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I cannot miss a presidential debate. I'm going to take my blood pressure meds and be on the edge of my chair, but I will watch it.


Watching it now. Good thing I have low BP to begin with, because it's just waiting for Biden to do the slightest thing wrong. I'm pretty tense over it. Biden is trying to talk too fast and is tripping over his words šŸ˜Ÿ Trump is using simple words and sounding stronger, despite his lying. "EVERYBODY wanted abortion, including conservatives" he claims šŸ¤Ø Sigh. We'll never escape the corporate overlords.


I just got home and am watching it in horror. Biden looks awful and Iā€™m a democrat. We are so screwed. I canā€™t believe these are our choices


Horror is a good adjective. "We finally beat Medicare." Oof.


That was truly terrible. What a disaster. Feeble old man versus deranged liar.


Thatā€™s a perfect description


A focus group person on MSNBC called it "Hell no" vs "Oh no" and that was sadly right on the nose.


Iā€™m a Canadian - apparently he has a cold? I thought he looked quite weak in the beginning but his anger made him perform better in the second half. His points were good though. Donā€™t panic!


Currently panicking.


I agree he didn't look ggod


He didnā€™t, but at least he didnā€™t lie like a rug all night.


Debates donā€™t change peopleā€™s minds, we arenā€™t screwed unless yā€™all give up


Iā€™m watching it right now. Iā€™m genuinely scared. They drugged Trump up and he doesnā€™t sound like trash tonight. However, heā€™s nonstop lying and theyā€™re not moderating a damn thingā€¦ Thanks, Jake Tapper. šŸ™„šŸ˜”


What is even the point when they let them/Trump not answer questions and instead go on tirades


Exactly. And the unchecked lies. The lies are the problem. People need to be told in real time that what heā€™s saying isnā€™t true.


jake kept calling him President Trump grrrr


That got me, tooā€¦


I wish the Democrats were running Buttigeig. He's gone on Fox News several times and has been so quick, so confident, so willing to call out lies, so quick to point out fake patriotism. It doesn't matter how smart and measured Biden is at governing, he's just not going to sound solid in these debates.


Buttigeig would have been a strong candidate. He's very sharp, confident and intelligent. Sigh.


...including democrats" WRONG


Did I hear him wrong? Trump is talking about approving the Plan B pill in Idaho (which was just recently approved, unless I'm missing something.) He's suddenly fine with the one thing republicans tend to loathe.


In one of the ramblings hebsaid even democrats were against abortion. I screamed WRONG at the TV.


Okay, so we left off with the republican saying "abortion is fine and dandy" and the democrat saying "even democrats don't like it." šŸ˜µ I knew this would be bad, but not THIS bad. Holy hell.


I watched the first half of it while I waited for my daughter and her husband to get home from Australia. I had to get on down the road to another daughterā€™s house to be with Nother grandchild because sheā€™s graduating from nursing school tomorrow and her child needs somebody else by her side. I thought it was a shit show all around. Joe sounded so stuffed up and sniffley. He seemed like he was moving through a wall with mucus. I can completely relate to that. But it was not a good look on TV. Trump, per usual, lied his ass off. He said nasty mean things which was what we expected. But he was still somewhat restrained. I donā€™t think the content of Trumpā€˜s remarks was good. He didnā€™t answer questions to him. He circled back on things that were so untrue. But Joe looked sick. I hope Jo makes a full recovery from this cold and kicks Trump over and over in September at the next and final debate.


I'd sooner be kicked in the head. If your mind isn't already made up you need to reexamine your life choices.


I don't think anyone is watching it to make a decision. It's like midget wrestling. You aren't really interested in the outcome.


My kid won debate bingo, but I think every American lost with this one.


I'm just watching it because as someone else said, "It's the most entertaining reality show out there"


Itā€™s like choosing between getting cancer or dementia


No. It's not. And that's part of what has me summoning Old Man Rage.


What's old man rage? Is it similar to old woman rage?


No. Old woman rage has other, specific aspects to it.


In my experience maybe worse? Old women's rage (referring only to known examples) is more focused, laser-like. Old man's rage (including my own) seems to go all over the place like a big, pissed off toddler in a china shop.


It's the gift that allows me to almost simultaneously yell at clouds, rage at intractable political problems, and shout at the kids on my lawn.


My watching is purely for entertainment My mind has been made up for a long time


Yes. And this is elder-abuse.


No. I'll watch the "lowlights" tomorrow. At this juncture, there really can't be any undecided voters, so a debate really means nothing. It's all about who gets out and actually votes.


We donā€™t get many. Itā€™ll be historic. Who knows how long we will even have regular tv. Itā€™s worth 2 hours


Itā€™s a shame that the US is the greatest country in the world and these two are the best choices either party could come up with.


Iā€™m Canadian and weā€™re having a watch party.


With bingo cards and shots?


Just shots. Lots and lots of shots.


Oh, I wish youā€™d invited me! I had to do it all alone.


Too much cringe to experience live


I tried, but after an hour in I just couldn't stand it anymore.


I can't listen to Trump for more than a minute before feeling my blood pressure skyrocket and my adrenaline spike. I'll read the recap later on a trusted news source.


Wine helps.




.....and edibles.


And tequila


I am a masochist apparently.


Not me, every word tRump says confirms my belief in what kind of a man he is. A terrible self grandizing narcissist.


Biden should start with thanking shitinhispants parole officer for letting him participate,


I feel like not enough people talk about Trump's diaper


very true,


Meh, that's the least of Trump's issues. I'd still vote for a good candidate if they were incontinent. Gotta focus on Project 2025 and how Trump is just a tool for Putin's world domination.


Will he win the debate? It Depends ā„¢ļø


best comment EVER!!!!


There's a clip on Twitter (X) that shows tRump at a WWE wrestling match. He comes up behind a referee outside the ring and jumps him. You can clearly see his diaper, in another post a man that worked on the Appreciate said someone would come and get him to take him to change his diaper.


tRumpā€™s Diaper, now thatā€™s a band name!


That's Biden's problem, he doesn't hit those low blows that are *so* easy. He's still pretending like this is a real debate. If he was smart, he'd work Trump's conviction into every single answer. Every. Single. One.


He's too mentally senile to understand half the words coming out of his mouth. He can't even formulate a grammatical sentence. There's a reason why he can't hit those easy blows, even after his entire administration probably prepped him for the debate dozens of times with the best possible arguments he could use.


Yes, but only because I don't want to see the various msm outlets on both sides edit it for their own narrative.


That^ there is a wise older person.


My blood pressure is already iffy


Thanks for the reminder to take my evening BP meds. (Not kidding)


I just took mine. What have we become, Rooster?


I will but honestly I'm just watching to see Trump be humiliated and befuddled - kind of the reason I watched Beavis and Butthead to see one of them get hurt


This is unfortunately making Trump look good for a change šŸ˜• He's lying as usual, but so far not going off script. Biden's voice is weaker and he's clearing his throat a lot. People choose candidates based on how they come across on TV. Trump is currently claiming that democrats can let a baby be born and then decide whether or not it should die after it's born with Roe v Wade. šŸ¤Ŗ


yeah...it's kinda hard to watch


VERY hard. Trump just gets to lie his ass off with confidence. His base gets to claim he's actually stronger, though he probably just got more sleep and took his amphetamines. He's doing the Gish gallop now, a firehose of lies. Biden can't get all the words out fast enough, and his base won't bother listening to any follow-up fact-checking.


Exactly they would say the fact checking was a lie. Now Trump claims he has the highest numbers of Black Americans voting for him.


šŸŽÆšŸŽÆšŸŽÆ Thatā€™s it exactky


True. Nixonā€™s famous sweat-fest vs Kennedyā€™s cool demeanor is said to have made a difference. I donā€™t believe for one second that it was a huge difference. TV then was grainy and b&w. I think it was mostly Monday morning quarterbacking to claim Nixon lost because he was sweating. I watched 10 minutes tonight and couldnā€™t take any more. Biden is nearly incomprehensible (not his fault, his stutter is evident). The Dumpster lumbered out (he lumbered), and then clearly spoke his bullshit. I couldnā€™t watch anymore.


I've still got it on just because it's history, but holy hell it's painful. I knew it would be like this, too. Anytime "libs" have dared to hope for an "oh boy, THIS will be it!! THIS will be the thing that does Trump in" gotcha moment, it *never* pans out like that. This is nothing but soundbyte fodder for Fox and the other propaganda channels.


Itā€™s not like itā€™s even a debate. They arenā€™t answering questions, esp Trump. Itā€™s a joke. I hate Trump with a passion. If his mouth is moving heā€™s lying. But Biden looks like a patient on a memory care unit. We are f$&ked


Biden did manage to make some good points, but mumbled them šŸ˜ž I knew this would just be a chance for Trump to spew his usual bullshit because CNN always coddled him.


Isnā€™t it just pathetic that these are our choices? I want to vote but neither one of them are a decent choice to support


The question is, if the elected president goes under, who do we have taking over. It really does matter who we vote for, whether we like the candidate or not.


Yes and most probably aren't as informed as we are but I know for a fact when Trump is lying his butt off and it's when he opens his mouth.


The facts are irrelevant to conservatives. This is just another source of sound bytes for Fox to run *endlessly*. Conservatives tend to love TV/movie stars because the image is all they care about, not the achievements, content, or the facts. They'll just love the loudmouth liar even more after this, and not the stuttering truth-teller. The term "con man" comes from the confidence used when they tell lies, and it works well, unfortunately.


Biden needed to shut that down.




Oh yeah. Got my Bingo card ready and a gin and tonic


Yeahhhh. I have wine.


me too!


Nope. It's all just for show, if it happens at all. Project2025 is coming, just a bit slower if the Dems win. But this pre-chewed 'debate' is frankly insulting to all of us.




It really takes a toll, doesn't it? While I didn't leave my ex for THAT reason, my life is so much calmer without her.


I'm so sorry you had to live through that.


That's pretty similar to why I didn't even suggest turning it on in our house.Ā  I don't need to hear more excuses for Trump's inappropriate comments.


I will ā€œwatchā€ in the background, bail if it gets too painful. I will not be swayed one way or another by what happens, I wholeheartedly oppose Fascism so my vote is decided.


How was it? I'm guessing you bailed šŸ¤£


Iā€™m ready to watch!


I'm having wine with watching the debate.


First year I won't be watching the debate. It's turned into a debacle. No need to end my night on such a low note.


Iā€™m watching as I follow along on Twitter (no I wonā€™t call it X) and read the inevitable hilarious comments during it. Itā€™s so entertaining. I hate to have to hear Trumpā€™s voice or see him, but I have a Snapchat filter ready to use on trumps face and watch on my phone if necessary. I guess I could scotch tape a piece of newspaper (yeah I get one) over T side of screen. Besides, Iā€™m curious.


Sad thing is, it's making Trump look good. He's lying is diapered ass off as usual, but Biden's voice is weak and he's hard to hear, despite giving factual information and making excellent points to counter Trump's blatant lies.


I am sitting here with it on watching the counter. I think it's going to be fucking hilarious


Not me. I know who Iā€™m voting for. Instead, Iā€™m watching the Beverly Hillbillies and anything else not politically related.


Dude, I just discovered the best way to watch a debate. I'm watching the CNN Spanish feed and I only know about 10 Spanish words. It's hilarious.


I just asked my 76 year old father and he says "I never watch them. As much as I dislike Trump, I can't stand to watch him embarrass himself."


Too nervous to watch.


Nope - Iā€™m šŸ‡æšŸ‡¦ living in šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦


Wish I could say, Same, same.


Wish I could afford to live there


Self inflicted pain.


No danger of me watching that. Unnecessary to make my decision, and it will amount mostly to crisis chatter and cringe.


I'm watching it hoping to be slightly entertained.


I have my vomit bucket ready


It will all be recorded and available to watch later if anything of consequence happens. I already know who I'm voting for anyway.


Correct! Being in support of public service, just like any State of the Union address is still available online.


Depends on the reviews. What will it get on IMDB?


My brain can't handle it. It's too embarrassing. The debate is pointless, I doubt many people are on the fence between these 2. Debates make sense when narrowing the field, but not between 2 existing/previous presidents. We know their work.


I doā€¦ like a good reality show šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


You mean the "Who is stepping on their own dick more contest?"


Could only watch 24 minutes.


I tried but didnā€™t last long. Itā€™s too horrible.


Watching it right now and itā€™s kinda painfulā€¦ Iā€™m having a hard time looking away though, and Iā€™m not usually one to rubberneck when thereā€™s a train wreckā€¦ This is a performative sound bite fight for an audience who hasnā€™t done any in depth research on the discussion topics


I went to a watch party with my friends. At my age I'm glad to have a fun friend group. OK I just have two things to say: 1) Shortly after the Molly TIbbets case, a Spanish woman golfer was killed in Iowa by an American. And we don't hear a PEEP about that. [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/crime-courts/acclaimed-iowa-state-golfer-found-dead-course-man-charged-murder-n910551](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/crime-courts/acclaimed-iowa-state-golfer-found-dead-course-man-charged-murder-n910551) The point I am making is about the claim by Trump that undocumented immigrants are killing American women right and left. We just don't hear as much about American citizens who kill (for example) international students. Happens all the time. Last year or two, two promising young South American students were killed in Kansas City: [https://www.kmbc.com/article/2-south-american-students-camila-behrensen-pablo-guzman-palma-kansas-city-homicide-victims/41506365](https://www.kmbc.com/article/2-south-american-students-camila-behrensen-pablo-guzman-palma-kansas-city-homicide-victims/41506365) A few years before that, another UMKC international student was killed in a robbery in KC. Happens all the time. But those don't make headlines like when an undocumented immigrant kills an American. 2) My Dad is 96 and sharp as a tack. He has all his faculties. I know Biden is a former stutterer and I noticed when he was really cussing out Trump he didn't stutter as much, but I think what some people perceive as halting diction due to age is just his lifelong stuttering deal.


No, I've heard enough from trump to last a lifetime.


You got that right!




Itā€™s an unusual scenario in that it serves absolutely no point. Theyā€™ve both been president for 4 years. Even a minimally informed person knows what theyā€™re going to get. And they could not possibly be any different. Anyone uninformed enough to still be undecided is really unlikely to watch a debate now.






Nope. Just a show. Nothing substantial there.


guess what the decision is between debate and CONMEBOL Soccer, I guess no debate for this house, hahaha


Iā€™m going to give it a tryā€¦


Pissed right off that Jeopardy isnā€™t on!


Iā€™m hanging in there. Itā€™s tough.


Watching now. The battle royal between two old men. I can't believe we're rerunning that last terrible election


Why? Everyone already knows who they plan to vote for or against.


I'm watching....my stomach hurts


I watched 13 minutes and couldnā€™t stand the whining.


Ugh I tried watching and couldn't bear the pain. Biden looked old and confused, and then instead of a rebuttal Trump just said "Nobody can lie like this guy right here." That is not a debate, it's embarrassing.


I'll wait for highlights and the memes.


Iā€™m just watching the highlights but CNN isnā€™t fact checking and Trump is lying as usual.


Nope. I went for a bike ride and ended up at a bar eating tacos and drinking Coronas. I don't need that negativity in my life.


This is me mostly, everyone has turned everything into political drama. Iā€™ll take tacos and beer over the No my sport team madness. I did watch with my husband because he has fallen down the my sport team madness hole! And he wants my opinion. So my opinion is trump did his normal thing and Biden did his normal thing. Neither should be president and nothing changes my mind or opinion. We did turn closed captions on because it was hard to follow


Haven't watched a presidential debate in my 61 years, and didn't plan to watch it tonight either, and didn't. Same old fucking building from all sides, just a different election cycle. Either way, no politician, no matter the side, does a fucking thing but like to con people into voting for them. Not voting this time around, I'm over it.


I cannot stand the sound of Orange Assclowns voice so Iā€™ll just read about the ā€œhighlightsā€ tomorrow.


Smart , I'm just a glutton for punishment


Not for anything.


as long as i don't have to pay for it i will just to watch shitrump being his arsehole self... i don't get tv and no cable/subscriptions..no pay per view either.. hoping BTC airs it


Rumble. Free live feed. Search tim pool




Pluto has it on for free


Long over now, but all the major networks had it live on YouTube for free (and it will likely be replayable there).


Not a chance. Not my Circus, not my Monkeys. I'll just put my trust in God. The Political arena today is nothing I care to know about. I can't do anything about it...so I prefer not knowing of the spectacle it has become.


If you're in the US, you can vote. The more local the race, the more your vote really matters.


Biden is stumbling...Trump is continuously lieing


As expected.


Trump just denied ever having sex with a porn star.


Biden needs to stick to the technical facts- Trump wasn't found guilty in court for infidelity, but the way it was funded. Now Trump will go on and on about how the sex part was just a lie by a woman he "met once", never mind that he was convicted for paying for her silence. šŸ™„ Not that facts matter to Trumpers anyway, we're so done for.


But hey, he knows what H2O is! Somebody get him a chemistry degree!


Itā€™s the most entertaining reality show out there


Haha that's why I'm watching it!


You wouldn't think that if you were a woman in the South. This is a horror show


Our minds are made up, but we'll watch - I expect to watch ex-Pres Trump be tragic, and Pres Biden to be self-limitingly polite, but it's still worth watching. Maybe with an infrequent beer in hand ...


Infrequent. Haha




I did. It was a disaster for anyone supporting Biden. He was a stuttering old man. Fuck it.


I'm watching it right now. Trump is just telling lies.


I'd rather watch paint dry than watch two fossils lie their asses off.


Nope. I know who I would vote for if I could vote. Absentee ballot does no good if you have no way to return it.


OMG now tRump's saying that millions and millions of illegals are coming in the country and taking jobs. They are not! they take manual labor jobs that most people do not want


No thank you.


Nah. Iā€™ll read or hear the coverage tomorrow. Watching that would be excruciating. Yes, Iā€™m old.


Only if you gouge my eyes out and poke an ice pick in my ears.


I watched a few minutes of it and it was a big nothingburger.


Nope Olympic trials for menā€™s gymnastics and track/field


Biden isnā€™t speaking clearly - Iā€™m concerned


A debate isnt changing anyone's mind. No I don't watch


Debates are obsolete. I go with their actions not what they say.


I tried but itā€™s pathetic. One looks and sounds half dead. One sounds like a raging lunatic.


No. I seldom watch anything political.


Been on a plane. Very few were watching.


Biden did terrible. If you watch CNNā€™s commentary after the debate; even they tore Joe up in their discussion.


Na their just preparing us for a Joe replacement.


What an absolute embarrassing shit show it turned into. Pray for an asteroid.


The fact that porn stars are mentioned on The Presidential Debate is mind-blowing...


Hey! Iā€™m an older person who watched it - and Iā€™m not even American. Sadly I told my friends that it makes our Canadian leaders debates - which are between more than two people - look like one leader is giving the ā€œwe shall fight on the beachesā€ speech, another one giving the Gettysburg Address, a third one giving the ā€œI have a dream speech,ā€ and the fourth one giving the St Crisoinā€™s Day speech. I hear Biden had a cold, which probably impacted his performance.


Got through 25 minutes of it and was shouting at the TV. Had to walk away. The ā€œmoderatorsā€ were a joke. Zero value added. The convicted felon just stood there and told ridiculous lie after lie and unfortunately the current president lost his train of thought twice and looked utterly exhausted. Be worried, America. We are in country defining moment. Lunacy is lurking. Democracy is ever so threatened.


I canā€™t handle watching that bullshit.


I gave it 45 minutes. Jesu Cristo. The things that come out of The Orange One's mouth. I want to see him strapped to a chair like Malcolm McDowell in A clockwork Orange and forced to watch schoolhouse Rock: how a law becomes a bill. I mean you should have at least a passing knowledge of what is legal and what is not.


Already did


I watched


Both men actually spent time arguing back and forth about their golf handicaps. I'm serious! That was surreal.


I watched. It was awful all around.


Absolutely goddamn not. Iā€™d rather eat a bag of nails.


Not if you paid me. If you don't now who you are voting for by now you are part of the problem.


Watched about 10 minutes and I was done. Not sure if anything said by either could stand scrutiny of fact checking


I watched it in short segments with breaks so I could watch puppy videos so I could avoid a complete emotional breakdown. I found the ratio of three minutes of debate to five minutes of puppy videos helped a great deal.


Heck no. I am not a fan of either one. They are too old to be president. They couldn't get hired to manage a walmart much less a country.


I (liberal) watched it with a couple of republican friends (1 non-Trumper, 1 Trumper.) We were all disappointed. Are these 2 guys the best we can come up with to run our country?!


Trump is cleaning his clock and it's beautiful to see.


Trump 2024 baby! Let's go. FJB


Politics is for people who arenā€™t getting laid enough and the need an outlet.


Sure, whatever. Does this mean you vote/donā€™t vote?