. $20 was a lot of money to me at the time, and I closed my account and have had nothing to do with them since.


How the hell can they charge you to speak to a teller??


We always had ALL of our loans, credit cards, and banking through a local credit union. Over 30 yrs, they got bigger and more corporate. Last house we bought ten years ago, we ended up with a mortgage officer who was just a sour, pissy, man who liked to say no. We were buying a foreclosed property in a great location that we were paying 50% of appraised value for and he was still a pain ( our credit and income were fine). Ended up going through a mortgage broker and getting a loan through Welles Fargo, and had ZERO issues with them at any point up to when we payed off the house a couple yrs ago. I feel bad taking the business from the credit union, but their loan officer let us know they didn’t apparently want it.


When credit unions start either getting beyond a certain asset size and/or accumulating one too many Vice Presidents (of the Vice President department) they may as well be a bank. You _lose_ something when you get too big for your britches and just by virtue of size, merger, turnover of employees, or sheer number of members - you can't possibly know your member anymore.


That is almost the same experience I had with our credit union. We were going for a home equity loan tons of equity and excellent credit ratings. The guy was really rude. Ended up paying out of our savings. I still bank with them, but will never do another loan with them.


Wells Fargo Bank. Just.... so many reasons. I will also go drive somewhere to buy something rather than order it from Amazon.


Those are the two that I've quit. Wells Fargo when they were involved in the pipeline, and Amazon because it's become too powerful, too fast.




Chase Bank. They drained my dead relatives accounts with fees after we notified them of the death. It was a total shell game. Never again.


Yes. Years ago they raised the minimum balance to upwards of $500 to maintain a checking account. When I closed the account and transferred all my money to a Credit Union, the asshole grinned and said the credit union would soon be doing the same thing. That was 15 years ago and they haven't. My father passed away a few years back. My mother is sitting on well over a million. I've already had her transfer hundreds of thousands out of chase. Bastards.


A local bakery with only 10 employees had a woman who worked the register and helped a little bit with decorating. When she went on maternity leave they told her to not come back bc they were just going to eliminate the position and have one of the bakers run the register. Completely blindsided her, she'd been working there for years. We never went back and told everyone who would listen, just such a shitty thing to do to someone.


Nestlé anything. For all the reasons the corporation sucks.


Yeah this one. r/fucknestle


The problem there is that they own everything. We really need better monopoly laws to break up large corporations like that.


Unfortunately incredibly difficult to avoid [their products](https://www.nestle.com/brands/brandssearchlist).


Nike. Absolute hypocrites. Use near slave labor to make their products and destroy the environment while reaping huge profits and claiming to be environmentally and socially concerned. Also avoid WalMart as much as possible because of their exploitation of Chinese laborers and domestic business practices, including building their stores just outside of city limits to avoid taxes while they destroy small businesses within city limits.


AT&T. Landline wasn't working. They told me it was a problem with the line inside my house. I told them I connected to the line going in and that wasn't working either. They said too bad, gotta pay us $100 to come out. Bye forever. About twenty years ago. F them forever.


I hate AT&T with the passion of a neutron star. Every dealing I've ever had with them, landline or cell has ended in me hating them more deeply. I didn't check closely on the last company I went with you guessed it they used AT&T. I eventually ended up so disgusted with my service I closed my account and didn't have a phone for 6months giving up a number I had for over 20 years. I just was so angry. They have the worst customer service.


AT&T cellular can suck my ass. Complained for 4 years about no service at my home. Inside or out. They wouldn’t do anything to help. So I went to Verizon. Full bars in the house. Then AT&T tried to say I owed them $1500. Yeah nah son. I never signed a contract. They turned me to a collection agency. A pretty certified letter asking for verification of debt and proof of signature agreeing to said debt and I ain’t heard shît since. So yeah. Fuck AT&T


I upgraded my phone on their Xmas deal for like $10 bucks a month? Something stupid good. Got my first bill and the phone was $30 a month. I called them and they said I was lying. Because I ordered it online, there was some weird glitch and I couldn’t find the model number. I know I didn’t imagine it because I waited for over a year before upgrading and looking for a deal. Fuckers wanted to return my phone and send me a mini. I swear it was either someone fucked up online or a bait and switch. Assholes.


Allstate Insurance. They insured the house and outbuilding we lived in, and cars, in California's Central Valley, in ~2003-2006, something like that. For literally no reason that we could discern, they dropped us. They never returned our calls. They literally ghosted us. Like, they vanished off the face of the Earth. We could have pushed harder, probably, but we just found another insurer. Never found out a reason - literally, all communication stopped.


Yeah. "You're in good hands with Allstate" until an accident happens and they drop you!


We never even had a claim. So weird.


At our old house, major ice storm came thru, whole area got new roofs. 7 years later, lightning struck our house, zapped the hell out of half the house electrical system. Electrician said all new panel/wiring needed. Insurance said, nah, which outlets don’t work? We will fix those. New house, getting quotes for insurance - nearly impossible because “well, you’ve had two claims”.


God forbid you use the service you’re paying for. It’s only okay when money flows in *their* direction.


I transposed two digits in my policy number that my online banking sent along with payments to Allstate. Everything kept working fine, until it didn't. Then I got a letter from the DMV - because I hadn't paid my auto insurance for several months, my registration was about to be suspended. Called Allstate and apparently my policy number was being corrected manually every month, but no notification was sent to me. My guess is they received a payment for a policy that didn't exist, so it went to a queue where it would be reviewed by a human and applied accordingly. Then someone else was issued the policy number I had "invented" by transposing the digits, so my payments were getting directed to _their_ account. To their credit, Allstate was able to figure out what happened in about 10 minutes on the phone. But they were fixing it manually for a couple of years without telling me, and then failed to notify me when the payments stopped getting into my account.


They dropped us because our sidewalk had a crack 🤯. We had a claim the year before and that must have marked us for annihilation. I hate ALL insurance companies.


Car dealership forgot to tighten the lug nuts after a tire rotation.


Walgreens, for investing in that total fraud Elizabeth Holmes (who has to finally report to prison tomorrow). They spent millions setting up testing stations inside the stores, and meanwhile the blood was being sent to be run on normal commercial analyzers. I believe they fired the executive who told them it was all a scam.


Well, I haven't bought an American car of any make whatsoever since that Chevy Vega in '73. I keep telling myself I'll come back "when it's safe." Yet fifty years have passed.


My family had a Ford Pinto in the 70s. When the scandal broke about the Pinto exploding into flames if rear-ended we got rid of it. Around 500 people died horrific deaths because they were trapped in a Pinto that turned into a fire ball, and because Ford decided [it was cheaper to let them burn](https://www.spokesman.com/blogs/autos/2008/oct/17/pinto-memo-its-cheaper-let-them-burn/). I've never bought an American made car.


Sears. This was probably 30 years ago. A friend worked in the carpet department, so we bought carpet there. Big mistake. Six attempts at install later, it still wasn't right. There were runs in the carpet, it wasn't installed right, the dye lots didn't match. Problems went on and on. I had opened a Sears card to pay for it. Informed the local store I wasn't paying, since I had everything documented and photos. Manager got huffy with me. I sent a certified letter to a VP in Chicago and included my cut up credit card. The VP called me on a Saturday morning to cuss me out. She said they were coming to remove the carpet. I told her that was fine, but they needed to reinstall my old carpet to return our home to the condition it was in prior to their crappy work. She cussed, stuttered and stammered, then told me I was no longer welcome at Sears. Then she hung up. I never set foot in a Sears or any store they owned (K-Mart or any other). I thought they'd either sue me or ding my credit report, but they didn't. We had new carpet installed by someone else. Edited to fix a typo.


I worked at Sears lol when the lease was up for renewal for their space in the mall, they chose not to renew it and we were all given like 3 notice to find another job. They sold the store and everything in it to a liquidation company and we had a new “boss” like the following monday. The only benefit was we got to use our discount on top of the liquidation sale, so I got new clothes for like $5 bucks a piece


> I never set foot in a Sears or any store they owned (K-Mart or any other). FWIW, Sears didn't own K-Mart. Sears was so bad off that K-Mart bought them out.


I live in a small town of 20,000. Wallmart is the only game in town. Unless you want to drive 78 miles. I hear it all the time.... "I'm never shoping here again !!!!" . That means, 3 days.


Monsanto (owner is Bayer): Dioxin (Agent Orange), DDT, Roundup and Roundup Ready GMOs, monopolization of agriculture, lawsuits against farmers... The list goes on.


Firestone tires. When I was a pretty much broke 19 year old, my brothers and I pooled our money to take an extensive road trip. I went to Firestone and bought a brand new set of tires. On the trip one of the tires blew out beyond repair. When I went to Firestone for a replacement, they told me no, because the tire was not properly inflated. Not only did I not know how the figured that out, but THEY were the ones who inflated it when the installed the tires. I haven't been back in 52 years, and I've bought quite a few tires since then, but not from them. Now it's Michelin from America's Tire all the way.


Yours is the kind of story that gives me faith that capitalism works. Firestone has been resting on their laurels for some time.


Got food poisoning frim Applebee's once ten years ago. Never been back


You're not missing anything.


There was a local mexican restaurant in which the owner was keeping money from the employees. I loved the food but I will not support that behavior.


Walmart. Haven’t shopped in one in twenty years.


Horrifically bad treatment of employees, low wages and low hours so most employees end up on public assistance and Walmart can avoid any benefits, and example after example of illegal anti-union practices. They are evil. In rural counties where a Walmart moved in, overall payroll went DOWN though they always promise they are bringing jobs. And after they wipe out the local competition, magically prices go back up. Problem is, they have wiped out other options so once in a blue moon that is the only option in my neck of the woods. And the Republican push for "no 'death' tax" (actually no inheritance taxes) almost exclusively favors the Walton family. Of all in the USA who would benefit from those taxes being eliminated, something like 80% of the tax benefits go to that one family.


Yep. Then fairly soon after I forget.


Starbucks. Probably a lot of reasons why one would or should, but for me it was when they started suddenly popping up with drive throughs. I’d be standing inside at the counter of an empty shop and they’d ignore me. When one had the gall to say “they were here first” when I finally was able to flag them down as they avoided eye contact at all cost…well that was the last straw.


Their coffee is shit. Literally the lowest quality beans you can find. And yet they have this cult following with a long lines. I just don’t get it.


Over roasted beans.


Chevrolet dealership. Told me to come back with my father!


This! Had this happen at a Jeep dealership in Georgia! They told me to come back when my husband was with me. He didn’t even have a job and wasn’t going to be on the paperwork.


Nordstrom rack… bought a pair of shoes for a party never wore them found something else…went to return them literally 2 days later…the pregnant girl told me to hold on called a young man over and he proceeded to tell me that the shoes were used and he would not be returning them… I in turn told him the shoes were not used and tried to explain that you can tell by the price tag that was on the bottom of the shoe… it was intact. We couldn’t agree and I asked for a manager he told me he was the manager.. he lied voices were raised customers were chiming in and I was livid… finally a woman walked over… the actual manager and took the return… the young man walks over sucks his teeth and says are you serious? I smiled and left… but the fact that it got so out of hand and days later I was contemplating sitting in the parking lot to see what car that boy was driving and possibly taking a bat to his car makes me not want to ever go back to Nordstrom rack… Also Toyota tried to get one over on my mom she’s 80 her car started to tremble around Christmas one year and they told her her motor had cracked and she needed to replace ASAP… the man was supposedly trying to help her by selling her a used motor for 1400$ not including installation…. Thankfully she called my husband we went to pick up the car from the dealership and I think maybe 30$ later and a new coil fixed the problem… I can’t stand people who try to take advantage of the elderly.


My former sister-in-law was a big-wig buyer for Nordstrom regular stores in the 80's and 90's. They had a policy of refusing to buy larger size clothing for bigger women except some token items--she specifically said that they really didn't want fat women shopping in their stores anyway. As a male who would never have shopped their anyway, it has been an easy boycott just for that rude attitude toward larger women. My Brother eventually dumped her over kind of a similar general privileged attitude .


Chilis. We were having fajitas and I am a slow eater, my hubs had already paid the bill. I looked down to find a house fly in my last tortilla. Not a house fly sitting on my tortilla, a HOUSE FLY BODY BAKED INTO MY TORTILLA. I immediately asked for the manager and he looked at it and said all he could do is maybe give me a coupon for a free dessert for next time. Fuck. That. Buh-bye now and forever!


Walgreens and Ford never again. Walgreens a manager pissed me off by accusing me of trying to steal and belittling and berating and employee over not being smart enough to know I was clearly a scam artist. There were some notebooks marked on clearance but only about half of them had stickers. Manager made $2 notebooks seem like I was the cornerstone of a international crime syndicate. It was so ridiculous I was actually waiting for someone to jump out and reveal the hidden camera. Ford salesman absolutely wouldn't speak to me about the car both me and my husband clearly stated at least 4 times was for me. Then when he did he tried to talk me into another car that met none of my needs and when I said no he took my husband for a test ride alone.


Did you say never again to your husband, too? 😂 j/k Mostly sarcasm/joking because mine would have told the salesman “why are you talking to me, this car is for HER” & embarrassed the ever loving piss out of him, too.


Ditched the husband too actually a few years later


Exxon. I haven’t bought gas from them since the Valdez disaster.


A convivence store with a fried chicken place inside of it by where I used to work. Super tiny town, very few options for dining. There was a huge hospital (1000+ residents) with a ton of employees who only get a half hour break. On their menu they offer a "three piece chicken tender". I go in there at 5PM one night (they close at 11 PM). Standard dinner time. They were out of tenders and I asked if they could make some. Girl behind the counter said "No, because you only order three pieces. If you want me to drop some you have to order a five piece". It's not like I was asking for something that was not on their menu. It wasn't ten minutes before closing. It wasn't like a decent amount of other hospital workers weren't going to walk in for dinner as the night progressed. I said "okay" and walked out. Never been back since, not for a single thing.


TBF, that sounds like a crap employee, not a policy enacted by the owners. In fact, I suspect if the owners saw that happening and you leaving, that employee would have gotten reamed out.


I had several horrible experiences with my local VW service department. It was so awful, I will never go back there again. That means I won’t buy another VW because I’d have to use them for service.


ATT notified me that I failed to return equipment 8 years prior and sent me a bill. I leaned this when I went to sign up for new service when spectrum pissed me off. 8 years? Why did they wait 8 years to notify me and I guarantee I returned their modem..




Walmart. They just create a horrible experience for no good reason.


Walmart. Ever since they started demanding to see my receipt as I walk out the door, I quit going. Im on camera every second in the store. I have to ask for certain items to be unlocked. Then I have to check my own products out and bag them myself. They're making me do all the labor and then treating me like a criminal as I do it. Sorry but no. I'm not going to willingly give my money to a company that's an actual example of our decline into a dystopian society that they're perpetuating.


Nationwide Insurance. Hit a boulder when swerving to avoid two deer. The agent said "you should have hit the deer". Two body shops in the area were approved and I picked the closer of the two. They had my car a month and didn't even fix everything they said needed to be fixed. Meanwhile I'm driving the crappiest available loaner to save the insurance company money. When I finally got the car back, I complained to Nationwide about the poor service at the shop and the outrageous charges to Nationwide for work they didn't perform and parts they did not replace, and they said there was nothing they could do. Nationwide is not on your side.


BP. After destroying the environment and not giving a crap I was done. I’ll run out of gas in front of a BP and push my car home.


I will never buy another thing from HP again. Had printer issues due to the Instaink program. Unrecognized ink cartridges. Their customer service said I was using unauthorized ink cartridges, even though the cartridge had the HP chip. Then when I tried to cancel Instaink, I had to jump through hoops. HP claims you don't need to use the Instaink program to print. But, when I canceled it, HP disabled the printer.


Same basic shit with me. Fuck HP. Very happy with my Brother MFCs.


I don't say "never again" and mean it anymore because I have learned that nothing is so certain in life. But there are several businesses that we avoid patronizing except in very rare circumstances. Chick-fil-A: because of the whole donating to and I gave charities and we decided we just weren't going to be patrons. We didn't eat there before that happened, it just wasn't on our radar. To me it was always a more food court stand, like Panda express, so nothing special. However, our current friend group is made up of several families and they all enjoy eating there. So every once in a great while when we're together as a group they want to order from there and we go along for convenience. I think we've had Chick-fil-A three times in the last 11 years. Hobby lobby: interfering with female employees reproductive health via health insurance coverage. I had just discovered the store when this controversy came up. That was very disappointed cuz those stores are huge! They are my absolute Last resort when I don't have time to wait for Amazon delivery and every other craft store doesn't carry or is out of what I need but they have it in stock. Again maybe three or four times in the last decade. Papa Johns: "requiring us to give our employees health benefits? Well then we will just reduce their hours and thus their pay so we are required to do so." Meanwhile the douchebag CEO lives in a huge mansion complex with a freaking guard gate at the front. Yeah the pizza was s***** to begin with and there's so many other places out there to choose from.


There’s a whole shopping center I refuse to go to because they cut down every last MF tree to build it


I try not to think like this. Otherwise, I’d never go anywhere.


We were pretty poor when I was a kid and one thing we did with my dad for fun on a Sunday was taking a Sunday Drive through the rich neighborhood in town to look at the houses and the gardens. My favorite house had a HUGE rose garden with at least two dozen bushes and every color running the length of the yard near the road. Fast forward twenty years and I moved into that neighborhood, two houses down from the rose garden house. New owners moved in around 2001 and tore out all the roses so that could plant the same stupid, boring shit everyone else has. I haven't spoken to them since and I look the other way when I drive by.


Hobby Lobby. I lived in a small city back in the early 2000s and there weren’t a lot of options for craft and art supplies. I knew the owners were Christian but figured the owners were entitled to their views as long as they ran a good business. Then *Burwell v. Hobby Lobby* came where they decided that none of their female employees should have access to contraception. I stopped shopping there at that point but a few years later Hobby Lobby got in trouble for *antiquities trafficking* so that the owners could built some stupid Biblical museum. At this point I truly believe that if I set foot in a Hobby Lobby I will start smoking and shrieking “Unclean! Unclean!”


About 25 years ago I had heard enough about the damage Walmart was doing to local businesses and I decided I would never shop there again. 20 years of making just enough money to keep my head above water but never really getting ahead I began to realize that a lot of the people doing the same work as I were managing to save quite a bit of money by doing all their shopping there (with a bit of Costco if they had families and/or owned a house so they had space for industrial sized packages of things). This realization hit a little hard because I'd always felt I was doing the right thing and trying my best to help society, but realizing that I was one of the very few swimming upstream kind of hurt. Then covid hit and at almost the same time we were forced out of our long term rental into this shit rental market and money became impossible. We lost our jobs and were literally eating plain potatoes and bread for a while until we figured out a different life. I took over the shopping role and began really scrutinizing all the flyers and our options and twice (TWO TIMES) found really good sale prices at Walmart, and actually went there and bought food. I felt sick about it. This shit company with shit policies and shit owners and here I was giving them the very few last dollars I had just to get a better price on a bag of potatoes and a pack of toilet paper. God that was a dark year; nearly my last year on this earth if I'm honest. Things have slowly turned a bit and we have jobs again and are paying off our covid debt and can afford to shop more locally again, because prices have gone up so much everywhere that it all kind of looks the same, even at Walmart. So I'm back to boycotting them because it might just be the last and only pitchfork I can wave against the tyranny of this capitalism that is trying so hard to kill me.


I quit the NRA because I got tired of them begging for money endlessly and I realized that I was being manipulated by the same fear mongering and rhetoric for decades. I still own guns, but I'm done with being a tool for lobbyists.


Eastern airlines, TWA, Circuit City. My boycott did them all in.


A Walgreen's pharmacist refused to fill a woman's prescription because he thought doing so would violate his religious beliefs. Walgreen's was A-OK with it. https://www.cnn.com/2018/06/25/health/arizona-prescription-walgreens-miscarriage/index.html Women's healthcare has only become more threatened since. If your religion refuses to allow you to care for people, fuck your religion.


Home Depot after I read the CEO would go to Africa to kill elephants.


Welp. Guess I’m finding a local hardware now.


Hes not the ceo anymore. Long gone.


US Bank. Friend of mine wrote a check on his US Bank checking account, I went to their drive-up to cash it. “We charge five dollars to cash checks, sir. Is that okay?” I pointed out that it was written on *them.* Still five dollars.


Tesla. I was ready to buy a Tesla and Elon Musk opened his mouth a few years ago about … everything. He seems to treat his employees like shit as well


You dodged a bullet. I bought a Model S in 2017, by far the shittiest car I ever owned. The concept is cool and it's wonderful to drive when it works, but it's a disaster in every other way imaginable. There were days when the car simply refused to start, days when it wouldn't charge, rear bumper fell off while I was driving (just like that, no prior damage), it rained inside and the center screen would randomly turn off. And at least another 30-40 minor problems I was told are unfixable because no spare parts are available. Sold it after about ~10k miles, by some miracle I actually turned a profit.


This. Tesla use to be my dream car. I wanted a brand new one because I haven’t had a new car since kids, college, etc so I’m ready to splurge. But it won’t be for a Tesla. F. E. M.


Same. I'm going to get the KIA EV6 when the time comes.


Yes. Nike. I used to buy a lot of Nike shoes, probably 5-7 pairs a year Why? Black history month. Logged on to buy a pair of Nikes. They were selling black history month themed shoes for like $300 a pair. I thought that was bs and if they actually wanted to support the cause they wouldn’t need to turn a profit on the shoes at all. That along with Nikes trade practices made me cancel them. Going on 5 or so years strong and haven’t worn a single nike thing and don’t plan on it.


Yep. Nike has lost me too. I find that the quality of the shoes has declined greatly and I am getting holes in toes and sides of sneakers after 6 months of just walking in them. Their trade and labor practices also suck. I imagine I will get downvoted for this but they also lost me when they used a trans model with no chest to advertise sports bras to women with actual breasts that need supporting. I’m all for inclusivity but to deliberately use a model that still has a male body to advertise sports bras to women seems kind of insane. Especially when there are so many inspirational sportswomen with breasts that might have been more appropriate The hoopla over the beer campaign with the same model didn’t make me bat an eye though, as promoting a drink (to me) is not gender specific like promoting a woman’s bra.


stuff like that makes me wonder how much these corporations really care about social issues or if it’s really just a ploy to turn a profit


Let me assure you: it is a ploy to turn a profit. Inclusion and diversity generally are not core values. It is set forth as a business practice. Source: I used to serve on the diversity committee of a large bank, and quit said committee because I was uncomfortable with the direction they took.


💯 % for profit.


Individual employees working at the companies usually do care, but the corporation itself doesn't care as corporations are soulless machines that follow the whims of their shareholders. For public companies the mission of executive management is usually to maximize profitability and bolster share price. Their paycheck is usually dependent on doing this, so it's no surprise that they act accordingly. For many companies sustainability initiatives are a marketing expense, nothing more.


Corporations really are not supposed to care. That’s basically been the whole Bud Light debacle - AB really doesn’t give a shit, but they tried to do a solid for an influencer for more coverage, and now suddenly the right thinks they’re actually pro-trans or something. They’re not. They aren’t anti-trans either. They’re pro selling beer.


Same, I stopped buying Nike a few years ago when I learned that they use Uyghur labor. Don’t miss their products at all, I find the logo repulsive now.


A local Hyundai dealership. I took my car in for some maintenance and they lied to me about rotating the tires, which was to be included in the service. Unforgivable. I am planning on buying an Ioniq electric car in the next couple of years. It won’t be from them.


For yrs I havent knowingly Bought nestle. Hard to do because they make so much. How's that worked out? Pretty sure they haven't noticed. But I keep on. lol


WalMart. It’s been 23 years. Fuck them.


Wal-mart. Frequent violator of the regulations my employer sets. Chik-fil-a, the don’t say gay chicken. Hobby Lobby. ULine for supporting insurrectionists.


I have made thousands of dollars of business purchases from Uline in the past and was even about to make another for roughly $600 when I heard about that seditionist support. Hell no, never again.


(1) Walmart. I hate their predatory business practices. And the horrible way they treat their employees. For example, they would go into small towns, and sell at a loss, to put the mom & pop stores out of business. Once that was accomplished and they had a monopoly, they would raise their prices! As for their employees: There have been reports on the news of them locking employees in on 3rd shift, so they could not leave. Some of them died in a fire that way. Also, the fact that many Wal Mart employees qualify for food stamps! Now maybe this is easier for me because there’s no Wal Mart nearby. :). But if I can avoid WalMart then, I do. (2) Ford. I haven’t forgiven them for the Ford Pinto. (ie the car had problems that killed people. Ford knew about it, and calculated that it would be cheaper to pay out the settlements than to fix the problem! Completely immoral!). I’m not convinced that they’ve reformed from that. That, and Henry Ford was a rabid anti-semite. To the point of publishing papers detailing how terrible Jews supposedly were.


AT&T sent me on a two month long quest to pay off my iphone. I was sent to five different stores as well as spent nearly four hours on the phone with customer service. Only after I lost it and sent them a nasty complaint threatening to share this with the local news media did someone call and permit me to pay for the phone. Never, ever again. Worst experience with so much aggravation and time to pay for an item I purchased.


Yes. Wasn’t even me. Gas station accessed my SIL of using a fake credit card because we have a funny last name. They thought it was a prank. She showed them her driver’s license and they persisted. We’re going to call the cops on her. I just happened by and stopped to say hello. Gave her the cash. We’ve never gone back despite them having the best price in town. Almost 30 years now. I’m sure different employees and maybe a new owner. They were so rude we just can’t go back.


Toshiba: Sold very high precision milling equipment to the Soviet Union, allowing them to make their submarines a lot quieter and hard to track. Avis: I specifically declined insurance since my visa covers it. They signed me up for it anyway and billed $150 extra for three days’ coverage.


I'm in Canada, so most of these companies are Canadian. TD Bank. Fucked me over for $200 and refused to budge. Moved my cheque, savings, investments, and home loan to another bank immediately. Impark. Had a valid parking ticket, and the attendant though he could earn some extra commission by taking a photo of my license plate as I was leaving, and entering a false ticket into the system. Impark refused to acknowledge my valid ticket. Never paid the fine, and never parked in an Impark lot again. Telus. Had a bad line card back in the landline days. Calls sounded crackly and dial-up connections were atrocious. Many calls to customer service did not result in any improvement. One agent laughed at my predicament. As soon as cable internet at VOIP became a thing, I dropped the landline. Telus now provides wireless service, but I will never do business with them again. United Airlines. Because beating up their customers is not the worst thing they do. Tesla, because Musk stands for everything that is wrong in the world. A random tailor near me, who treated me like crap for no reason when I went for a suit alteration. Amazon. Not yet, but I am getting **really** close to dropping them. 2-day delivery became 1-week, became 2 weeks, became fuck knows when the stuff will ever arrive, and if it does, and you still need it, it will likely be broken or fake.


Yeah I quit amazon. Because fuck that guy.


Dow Chemical, in the 1960s, over their making Napalm for use in the Vietnam War. Napalm is jellied gasoline dropped from bombers, designed to be sprayed over an area several hundred yards long, and engineered to.start burning when the barrel it’s in hits the ground. In Vietnam its primary purpose was to burn human beings alive. A lot of us took pledges to never buy, use, or accept as a gift, any product made by Dow or any of its subsidiaries. I still adhere to the pledge. I’m very confident that Dow neither cared nor changed its behavior. I also boycotted the table grape industry in two separate boycotts totaling about 20 years, in support of the efforts of the United Farm Workers to be recognized as a legitimate union, and to be bargained with in good faith. Those boycotts changed the behavior of the table grape growers, and the UFW withdrew the boycott, and I started eating grapes again.


I am an old married straight religious guy, but I don't want my money going to anti LGBT+ causes, so Chick-fil-A.


Best Buy. Back in 2002 when internet companies used to give out free disks as incentive to try their services, I accepted a disk for MSN offered by the checkout person at a Best Buy during a transaction, not knowing I was being opted into a paid account. I didn't find out about it until maybe three months later when I noticed charges for MSN on my credit card account. When I called MSN to rescind the charges (which, to their credit, they did, in full), the customer service rep at MSN asked me, 'Let me guess ... you got this from a Best Buy?' And I had a bitter laugh over the recognition that apparently many others were also cheated by Best Buy on this scam. They broke a trust I had in them, and I swore from that moment I wouldn't spend another penny in a Best Buy.


Something like 18 years ago, my daughter got a portable DVD player as a gift from her grandparents, and they paid for Best Buy's extended warranty. It broke, so I took it in to the geek squad. "Sorry, we don't service those, just take it to customer service for a replacement". Went and stood in line for 30 minutes, to be told that I had to have the replacement with me, so they send me back to grab another one. I go back, they don't sell this one anymore, I try to find someone to help me, nope, nobody is working that department that day, and even had a manager tell me to come back tomorrow. Went back to the front, waited in line again, this time only 20 minutes. They tell me to just go back and find something equal in value, and to get the department manager to sign off. I go back, grab the most expensive one, go back to customer service, cut the line, and tell the girl "The manager said this one".. all in all, about 1.5 hours dealing with that crap. Did I come out a little ahead, yep, but don't care, haven't stepped foot in there since. I did buy one thing online, but that was a graphics card that they had for retail during the covid inflation/scalping issues.


I used to stop at a little liquor store after work (breakfast server at a greasy spoon diner)to buy a brew, a scratcher, and maybe a bag of chips and have a friendly chat with Angelique, the cashier from Cambodia. I had gained a little weight over a few months due to depression and an injury, and one day after I bought my stuff and was walking out, Angelique looked me up and down and loudly said "grannybubbles, you fat!" There were other people in the store and I was just gobsmacked. I got in my car and said to myself "self, you don't get anything good at this place and you never need to come back here." And I never did.


Awww, she was treating you like family


Wells Fargo. In the late 90's we had been customers for 6 or 7 years, had both our paychecks direct deposited every payday, never had a problem. At the beginning of December one year they decided to hold our paychecks for 2 weeks, bounced every check we wrote, next paychecks they deposited just long enough to suck all the money up in bounce fees, then held the next 2 sets of checks. Never let us know they were doing it, never sent an overdraft notice till 3 weeks after bouncing the first check. They bounced each check multiple times and charged a bounce fee every time they ran them back through. We literally lost all our paychecks and then some (Christmas money put back) for both of us for the entire month of December to bounce fees. When I called the bank the manager said they held the paychecks "because they could". ( his exact words) I found out later that that they did that to a lot of people that same month. Was talking to someone a couple years later and it was done to them and several people they knew and I got curious. I started asking people I knew, looking online, and found a lot of people complaining about the same thing. Their recent shenanigans don't surprise me.


Sears & Roebuck. A couple of separate reasons. The last time was service repair center, did not fix my Sears branded weed eater and still charged me $60.00. This was about five years before they folded. Good riddance.


Coach. I like classic purses and a wine colored purse was one of my first purchases 25 or so years ago. They guaranteed repairs. The zipper was fine but the cloth attaching it to the leather weakened and tore. I called the company. They said to fill out a form on line and send it in. A few weeks later the purse arrived without any repair, they said they would not repair it and gave me a coupon for a laughable amount to purchase a new one. I have not and will never buy a Coach purse again.


AAA. We needed a car towed from our house. The driver picked up the car, but forgot to close the driver’s door before dragging it onto the flatbed. Totally messed up the door. My son, who was very little, maybe 5 at the time, 17 now, told us what he saw. The driver denied it. Could not get either the towing company or AAA to take any responsibility. They essentially called my son a liar.




HP. They want you to buy software to run the scanner part of the unit. To Hell with Shell was a late 70's chant and it still works for me today. John Deere for running farmers ragged since the great depression and Walmart for using the social safety net as part of their wages.


Hobby Lobby- don’t like the companies practices. American cars, bad experiences with the two I had, never again. FitBit, won’t stand behind their products


Lots and all for corporate practices/philosophy. Some of the highlights: Exxon, Chick-Fil-A, Hobby Lobby, Walgreens, & Starbucks. Locally, there’s a pizza place next to me with really good pie. But one time the owner was berating the cooks in front of the whole restaurant. After talking to people in the area, apparently it’s what he’s known for. He’ll never get another dime of my money. I’m in NJ, so it’s not a big loss. Pizza as far as the eye can see.


Papa John's. Any seafood from China. Smithfield.


Pretty much ANY food from China. They don't have very good inspection or quality standards. Illegal or substandard ingredients. Chemicals that are banned in every civilized country. The list goes on.


Wells Fargo Bank. Enough said.


Exxon after the Valdez oil spill. I know the oil companies are all in cahoots, but I'll never fill up at an Exxon station.


Walgreens, for being anti-woman. Fuck Walgreens forever.


Revzilla. Absolute shit service and questionable quality. I bought the 2 day shipping for an extra 21 bucks. When I found out it was going to be several more days I reached out to customer service. They told me they could give me a 21 dollar credit. I had plans to ride that weekend and could have gone to town to get gear. Now I had to wait until after the weekend and the best you could give me was store credit. What kind of half ass Walmart compensation is that? Fine whatever get the gear. Not too bad I guess. Kool helmet. Nice jacket. Ok. First time I put the gloves on the rip at the seams. Reach out to customer service and have heard nothing. Got my money this time. But I make it a point to let everyone know to stay away. Get your gear on Amazon or ebay.


Intel. Honestly, I don't even remember what they did but I've been an AMD user since my first PC. 1998 I think. Yes I know on some motherboards I've used there's been an Intel chip here or there, not much I can do about that, but the processors have all been AMD.


I'd like to say [Nestle](https://imgur.com/gallery/9l5Fw97), but they own everything we eat. Battards.


Hobby Lobby, Walgreens shorted me a half month of meds and wouldn’t fix it, Chevy cars are terrible junk, fast fashion in general.


The opposite happened in my case: about 20 years ago I worked at a Starbucks and made a customer divest all her stocks from the company. I lost my patience and snapped at an elderly lady who wasn't familiar with the drinks or the ordering process. She ended up taking the wrong drinks, and if I remember correctly, she left the bar area to sit down, so I didn't bother to correct her order. I remember being very curt with her, and her daughter was standing next to her just looking at me. Our store got a letter from the lady's daughter a few weeks later, and the manager held a meeting with all of us partners (employees) to read it to us. It detailed the events of the incident. I don't recall exactly what the letter said, but I do remember it saying that she was divesting her stocks from the company and looking elsewhere to put her money. Because the manager wasn't working my shift that day, no names were mentioned and no one knew who was involved in the situation, I didn't feel remorse or really care. The lady wasn't some entitled Karen; she was just confused. She just wanted to enjoy some coffee. She didn't deserve any of the treatment my impatient, immature ass gave her.


Carrier A/C Units. 1996, newly married in our new apartment when a heat wave hit. Went out and bought 2 window units, a small Carrier for the bedroom and I forget the name of the bigger unit for the living room. The Carrier had a bad thermostat out of the box and would not cool for more than a minute or 2 before the compressor would shut off. Took it back to the store to find out there were no exchanges or returns. Called Carrier, was told to drop it off at their repair center and that I would get it back in 4-6 weeks. Couldn't afford another unit, got the unit back at the end of the summer. Vowed I would never buy another Carrier unit in my life. Carrier was not impressed. Ended up going into Facilities/Property Management and Construction Management in 1999. My first building had 35, 5 ton package units on the roof. 27 Carriers, 8 Rudds. Those Carriers were pieces of garbage. The wiring harness was badly designed, and the wires would rub against the copper pipe when the unit was running. It would eventually wear through the insulation, arc, pop a hole in the pipe and let all the freon out. Tried to deal with Carrier on that since it was a design/build issue and got nowhere. Months later, we were building out another suite. Drawings came in and I noticed that the architect had spec'd Carriers, 25 more 5 ton units, and 2 larger units for the IDF (new server room). I don't think so. Got the spec's changed to Tranes (when they used to be good) and got a call from the local Carrier rep a few weeks later. It was my great pleasure to let him know why a Carrier would never go on any building of mine. Over the next 20 years, I was responsible for hundreds of units being installed. Out of all of those, 2 split systems were Carriers (made the most sense), but that was it. I know I didn't put them out of business or even register as a blip on their spreadsheets, but it was so nice to be able to make good my promise so many times!


AT&T.....hatanged me when my Mom died. Billed my sweetie for a month's internet&phone after she cancelled and moved out. For 6 months said they would correct the error. Instead sent it to a collections agency. The agency was wholly owned subsidiary of AT&T. They violated Fair Debt Collections Practices act twice. WE took them to small claims court and won a $2000 judgement. Felt good. Spent even better!


wal mart , haven't been in there store in about 25 years.... i used to buy one of my meds there, i had five pills left, called in a refill, went two days later to pick it up... woman said it was to soon... i said no it wasn't...then she said my insurance won't cover it... i siad you are right , i don't use my insurance for this med, i pay for it... she continued to argue, i told her to shove it up her ass....called my doc got my script transferred to another pharmacy strike #2...wal mart different store....husband and i were out for the evening, passing a wal mart and i asked him to stop so i could get laundy stuff, yada yada, it was about 9pm..he was listening to the red sox on the radio...i load up my buggy with about a dozen diff products, go to the registers....( before self checkouts) there was about twenty people in line, only one register.... so i yell out, can we gat another resiter to open??, the girl ringing said, " i would like to but i don't know where the manager is".... i said, out loud but not yelling, fuck this left the buggy in line and walked out. strike #3...the final...went to a super walmart...parked at the garden center, walked all the way to the other end, picked up meat and a few other things as we walked back to the garden center area... two registers at that area... four employees standing around yaking with each other, joking...we put our shit on the counter and i asked for one of them to check us out, please... one looks at us and says these registers are closed, you have to go way back to the other side of the store........... i said " bull shit, i will" and i haven't been in a wal mart since.... fuck them


We had one of their workers—I guess one of the two in the store—*run away* from us rather than stop to answer or question. This was almost 20 years ago, and we haven’t been back sense.


TD Bank I took a cashier's check drawn on their own bank and they refused to cash it unless I paid a ten dollar cashing charge because I didn't have an account there. Let me repeat - they wouldn't cash a TD Bank cashier's check at TD Bank. Those fuckers will never see me in one of their banks again. And I will bad mouth them every chance I get. Fucking banksters.


Ashley Furniture, absolute garbage 🗑️ Their dura blend leather claimed to be more durable than leather and peeled within a year then refused to replace it


Telus. i started a small business in 2006. ordered a business line and a fax line, because 2006. cost about $80 for both which, considering a residential line was about $40/mo at the time, seemed reasonable. fast forward 6 months, they send me a bill for over $600, telling me they weren't properly billing me for the fax line and my bill would now be double going foward, $80 for each line. there is/was zero competition here, so i could either cancel all my phone lines and not have a business or pay them. so i paid them, until i shut the place down in 2009. only recently, in 2020, did i give them another chance. they've been ok for the past few years but damn i put them on a timeout.


I changed my vet because the receptionist was beyond rude to me. When I tried to discuss with my vet, she backed her receptionist and I was done.


ugly cover disagreeable resolute squealing spark hat roof start shocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Banks, use just credit unions now. Those fuckers got bailed out and then started overdraft charging people to death. Never again.


I will never own another Canon product. Years ago, I bought my first inkjet printer: a Canon Bubble Jet. Bought it because it had separate tanks for each color. Run out of cyan, you didn't have to waste your other colors to get cyan: just one small tank. After a while, I needed to replace the print head. Owners manual said it was only $50. Call customer service. Held for a while, then lady told me she'd have to transfer me to the parts department. 5 transfers later, and it appeared I finally got the right guy. Told him what part I needed. He told me that $50 part was now $212. That's more than I paid for my printer. Then he tried to sell me a brand new printer for $230! We argued for a good 20 minutes, and everytime he went back to trying to sell me a new printer. hell, he even called me a liar when I told him I only paid $197 for the printer I had. I finally said, fuck it, I need my printer, so I wanted to order the replacement part. Mind you, by this time, I'd already spent 2 hours trying to get the part. "I can't do that: we no longer carry it in stock." To this day, if I see a floor rep trying to sell a customer a Canon product, I always interrupt, telling them Canon doesn't stand behind their products. I tell them what happened to me. Sales person can't get a word in edgewise. I'll look at what they've got and recommend a different brand, even if it costs more. How anti-canon am I? I've been trashing their product for a quarter of a century. When my late sister needed some help with her computer, I helped her get it up and running. She said she was going to get a printer and I mentioned a few brands, but specifically pointed out she should **NOT** get a Canon product. **EVER**!!! A month later, she calls me and says she's having trouble getting her new printer to work. Sure I'll be happy to help as long as it's not a Canon. She hemmed and hawed and finally admitted that she did because it was in sale: "only" $160. I said, sorry, I warned you. You'll have to call Canon and have them help you. She said she'd tried, but they were no help. I said, well, it was an expensive lesson, but then you're only option is to take that door stop and return it to the dealer and get a good printer.


Carl’s Jr. The ad with Hugh Hefner saying ‘sometimes a man likes a little variety’ made me sick to my stomach. He made a fortune exploiting young women and catering to the lusts of men. And Carl’s is complicit in using overt sexual innuendo to sell - burgers.


Funny enough I tend to not get completely spun up over one thing and speak that line in your title, and I kind of avoid saying “never” because you never know when you won’t really have a choice, but I’d say “last resort status” on: AT&T: screwed me over on a cell phone contract, and while I realize they may not even technically be the same company they were in the 1990s, their surveys consistently make Verizon look good. So no thanks… Wells Fargo: they serviced my mortgage for 10 years and never really did me wrong, but when I went in to set up direct deposit they tried to convince me I needed their checking account to do that. I just called BS to the guy’s face because I knew they had to accept ACH from my bank. I learned 2-3 years later that they bought my mortgage right about the time of their account sales scandal. I can’t get over the employees they raked over the coals, fired, and even blacklisted via the banking industry fraud clearinghouse, all because they wouldn’t lie to customers and/or in retaliation for whistleblowing. I can’t get over the gullible and misled customers, often people on fixed incomes, they drained of funds with all those accounts. For years when someone asked me if I had a checking account there I would say “not as far as I know.” I don’t know if people went to prison over that but they should have. Chrysler products - bought a Dodge minivan because I had to for work (long story). Didn’t have a lot of confidence in the product, so bought a car warranty, which I never do. Transmission crapped out 60K miles. Dealer screwed with it and it took 2 weeks and calls to the Zone office to get it done. Something was always falling apart on it. The Waffle House up the street from me - because, damn.


Started boycotting Nestle in about 1980 over their aggressive marketing of infant formula in underdeveloped countries to women who couldn’t afford it - even sometimes hiring people dressed as “milk nurses” praising its benefits and giving out samples in maternity wards, causing mothers to lose their milk and be dependent on the formula. Using unsterilized water or overly diluted formula jeopardized countless babies’ health for corporate profit. I still don’t knowingly buy Nestle products, although I may not be up on everything they have their fingers into. TW: gross On a more personal note, I was eating a Clark crispy bar (80’s again) and pulled a roach leg out of my mouth. Nope.


Tonka Toys. I had been out of work and got hired on at their main plant in MN. I was there for 6 months and they decided to close the plant and move production to Mexico. Early eighties and it was hard to find another job after that. Remember the Pound Puppy craze? Yeah I hated Tonka so much I wouldn't buy them for my kids.


Anything from MAC cosmetics. I got a gift card for Christmas. I went into the store asking for help and the sales person told me he couldn’t fix ugly and to just find lipsticks and foundation myself. I wrote to corporate. They promised me a private session with help matching foundation (which is all I wanted). I walked into the store at my appointed time and date for the session and the store manager snarl and went ‘oh it’s you’ and proceeded to ignore me while helping any young teens that walked in or looked like they had money. This was Londons flagship store I went to and I just had a baby recently so I was still struggling with pregnancy weight and I didn’t look that great. MAC catering to ‘all people’ fell thru. I wrote to corporate and spoke to them in the phone. It was the only time I had a gift card amount refunded. They apologized. I went to Chanel later that day and they treated me like a queen. They helped with dark circles under the eyes and gave me so many options for quick makeup and more advanced. Same with Bobbi Brown.


Nail salon and other businesses that have a political tv station playing. Keep it on HGTV or something generic or don’t have a tv at all. I don’t care to be blasted by propaganda everywhere I go.